• Published 31st Jul 2018
  • 2,356 Views, 15 Comments

The Eevee Pack of Ponyville - Masters-of-the-Elements

What to do when you are turned into a creature from a fictional world and dropped into a different fictional world, well certainly not what my friends and i are doing that's for sure.

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The Eevee Pack of Ponyville

The Eevee Pack of Ponyville:

What a Way to Wake up

“I don’t know what went wrong…” I heard a strangely familiar voice say as I slowly made me way to the waking world.

I cracked my eyes opened about halfway, to allow them to adjust to the odd flow of light. I blinked twice, to try and get the last bit of sleep from them, and looked around. I was in some kind of building, one that had seen better day; the place was littered with large holes in the , I think, roof.

I might had looked around more, if I didn’t hear a sudden crush and a light moan, and looked towards my right. I sucked in a swallow breath as I watched a familiar pony near a large beam, giving her head a good shake.

“You okay, Rainbow Dash? Anything I could do to help?”

Rainbow Dash suddenly flow up through the hole, screaming something I didn’t hear but knew nonetheless. I think stayed rooted in place for a good five minutes, my brain refusing to process what I just saw. It really couldn’t have been Rainbow Dash, the mare who the shippers like to pair with a bunch of her friends...not to to mention other questionable characters, from the cartoon show that was, at one point, breaking barriers .

There was only one, logical thing that came to my mind… “...I’m dreaming,” I mumbled, failing to register the change in my voice.

I moved my left arm, planning on pinching myself so I could wake up, and winced when a mild pain shoot down my shoulder and into my arm. My entire body froze as I realized that pain was from an injury I was still recovering from. If I could feel the pain from that near 6-day old injury, than that means...oh rhyhorn shi-poop, I’m not dreaming.

I looked at my hand, and gasp when I saw a black paw in it place. I moved eyes up my limb and saw a small leg connected to the paw, and beyond that, I could see traces of white around the edge of my vision. I slowly got up, noting that I needed to stand on all fours, and slowly brought my injured paw, arm, thing to my head, and felt the long ear on each side of my head. Slowly, I slid my paw-whoa...I think I just felt a shudder go down my back when I thought about what had replaced my trusty but not rusty hands-down my face and went cross eyed as my paw traveled between my eyes.

Once I confirmed I now had a snout, I slowly turned my head and angled my body so I could see my rear end, and wasn’t all to surprise when I saw the bushy, black tail with a brownish white tip. The new limb seems to be responding to my feelings, as it swing back and forth in a nervous manner.

The tail was the final straw that broke three camels’ backs. Not only had I somehow entered into a world like that belonging to a show meant for little girls, but I wasn’t human anymore, either. I probably would have done a freakout...if a sudden noise didn’t grab my attention.

I saw Rainbow Dash getting dragged down by Derpy Hooves, or Muffin, if you asked the right fans, and I became self-conscious, maybe a little paranoid even, about my state of being, and decided to hide. Luck was with me on that matter, as there was some debris near me, and I walked/limped towards it before the two mares could shake the cobwebs from their heads.

As a familiar words before to filled the air, I half-listened as I thought back to the last clear memory I had, before I woke up in the ruin town hall.


A young man, roughly 20 wince as he moved his left arm a bit before gently placing it on the arm rest of the chair he was in.

“The doctor told you that though your injury wasn’t anything serious, it would still be a bit tender for the next couple of days,” stated one Jarod Burns, as he check a window.

Jim Burns, Jarod's nephew, let out an irritated sigh and looked at his, mostly, gray haired uncle. “Yeah, but he didn’t say anything about hurting like a son-”

“Watch your mouth James,” Jarod scolded in a firm tone.

James stood up from his chair, growling and cuddling his arm a little as he stormed up to Jarod. The 40+ science professor was currently checking out the last downstair windows in the frat house he supervises, preparing for the hurricane that was said to be making it way to them within the next few hours.

Jim ignored the dark skies outside the window, and looked at his uncle with a glare.

“And why should I uncle? I’m nearly 21, so I would like it if you stop treating me like some little kid obsessed with pokemon,” Jim said sharply.

Jarob finished the inspecting the last window before he looked at his nephew with a lopsided grin. Jim groaned openly as he knew what that grin meant.

“You’re right, you’re now a overgrown brat whose more obsessed with that brand than when you were a boy,” Jarob said with a slight smile.

That got a chuckle from someone in the room, and Jim snapped around, moving his limb in such a way that a small bolt of pain went down his arm. The black haired scottish-american ignored the pain, and looked at the seven others in the room at the moment.

The ones closest to the nephew and uncle was a blonde hair man roughly the same age as Jim. William Slike was currently checking the weather and tracking it through the apps on his devices. He was so focus on the tablet and laptop in front of him, he failed to the notice the other black hair youth kneeling next to him when he fell asleep and slumped over, hitting his head on the coffee table.

“I’m up,” Cameron Matthews mumbled as he head snapped up, and he looked at William.

The young man relaxed when he realized he wasn’t in danger of being scolded by his friend from falling asleep when he agreed to help William track the incoming hurricane. Jim looked to his right, where two redheads set across from William and Camarin.

Victor Rice, a young man with light red hair with small orange highlight was currently helping Martin Blu, the boy with the deep red hair, study for a midterm testing coming up in a few days. Finally, Jim turned his head a little further right and saw the a trio of new members to the frat house. There was Cliff Bowman, another blonde, though it would be hard to tell because of his near shaved hair, and next to him was Tom Mills, with golden brown hair long and tied into a small ponytail. Rounding out the trio, with chocolate brown hair, was Hector Goldsmith.

Jim looked at each of his friends and frat brothers, trying to figure out which one of them laughed. He looked at Victor and narrowed his eyes, thinking he saw a small grin on the other student’s face.

“Was it you?” Jim asked accusingly.

Out of habit, Jim went to point his left hand and wince when he felt a mild shot of pain go through it. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his uncle shaking his head and mouthing something, but ignore it when Victor caught his attention.

“Oh please, if I laugh would because of one of my classic one-liners,” Victor replied, an air of confidence surrounding him as he looked at his roommate. “Beside, I’m just a big poke-nerd as you are, so why would I laugh about that. Now, how about you do some of that accessorizing you like to do when you’re in a mood.”

Jim snarled at his friend snark commit, and looked ready to pounce but was stopped when his uncle gently placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder.

“Listen, I know this hurricane has everyone on edge, but we don’t need to act like a pack of wild dogs and tear each other apart,” Jarob said in calm and rational manner.

A loud but obviously fake yawn draw the attention of everything in the room. Cameron stretched arms to the ceiling and relaxed his body against the couch.

“Chill and mill, prof, every single weather source say there’s a 79 chance that the big, bad storm will press right over,” he moaned in a relaxed manner, “And you can’t beat those odds.”

That commit earned Cameron a light back hand to the face, if he didn’t know it was coming and leaned his head back enough that the blow missed him. He grinned, only to have it wipe clear when he felt someone lightly japped into his side, and he threw a lazy glare at William.

“If the data is correct, and I believe it is, there’s something unique about this storm,” William said logically. “I would even say it’s unnaturally the way it’s moving. So I don’t feel like relying on what the “experts” on such matter, thank you.”

William looked at his friend lazily, and opened his mouth to say something when a sudden, loud boom of thunder closed it and made everyone jump. Jim and his uncle looked at the window and was shocked to see the heavy rain that was already falling being blown around by the high winds.

“I have lived in this area for nearly my entire life, and never once I had seen a storm build this quickly.” Jarob muttered, clearly in awe about this sudden change.

The heavy winds slammed into the frat house with such force, the entire building rattled a little, and Jim watched as the window his uncle and he was close to shake, and got a bit scared.

“Maybe, you should be impressed away from the window,” the young reasoned as he took his uncle by the shoulder and gently took his away from the item made out of glass.

“Will this place hold?” Martin asked timidly.

“This house was built in a place where hurricane don’t happen often,” Hector replied, sounding like he was reciting something he read before. “But if I remember right, this place was built with such disasters in mind.”

Tom looked at his friend like he wanted to say something, but a sudden boom and strange flash of light cut him off. The flash had actually caught everyone by surprise, and they looked at the window, waiting to confirmed if they eyes weren’t playing tricks on them. They didn’t have to wait long, another flash of lightning danced across the window, one the had the colors of the rainbow itself.

“DUDE, the sky just crapped the rainbow!” Tom said in a slight crud manner.

The other paid their friend no mind at the moment, as all quickly become fixated on the window, waiting for the next flash. It wasn’t been five seconds before the next flash happened, brighter than the last one. The next one followed soon after, casting the room in a glow of colors, as the lights had gone without anyone taking notice.

The third flash was the brightest yet, so bright, in fact, that it blocked everyone’s field of vision…


The sudden sound of cheers and applause pony-style jolted me from my thoughts, and looked in time to see Derpy take another fall. That one little scene meant the Mayor was giving Applejack her send off to the contest she was entering, and I tried to tone out the noise so I could return to that memory I was just in.

I frown as I realized i can’t remember anything after the third flash of rainbow lightning. So it was a safe to say it was the lightning that had something to do with why I’m currently in a fictional world, turned into who-knows-what.

“Hmm, just what I had I become?” I asked the air, and frowns when I heard my voice.

I didn’t know why, but my voice sound different, higher even. I thought about it, for about two seconds before I realized my changed voice was the least of my problems. Still, I was curious about what I now look like, and tone my ears to the noise outside.

Five minute after the noise had died down did I aventure out. I let out a whistle when I saw the state town hall was in; Derpy really did a number on this place. The inside looked more trashed than the outside, and I guess that staying something to the force that was Derpy.

I gave my head a shake and get rid of these thoughts, I could be impressed by a detail the creators left out of the show for later. Now, I need to find something so I could get a good look at myself. I mean, it’s not like a mirror is just going to be lying around for me to use.

“Oh, look, a mirror just lying around?” I muttered in deadpan sarcasm when I noticed the objet practically in front of me, and remember that I’m in a world based on a cartoon.

With a tired sigh, I slowly walked up to the mirror, partly because I was still awkward in my new body and partly because my sprained shoulder was giving me more trouble now, due to have to put weight onto it. When I saw the imagine of a shiny Eevee, one with black fur and eyes, only one word come to mind.