• Published 16th Jul 2018
  • 752 Views, 45 Comments

Overgrowth - ezra09

One year after the events of Harmonics, Scootaloo, Thistleroot, and Mimic return to Greenhaven Grotto. Within the long sealed ruins of Libiris, ancient spirits vie for power and ancient grudges rise anew.

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Tea at Ten

Thistleroot stepped out into the chill morning air and started down the main road. He hummed as he walked, a catchy tune that had been stuck in his head for the past couple days, and before long found himself bobbing his head in time to the song. He gave his saddle bag a shake every so often, adding the rattle of his tools to the mix.

The main road eventually came to an intersection just before the city gates, and Thistleroot turned left, circling around the outer edge of Camp Canterlot.

Not that it was much of a camp these days, now that Thistleroot thought about it. Each day more ponies returned to the city, and the housing for workers had spilled down the mountain path. The areas nearest the city even had more permanent structures built up, and at the base of the mountain, a pair of enterprising unicorn brothers had opened a lakeside resort on the beach Discord had created the year before.

As for the inside of the city, work in cleaning and rebuilding was continuing steadily. Alicorn magic in particular had been useful. Twilight Sparkle had on several occasions repaired damaged foundations that might otherwise have taken months or years to dig up and replace.

Still, it would be some time before the city was back to its former glory, and until then, ponies had to eat. Thistleroot arrived at his destination, a large gated garden to the east of Camp Canterlot. There were dozens set up around the area, enough to provide most of the food needed during the rebuilding process. Everything else was shipped in from Ponyville, Appleoosa, and other farming towns.

Sunlight spilled over the rows of bushy vegetables as the sun crested the horizon.

“Morning, Princess,” Thistleroot said, tilting his head in acknowledgement toward the sun. He set his pack down and got to work. His horn glowed and his tools lifted free from the pack, each wrapped in a dark blue cocoon of energy.

He made his way down the rows of plants, plucking weeds, pruning dead branches, sweeping fallen leaves, and watering. He started humming again as he worked, the task simple enough that it didn’t require his full attention. The song in his head built toward a crescendo, and he began tapping his trowel and shears against each other, drumming out a tuneless beat.

A cloud of silvery-green fire whipped through the air toward him. He flinched, taking half a step back before he realized it was just dragon mail. A sealed scroll spun into existence in front of him, and he smoothly caught it with his magic before it could fall.

His gardening tools clattered to the ground around him.

He sighed and glanced over his shoulder, making sure nopony had seen that. Satisfied that he was alone, he pulled the ribbon off the scroll and unfurled it.

Dear Thistleroot,

I have recently received reports of a new kind of species appearing in Western Equestria. I would like to have it studied closer, and as one of the few botomancy experts remaining near Canterlot, I could think of nopony better suited for the job. If you are interested, I have time open to meet for tea at ten to discuss the details further.

Princess Celestia.

Thistleroot read through the letter once, then twice. A new kind of plant? Studied at the behest of Princess Celestia herself? He read the letter a third time, just to be sure he hadn’t misread. An opportunity like that could make his career!

“I... I can’t believe it,” he said, holding the letter up. “I... I have Princess Celestia’s autograph!”


Thistleroot chuckled nervously to himself as he walked up the steps toward Canterlot Castle. His few times visiting seemed so long ago, and he’d never gone alone.

The castle itself wasn’t completely rebuilt, but it was further along than most of the city. Enough that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had begun holding their courts again. He nodded toward the Royal Guards at the front gates and levitated the scroll toward them. “Uh, hi there. I have an invitation.”

One of the guards looked over the scroll and then nodded. “Follow me.”

The guard led him through the front doors and turned to the right, starting up a flight of stairs. The fine decor of the entrance hall ended almost immediately, and the castle became a series of bare halls, some of which were closed off and still under construction.

They reached the top of a second flight of stairs, and Thistleroot saw two more guards ahead, standing on either side of a door. The guard escorting Thistleroot approached, spoke with one of them, and then knocked. The door knob glowed with a soft glow and the door opened.

“There is a pony by the name of Thistleroot here to see you, Princess.”

“Send him in.”

The guard stood aside, and with a deep breath to steady his nerves, Thistleroot walked through the door.

The room beyond looked like a simple study. The back wall was lined with bookcases, and a cluttered desk stood against the right wall. To the left was a table, and sitting at the table was Princess Celestia. She smiled when he entered, a warm smile that did more to put him at ease than his own mental pep-talks. “Thistleroot. Welcome to the newly reopened Canterlot Castle.”

Thistleroot, thinking of the barren halls and unfinished construction, opened his mouth to quip that it had looked better in the brochures, remembered who he was talking to, and immediately shut it again. He bowed low, a bit faster than he meant to, and nearly threw himself off balance. “Uh, thank you for inviting me, your highness.”

“Sit,” Princess Celestia said, perfectly composed, though Thistleroot imagined the tiniest hint of amusement in her eyes as he fumbled. He moved to the closest seat, and as he did so, the princess used her magic to pour him and herself cups of tea.

“Thank you, princess,” he said. He took a sip, more to be polite than anything, and then blinked and looked down at the cup and took another sip.

“Jasmine is your favorite, right?” The princess asked.

Thistleroot nodded, and then blinked again. “Uh, how did you know that?”

The princess smiled. “Well, it might be that I’m an alicorn princess and that nothing in this city happens without my knowledge.”

Right, that made sense, Thistleroot thought nervously, wondering what exactly he was doing talking to the princess like she was any other pony. He shouldn’t—

“Or it might be that I asked Scootaloo yesterday,” Princess Celestia continued with a wink.

Or that. Yeah, that made more sense. It was clear between the tea and the joking that the princess was trying to make him feel welcome. Just like she had the year before, after the Grand Galloping Gala. Yes, she was Princess Celestia, a fact that Thistleroot wasn’t going to forget any time soon, but she was also one of the kindest, warmest ponies he’d ever met. He relaxed, just a bit, and the princess smiled.

“So, I invited you to talk about a job opportunity,” the princess said. “Though if you’ll indulge me in a few questions before we discuss the details?”

“Oh, of course,” Thistleroot said, straightening, his curiosity rising.

“What do you know of Lignum Viventem?”

Thistleroot took another sip of tea to give himself some time to think. “Not that much,” he admitted. “They’re a fairly niche area of study. The term refers to a narrow classification of creatures that aren’t flora or fauna, but a little of both. Timberwolves, brambleflies, that kind of thing.”

The princess nodded. “There’s been a recent discovery out in the west, past White Tail Woods of a new species. One that seems to fall into the classification, and exhibits higher levels of intelligence, though communication with them has only been achieved through simple gestures. They were first discovered by a research team located in the area, but the ponies that discovered them are specialized in magical research, so they requested assistance.”

Thistleroot sipped at the tea again, taking in what the princess was telling him. The kinds of creatures she was talking about were rare enough that the discovery of even a small insect-like creature would be big news. Pony-like additions were unheard of.

“It’s not really my area,” Thistleroot said. “The plant part, sure.”

“I’m planning on sending a researcher of exotic fauna as well,” Celestia said. “The two of you would be working together. Do you think you would be interested.”

“Well, yeah. I mean, how many opportunities like this can a pony expect in a lifetime?” Thistleroot answered honestly. Another thought crossed his mind, and his smile faltered.

Celestia floated a stack from her desk: a thin, dark, bound book and several loose papers. On top were three train tickets. They crossed the room to settle on the table in front of him. “I took the liberty of including some extra tickets, in case you had any friends you wanted to invite. They could probably use a vacation. I’ll speak with Applejack, to ensure your garden is cared for. And all lodging will be provided, of course.”

Thistleroot’s smile brightened. “Wow. Yeah, they would probably like a vacation.”

“Well, if you’re sure that you accept,” the princess paused, and Thistleroot nodded an assurance, “then I suggest catching the train this afternoon. No time like the present, right?”

“Oh, uh, sure. Of course. I should go ask, then. I mean, not to be rude.”

“Of course,” Princess Celestia said, smiling again. Thistleroot took one last drink of tea, popped one of the biscuits into his mouth, and bowed several times as he backed out of the room, the stack of papers floating beside him in his telekinetic grasp.


Princess Celestia waited for the door to close behind him before she bent over and grabbed one of the biscuits for herself, popping it into her mouth and chewing loudly. Perfectly flakey, with a sweet raspberry jam at the center. It was missing something, though. With a thought, a bottle of buffalo sauce appeared and began to pour itself on the pastries.

Thistleroot hadn’t bothered asking where the job was, which was fortunate. It saved her a bit of dodging, and it would have been much easier for him to turn it down now than for him to change his mind later. Not that either was likely. Thistleroot apparently adored his princesses.

Celestia popped another buffalo raspberry pastry into her mouth just as another Celestia appeared in the room with a flash of golden light.

The second Celestia looked slightly less put together than the first. Her mane, not quite back to the ethereal form it had been in the year before, was ever so slightly mussed. Her horn glowed as she began filling the teapot and setting it to boil.

“They just keep talking,” she muttered quietly under her breath.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” the first Celestia said. “I already took care of your meeting.”

The second Celestia rounded on her as she began speaking, horn flaring dangerously. The first Celestia moved across the room, in no great hurry, licked a hoof and pressed it against the second Celestia’s horn. The golden glow went out with a hiss.

The second Celestia gave her a level look. “What are you doing in here, Discord?”

“Now, now,” the first Celestia said, switching back to Discord’s voice. “I’m helping. That’s what friends do, isn’t it? I saw you were busy with your noble ponies and their problems, so I met with Thistleroot for you.”

Celestia’s skeptical look didn’t waver.

“Oh, don’t be like that. I promise, I played the part to a T. Some tea and biscuits, his favorite is jasmine, by the way, a little sense of humor, he had no idea.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better.” Celestia pondered it for another moment and sighed. “And?”

“He accepted, of course. Who wouldn’t, in his position? It’s the job opportunity of a lifetime.”

“And you explained the nature of the job? That he would be working with another pony? Lodging, train tickets?” Discord nodded.

“And you explained where the job was located? And that there were other opportunities, if he didn’t want—”

“Well, it has been an absolute pleasure,” Discord said, “but I should let you get back to your work.” His horn glowed golden and took on the shape of a hand, which snapped its fingers and he vanished in a puff of smoke.

“Discord!” Celestia called out. “Wait, Discord!” A moment passed and the plate of buffalo raspberry pastries vanished as well. She sighed. “I think I liked him better as an enemy."


Thistleroot walked down the mountain path that cut through the more residential areas of Camp Canterlot. The boxy, apartment-like temporary residences that had been erected didn’t do much for the view, but they were comfortable enough, and a few had already been removed as the richer Canterlot neighborhoods had been completed, or their residents moved on.

Apple Bloom and Spike had unfortunately been in the latter group. Apple Bloom had returned to her home in Ponyville to help her older brother with the farm so that her sister could continue organizing the many gardens around Canterlot, while Spike was needed by Princess Twilight in Ponyville. He was her number one assistant, after all. Of course they still made a point to get together at least twice a month.

Sweetie Belle was gone too, having recently booked a show in Baltimare. That still left two ponies to drag along. Well, two friends.

Thistleroot approached one of the temporary housing units close to his own and gave the door three quick taps with his hoof. He heard shuffling on the other side, and then a sleepy voice call out in annoyance, “Just a second.”

The door swung open to reveal a dark pegasus rubbing at her eyes.

“It’s almost noon,” Thistleroot commented dryly.

The pegasus rolled her eyes and turned away, leaving the door open for him. She was shorter than average, with a charcoal grey coat and deep blue-green mane and tail, both also shorter than average. Her eyes were a vibrant blue and on her flank was a cutie mark of green fire in the shape of a heart.

“Morning, Mimic,” Thistleroot said brightly, following her inside. The inside wasn’t much prettier than the outside. A simple sitting room kitchen combo. The back wall had three doors, one to each of the small bedrooms and one to the shared bathroom. The front wall had a single window with a vibrant green ficus sitting beneath it.

“Morning,” she answered.

“Thistleroot, go away,” another voice called from the bedroom on the left. “We’re sleeping.”

“Morning Scootaloo!” he called back. She grumbled an unintelligible response. “Okay, sorry for barging in here,” he said. “I know it’s supposed to be your day off.” He heard another unintelligible response, followed by a sigh of resignation and shifting. The door opened and Scootaloo stepped into the sitting room, which was already becoming cramped. Her mane was mussed and she was in the process of pulling a gold chain over her head. At the end of the chain dangled half a crystal heart in shades of pink.

“I have a good reason though, I promise,” Thistleroot said. “How would you two feel about taking a vacation?”

Scootaloo perked up at his words, while Mimic looked at him in confusion? “What’s that?”

“Spoken like a true changeling,” Thistleroot said. She stuck her tongue out at him in response. “A vacation is what we ponies do when we don’t want to work. We go someplace else to be lazy and have fun.”

Mimic opened her mouth to respond, then paused, mulling the idea over. “How is that any different than our trips to Ponyville?”

“Duration,” Thistleroot explained. “Our trips to Ponyville are usually just one or two days. Vacations take weeks.”

Mimic’s head drew back, as though the thought of not working for weeks was inconceivable. Which, Thistleroot thought, it probably was to someone who’d grown up in the changeling hives.

“Is this about what Celestia was going to talk to you about?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes. Thanks, by the way, for the heads up,” Thistleroot said. “Hey, Thistleroot, the god-monarch of all ponykind is going to invite you to tea, you should brush up on your etiquette.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “She mentioned it in passing. Now stop whining and start explaining.”

“Fine. Anyway, she had a job offer for me. Apparently there’s a newly discovered species that falls into the Lignum Viventem family, and she needs somepony to go study it. As one of the only botomancy experts left in Canterlot, and as her own right hoof, Lord Thistleroot, of—” Mimic prodded him in the ribs. “Ow! Okay, okay. So, she wants me and another pony to study these new animal plant hybrids, and she gave me extra tickets in case you two want to tag along.”

“Was that so hard?” Mimic asked.

“I could use a vacation,” Scootaloo said. “I’m in.” Mimic nodded in agreement. “Where are we heading?”

“We are going to sunny...” Thistleroot trailed off. “Uh, I actually didn’t ask.” Scootaloo and Mimic rolled their eyes. “I was too excited,” Thistleroot said. “I’ve got the information here.” He levitated the papers Princess Celestia had given him out of his bag and started flipping through them. “Here. We’re going to... oh.”

“What?” Scootaloo asked.

Thistleroot let out a nervous chuckle. “You know, life is more about the journey than the destination. Wouldn’t you rather keep it a surprise?”

“No,” Scootaloo and Mimic said together.

Thistleroot sighed. “Well, it’s sort of West-ish.”

“Okay?” Mimic said.

“Really West.”

“Thistleroot!” Scootaloo said, nearly growling in impatience.

“How do you two feel about a trip to Greenhaven Grotto?”