• Published 16th Jul 2018
  • 752 Views, 45 Comments

Overgrowth - ezra09

One year after the events of Harmonics, Scootaloo, Thistleroot, and Mimic return to Greenhaven Grotto. Within the long sealed ruins of Libiris, ancient spirits vie for power and ancient grudges rise anew.

  • ...

Protective Instinct

“Huh,” Thistleroot said, “and I was worried it would be something important.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and bumped him with a wing. “Okay. What’s it do?”

“Well, what does it sound like?” Discord asked. He snapped again and the living room returned to its original appearance. “It’s creation magic. It makes things.”

“And that’s supposed to be powerful enough to rule the world?” Scootaloo asked, raising an eyebrow. “I was expecting, I don’t know, lasers?”

“Maybe it can create lasers?” Thistleroot suggested.

“Hmm, well, I suppose it could,” Discord said, thoughtfully. “I’ve never actually seen it do that, but it’s not impossible.”

“Well, what have you seen it make?” Scootaloo asked.

“Plants, rocks, hamsters, that kind of thing,” Discord said with an exaggerated yawn. “Now that you mention it, I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen it make anything all that impressive. Not firsthand, at least.”

Scootaloo sighed. “This is kind of disappointing.”

“I mean, it made me, too, but I didn’t actually see that,” Discord said, voice still bored. “I was a little busy coming into existence at the time.”

Scootaloo tilted her head back, mouth falling open.

“Yeah,” Thistleroot said, “I could see how that would... wait, what?”

“What?” Discord asked. “Oh, was that less disappointing?” He examined his paw as though checking for dirt under the claws. “A little more impressive than a couple of laser beams, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Something made you?” Scootaloo asked. “Huh. I sort of assumed you just started existing one day.”

“Were all of the ancient spirits made?” Thistleroot asked.

Discord nodded. “So, I’m sure you can see exactly how important this is. The Heart of Creation was entrusted to the Archive and hidden inside Libiris shortly before the war between us eternal spirits began. We have agreed to stay out, so each of us is choosing a mortal creature to enter and search for it instead, and naturally, having learned the valuable lessons about how magic is friendship and whatnot, I chose my dear friend Scootaloo.”

“But, why?” Scootaloo asked. “Why would any of you agree to this? Why agree to go through normal ponies instead of just going in and finding it yourselves?”

“What do you think would happen if I started fighting the other spirits again?” Discord asked.

“You’d win?” Scootaloo guessed. “You beat them all before.”

“Exactly!” Discord said. “And they all remember it. I wouldn’t just be fighting Nocturne or L— or one of the others. They’d all team up and make sure I was out of the picture immediately. So I arranged this little game instead, and now all of them feel like they might actually have a chance.”

Scootaloo frowned. “But...” She shook her head. “Discord, I’m not going to just hand over something like that to you.”

“Oh?” Discord said, drawing the word out. “But I thought we were friends now.”

“We are,” Scootaloo said, “but that doesn’t mean I want you ruling the world. No offense. I wouldn’t want Thistleroot ruling the world either.”

“What, why not?” Thistleroot asked.

“Well, don’t I look like a fool?” Discord said, putting his paw against his chest and looking away. “Oh well, I guess my plans for world domination have failed once again. Of course, I imagine you will look for the Heart anyway? After all, you wouldn’t want it falling into the hooves of spirits that are even worse than I am, would you?”

“Well, no, I guess not,” Scootaloo said, glancing at Thistleroot. He returned her worried look.

“Well, then I suppose I’ll just have to trust my good friend to do the right thing,” Discord said. “Now then, is there anything else you want to know?”


“So you want me to find this heart?” Mimic asked. “And if I don’t, someone even worse than your or Discord could get it and take over Equestria?”

Nocturne nodded.

“And out of everyone you could think of, you picked me? A changeling that already tried to keep you from taking over Equestria? Why not Chrysalis? Or Rosalia?”

“Chrysalis is busy helping me rebuild what has degraded in the centuries I spent locked away,” Nocturne said. “Even if she was not, I am sure some would argue that she does not fit the description of a ‘mortal’ champion. As for Rosalia, she has not yet earned back the trust I had once given her.”

“Then why not one of the overseers? Or a soldier? Or a windigo? Even if I wanted to let you take over Equestria, my friends would probably try to stop me from helping you.”

Nocturne was silent. Mimic waited, and after several seconds, Nocturne said, “There are some things we are forbidden from discussing with mortals. Would you care to hear what they are?”

Mimic arched an eyebrow at the change of subject, and then sighed. “Sure, why not?”

“We are free to discuss the nature of Libiris and the Archive, as the Archive did not sign the contract. Likewise, we are free to tell our champions of the Heart of Creation. We can not speak to any mortal about those who signed the contract, unless those mortals already know of the spirit. It would be infuriating to be unable to speak to you of Discord, after all. Likewise, we may not speak of the other champions, unless you already know who they are, and which spirit they are the champion of. Your friend Thistleroot likely knows these rules by now as well.”

Mimic thought about that statement for a second. “Scootaloo is Discord’s champion.”

“She is,” Nocturne said, “and now that you know that, I am free to speak of her.”

“That was easy,” Mimic said. “They probably know that you picked me by now.”

“Almost certainly not,” Nocturne said. “Discord is used to doing as he pleases. This contract may have been his idea, but I believe he will find having his paws tied...”


“Two words, sounds like penguin?” Thistleroot asked as Discord flew across the room, transforming into different animals with frequent puffs of smoke. He turned back into himself with a grumble.

“Birds?” Scootaloo guessed. “One of the champions is a griffon! One of the spirits is a griffon! A griffon spirit that created griffons!”

“Oh, for goodness sake, it’s not that complicated. Mmmmeeehhh... Nooccccccct....” He snapped his talons and the contract once again appeared before him just to be thrown against the wall in a fit of frustration.



Mimic frowned. “Well, they’ll figure it out. And even if they don’t, I’m going to tell them.”

“I know,” Nocturne said. “I had no doubt that you would. It was this magic of friendship that I was unable to overcome last year. It is why I wanted you to be my champion. That, and no other changeling has ever so openly defied me. You have fire.”

She looked down at Mimic, thoughtful. “Though it seems that fire is tempered by something else. You are uncertain. Afraid.”

Mimic considered denying it, but she knew it would be pointless. “Of course I’m afraid. I saw you destroy an entire city. While I was in it.”

“Not of me,” Nocturne said, and Mimic shuddered, wishing she could get out from under Nocturne’s scrutiny. She turned and started walking away.

“Fear is nothing to be ashamed of,” Nocturne said. “It is one of your best tools for survival.” She followed several steps behind Mimic and the smaller changeling stopped. “Though I wonder. You seem more afraid today than when we last met.”

“What do you know?” Mimic snapped. After a moment, she sighed. “I’m going to tell them everything, and Scootaloo is Discord’s champion. Do you really think we’ll give either of you this heart?”

“No,” Nocturne said.

Mimic looked back at her in surprise.

“Mimic, what do you see when you look at me?”

Mimic swallowed. “Uh, a pegasus that’s way too tall?”

Nocturne gave her an unamused look.

“I see the first queen. The changeling that destroyed Canterlot and almost killed all of my friends.” Nocturne was silent, and Mimic continued, hesitantly. “You’re the one who made Chrysalis, Rosalia, and Lirian. You’re... I don’t know! You’re really powerful. You’re a queen and some kind of spirit.”

“Why did you leave the hives?” Nocturne asked. “Before you considered any ponies your friends.”

“My brother had been hurt,” Mimic said. “He attacked Scootaloo and she broke his horn. I was helping her get home because she promised she could get Princess Celestia to keep him safe.”

“Why? Why sacrifice your own safety for his?”

“He’s my family,” Mimic said.

“And why should that matter?”

“Because... I don’t know. It just does,” Mimic said. “I told you once that the only ones who had ever cared about me were my friends, but that wasn’t entirely true. My family cared about me, and I cared about them. It was different than the way my friends care about me, but it was something.”

Nocturne nodded. “Love is a resource to be consumed. That is the belief of many changelings. Over time, they have come to see the love ponies feel for each other and the fondness that prompts changelings to pair with another as intrinsically different. It’s not, but believing something can affect our actions. Reasoning can alter our emotions, to an extent.

“But there is one thing that remained. An ingrained behavior that almost all intelligent species have. In this case, in regards to their young.”

“Instinct,” Mimic said, understanding what Nocturne was getting at. “You’re the spirit of instinct.”

Nocturne nodded. “Survive,” she said, the word was an almost physical presence in the air. “Fight. Flee.” Her voice softened. “Learn. Play. Breed. Protect what is yours. No matter how much changelings evolved over time, the most basic instincts remained. For parents, protect the offspring. For children, your parents will keep you safe.

“I have a family,” Nocturne said. “Not just the changeling queens, who I created and call my daughters. Discord. Cinder. The Archive. Others. We were not born as other creatures are. We are not brothers or sisters, but we are the only creatures that can truly understand each other. We are the only ones who have lived through the millennia. We have known each other since before ponies, changelings, or dragons existed.

“And then Cinder died and my family tore itself apart in a mad war for power. I was locked away for a thousand years, and in that time one of my daughters killed another. Protect what is yours. No, Mimic, I do not think you will give me the Heart of Creation. But you will find it, and you and your friends will keep it from hurting my family again.

“You will do this,” Nocturne said, and Mimic could hear the certainty in her voice. “Because you understand. Because you are afraid.”

Mimic hissed and glared at the queen.

“You have a family again,” Nocturne said. “And you are afraid of losing them. You grow more fearful by the second, knowing what is at stake.”

Mimic tried to keep the glare on her face, tried to meet the changeling queen’s gaze, but she couldn’t. Nocturne was right. If something happened to Scootaloo or Thistleroot while they were searching for the heart without her... or if another spirit got it and something happened to Sweetie Belle, or Apple Bloom, or Spike?

“Protect what is yours,” Nocturne said again. “Will you go with your friends to search for the Heart of Creation?”

It only took a moment for Mimic to decide. “Yes.”

“I am glad,” Nocturne said. “There is more, now that you have accepted. Advice. The contract prevents me from telling you what you may face, but likewise it protects you. There are some who might wish to do you harm, but can not. Their champions will not be restricted in the same way, but they will not know who you are. For the time being, anonymity is your best defense. You are a changeling, after all. Hunt unseen.”

Mimic nodded.

Nocturne paused, and then straightened, staring down at Mimic with an imperious look. “I will return to the changelings tonight. There is little I can do here, and much still to be done with Chrysalis. You, Mimic, will remain here to act as my champion. There is one last thing I can offer you.”

Mimic frowned, thrown by the sudden shift in Nocturne’s demeanor. “What?”


“One of the champions is an alternate universe version of Gilda bent on world conquest?” Scootaloo guessed. Discord buried his face in his paws long enough for her to throw a grin at Thistleroot. He fought back a chuckle and wondered how long it would take Discord to catch on.

“What? It was a reasonable guess,” Scootaloo said.

Thistleroot frowned and looked back toward the door. “I’m gonna go check on Mimic. She should have been back by now.”

Discord’s head snapped up and he began energetically pointing to Thistleroot.

“Thistleroot’s a champion?” Scootaloo guessed. “Thistleroot’s a griffon?”

Thistleroot let himself chuckle once he closed the door behind him. The sun had finished setting while they were inside. Nopony seemed to be out at the moment, and he couldn’t see Nocturne or Mimic. He started down the road away from the town center.

Less than a minute later he heard Mimic’s voice.

“Forget it!”

He paused at the sound of the shout, and then began walking toward it, quietly. The buildings in this part of town were openly and unevenly spaced, as there weren’t enough ponies to fill the available area. Nocturne and Mimic had moved toward a nearby cluster of trees between the two closest houses. Thistleroot could just make out their outlines in the dim moonlight.

Mimic was leaning back, as though she’d just drawn away from the queen.

“Are you sure?” Nocturne said, voice even, unbothered by Mimic’s shout.

“I’m sure,” Mimic said, anger giving her voice a hard edge.

“Odd,” Nocturne mused. “I thought with the fear of losing your life or your friends, your answer would be obvious. You continue to surprise me, Mimic, though the surprises are not always pleasant. Your choice is a poor one. You would stand a better chance with my help.” She paused, pondering one thought or another. “Rosalia thinks me a fool, though of course she wouldn’t say it. She believes there are many other changelings that would have made a better choice. She thinks your survival thus far was a fluke, that the magic of friendship is not for us.”

“She’s probably right,” Mimic growled.

Nocturne smiled. “Perhaps, and yet, my instincts still tell me that I’ve made the right choice.” A moment passed, and then she turned and began to walk away. “Do not disappoint me, child. There is too much at stake. And tell your friend to stop hiding. He’s not good at it.”

Mimic straightened and began to look around. Her eyes met Thistleroot’s and he held up a hoof. “Uh, hi.”

“Send a message through Discord, should something happen that I need to know of,” Nocturne said, and then she was gone.

Mimic sighed. “You were watching?”

“I only heard after the ‘forget it’. I got worried. You said you’d be right back.”

Mimic seemed to accept that and started walking past Thistleroot, back toward the house.

“So, uh, what was that about? If it’s okay to ask.”

“Nothing,” Mimic said immediately. She sighed again a second later. “Discord told you about this heart thing, right?”

“Yeah,” Thistleroot said. “Nocturne picked you as her champion?”

Mimic nodded. “I told her I wasn’t going to do it for her, but she seemed fine with that. She just wants to be sure no one else gets the heart.”

“So, what was the shouting at the end about?” Thistleroot asked.

Mimic hesitated, and then said, “She wanted a way for me to message her, so I wouldn’t have to go through Discord. Like how she stopped the attack on Canterlot last year.”

“Oh,” Thistleroot said. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

Mimic shook her head. “It’s not just a spell she can teach me. She would have to use magic to change me, and I don’t want that. I don’t trust her, and I don’t know what else she might do while she was at it.”

Thistleroot shuddered. “Yeah, I see your point. I guess even when she’s trying to be on our side, she’s still... whatever she is.”

They got back to the house and Thistleroot moved to let them inside. “Thanks,” Mimic said before he could open the door.

“Huh? For what?” Thistleroot asked, turning back to her. She was standing on the steps to the porch, looking pointedly away from him.

“For coming to find me. I mean, not that there’s anything you could have done if Nocturne had gone evil again, but thanks.”

“Your welcome.” Thistleroot chuckled, and then blinked. “Huh, when you put it that way...” Silence fell between them again, with Mimic still looking away. “Uh, was there something else?”

A few more seconds passed. “No.”

Thistleroot shrugged and opened the door. “I’m back with Mimic, Nocturne’s champion!”

“Oh, thank heavens, finally!”