• Published 31st Jul 2018
  • 2,357 Views, 15 Comments

The Eevee Pack of Ponyville - Masters-of-the-Elements

What to do when you are turned into a creature from a fictional world and dropped into a different fictional world, well certainly not what my friends and i are doing that's for sure.

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more isn't Always Merrier

The Eevee Pack of Ponyville:

More Isn’t Always Merrier

It didn’t take long for me to find the source of the snoring and soon found two more Eevee. One was a light blonde color, and one was a normal-looking Eevee sleeping the day away. No, I realized that wasn’t right. The snoozing normal-type had a slightly darker color fur, with a blackish shine to it. Also, the tip of the tail and collar were black, and there was a spiral black patch of fur on the Mon’s forehead.

I looked at the blonde Eevee and took notice of a few things; like how he moves and holds himself and I knew almost right away who these two were.

“Hey, William, Cameron’s in another one of his deep sleep?” I asked, hoping to sound as casual as possible.

If he was surprised by me or how I looked, he hid it really well. He looked at me, and the little study-bug just gave me once over before looking at Cameron.

“I really hope it is, Victor,” the blonde Eevee replied calmly. “But with this sudden change, I don’t know how to gauge him, at the moment.”

I frown as I looked at my lazy frat brother, and get a little closer. I wasn’t studying to be a doctor, but I knew enough about the human body to do a small analysis. As far as I could tell he was fine; breathing was normal and all that stuff. Still, with Cameron, it better safe than sorry.

I took a few steps back and launched a low powered (I hope) Swift at him. The attack hit the wall above the Eevee’s head and caused a harmless explosion. The explosion did the trick and Cameron stirred from his sleep.

The blackish Eevee cracked his eyes half-way open and looked around. He smiled when he saw William and me, and then put his head down and went back to sleep.

“I suppose you launched that attack with the intent to see that Cameron was just sleeping and not having another sugar crush,” William stated logically, though I did pick up on the hint of anger in it.

I just gave my friend a cheeky grin and was about to say something when I squealed in surprise. I looked behind me and was only semi-surprise when I saw Cameron snuggling into my tail.

“Well, whatever worry I had are no more now,” I heard William say, with just a hint of relief in his voice.

I nodded in agreement as I looked at the only mon that could sleep through a hurricane and then sleep-walks up on someone without making a sound.

“So,” I asked, now that the danger about my friend’s health was put to rest, “Are any of the others with you?”

William sighs and got into a lying position. “Unfortunately, no. I had awoken about twenty minutes ago, and before I could begin a search, I found Cameron.”

I nodded and looked back at the sleeping Eevee. I looked back at my frat brother and said, “It seems like you two have been in this world roughly the same amount of time that Jim and I have been here.”

That single sentence was enough to get the study bug’s wheels turning, and looked ready to say something. Whatever was tip of his tongue was lost when our sensitive ears picked the second of footsteps. Soon after we heard the sound, a smell reached our noses and we both crackle our faces to try and block the horrid odor.

It wasn’t long before Ms. Eevee strolled up to us looking like he had taken another dip into the well.

“What happened to you?” William asked curiously.

I fell into a barrel of pickle juice, okay?” Jim snapped angrily and began to shake himself dry.

William and I took moved our bodies ever so slightly so we wouldn’t be hit by the spray of juice. I noticed that some of it got onto Cameron, but all he did was flinch slightly and re-positioned himself so his head was covered by my body.

Once Jim had finished drying himself, he looked between the two new Eevee and then looked William right in the eyes.

“Have you seen my uncle?” Jim asked bluntly.

I wanted to roll my eyes at my friend’s tone, but I can’t really fault the guy for being worried. I knew if I found myself in a strange land, and probably thinking your only family was also in this world, I would be worried too.

“Unfortunately, James, I had only woken a short while ago, and all my attention has been on Cameron here,” William explained calmly and tilted his head slightly. “Maybe I acquire what happened to your voice? It sounds higher-pitched than Victor and my own.”

I heard Jim growled under his breath before he said, “Will every just get off my-TAIL!!”

The last word was screamed so loud, Cameron and I never covered our ears from the sudden noise.

“Hey, Ms. Eevee, learn to take a joke,” I snapped angrily. “William was just asking.”

“No, Cameron’s sleeping on my tail,” Jim replied as he shot a glare behind him.

I blinked I think three times and then looked behind me. Sure enough, the lazy Eevee was no longer snuggling my tail. I walked up to Jim and looked over my roommate’s shoulder, and saw the blackish normal-type snuggling against Jim’s tail.

“I may have witnessed this many times before, but I always find it fascinating when he does this,” William stated interaural.

“Yeah, I bet you wouldn’t like it when you find yourself with a bedmate every other night,” Jim said bitterly.

“Maybe Cameron’s has a crush on you Ms. Eevee,” I retorted snarkily.

Jim didn’t like my commit and leveled a glare at me. Before he could snap any kind of remark, he suddenly gasped and looked behind him. Curious, William and I exchanged looks before we looked behind our frat brother.

“Truly, I think Cameron is one of the most fascinating people I had meant in my life,” William mused, mostly to himself, when he saw that Cameron was missing.

I wouldn’t deny my own interest in someone with extremely low blood sugar, who can suddenly sleepwalk without anyone noticing.

“We got to find him,” Jim suddenly said, a panicked look in his eyes. “We can’t let our secret be exposed.”

Before either William or I just get a word in, Ms. Eevee took off running. He boosted his speed with a quick attack and turn a hard left when a group of ponies suddenly came out of nowhere.

“Is James not well?” William inquired awkwardly. “I have never known him too paranoid before.”

I just sighed tiredly and started to walk, my fellow Eevee following close behind. “I honestly don’t know, and I could care less at the moment.”


Once William and I left the alley, it wasn’t long before we found the other two Eevee. Cameron had found himself a nice sunny spot near what looks like a flower stand in what I think was the Ponyville Marketplace. Ms. Eevee wasn’t too far away from our frat brother, trying to hide behind a barrel. I watch my roommate for a while, taking note of his behavior. He had tried a few times to get Cameron, but he quickly returned to his hiding spot when a pony stepped out in front of him.

William and I watched this for a few minutes before we decided to head over. We cautiously darted around the long legs of different ponies and soon we were next to Jim. The black Eevee didn’t notice us, as he was busy trying to figure out a way to get to Cameron.

I tipped my roommate on the shoulder (at least, where the shoulder should be if we were still human), and he snapped his head around. I fear I saw in Jim’s eyes were a bit unsettling, but when he saw us the fear died down somewhat.

“Good, you can help with getting Cameron before he’s spotted,” I didn’t miss the panic that laced Jim’s voice, and I looked at William.

“James, are you certain you are well?” William asked in concern.

“Never better,” Jim replied hastily, and he went back to spying on Cameron.

Right, if you expect us to believe that, then I knew a nice clock you rent, was what I wanted to say. I didn’t get the chance to, however, as the crowd thin enough that it made Jim bold enough to move.

Ms. Eevee darted out from behind the barrel and used his quick attack to close the distance. He nearly didn’t stop in time, and I would have laughed if he had hit face-first into the stall. Sadly, that didn’t happen, as he stopped right next to Cameron and proceeded to try and get the other Eevee onto his back.

I might have found this entire thing funny if I was so focused on Jim’s behavior. I still found it odd, when I met him not too long ago, he was perfectly normal, not counting the obvious. But now, he’s more paranoid than someone juiced up on energy drinks. I wasn’t the only one to notice his behavior.

“Was Jame behaving like this early?” William inquired curiously.

I could only shake my head as I watched Jim finally managing to get Cameron onto his back. The black Eevee then took off without a moment's hesitation. William and I exchanged a silent message and then took off after the others.

Thankfully, Jim didn’t use his quick attack and we were able to keep up with him, as he ducked into a nearby alley. William and I got into the alley just as Jim was dumping his load off of him.

“Okay, Miss Eevee,” I said, clearly irritated. “Care to explain why you’re freaking out like you are?”

“What do you expect?” Jim snapped back. “I don’t feel like being made into a lab experiment.”

I looked at William, and I could tell he had the same thoughts as I did; something was clearly up with Ms. Eevee. And we were both determined to figure out what was wrong.

“James, I don’t believe you’re thinking rationally in this scenario,” William explained calmly. “What leads you to believe we were going to be experimented on?”

I noticed the panicked in the black Eevee’s eyes sudden jump when he looked at the blonde normal-type.

“Why wouldn’t we be!!” Jim replied frankly. “We’re unknown creatures, what would stop these ponies for cutting us open and taking out everything that makes us tick?”

If I had doubts about my friend’s mental health before, it’s now thrown out the window. Jim had watched the show since its second season, and the way he was talking made it sound like we were in one of the stupid b-movies where we were surrounded by paranoid idiots.

“James, this is a world based solely on an animated product targeted at young females,” William explained rationally, “So, there’s no reason to think they would be hostile to us based on our appearance.”

Jim looked at his fellow normal type, but William’s logic did seem to pierce the paranoia that had clouded his mind. I could see the struggle in my roommate's eyes as he came to realize his own behavior.

Jim must have fought with himself for nearly two minutes. He would look at the mouth of the alley then at each of us. Unfortunately, he lost to whatever urge had overtaken him, and I saw the fear return with a vengeance.

“I can’t take that chance!” He screamed, his fur suddenly standing on edge as he got into a pouncing stand. “If any of those ponies even think about coming near us, I will use every single move I have to-”

Jim might have gone on if not for a strange sound suddenly filling the air. I watched as the black Eevee suddenly got very tired; his eyes got heavy, and he began to sway from side to side. He tried to shake off the grogginess he was suddenly experiencing. His efforts were wasted, and soon he hit the ground, having fallen asleep before his head hit the dirt.

“Did you do that?” William inquired curiously.

I was just as lost as the blonde Eevee, and I gave him my answer with an awkward shake of the head.

“Everything good now?” we both heard a lazy voice asked.

Slightly startled, William and I looked to our right and saw Cameron lifting his head up, looking at us lazily. Still a little shocked, al I could do was nod awkwardly. The mismatch Eevee smiled a half-smile and took a minute to get himself comfortable.

“Sweet. Now if you excuse me, I’m going back to chilling and Milling,” Cameron muttered lazily.

William and I watched as Cameron let his head drop, and we soon heard light snoring coming from him. I sighed as I looked at the two sleeping Eevee, and one thought crossed my mind.

“Did Cam’s voice sounded different to you as well?” I asked.

William just plopped himself onto his butt and shrugged as he said, “I honestly don’t know. But I am curious as to what he just did.”

“Hmm,” I looked between the other Eevee and then replied, “I think Cam just used Yawn on Jim. It a move that could put a Pokemon to sleep in two turns...or, that how it works on the games.”

William shook his head as he looked at his close friend more closely. “I never really understood RPG mechanics.” He next looked at me with uncertainty. “So, what do we do now?”

I opened my mouth to voice my own doubts, only to have a small yawn break my train of thought. Man, I think things were really starting to catch up with me, I was suddenly tired. Or, maybe, Cam’s Yawn was affecting me as well.

I got my answer when I saw William yawn and his eye droop a little. So, before the move could take full effect, I found myself a nice shady spot and made myself comfortable.

The last thing I saw before sub-coming to the Move entirely was William founding a comfy spot near Cam, and together, we all had a well-earned nap.

Comments ( 3 )

Oh, it's back. Yay!

Is this alive again? Yay?

that was a fun read hope to see more. And eevees are our new cute overlords!

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