• Published 16th Jul 2018
  • 759 Views, 46 Comments

Overgrowth - ezra09

One year after the events of Harmonics, Scootaloo, Thistleroot, and Mimic return to Greenhaven Grotto. Within the long sealed ruins of Libiris, ancient spirits vie for power and ancient grudges rise anew.

  • ...

The Sealing of Libiris

“It will take a moment to adjust,” the Librarian said, antlers flickering as the symbols on the control panel brightened and darkened. “There is little point in showing you these memories if you can not understand the language.”

“Why show us at all?” Scootaloo asked, frowning. “If you have questions about what’s going on in the world, we’re happy to answer them. You helped us before, we owe you one.”

“But I mean,” Thistleroot added hastily, “feel free to show us anyway. We wouldn’t want to miss out on this awesome, once in a lifetime experience, would we, Scootaloo?” He gave a forced laugh.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

“The last time you were here, you were accompanied by a dragon,” the Librarian said. “Am I correct in saying it was your actions that broke the seal upon Libiris?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said, glancing aside. “Sorry, if that’s a bad thing. We didn’t really know anything about it back then.”

“No apology is required. Libiris was never meant to be sealed forever. That said, the circumstances around its sealing were not as intended, and I feel it is important that you understand the full reach of your actions that day. It may well affect your kind.”

Scootaloo focused on the forest around her. It was a bright day, either Spring or early Summer. Before them, nearly flush with the ground was a large stone shape, the foundation of what would someday be Libiris’s top floor. She could see openings near the center, though it was hard to tell from her current angle whether or not the stairs leading down had already been built. She almost took to the air to get a better look before remembering that what she was seeing wasn’t real. It was hard to wrap her head around the fact that a thick cloud of mist was still surrounding them. Everything seemed so real.

The Librarian touched a hoof to a flat square of glass flush with the control panel. It hummed with a faint light, and the scene shifted slightly. The clouds changed, the sun moved to a new point in the sky, and standing before them was a creature.

The creature standing in front of them was powerful. That was Scootaloo’s first impression. Even across millennia and through the filter of the praeteritorium, it radiated from the creature in the same way it had from Nocturne.

Like the knowledge seekers and the Librarian, the creature was shaped like a stag. It wasn’t made of wood though, or at least, it wasn’t entirely made of wood. It’s upper body and head were made of a glowing, light green substance, almost as though its body was made of pure energy. It had antlers made of the same energy, six points on each side. It’s face was smooth and sleek, with no visible mouth and two brilliant white points of light for eyes.

The bottom half of its forelegs and it’s hindquarters and hind legs were made of wood, but not the brown, rough wood of the seekers or timberwolves. It was the pale living wood found under freshly peeled bark. Thin, vibrant green vines wove around the wooden parts of his body.

The creature stood at the front of the foundation, facing away from it, toward the ponies.

A hiss of displeasure drew Scootaloo’s attention from it and toward Mimic. She followed the changeling’s gaze to find two more figures standing a ways off.

“That’s right,” Thistleroot said, “Nocturne helped seal Libiris, didn’t she?”

“She did,” the Librarian confirmed.

Nocturne stood near the corner of the foundation, and beside her was Rosalia. Nocturne was just as Scootaloo remembered her, but Rosalia’s mane was different. There were no hints of pink at the tips, and without them it was harder to tell her from her sisters.

“Who’s the green guy?” Scootaloo asked, pulling her attention away from the changeling queens.

“That is the Archive.”

Scootaloo blinked. “I thought the Archive was like,” she gestured around her, “all of this. The library, the books. That stuff.”

“It is,” the Librarian said, “and it is the being that created Libiris, the one that created us to gather and safeguard all the knowledge we could, so that it would never be lost to the whims of time. But our purpose...” He trailed off and shook his head. “Better to watch.”

A dull thud pounded through the air around them, like a beat from an enormous drum. The trees shuddered, as though struck by a sudden gust of wind. A few seconds later, the beat repeated, louder, and then a third time.

A voice sounded inside Scootaloo’s head. He’s here.

She blinked, frowning. Thistleroot’s head snapped up, eyes widening as he turned, looking over his shoulder.

It was just like how Discord used to talk to her, while he was still trapped in stone. “That was the archive?” The Librarian nodded.

“Oh, okay,” Thistleroot said. “Heh, I guess it makes sense, since he doesn’t have a mouth or anything. Still kinda creepy.”

Scootaloo opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by a deafening crash. The platform beneath their hooves shuddered, and a wave of dust washed over the clearing, though none of it entered the bubble of space around them.

Scootaloo and the others turned toward the source of the sound behind them. The sky seemed to be pushing out further, clouds appearing suddenly as the space being shown to them grew to accommodate the memory.

A shape took form above them, towering above the trees of the forest. First, teeth longer than Scootaloo. Next, black scales framing gleaming yellow eyes. Vertical, cat like pupils looked down at the clearing. Enormous wings came next, shading a huge expanse of the forest below.

“Okay,” Thistleroot said, a pronounced tremor in his voice. “Didn’t know dragons could get that big. Glad to know something like that exists. That’s gonna help me sleep.”

Cinder, the voice said inside their heads. It echoed faintly, like Nocturne’s, but the tone was more casual. It sounded to Scootaloo like a young stallion’s voice, bright and earnest behind the tremor of power. Please be more careful. There are trees in this forest older than us.

The dragon snorted, two streams of black smoke spewing into the air, and then its lips peeled back from its teeth and it let out a bassy laugh that shook the surrounding trees. It spoke, and though it used real words, Scootaloo could practically feel each word vibrating through her bones. “If these trees wanted to live longer, they shouldn’t have taken root where I would one day stand.”

The Archive didn’t answer, but Scootaloo could feel a sense of resignation, like a mental sigh. He shook his head. Well, at any rate, it’s good to see you again.

“Yes. It has been some time, hasn’t it? And Nocturne too. I didn’t realize this was to be a family reunion.”

“Family?” Rosalia said, sniffing. “That word does not mean what you seem to think it does.”

The dragon, Cinder, laughed again. “It is a word. It means whatever we want it to mean.”

That isn’t... Well, actually, he’s not entirely wrong.

“And if anyone disagrees, I’ll step on them.”

Another mental sigh. Nocturne stepped forward, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, and she spoke. It wasn’t in the lofty, regal tone Scootaloo was used to from her. Her voice was softer, and had a musical quality to it. It suited her. “It is good to see you too, Cinder, though I don’t think this is to be much of a reunion. Archive, this is about your project, isn’t it?”

It is. After all these years, we’re almost done building. All that’s left is the entrance.

“And that’s what you needed us for?” Cinder asked.

It is. The Archive turned toward the incomplete Libiris. I’m confident in my work protecting it, but this will be the door. It’s naturally going to be the weakest point in the defenses. If anything is going to get in, it’ll be through here.

“You prepare for the worst,” Nocturne said. “You bet against yourself.”

That’s one way to look at it, I suppose. Not all of us have your... The Archive trailed off as Nocturne tilted her head. Confidence. Nocturne smiled and nodded. Knowledge must be safeguarded for future generations, should the worst happen. Nothing, certainly not my own pride, can interfere with that.

“You overvalue what you know,” Nocturne said. “But I suppose I would expect nothing else from you. What is it you need from us?”

I need the entrance to be strong. Strong enough to withstand anything.

Cinder laughed again, the sound shuddering through the trees and sending a flock of birds into panicked flight a hundred yards away. “I see. Fine. I promise you, nothing is stronger than stone forged in dragonfire. The walls of your shelter will be standing long after we are dead and buried.”

Nocturne’s mouth quirked up again. “I thought you intended to live forever?”

Cinder bared his teeth in a grin. “I do.”

Well, that’s certainly promising, the Archive said. As for you, Nocturne, I was hoping you could use your unique magic to create a door.

“I think I understand,” Nocturne said. “You need a way to enter and leave, obviously, but a door would naturally be weaker than the walls surrounding it. A door that’s only a door while it’s open? Well, it would be a challenge, but it’s an interesting challenge at least.

“That’s why we were able to get in,” Mimic said. “Thistleroot moved the vines with his plant magic, then Spike’s dragonfire weakened the wall enough that my changeling magic could turn it into a door.”

The Librarian nodded. “It was a crude seal. Had things gone as planned, Libiris would have had a proper key, and a much stronger lock. Years passed as dragonfire forge the final walls, and Nocturne worked with the Archive to design their spell.”

The scene blurred. The sky flickered between day and night and back again. Libiris stood completed before them. Archive once again stood outside, facing the front doors. He was alone for a moment, and then Rosalia appeared, touching down at the edge of the clearing, teeth barred, horn sparking with green energy.

There was silence, and then the Archive spoke.

It had to be done.

Rosalia’s jaw worked, eyes narrowed, but no sound came from her.

She was out of control. They all are. Your own sisters knew it. They all want to rule, but none of them truly care about the creatures of this world.

Finally, Rosalia spoke. “Cinder is dead.”

The Archive turned, bright eyes widening. Scootaloo felt a wave of shock followed by confusion, disbelief, and finally an anguished realization. How?

“I don’t know,” Rosalia said, the anger in her gaze flickering with uncertainty. “You know better than I what could have done it. Who could have. But, nothing seems likely. That isn’t all. Discord beat Law. He trapped her in some kind of hole in space. It isn’t stable. It won’t hold her forever, but there’s no way I could survive reaching into it. She’ll have to claw her way out on her own, and it’s going to take time. Trader’s sitting out, as usual, and nobody else has enough power to challenge him. Nobody but you.”

The Archive shook his head. I told you, I have no interest in this war.

“No!” Rosalia snarled. “You don’t get to say that. Not after you helped them build that prison. It’s your fault my lady is gone.” She stalked forward. “Don’t you get it? Discord is going to win. Do you think he’ll care about the creatures of this world any more than my lady would? This isn’t about what you want anymore. It’s about what you have to do. For everyone.”

Another wordless feeling. Indecision. Guilt. Resolve. I will do what I must.

“Good,” Rosalia said. “I can help. I may not be as powerful as you, but together, we can—”

You misunderstand. I will do what I must, for the good of everyone. I will protect Libiris.

“You coward!” Rosalia shouted. “If you won’t fight him, then at least tell me how to free Nocturne.”

There was a long moment before Archive replied. Your sisters have a key. It’s protected, however. Don’t touch it yourself, get someone else to move it for you. Another moment passed. Rosalia, understand, I do not shy away from facing Discord for fear of my own well being.

Rosalia snorted, looking up at the Archive with undisguised contempt.

Even should Discord take over, the damage he could do on his own is limited.

“That’s your plan, then?” Rosalia asked. “Hide in your shelter until the danger passes? Rebuild centuries from now?”

Perhaps, but I doubt it will be necessary. There are many powerful magics in this world, and mortals are more tenacious than you give them credit for.

“Then why?”

Because there are many powerful magics in this world, the Archive said. And some must be kept safe, no matter the cost.

Rosalia looked past the Archive, toward Libiris for the first time. “What? What do you have in there?”

The Archive didn’t answer.

“Use it,” Rosalia said. “If you have some powerful magic hidden away, use it! If it’s so powerful that you must keep it out of Discord’s paws, then surely it’s enough to defeat him.”

“Yes, Archie, use it. Save the world from big bad Discord,” Discord said.

Scootaloo’s head whipped up toward the familiar voice. Discord was sitting on a tree branch near the edge of the clearing, watching the Archive and Rosalia with a predatory grin.

A faint blue line appeared in the air starting above the Archive and moving toward Rosalia as the Archive spoke. I can not hope to defeat him. Please, Rosalia, he must be kept from Libiris. We must seal it.

Rosalia turned from Discord to the Archive. Her mouth didn’t move, but Scootaloo could hear her voice. At the same time, another line appeared in the air, this time moving from Rosalia toward the Archive. Seal it? Are you a fool as well as a coward? She blinked, and the anger drained from her face. No, you aren’t. The last thing you are is a fool. Surely you must realize... Fine.

I will buy you what time I can. Finish Nocturne’s spell. You’re the only one who can.

The Archive spoke again, but this time there was no line in the air. Scootaloo realized the lines must be the praeteritorium’s way of letting them know that Discord hadn’t part of the previous exchange. Discord. You changed your arm again.

“Oh, you noticed,” Discord said, vanishing from the tree branch and appearing before them in the clearing. He held up his paw, but rather than the lion’s limb Scootaloo was used to, it was the larger black paw of a bear. “You know, I’m still not happy with it.” He shrugged. “I’ll get it right eventually.” He took a step closer. “I’m disappointed, you know. Here I was starting to think we’d be partners. Friends even.” Discord drew out the word friends with a sarcastic disdain and grinned. It was a grin that sent shivers down Scootaloo’s spine. There was no warmth behind, no sincerity. This Discord was every nightmare she’d had of him made real. This Discord was undeniably evil.

He’s changed, she told herself. She’d already known he was evil once, but he changed. This wasn’t him anymore. Right?

The Archive began walking, circling to Discord’s right. Discord kept his attention focused entirely on his equal, not bothering to give Rosalia so much as a passing glance. As soon as the turn brought her out of the peripheral of his vision, Rosalia’s horn began to glow with a faint green light.

You have no interest in friendship, the Archive said.

“Well, no, I suppose not,” Discord said, voice bored. “And yet, you still prefered me over Nocturne.”

You are erratic and arrogant to a fault, the Archive said. If anyone is to fall to the mortals that you all are looking to rule over, it will be you.

Discord gave a “hmph” sound, raised his bear paw, and snapped. The trees near the Archive became clawed hands and reached for him. The Archive straightened, head tilting back, and a small spark of energy appeared between his antlers, solidifying into a brilliant green crystal. The grasping trees were held at bay as streamers of green magic wrapped around them. There was a flash, and the trees reverted to their original forms.

The archive moved, becoming a mass of green energy and flitting behind Discord. He resolidified and turned, and there was a wave of sound from the green crystal between his antlers. The sound wasn’t particularly loud, but the image of Discord covered both of his ears as the air around him seemed to distort. Scootaloo guessed the praeteritorium had turned down the volume for them.

Discord managed to slip through the Archive’s attack, reappearing a few dozen feet behind him.

It was odd, Scootaloo thought, watching the two eternal spirits fight. It wasn’t the first time she’d had a front seat to a fight like this. She’d watched Princess Celestia fight the Changeling Queen Lirian twice, and she’d even watched a fight between Discord and Nocturne. This time, there was no real danger, though. She could watch the fight without fearing the outcome, or worrying that a stray attack would hit her.

She wouldn’t have ever bet against Discord, but the Archive managed to keep pace with him. The weird stag creature seemed to have as many different kinds of magic as Twilight Sparkle, attacking with sound, air, water and ice, as well as transforming plants and rocks, and a dozen other things Scootaloo didn’t quite understand.

Discord, on the other hand, used his magic as he always had. He turned the floor beneath the Archive into soap and shoved him over. He made the clouds above rain rocks, and turned the Archive’s attacks into bizarre creatures before they could strike him.

But even with as much power as they both had, it was clear that the Archive wasn’t a fighter. Each time Discord managed to get the better of him, the Archive’s next few moves came slower. He was overthinking things, Scootaloo thought. Trying to plan out his next few moves while Discord beat him back in the current moment. A few more seconds, and it was over. The Archive moved to slow to dodge, and ended up covered in some kind of sticky tar, pinned to the ground under its weight. He tried to pull free, but the tar held still, and even freeing himself with magic would have taken him a moment, left him defenseless.

“Well, that was fun,” Discord said. “Now, I don’t suppose you’ll be willing to sit here quietly while I go inside, will you?”

A moment passed, and then the Archive answered, You win. I can’t beat you.

Discord blinked, and the grin returned to his face. “Oh? Well, good. I’m not sure how I would have dealt with you, anyway. I already did the hole thing to Law, and I’d hate for things to get repetitive.”

Discord, please, hear me out. You don’t have to do this.

“And that won’t last forever, anyway. I don’t have any other prisons lying around, and don’t think I’m going to fall for the brier-patch thing. I’ve heard that story too.” Discord turned to begin walking away. “I’m sorry, Archie, but I’ve got things to do, creatures to rule.”

Discord froze, gaze falling on Rosalia for the first time. The changeling queen stood rigid, horn glowing. The open doorway of Libiris glowed as with it. A line ran from her to the Archive, Just a few more seconds.

Discord and the Archive moved at the same moment. Discord rushed forward as the Archive lowered his head, green energy pouring into the ground. Discord had cleared almost half the space toward Libiris when the clearing around them exploded with life.

Vines, some as thick around as Scootaloo’s neck, shot up from the ground, wrapping around Discord’s legs and slowing him. He turned, pulling away, and snapped. The vines vanished, but more struck at Discord from the front like angry snakes.

The Archive’s magic flashed again, and the tar that held him flowed away from his body. He became energy again and rushed forward, flowing between the violently writhing vines he’d summoned.

The Archive beat Discord to Libiris by a single heartbeat, retaking his form as sound once again blasted from between his horns. Discord fought against it, arms outstretched.

The vines lashed around Discord’s body as the wave of sound faded, dragging him backwards while the Archive moved further into Libiris. The Archive’s magic flared once again. The doors of Libiris slammed shut and a wave of green magic washed over the building. A moment later, the magic turned red and spread over the doors before fading. Rosalia’s horned flared brighter, and a beam of changeling fire hit the door. It washed over the doors, and as it did they changed, becoming solid stone, flush with the rest of the wall. Rosalia sagged as her spell ended.

The violent plant growth the Archive had sparked slowed, the vines falling back against the ground. Many of the vines had grown up along Libiris’s walls, and some of them continued growing for several more seconds, covering the section of the wall that had once been the door, until the clearing looked exactly as it had a year ago.

Discord snapped again, and the vines fell away from him. He landed before Libris and knocked on the wall. He snapped once, twice, and then a third time. Then he turned toward Rosalia.

The changeling queen just glared up at him in undisguised hatred.

Finally, Discord smiled. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

Rosalia said nothing.

“I’ll get this place open soon enough, but for now.” Discord raised his arm to snap once again. “There’s no one left. I win.” And then he was gone.