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Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: The Elements of Virtue

Back in Ponyville, Twilight and her friends arrived at the town hall. Awaiting them inside was Celestia. The ruler of all Equestria smiled at the group as they arrived.

"Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends have my sincere thanks for helping my sister preserve the safety of Ponyville today."

"I'm glad to have your thanks, Princess." Twilight said, a frown came across her face, "But I'm bothered that the goblins were able to get into Ponyville. They nearly killed some ponies and were after some of our friends..."

"And MY sister!" Rarity and Applejack said in unison. It was almost impossible to tell who was more upset.

"I know..." Celestia sighed, "Even now we are baffled that Amducias was able to breach our defenses so easily. Rest assured that the Mayor and I are doing everything we can to ensure it doesn't happen again."

Luna turned to her sister. The younger of the two sisters was just as concerned as Celestia was, that was no lie. But something was bugging her more than just the return of Amducias. Why were they trying to capture Spike, Sweetie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo?

"Sister," Luna said, catching Celestia's attention, "What about the fact that he was after Spike, Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo?"

Celestia put a hoof to her chin. After a few minutes in deep thought, she gave her sister a slight nod.

"That too is most troubling. However, I believe I may have a solution."

As if on cue, Celestia's horn shined brightly. Outside of Ponyville, one of its many hills slowly disappeared. In its place a large, spacious cavern-like area that looked like a large mansion. Twilight and her friends were amazed that she was able to summon such a thing without breaking a sweat. Though they shouldn't have been, since it was Celestia who summoned it.

"Shortly after the crisis began with Storm Rider's return, I contracted three skilled diggers to carve out this underground 'mansion' in case anyone needed to go into hiding. Its capable of housing your friends and yourselves if you wish." She smiled, "And through my magic, it has an indefinite amount of supplies."

While the six ponies were all amazed at the 'mansion' and could only image what laid in wait for them one member of their team was not. Spike, still remembering the event with the Diamond Dogs, narrowed his eyes in anger. It was one of his least favorite memories of being in Ponyville. Mostly because Rarity really didn't need saving as he thought she needed. He turned back to Celestia.

"Wait, three contractors? Why the heck should we trust anything built by THEM?" He asked, small green embers escaping his nostrils. Celestia gave him a puzzled look.

"You...you know them?" She asked.

Before Spike could answer, Rarity took a step forward. Remembering her lady like manners she bowed towards her. Though she did it in her own unique way since she thought of herself as a diva pony.

"Long story short, it was when Spike was helping me dig up gems for my outfits." Rarity gave a soft smile, "One of them was commissioned by yourself, Princess."

"Now that," A new voice said from the window, "Sounds exactly like her majesty."

Rainbow was the first to find the voice's owner. Though she was more concerned and upset than relived to see its owner. It was Sky Fire. With some rough flying, Sky Fire gently flew towards the ground in the town hall slowly. He gave a quiet grunt as he landed though. It was clear to see that he was still in pain from the battle.

"W-What the heck are YOU doing out of bed?" Rainbow asked, immediately rushing over to him, "Your wing's still broken and you're still covered in cuts!"

"Please, this is nothing." Sky Fire said, "I've had worse from fighting that bastard back in Rainyville."

Before Rainbow could argue with him anymore Sky Fire began to walk towards Celestia. The other mares made way for him as he limped somewhat. When he reached where she stood, he gave a calm smile. Bowing his head properly towards her.

"It's been awhile, Princess Celestia."

Twilight blinked. She glanced over to her friends. Each one whistling innocently at her annoyed expression. They knew what was coming.

"Even the Princess knows this guy? What the hay girls?" She asked. Celestia cleared her throat, bringing her pupil's attention back.

"Yes, well, I'm surprised he didn't mention it to you but...he was instrumental in exposing Storm Rider's crimes." Celestia said.

"I knew it..." Dash said dryly, giving the colt a glare.

"Sky Fire, I'm afraid I must echo Rainbow Dash's concern." Celestia continued, "I can tell you are still heavily damaged from the initial attack. I will allow you to migrate to the mansion, but I insist you leave the defense to the others until you are well again."

Sky Fire just smiled kindly before shaking his head.

"The concern is touching, princess, but really, I'm fine." He reared his neck back, "Besides, I can't leave Dash here to do it alone, or the others. I've faced what they've faced before, they're gonna need somepony who can lea-"

He stopped himself on the last word. Rainbow's frown grew wider as she watched. Everyone could tell that he was hesitating to use one word. Twilight was left in the dark though.

"...Give them information on how to fight these things." He finally said, "Even if I am all cut up, I can't sit on the sidelines."

"I.." Twilight sighs, "I hate to admit it, but he does have a point, Princess."

Celestia is silent as she just stared at Sky Fire. For the briefest of moments, both of them were looking each other straight into their eyes. Eventually, the white alicorn gave a nod.

"Very well, Sky Fire. You have my permission to aid in the defense of Ponyville. Now then..." She paced back and forth on the stand, "Here's the plan. The six original targets of this attack will take up residence in the mansion for their own protection." She turned to Twilight, "Twilight Sparkle, you and your group are free to join them, but we may call upon you again should Ponyville come under attack again, or if something else comes up."

Luna blinked at her sister's statement. Her hearing wasn't tricking her. She heard Celestia say that six were targeted. There was no way that her big sister could have made a mistake though.

"Wait, six?" She asked, "Only five areas were targeted."

Celestia slowly shook her head.

"No, Luna. There was a sixth one. You. Amducias was after you as well." She said, Luna's eyes widened.

"What...? But why...?"

"We have multiple theories as to why you and the others were targeted, but for now all we can do is prepare."

There was a quiet chill in the air. The dangers just seemed to continue to stack up against them. Storm Rider's sudden return had made everypony in Ponyville nearly go frantic. Now Amducias, the vampire king, had returned as well. For a few seconds, no one made a sound. Though Rainbow took a step forward.

"I'm in." She said. Pinkie hopped up beside her. Fluttershy walked up to her opposite side.

"Me too!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

"I'll help too." Fluttershy said gently.

"Princess, you can count on me." Applejack said, taking a step forward.

"Me too!" Rarity said, following after Applejack, "As long as it doesn't make me dirty..."

Twilight giggled at Rarity's concern for getting dirty. Eventually she stood beside her friends. A confident smile grew on her face.

"You can count on me as well, Princess" She said, her eyes filled with determination.

Celestia smiled at their determination. In the corner of her eye, she noticed Sky Fire looking down at the ground, a sadness in his eyes. She frowned as he continue to stay quiet. What happened five years ago when he was Ponyville's Weather Patrol captain obviously still bothering him. She turned her attention to the mane girls again.

"It warms my heart to see you all so eager to protect Equestria again." She turned her attention to Twilight," "In any case, before this adventure starts, I have a 'parting gift' for you and your friends my faithful student."

Twilight looked puzzled at her teacher's words. Before she could ask what she meant, Celestia clopped her hooves together. A poof of pink mist appeared outside the town hall. The group turned to see what just happened, though Rainbow's eyes narrowed in anger as she saw who stood in the mist.

"...Are. You. Kidding. Me?" She asked.

Twilight wanted to groan out loud as the pink mist blew away. Standing dead center of it all, with magical hat and cape, was Trixie.

"Yes, ME!" Trixie gave a heart laugh that echoed throughout the hall.

"Oh brother...not you again..." Twilight groaned.

"What in tarnation is SHE doing here?" Applejack asked, her eyes already filled with anger.

"Uh...hello?" Sky Fire raised one hoof, "Been away for nearly five years? What's going on now?"

Trixie blinked at his question. She walked up to him and began to circle him. Sky Fire raised an eyebrow at what she was doing. Trixie smiled as she brushed her tail against his neck on her second pass. Rainbow had to be held back by Applejack when she did this.

"Ah, a new face hhm?" Trixie smiled, making a dramatic pose, "I am the Great and Powerful Trixie, but you may simple call me Trixie."

She gave Sky Fire a slight wink. The other mares slapped their foreheads in annoyance at her gesture. Sky Fire however just continued to give her the same expression. Sighing in defeat, Trixie turned back to the others. Glaring at her rival, Twilight.

"And if you MUST know why I am here, the Princesses have recognized my genius and commissioned me to create THESE for you."

Twilight wanted to ask what she meant, but didn't get the chance. Trixie had already turned to the door and with her horn, brought in a special case she had carried with her. While the six girls blinked in confusion at the case, Celestia smiled. Trixie just grinned as she opened the chest, revealing what was inside. Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"A-Are those...?"

"Yes," Celestia confirmed, "The Element of Harmony Crowns. They were damaged back when you sealed away Discord, but Luna and Trixie worked together to fix them."

Luna rolled her eyes when Celestia said 'together.' Apparently, even the royals had a short patience with Trixie.

"She wasn't exactly easy to work with," She said, "But she's...more or less decent once you get to know her."

"I bet." Spike said, narrowing his eyes at Trixie.

"But I thought the crowns were placed under tighter security ever since Discord stole them..." Twilight mused, but blinked when she remembered what happened in her library. "Oh! Speaking of powers.." She turned to Spike, "Spike, try to show that power from before to the Princess."

Spike gave Twilight a confused look. Sure he had done it before, but that was just on the spot and he had no idea how he did it. Twilight just smiled as she rubbed his forehead with her hoof.

"Don't give me that look, just try to imagine me getting hurt by the goblin again or something."

Spike sighed at Twilight's persistence. There was a big difference between imagining Twilight getting hurt and actually seeing her getting hurt. Still, he should have at least try for her. He'd do anything for Twilight. Spike closed his eyes tightly, trying to concentrate on the power he had summoned before back in the library. But the power he showed before refused to manifest.

"Odd..." Luna mused, "Was it just a one time event?"

"I-I dunno." Spike admitted, "Even when I envision the attack, nothing."

"Hmmm..." Twilight put a hoof to her chin, "Princess Celestia, would it be all right if he described what the power felt like? It was incredible and..." She lowers her head some, hiding a faint blush on her cheeks, "He saved my life with it."

Applejack smiled as she walked up to Spike. With a good heart, she patted him on his back. Though she might have patted a little too hard as he went flying face first into the floor.

"Yup, and who knew that such a lil dragon had such power within him now?" She asked, winking at Spike.

Celestia smiled at Applejack's friendly approach. Spike pulled himself off the floor, rubbing his now sore face softly. When he stopped rubbing, he noticed Celestia giving him a nod.

"Well..when I first saw that goblin I was scared...scared for Twilight and mad...but most of all I just wanted to protect her." Spike explained, folding his arms as he thought back to the event, "The next thing I know, I feel this hot sensation inside me and then I'm breathing a new type of fire."

Trixie stepped up between him and Twilight. Despite Twilight's small glare at her, she bowed her head out of respect towards the two princesses. Again, Rainbow had to be held back from attacking her, but this time the injured Sky Fire kept her down.

"It appears whatever power you have only appears as a reaction to outside events." Trixie mused.

"Since when did you know stuff like that?" Rainbow asked. Trixie gave a deep sigh.

"If you MUST know, ever since the Ursa Minor incident I've been striving to learn to be a proper..." She nearly choked on the word she tried to say, "commoner."

Rainbow just smirked at Trixie's reaction to saying the word.

"Glad to see SOME of you hasn't changed, Trix." She said, though no one could tell if she was being sarcastic.

"Let it be now, Dash..." Sky Fire said, rolling his eyes at her. The girls giggled at Rainbow's playful glare at him. He turned his attention back to Celestia, a frown growing on his face. "So...does it sound familiar, Princess?"

"Yes..." Celestia said as her eyes seemed to become filled with mystery, "Do you suspect the same thing, Luna?"

"...Yes." Luna nodded.

Rainbow quirked an eyebrow in confusion. She turned to Twilight to see if she knew what the two were talking about. Twilight wore the same confused look at she did though. If Twilight didn't know, then the mane six were truly in the dark.

"Wait, what are you two talking about?" She finally asked.

Celestia and Luna turned to one another. Twilight sometimes wondered if there was a psychic link between them with the looks they gave one another. Both princesses nodded together after what seemed to be a short conversation between them. Celestia was the first to turn back to them.

"You are aware of the Elements of Harmony." She said, "But...what many do not know is that they are one half of a pair of twelve."

The group just stood in complete shock. There was six more elements? No record before had even suggested that. Twilight was the first to speak up.

"Half of a pair?" She asked, "But, Princess, there was never any mention of six other elements!"

"She's right!" Applejack spoke next, her crown already placed around her neck, "We all know the six main ones. Mine's Honesty."

"M-Mine's Kindness." Fluttershy added.

"I'm Laughter!" Pinkie continued, laughing as she shocked Applejack's tail from the static electricity.

"Generosity is moi's other special talent." Rarity grinned.

"And no one's more Loyal than I am!" Rainbow concluded.

"The final one that brings them together is Magic," Twilight said last, her crown fitting perfectly on her head, "If there was more elements, I would have read up on them."

Celestia sighed deeply. The elder of the two princesses just gave a solem smile before looking down. Even though she said nothing, one could tell she was remembering events from a thousand years ago.

"The six remaining Elements vanished during the war against Amducias." She said, "We thought them lost forever, which is why they are not mentioned in all but the most ancient texts. The Elements of Virtue..."

If somebody was holding a glass, they would have dropped it. Twilight, though shocked, seemed very intent on learning everything she could about these lost elements. Sky Fire frowned as he turned his attention to Celestia.

"Virtue...What makes up those elements, your highness?" He asked.

"And just what are they?" Twilight added, "How did they...vanish?"

Luna stepped up for her sister. Celestia was obviously still lost in memories from a thousand years ago during the Great War. It almost like she was in pain thinking back to that war.

"The Elements of Virtue..." Luna continued, "They are Trust, Joy, Acceptance, Courage, Leadership, and Love." Sky Fire seemed to flinch when she said leadership. "They were essential in Amducias' defeat, but in the process he destroyed their armor."

"Their armor?" Everyone asked.

"Yes," Luna said, "Unlike the Elements of Harmony, the Elements of Virtue were meant for more physical combat than long range."

Rainbow stepped up this time. Her curiosity now broadened more. Something that was a rare sight to see from her of all ponies.

"But why would Storm Rider and Amducias want them?" She asked. Twilight put a hoof to her chin in deep thought.

"...Perhaps they've been waiting for their armor to return..." She mused, right away her eyes grew big, "That's why they were after your sisters, Scootaloo, and Spike! They must be trying to find the ones who have the same qualities of their elements within them!"

"Then that means that..." Applejack's grin grew back, "They fear all twelve elements together!"

"It would not be surprising." Celestia agreed, "When brought together, the combined Elements can perform miracles that can only be done when they are united. Separated, their power is only half of what they can do."

"If it is your wish, Princess, I will see what I can find on these 'Elements of Virtue.'" Trixie said, beating Twilight to the punch for a chance at research.

"I would like that, Trixie." Luna smiled to the group, "Well then, with that out of the way, everypony prepare. We'll leave for the mansion tomorrow."

As Celestia left to return to her tent in Ponyville, Luna went to join in conversation with the other girls. Each one talking about who they thought could possibly resemble an Element of Virtue. As they talked together, Sky Fire was already limping his way out of the Town Hall. A defeated expression on his face as dared not look back towards the others. When he got to the doors, it was Rainbow who took notice of his leave. Her eyes half closed as a frown came to her face.

"Sky...don't tell me you're still beating yourself up..."

To Be Continued.