• Published 31st Jul 2018
  • 2,357 Views, 15 Comments

The Eevee Pack of Ponyville - Masters-of-the-Elements

What to do when you are turned into a creature from a fictional world and dropped into a different fictional world, well certainly not what my friends and i are doing that's for sure.

  • ...

Well, At least I'm not Alone

The Eevee Pack of Ponyville:

Well, at Least I’m not Alone

“VVVVVVVVVVV!!!” I shrieked as I fell down the well.

I tried to stop myself by putting my paws against the walls of the well. Unfortunately, the well was too wide, or I was too small, and I couldn’t apply enough force to stop myself, only to slow my fall slightly. Still, that didn’t stop me from trying. In the end, all I really did was strain some muscles, but at least I landed on something soft.

“OOF!” I heard a voice said when I came down. “Hey, what do you think I am a pillow?”

I blinked twice as I came down from my panic, and thought...did I know that voice? Sure, it sounded a little higher than I remember, but that snark I would know anywhere, and I looked down. Though the light was poor, I was about to make out a red, shiny Eevee.

“Victor, that you?” I inquired curiously.

“What’s to you?” Victor snapped, only to turn his head sideways and get a good look at me. “Wait, Jim...IS that you? What happened to your voice?”

I couldn’t stop the scowl from invading my face as I looked at my roommate. Sure, my voice may sound different, but I didn’t think it sounded that different. Besides, my voice wasn’t the only one that changed.

“Me? What about your voice? It doesn’t sound like I remember, either,” I snapped sharply.

Victor just snorted and gave a shrug, which in turn caused to me rock slightly. I manage to keep myself from falling off of my friend. I really didn’t want to take another blow to the head.

“At least my voice sounds like it did during puberty,” I could see the smug grin form on Victor’s face as he said, “You, on the other hand, sound like a girl. Maybe you ARE a girl now? Would actually make your hobby fit, don’t you think?”

I felt my throat tighten a bit as a low growl escaped me. Why, why does he always came back to that. Sure, I know accessorizing was considered a girlish hobby, but I don’t care about that. I found it relaxing to find different, non-girly accessories, and figuring out what went best with an outfit.

To me, accessorizing was therapeutic, helping me to unwind after a hard day.

What I didn’t like was when this grade-A A-hole would make fun of it, and to make this matter worse, he would throw my hobby back in my face like an insult. I didn’t make fun of his secret love of children books, now did I.

“So,” Victor asked in his usual snarky manner, “do you have any idea how we get out of here...Miss Eevee.”

I growled again, as I felt my blood start to boil.

Maybe it was the events of the day finally catching up with me, or maybe I finally reached my limit with my roommate snarky attitude, but I could feel myself getting angrier with each second. Whatever the reason behind it, I suddenly lunged forward and bit down on Victor right ear.

“OW! Hey!” Victor shrieked as he thrashed his head around, trying to pull his ear free. “What are you doing? Quit biting me!”

No way, I wanted to say but could because my mouth was full, not until you take back every single snarky comment you ever said about my hobby. And I don’t intend to let go until you-GRAH!!


“Why yes, I would like a toilet wrapped in 3-thousand-year-socks, that’s my favorite!”

I cocked an eyebrow as I twisted my head as far as it would go and looked at my sissy friend, and saw that his eyes had lost their focus and his head was bobbing about. And added that strange sentence, I’m pretty sure that Jim had been thrown for a loop.

But that weird sentence was a bit out there. I know Jim since we started college, and I don’t ever remember him saying anything like that, even he had taken a blow to the head. I filed this strangeness in the back of my head and looked at my frenemy, and through the light shining down on us, I could vaguely see a bump comedically forming on Jim’s head.

Great, looks like we will have to deal with the visual anime gimmick. Still, what hit Jim in the first place? I got my answer when I looked towards my right and saw a medium size rock with a rope tied around.

Now, where did that came from, I wonder. I would soon get that answer as I heard three familiar voices.

“Why did you tie a rock around that rope, Scoots?” asked a cynical-laced, light southern drawl voice.

“So it would fall faster, duh,” came the reply from a more tomboyish voice.

“I certainly hope no pony was hurt?” a softer voice asked, probably to herself.

I recognized these voice right away; the CMC! I shouldn't be all that surprised, given the location we were now in, but I was and that sorta scared me...after all, who knows what sort of trouble those little things could give us.

Still, I wasn’t going to look gift horse in the mouth, or I guess a pony in this case and tried to get the headcase to come around.

“Yo, Miss Eevee, snapped out of it!” I slightly screamed as I tried to shake him.

“Why Yes, I do use garbage to keep my skin nice and smooth. Thank you for noticing-uuh, what happened?” Jim asked groggily.

“Not now,” I said commandingly, “Look towards your right.”

Jim did as he was told, with little complaint, and spied the rope. We didn’t need words as we both reached for the item and fairly closed our jaws around it. Jim next gave the rope strong pulls, and the trio up top got the message, as we suddenly rocketed toward the top of the well.

We popped out of the well like soda shooting out of its bottle after it has been shaken one too many times. I looked down and saw that the rope was tied to Scootaloo’s scooter. Well, I guess that explains why we shot from the well as we did, I thought as gravity decided now would be a good time to start working again, and we fell back to the ground.

Instincts took over at this point, as I found myself suddenly going into a slight ball and that allowed me to land gracefully on my paws. I watched as Jim tried to one-up me by landing on a single, front paw. He screwed it up, landing at an awkward angle, and ended up face-planting.

I laughed at my frenemy failed stunt, and this angered Jim, as he stumbled back to his paws and glared at me with a near murderous intent. Well, I wasn’t one to back down when threatened and planted my paws firmly on the ground as I ready myself for my first ever fight as an Eevee.

“Wow, there more of those freaky dogs,” I heard Scootaloo say, and that brought me out of my fighting mood.

I looked to my right and saw the entire trio of fillies looking at me like I was the neatest thing they have ever seen. Which, to their credit, I probably was, and that made me feel a little more proud of this body I found myself in. Jim, on the other hand, er, paw I guess, didn’t seem all that happy to see the fillies, if the small gasp I heard meant anything.

I watched as he suddenly bolted to his left, and soon was leaving a glowing trail behind him. I couldn’t help but blink when I realized my roommate had just done a Quick Attack and left me with the CMC. I slowly looked at the trio of fillies, blinks three times and looked back at my frenemy quickly disappearing form.

Oh no, he better not think he could just ditch me with the CMC, forces of nature that defile natural law, even crazy laws that govern this world and get away from with it. With a noticeable growl escaping the back of my throat, I took off with all the strength and speed this body could muster.

Even with me pushing my Eevee body to its limits, I knew it would be a near physical impossibility to catch up with Jim if he keeps using his quick attack like he’s doing now. If only there was a way I could match his speed than I could catch up to him.

I suddenly felt something explode in the back of my body, and like an erupting volcano, I found myself running at speeds that should be physically impossible. It didn’t take me long to realize what I was doing and I couldn’t help but howl with excitement at the idea of using my first move, namely Quick attack.

With my newly discovered move, I easily caught up with Jim, and I felt like adding insult to injury as I pushed myself just a bit harder and began to pull ahead of him. Jim didn’t look too happy when he realized what I was doing.

“Hey, how come you’re doing a quick attack?” Jim asked offensively.

“Nothing in the rule books against the same type using the same move...Miss Eevee!” I added a bit of snark when I said my new nickname for Jim, knowing how angry it would make him.

I was right, Jim let out an angry growl, but what he did next surprised me. He managed to pull ahead of me, turned sharply on his left paw and launched a shadow ball at me. I gasp, but my body went on instinct-pilot mode, as I would now call it, and I pushed off with my front legs.

I soared over the shadow ball, as I used my built momentum to go into a backflip and felt that energy surge through me again and settle on my tail. my eyes went wide when I saw the swift attack goes towards my roommate. Jim dodged to the right just as the swift hit, using his quick attack to avoid the minor explosion that followed.

I landed on the ground and, feeling pretty confident in myself, get ready to fight in this new body. Jim must have had the same thought as I watched him set his feet in the ground and growled challengingly at me. I blinked when I noticed that his jaw seem to be glowing slightly, and I quickly confirmed it wasn’t a trick of the light.

I quickly realized what was happening, and that made me mad. I thought when he bit down on my ear it was a little more painful than it should have been, and the reason behind that was because Jim was using Bite on me. Oh, that no good little cheater, not only did he try to ditch me with the CMC, but he used a move on me.

Now, I was more determined to pay this black Eevee back with interest, but the question was how.

Once again, I felt the strange surge of energy going down my tail. This time, however, it was different; it felt like the energy was working it was into every fiber of my tail, making it feel heavier than a second ago. I quickly look behind me and saw my tail glowing slightly, giving it a slight silverish gray tone. I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face when I realize I was doing Iron Tail and looked back at Jim.

Oh yeah, I was really going to enjoy this, without a doubt.

Like one of the old westerns an ex-girlfriend forced me to watch, we locked eyes as we prepared for battle. Our back legs tightened as we prepared to charge, I flick my tail in what I hoped was a menacing way and Jim snapped his jaw. It was like we both heard someone yell battle, as we charged at the same time ready for the fight that was about to go down.

suddenly, something came in rushing in from our right and smashed right into Jim. I watched as the black Eevee was sent flying into the air.

“WHY AM I DOING THE TEAM ROCKET THINNNNGGGG!” Jim screamed as he disappeared into the sky.

I looked to my right and saw the CMC, watching as Jim disappeared, looking very confused. While I was a bit mad the trio broke up the fight before it started, I was also a bit glad, as their interruption knocked me out of Instinct-pilot made and back into Human-thought mode, and this made me realize I was about to fight someone for no good reason. I also realize I wasn’t ready to deal with the trio yet, and I made a break for it while they were still distracted.

I went into a quick attack with hopes of hiding before the CMC realize I was gone. It didn’t me long to find a nice alley I could hide in and wait until the heat died down. I did a sharp turn into it and immediately skidded to a stop. My ears twitched as I picked up a familiar sound. It was snoring, but not just any snoring, snoring that sounded like it was being filtered through a broken air tube, and I knew what that meant, as I began to look for the source behind the noise.

Author's Note:

A couple of things before I go.

Modes: modes are what the pack use when the slip into certain mindsets; human thought mode allows them to think like the humans they use to be while Instinct pilot mode would allow them to use their pokemon bodies like naturals, but there is a danger for overusing IP mode, one which will be revealed later.

Also, I will be mashing the mechanics of how moves work; the Pack will only have four moves and will not gain any more until after certain events.

Well, that's all I have to say, signing off for the night.