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Chapter 11

Chapter 11: The Turn of the Storm

Hundreds of miles away from Ponyville, in the Dark Castle, Storm Rider sat quietly in his throne. A feeling of pride swept through the alicorn. This was his castle. Not Celestia's, but his own. There weren't many beings in the world that could say they had their own castle.

Long ago though, he was no ruler of a castle. No, he was the greatest warrior of Equestria. Celestia's personal champion. The more he thought about it, the more enraged he became.

Yet, a part of him remembered fondly of the days he spent with her. Days of happiness, peace, and love were common. That was before the Great War erupted however. The world had been throne into a chaotic battlefield, where one of the races, humanity, was wiped out completely.

The more he thought about his past, the more he remembered Celestia. Her warm smile, brilliant mind, and kind voice. It made his heart ache with every thought of her.

Storm Rider flinched, gasping some as he stood up from his throne. As he clenched his teeth together, sparks flew from his horn. Thunder outside the castle rolled as he shook his head. Something was fighting him in his body.

No. Somebody was resisting him.

As he continued to fight against the being trying to break free, Amducias came into the room. His eyes widened as he approached his master quickly. Chanting quickly, Amducias placed a spell over his master. Enforcing the dark powers that surged through his body.

The great alicorn opened his wings as the dark magic coursed through him. He took a deep breath, regaining his composure in front of his top general.

"Are you all right now, my lord?" Amducias asked.

"No." Storm Rider growled, "I am not all right."

He turned to his reflection in the mirror beside him. Deep down, he knew who was fighting back against him. His 'host' as he would have called him. Over the years he had small troubles with his body, but since he declared war on Equestria the resistance was growing stronger.

His host's mind began to wander back to the days of old, before he became the ruler of the forces he lead. Before he was taken away from his dear Celestia. How did it all begin?

The answer was simple. It was after the Elements of Virtue vanished after the end of the Great War, but before Discord's second sealing.

1000 Years Ago

A younger looking Celestia had just delivered the news to him. They had defeated Amducias, stopped the Great War, and peace was about to resume. But the victory came at a cost. The Elements of Virtue had been lost. He could hardly believe what he was hearing. How could one half of the mightiest magic given by the Creators be lost? It wasn't possible.

"They what?" Storm Rider asked in shock, "They just vanished?"

"We still don't know how it happened." Celestia said, looking worried herself, "After that final attack from Amducias, their armor shattered and I lost my connection to the Elements of Virtue."

She turned to the wall beside them. It was covered with gem stones. Each stone representing one of the twelve elements. The Harmony gems shined, their colors bright and wonderful. The Virtue gems remained as well, but they had lost their colors and had turned a dark grey hue.

"Their gems are still intact, so they must still exist, but where?" Celestia mused.

It was a troubling question that neither of them knew the answer to. Even though the Creators blessed them with the Elements of Harmony and Virtue, they did not know all the secrets behind them. So much was left unanswered.

It troubled Storm Rider greatly. He had used the Elements of Virtue himself in the final battle against Amducias. He remembered their power flowing through his body, enabling him to defeat Amducias in combat alongside Celestia. How could they just vanish?

"Where could they have gone?" Storm Rider thought.

"I can tell you where..." A voice said silently in his ear.

Storm Rider blinked at the voice. Instantly he became defensive, turning around to find the owner of the voice. His nostrils flared dangerously as he narrowed his eyes, dragging his left front hoof across the floor. If he had to, he would engage in combat.

All that met him was silence.

"...Who was that?" He asked openly. Celestia turned back to him.

"Hm? Who said what?"

"Without the Elements of Virtue, the world's balance will shatter in due time...you know this as well as I do, Storm Rider." The voice cackled.

Storm Rider opened his wings as his horn began to glow. He didn't like what he was hearing. Whoever this voice was, it knew too much. But why couldn't Celestia hear it? Was the voice's owner trying to play mind games with him? The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"Show yourself, you faceless coward..." He said. All that answered him was another cackle in his ears.

"Find me, Storm Rider. You must come to me if you wish to protect your precious Equestria and your beloved Princess. You will know how to find me..."

Storm Rider snorted once as he glanced around the room one last time to find the voice's owner. Still, there was no sight of who was tormenting him. When it looked like it had finally disappeared, his wings folded back in once more.

"...You will know..." The voice said once again.

Celestia watched on in concern as her lover glared into the nothingness. She had never seen him this defensive before. Save for his past history with Discord, she had not seen him react so violently. It worried her.

"Storm Rider..." She finally spoke, approaching him in silence, "What's wrong?"

The war hero remained silent for a few seconds. The one thing that he hated to see most in the world was Celestia in pain. She had to endure so much, even before the Great War. Now that the Elements of Virtue were gone, she had even more to worry about.

Who was he to make her have more burdens to carry? She deserved better. After all she went through, he had no right to trouble her mind even more. Putting on a smile, he turned back to Celestia.

"Forgive me, my dear. It must have been my imagination." He said, hoping that she would not bring up the subject.

"...It's all right." She said with a warm smile, "Just be sure to let me know if anything's wrong. Now come on, Luna's prepared a special dinner for a certain war hero."

Storm Rider laughed lightly. After the final battle in the Great War he had been given that title. In truth, he felt that Celestia deserved the title more than he did. She was the leader of Equestria, not him.

"My beloved, you praise me too much. I'm no war hero." He said as they walked slowly together, "I was just protecting the rightful rulers of Equestria after all."

"Ha!" Celestia scoffed, "Don't sell yourself short. You were magnificent...a true night of Equestria."

"Not a knight." Storm Rider smiled at her softly, "A protector."

The two shared the quiet walk together in happiness. Though in the back of his mind, he was still troubled by what he heard. He honestly had no clue as to who its owner was, or what he wanted.

Should he tell Celestia? She had listened to him before and was there when he needed her. No. He couldn't tell her. She already wore too much on her crown. Storm Rider would not put more on her mind, not after the victory over Amducias and sealing Discord away for the second time.

For awhile, peace seemed to return to Equestria. Celestia and Luna resumed their joint ruler roles and lead their nation as best as they could. There was joy through out Equestria. The Princesses had become the leaders Equestria had needed. Storm Rider himself, remained the commander of their armies.

On a special night, however, Storm Rider came to Celestia, with a special gift in hand. A radiant tail ring. The Equestrian version of an engagement ring. Her answer was not a surprise to him or their subjects.

They were engaged. Happiness couldn't be better for them.

However tragedy would soon follow. Luna's jealously towards her big sister transformed her into Nightmare Moon, nearly taking out both Celestia and Storm Rider with her new found power.

It was a painful sight to watch. Celestia was in tears as she used the last bit of power of the Elements of Harmony to seal away her younger sister into the moon. Storm Rider had never seen her more heart broken than that fateful night. His heart ached as well, Luna was a dear friend to him, but to see his love in such stress...she was braver than any other pony he knew.

Months seemed to pass by like days as Celestia assumed the role of raising both the sun and moon. Storm Rider had not seen her smile in a long time, not since his proposal. Often he would find her awake at nights, crying her eyes out as she watched the moon above them. He tried his best to calm her, holding her close to him when she needed him.

But the biggest turn of events happened after a special night the two shared together. It was something that had shattered both of their hearts.

"Y-You're canceling our coronation?" Storm Rider asked, his eyes filled with shock.

"I...I'm sorry, Storm Rider." Celestia said, looking down, "After what happened to Luna, the people are distrustful of a potential second ruler. Their minds are poisoned by Nightmare Moon."

She slowly placed a hoof on his shoulder. She didn't show it easily, but Storm Rider could tell that she was fighting back tears with all her might. How could someone so strong be hurt so badly? It made his stomach sick!

"Now, more than ever, you must listen to me Storm Rider..."

Storm Rider's body began to quiver from what he had heard. Why did she put herself through such pain? She had no right to do it! He wanted to yell, to argue, but he couldn't. How could he ever do such a terrible thing to hear?

"The ponies..." He finally spoke, "They know that I would never...I would never bring harm to them, or to you!" He shouted, his eyes wet with heavy tears now.

"I know!" Celestia shouted, "Do you not think I want to do this? Storm Rider...one day, we will be together, I promise you. But for now..."

Storm Rider didn't want her to continue. He wanted her to stop. His body refused to move though. He loved her too much to harm her for such a decision. But his heart felt like it was about to break. When it seemed that the two were to go their separate ways though, a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"She is blind. All of Equestria is." The voice said, "See how their hearts are filled with malice and suspicion? See how dear sweet Luna was twisted into Nightmare Moon? It is due to the imbalance. You KNOW this..."

What if this voice was right? Ever since Nightmare Moon happened, he had heard whispers in the streets about how the citizens of Equestria grew to hate Luna. Maybe...maybe it was because of the imbalance. That had to be the answer. There was no other way that such distrust from Equestrians could form. Discord was sealed and the generals of Amducias were gone.

Celestia turned from her beloved, tears shimmering in her eyes as a silent sniff came from her. It was too much. He couldn't let this go on anymore.

"I can't let you do this alone..." He said, gritting his teeth in anger, "Damn the imbalance, dammit to the depths of the netherworld! If my final labor is to restore balance...then I will."

"Imbalance?" Celestia asked, confusion filling her eyes. "Storm Rider, what are you..?"

"FIND me, Storm Rider!" The voice echoed again, "If you wish to reclaim the Virtues, if you truly love her...then you will need my help. Come to me..."

The great warrior closed his eyes. If what this voice said was true, then he could restore balance back to Equestria. He had to do it. Not just for Celestia, but for the citizens of their nation. Without a word, he rubbed his nose against her's affectionately.

"Forgive me, my love, there is one last thing I have to do."

Before she could ask him what, Storm Rider took off into the air. Each flap of his mighty wings making thunder clouds gather together. Celestia watched as her beloved flew away from her, concern growing in her eyes. He knew that she would wonder why he left, but he had no choice. One day, he would be back for her.

"Yes, Storm Rider...with my help, you shall restore the balance, and become King...King of all..." The voice said one last time.

Whoever this voice belonged too, Storm Rider would find it. No matter how long it took. Restoring the balance. It would prove to be his most challenging mission yet.

The days seemed to drag on as three months passed since Storm Rider began his search for the voice who had summoned him. He had ventured far and wide across the world, hoping that a lead would eventually show itself. However, it was not easy to find the location of a voice one heard inside his head.

There were times when he began to doubt himself. What if it was nothing but insanity slowly creeping up on him? He had seen many horrors in the Great War to drive a normal pony to the brink of insanity. But during the times he searched, not once did Celestia escape his thoughts. She was the main reason why he pushed on.

Eventually his searching led him to a deserted, all but destroyed fortress left in one of the greatest battles in the Great War. The appearance of the fortress made his body tremble from the memories. Storm Rider did not like to remember the horrors he saw firsthand from the demons and their masters, the Dark Ones, but everywhere else he searched had led him dry.

Slowly landing on top of the fortress, Storm Rider glanced around him. No signs of life. If there were any, they would have either hidden before he arrived, or left the fortress after the battle.

Just when it seemed like he was about to leave, a loud slam came from his left. Storm Rider prepared for whatever was coming at him, but stopped when he saw what had made the sound. A door that was wide open.

Somebody was waiting for him.

"You came." The voice from before said, "I knew you would. Come we have much to discuss."

Storm Rider readied his electric powers just in case a trap was waiting for him. Slowly, he descended down the stairs into the building. It was dark, damp, and smelled of mold. A perfect spot for an ambush. He stood on guard as he looked around the room for the voice's owner.

"Just who are you?" He asked, ears slightly folded back.

"I am an ally who wants what you want." The voice said, this time echoing all around the room, "A restoration of the world's balance."

Storm Rider was not convinced. He snorted once as sparks danced dangerously around his horn.

"You want what I want? What could you possibly know about me?" He asked.

A dark laugh came from behind him. Storm Rider turned quickly towards the shadows. The owner of the voice was hidden within them. It didn't matter though. Storm Rider could see his eyes through the darkness. They were oddly familiar.

"I know much about you, Storm Rider, hero of the Great War." He took a step forward, coming into full view. "After all, when you are defeated by someone you tend to learn about them. Its been awhile, hasn't it?"

Storm Rider's eyes filled with hatred. It was none other than his greatest enemy, Amducias.

"You...I saw your heart driven through by my own horn!" He shouted, his mighty wings opening, "The power of the Virtues saw to that!"

Amducias chuckled as he took a seat in a leather chair. The vampire king seemed rather amused by his enemy's shock. Something that Storm Rider promised himself that he would do.

"Please, calm yourself, Storm Rider. I assure you, I am not deceiving you." He said, placing his hands over his lap, "This imbalance threatens not just Equestria, but the Monster Realms as well. And I believe that together, we can stop it. I just ask for one small favor in return..."

Storm Rider KNEW he had to have been hearing things. There was no way that this was Amducias. He would have never approached him in such a friendly matter. Not after the atrocities that he committed in the Great War.

"Join YOU?" Storm Rider growled as his horn glowed with more power, "Despite what you might claim, you are not one that I would united with! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't drive you through the heart once again..."

"Because, Storm Rider, I need you to solve this crisis." Amducias grinned, pulling out a small black tome from within his cloak. "WE need you."

The black tome that he held in his hands pulsed with dark energy. Storm Rider's body seemed to tense at the sight of the book. He seen this book before. Amducias had used it in the Great War. But Celestia had sealed it away after Amducias was slain!

"That tome...was sealed by Celestia after the war ended. Explain how you got it back..."

Amducias just chuckled lightly as he stroked the book's covering.

"You'd be surprised by what I am capable of now, Storm Rider. Suffice it to say, I didn't so much as find IT as IT found ME." He chuckled again, "And when I said we, I meant it. You see, despite what you may think, I am actually but a mere servant of the man who desires what you desire for this world. I'm sure that if you were to talk with him, you'd agree to his proposal."

The words that came from Amducias' mouth were crazy. Why in the world would he even CONSIDER working alongside the man who caused so much pain? What did HE know about protecting the world when he had almost destroyed it? And just who was this 'master' Amducias spoke of?

Just when he was about to take his leave of the former Vampire King, Celestia returned to his mind. He couldn't leave without fixing the balance. Even if it meant joining with his greatest enemy.

"...I'm listening, but make it quick, Amducias." He finally said, folding his wings back in place, "Or I'll take my leave of you."

"Excellent." Amducias smirked as he stood up, "I'm sure you two will get along quite well. In fact..."

He slowly opened the black tome. Revealing the blank pages to Storm Rider. Dark energy pulsed violently as the alicorn's eyes stared into their unending darkness.

"He's been VERY anxious to see you..."

Common sense returned to Storm Rider the moment the pages began to pulse more. He had seen this kind of magic before. It was the same kind that had turned Luna into...

"Those pages...YOU!" He shouted, "You're the one who corrupted Luna!"

Amducias gave a hearty laugh as dark tendrils appeared from the black tome.

"Oh, that? That was not me, I'm afraid. Too busy being 'dead' and all." But don't worry, I'm not corrupting you. I am simply...'introducing' you to my master!"

At that instant, the dark tendrils from the black tome wrapped themselves around various places of the great alicorn. His neck, hooves, ankles, and wings were all held in place. Storm Rider growled as he fought to break free from these bonds. However the more he fought, the tighter they squeezed.

"Yes..." A new voice said, one even darker and deadlier than Amducias', "Yes...the power of Storm Rider. Excellent work, Amducias."

The tendrils began spread out over Storm Rider's body, slowly corrupting him. Even though they were slowly spreading, he could feel the dark influence coming from them.

"Damn, you!" Storm Rider grunted, blasting the black tome in hopes of snapping the tendrils, "Release me at once!"

"Come now, Storm Rider, do not resist...it will be all over soon..."

The tendrils began to squeeze even tighter now. The more they squeezed the more powerful the dark energies became.

"How do you feel, my lord?" Amducias asked as he closed the black tome.

"Quite excellent..." The dark force said as it continued to spread across Storm Rider's body, "He is indeed the perfect host!"

Storm Rider fell to his knees, coughing violently as the dark magic continued to consume his body. He couldn't feel any control in his limbs anymore. And the shadows were approaching his eyes at a dangerous pace.

"I promised you I would find you a suitable host, my lord." Amducias grinned, "I am certain you shall find dear Storm Rider quite useful..."

"Get...out!" Storm Rider shouted one last time in defiance, hoping to break free.

It did no good. The shadows were too far over his body to resist. There was only one thing that he could do left. He had to create a way to warn Celestia. Summoning what was left of his power, a small part of light shot out of his horn. Within it, a piece of his soul. The dark voice laughed at this.

"A light? What good will that do you?"

Storm Rider closed his eyes as the shadows finally consumed his head. Before he was transformed formed though, his last free words would prove to be troublesome for Amducias' dreams over the next thousand years.

"Celestia...will find out. She will know everything that has happened here."

With that, Storm Rider's body taken from him. Now it was no longer him that controlled his actions. It was Amducias' master that would remain in control. All hope seemed to have faded for the once proud war hero.

However, not all was lost. For a thousand years, the tiny spark of light he had created before he was corrupted had survived. Traveling on the blustery winds to each different nation, city, town, and castle. Awaiting the day that it would find the one mare that Storm Rider cared for the most.

His dearly beloved Princess Celestia...

To Be Continued...