• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 16,256 Views, 605 Comments

A Link to Equestria - Wandering Quill

The Hero of Time's arrival to Equestria bears more consequence than anyone expected: the discovery of a common History... and of common enemies.

  • ...

Interlude to War




The cowpony just sighed, unwilling to face the pink pony that was sure to be behind her. She longed to return to the diligent watch she'd kept on the sea since their arrival. Everyone had gone separate ways; she'd only helped carry Link to the medical quarters before leaving.

She had found solace across the fort, up at the top of a stone watchtower, past the point where the palisades at the front of the settlement merged with its ancient marble walls. Beyond that point was an endless drop, and further beyond was the western sea, spreading out for as far as the maritime fog allowed her to see. The clouds that obscured the sky, combined with Nightmare Moon's curse of eternal night, only served to further accentuate the darkness that shrouded the ocean.

Not all was hopeless, however. Just as there were bits of the night sky peeking through the clouds, so was there hope in their quest. The Apples were like that. They were strong, never gave up. It was just their way to live. Her grandmother had survived the perils of journeying away to seek some other place to call home, and had succeeded. Ponyville was there to prove. Her parents, too, despite everything, had accomplished their goals. For that, there was Applejack, her big brother, and her little sister...


Pinkie found here an opportunity to speak. "Applejack, it's really cold here... you might get sick..."

"Ah'm fine," she promptly replied. Pinkie got the underlying dismissal in her words, but stood her ground. Not hearing the hoof steps she desired, Applejack craned her head around. She only faced the other earth pony for as long as it took to deliver the message. "Y'can go inside. Ah'll be right there."

"You don't seem alright..." Her voice sounded uncharacteristically sad, the way a very quiet, very uncertain whisper would feel. It caused Applejack to double her efforts in controlling herself. Celestia knew how fragile the party pony's feelings were. After all they had been through, losing her temper would do nothing more than open a freshly healed wound.

"Well, Ah am." The lie wouldn't have been more obvious if she tried. "Ah was jus'... thinkin', is all."

Unbeknown to her, a tiny smile appeared on Pinkie's face. The usually cheerful pony stepped closer, until they were side-by-side, facing the shifting sea of clouds. She tentatively raised hoof and placed it on the cowpony's shoulder, hoping she would accept the small gesture.

Applejack's shoulders did become rigid as soon as the hoof touched them, but she didn't dare object against her friend. With a profuse sigh, her shoulders slumped down, and the mare hung her head low.

But Pinkie wasn't completely satisfied just yet. This had only been a small victory. To win the war, she would need to press forward. She'd have to pick at the heart of the problem.

"You're worried about Applebloom, aren't you?" In hindsight, the question had perhaps been redundant, or obvious, at least. Pinkie pondered briefly on going back in her words, apologizing and praying she hadn't lost the battle. All of these concerns vanished when Applejack's head bobbed up and down in a disheartened motion.

"She was jus' a lil' filly, Pinkie... an'... an' they still took'er away..."

"Hey, now! You're talking like she's, well, gone! Forever!"

The chipper tone Pinkie had adopted hadn't produced the desired effects, however. The earth pony was glad that Applejack's eyes were barely visible in the dark, because they were most likely staring daggers at her.

"Ya been asleep lately, Pinkie Pie?! Did them darn Stalponies not catch yer eye?!" She had raised her voice, but Pinkie had brought it upon her. She deserved to know some truths.

"I-I know, but--"

"Once one's those things gets ya, yer as good as dead!"

"But Applejack--"

"'But' what? Yer gonna tell me everythin's fine 'n dandy? That she's still alive?" The cowpony prodded at Pinkie's chest with a hoof. "Well guess what! It's too late! We had one chance, Pinkie, one chance! 'N we wasted it so that Twilight could have her way! 'Cause of her, Ah lost mah only brother and sister!

"If it were up t'me, Ah'd rather if Twilight was--"

"Don't. Say it," Pinkie cut in, her voice sharp like a needle. She had silenced the cowpony with the same hoof she'd offered. She didn't wait for any consent before covering her mouth this time. "Don't say something you'll regret later. Don't do something you'll regret later."

Applejack tried to talk, but the hoof remained in place. She'd regarded Pinkie's way of acting so far as nothing more than something she'd expect of Pinkie: fluctuating mood, always trying to cheer her friends up, appearing at the most inappropriate times. The list could go on.

She only realized how serious her friend really was when their eyes met. Pinkie was actually frowning at her, eyes like polished sapphires under what little moonlight shone through the clouds.

"She's out there. Applebloom is somewhere in Equestria. She's alive, and she has her own duty to fulfill." This was more than just a hollow promise to make her feel better. She had never heard Pinkie speak more earnestly, as though she actually believed in her words, or better yet, knew they were true. Feeling that her words had hit home, Pinkie eased her hoof down to the ground.

"Ya... ya can't know..."

Pinkie's expression softened to a smile. She replied by reaching into her own tail, from which she produced a small, round object. She brought it closer to the light, so that Applejack could see it.

The other mare narrowed her eyes. "A stone?" she deadpanned.

Pinkie giggled like she'd just been told a joke. "No, silly. A Gossip Stone! I call her Miss I!"

"Gossip Stone?" Applejack pondered on whether or not Pinkie had lost whatever inch of sanity she still had. "What does--"

"Gee, Applejack, I was getting to that! Don't be so impatient!" She didn't sound irritated. Just... cheerful. Applejack could learn to appreciate it. "My mother gave it to me before I left the farm, so that I could always remember her, and dad, and Inkie, and Blinkie, and-- Oh, right, the stone." She brought the object closer to Applejack's face. "This is a special stone! It talks!"

"It... talks?" the cowpony repeated. Pinkie just nodded excitedly. The possibility that the pony had finally snapped suddenly became plausible again.

Applejack had to admit that she had taken very good care of the round pebble. The millions of specks of dust that covered its surface granted it a silvery glitter, exposing only the crude engraving of an eye. Applejack could barely see it, still it bore into her mind.

They say that there is a pony in Equestria who travels through time,' it said. She had to touch the stone. It was calling for her, wishing to share its knowledge with her. All at once, her conscience was invaded by the stone's featureless voice.

They say that the male to female ratio in Equestria has an incalculable discrepancy,' it said.


'They say that Loyalty... corrupted.'

'They say that once she... leave... Temple of Time.'

"Snap out of it!"

She couldn't. She had to know everything the stone had to say. It was an oracle. She could know what happened to her sister. She could discover where those relics were, or even a way to... to get her parents back. She could use it.

'They... Laughter is the...'


She would know the future, thus being able to control it.

'...Tartarus forever...'

When the cowpony blinked, it felt like waking from a dream. Her heart was racing, her breath, ragged. Her hoof felt sore, but she quickly discovered the reason for that. Pinkie had struck it. She had pulled the stone away from Applejack's grasp. The mare could figure out what had happened.

"It... talks," she finally gasped. The desire to take the stone in her hooves was still there, trying to dominate her to do its bidding. Applejack had to still her leg with another one lest it escape her control.

"You should never touch a Gossip Stone. Ever," Pinkie scolded, her tone as dark as the sea. She faced the stone and caressed it with her other hoof, clearing some of the brilliant dots. "Once you do... you can never let go. You stay with it forever."

"Pinkie Pie, what... what is that thing?"

"Gossip Stones are unique. I have looked for another one, high and low, near and far, and never found one. Mother always told me that it was a family treasure, and that the Pie family has always been devoted to stones and rocks because of it.

"But it always helped me. It tells me what will happen, but not how or when. They're just... hints. Like a game." A smile suddenly returned to her face. "And I love games!"

Leaving Applejack to figure out her meaning, she placed the stone back in the fluff of her tail and placed both forehooves on Applejack's shoulders. The cowpony, startled by the sudden display of affection, stared wide-eyed at her friend. She was still smiling, still giggling, as though nothing had happened. "That's why I know Applebloom's safe! She has a big, big task ahead of her, but she's an Apple! Just like you and Big Mac!"

"But if ya had this fer so long... why didn't ya say anything? M-Maybe Twilight can help ya with getting that stone away!"

Pinkie shook her head, and for the briefest moment, she frowned again. "I'm sorry. But that's not how it works. Besides, Twilight... she has a bigger role, too, like you. All of you." The pony pulled Applejack closer, wrapping her in a hug. Behind her back, the cowpony's face contorted with doubt. "Don't worry, though. I'll always be there to help you out."

"What do you mean with--"

"Captain Armor!" the call of a breathless stallion echoed across the fort. The two ponies turned to face the fort, and found it to be unusually bustling with life. Torches had been lit over the palisades, granting at least some field of view for the warriors. There was a short pause, but he continued, "The Stalponies are... on the move, sir. Something... something coaxed them out of the city! Hundreds of them, on their way!"

They heard Shining Armor say something, but couldn't make out the actual words. With their embrace broken and the moment spoiled, the mares just faced each other, a pregnant silence in the air as Applejack waited for enlightenment. She lost all hope of getting that when Pinkie started walking away.

"Come on, Applejack! We'll be late for the party!"

"Party? Pinkie, ya still haven't told me what ya mean!"

Pinkie offered an amused chuckle instead. "I thought you knew me better, Applejack!"

The orange mare frowned in mild annoyance. "'N what's that s'pposed t'mean?"

"Well, I'm Pinkie Pie!" The smile splashed across her face grew wider. "I don't need explaining!"

Author's Note:


In all seriousness, though; the next chapter is giving me a lot of headaches. Nothing I write seems to be appropriate enough, and I've been owing an update for a very, veeeery long time. So have an interlude filled with all sorts of food for thought. You have all the pieces now; just put them together.

There's also the fact that I felt that some characters had very big mood shifts in the next chapter; I needed to fix that. Namely Applejack and Pinkie, the latter of whom has yet to receive more attention. I needed to explain why they were acting the way they were without resorting to making it implicit.

So yeah. I know it's very, very short, but I promise it's juicy enough to keep you entertained for a while.

Oh, and I might also update Chapter 2 and I believe Chapter 3 very soon. I'm nearly done fixing up the grammar and all the mistakes I left behind, so keep an eye out for that too. No email updates this time, I promise. |D

Also shipping

P.S.: Rarity never touched it.