• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 16,256 Views, 605 Comments

A Link to Equestria - Wandering Quill

The Hero of Time's arrival to Equestria bears more consequence than anyone expected: the discovery of a common History... and of common enemies.

  • ...

The Heist


The weight of the new horseshoes, while not unfamiliar to Applebloom, did not go unnoticed for the young pony. Every step she took produced a metallic clacking against the rocky ground - and every single sound reminded her of the power now stored deep within her being.

You don't scare me anymore, she thought to herself, as though the forest would hear. She faced the path ahead with a fierce look about her features, eyes trained on the moon in the sky, marking her destination. Her stride was a confident one, her sword no longer a burden. It was her tool for survival.

Despite the deity's return, monsters still lurked about in the dark. The twinkle of numerous eyes among the brush watched her run by, eager to strike the filly that had compromised their mission, until one group of wolves in particular tried its luck. Applebloom skid to a halt as soon as they jumped out of the bushes, all contestants baring their teeth at one another.

"Back for seconds?" she taunted, lowering her head like a cat ready to pounce.

A foul smell escaped the timber monsters' maws as they howled. All three of them pounced at her at once, seeking to give the filly as little time to breathe as possible. Applebloom quickly spun on her hind legs, rearing back just as one of the Timberwolves swung its claws. The wooden shield took the blow, and Applebloom, fast as a hare, spun again and struck the surprised wolf with her sword.

The two remaining wolves growled to get her attention, allowing their injured partner to scamper behind them. Having been forced to split her attention between her enemies, the filly tasted fear again. A Timberwolf went for the kill, but earned nothing more than the steel of the sword. The other wolf attacked then, its claws scraping strands of hair and earning a gasp from Applebloom.

"This ain't good..." she muttered, backing away. "These wolves recover awful quick..."

The wolves nudged the most injured one's head in concern, while the latter pushed them away and resumed its stance. Applebloom had only grown more anxious, yet the wolves stood as if nothing had happened.

"N-No, I gotta be brave." Her words rang empty even to herself. All of it resembled her last encounter with the timberwolves far too much. This time, however, there was nowhere to run. Wherever she looked, she found a wolf circling her.

Then her ears perked up. There was one last thing she could try. She had been rewarded for her courage - she'd put that reward to good use.

The wolves didn't wait for the filly to make her mind up. The first one jumped just as she turned her back to them and raised her hindlegs. The kick she delivered was as brutal as she'd hoped, tearing straight through the Timberwolf and showering the filly with splinters as the monster's head was smashed open. What remained of its body fell limp, limbs scattering across the ground as what magic held them together faded.

This small victory filled her with energy. Anxiety gave way to a confident grin, and against all odds, she thought she heard the wolves whimper. As she raised her forelegs in the air, they knew what was coming, and all they could do was brace themselves.

Hooves met mud to create an unexpectedly powerful explosion of dirt and water, surprising even the filly. The shockwave that followed cut into even the bark of surrounding trees. Applebloom herself was unable to stand up when the floor collapsed on itself, sending pony and wolves alike plummeting into the debris.

The moment of adrenaline ended quickly as she became submerged in water. She reached the surface shortly after, much to her surprise, as if the world had suddenly turned upside down. Struggling out of the water, Applebloom caught her breath and looked back at the rubble. Everything above her was pitch black, and the little light that shone down was reflected by a small lake barely the size of her room. Every chunk of stone that entered it was projected soon after, as though the lake was rejecting it to retain its pure, crystalline state.

With no sign of the wolves, the only life forms to keep her company were bioluminescent mushrooms and plants, granting the grove a bluish hue. Faintly lit vines crawled up the walls, their light guiding her eyes towards a path out of the cave, right across the lake.

"Nothin' but trouble..." she murmured.


Applebloom’s ears drooped at the sight of a light at the end of the maze of trees, right at the top of a small incline. She hastened her pace despite the exhaustion that gripped her, hoping to bath in the moonlight as soon as possible. The drops of fresh rain that caressed her upon leaving the shroud felt reinvigorating for the young pony. Looking back at the forest and the waterfall beyond it, she was reminded of how much she’d accomplished in such a short time.

Time… her smile faded. She had less than six days to rescue her friends. The gift bestowed upon her by the Great Fairy brought her one step closer to that goal, but if her first confrontation with Valhalla held any lessons to teach, it was that one step would not be enough. Her next challenge was clear: she would have to cross the desert - and somehow, along the way, grow strong enough.

“Applebloom!” she heard someone call. She spotted Epona in the foliage, approaching her with a distinctly concerned look upon her features. “Y-You’re alive! You actually made it out of there alive!”

“Heh, ya sound surprised…”

Epona pretended to ignore her statement and simply pulled her into a hug. “After all the trouble we went through to get here, I was starting to get worried it would be too much for you.”

“But… ya just barely met me.”

Epona stammered for a bit. “Well, yeah, but we both want the same thing, I mean, we both want to save our friends and I…” The Hylian filly looked away. “I’m kind of sorry that I called you a thief.”

Applebloom’s immediate reaction was to amusedly raise an eyebrow, which eventually developed into a poorly contained surge of giggles. Epona just looked on, confused as to what it meant.

“It’s okay, I figure I shouldn’t have snapped when you did.”

“I see you have grown in more ways than one, young Applebloom,” Zecora piped in as she walked past them. The filly’s eyes traced the lines that marred her striped coat, sullied here and there by poorly cleaned smudges of blood. Epona's words were clearly no exaggeration, for they seemed to have gone through some tough trials of their own. Zecora dropped a piece of cloth over the worst of the injuries, as if to call Applebloom’s attention to the gentle smile she sported. “I trust you will tell us of your adventures soon?”

“Hey, yeah! What happened in there? Did you meet the guardian?”

Applebloom stared down at the mud, flattered. Then slowly, raising her hooves, she showed the newly acquired horseshoes. “I got these, but I’m not too sure how to use them yet.”

“Yes, the guardians are never too precise in the information they provide. But they are wise beyond belief, and if such power was yours to take,” she carefully set her hoof on Applebloom’s. “Then I, too, believe that good use of it you will make.”

“I... I ain’t no hero, but… I’ll try.”

With Zecora’s consent in the form of a nod, the three turned to face the desert. A set of train tracks slithered to the far reaches of the desert, where a tendril of smoke rose. The way was as barren as they had expected: aside from the occasional cactus or bush, they would be travelling in open fields all the way to their destination.

Epona snickered. “X marks the spot, right?”

“‘Tis indeed. I suggest we travel swiftly, lest we fall prey to evil’s creed.”

"Heh, we have Applebloom here if we run into trouble." Applebloom squeaked when Epona suddenly poked her side. "After going through that place, I bet she's ready for anything!"

Hoping for an optimistic response from either of her companions, Epona sought for their eyes. Zecora didn't even look back, and Applebloom turned away, as if to shrug off the compliment. With a snort and a hefty frown, Epona gave up.

But then, just as the silence of the desert was starting to get to the Hylian horse, the young filly beside her spoke up, her voice riddled with uncertainty. "Epona, how's... the place where ya come from like?"

"It's... not much different from Equestria." She saw Applebloom half-heartedly mouth an 'oh' and internally kicked herself. More than just company in that desert, she was a filly with a desire for discovery that she couldn't hide. To tell her that some far-off land looked like her own didn't seem right. "Except we don't have, hum, ponies in charge. We're not in charge at all, actually."

That seemed to have roused her curiosity. "Then who is?"

"The humans. Like Link and... Ganondorf." Applebloom tilted her head, noticing Epona's expression had wilted into a frown. "I never really saw him, but Link used to say he was scary enough to make you pass out."

"Sounds like Nightmare Moon t'me," Applebloom piped in.

Epona just nodded. "Looks like there's always someone who wants to see the world burn. Link said that Ganondorf would have destroyed Hyrule completely if he hadn't done anything. That he would've killed thousands, and let monsters loose."

"Nightmare Moon was very much the same, but, I dare say, much more tame." Both fillies looked on to Zecora. "She wished for eternal night, yet I fear her plans would not have stopped at vanquishing the light."

"Those two would make one heck of a pair, then," Epona joked. Once again, it fell on deaf ears.

"In the forest," Appebloom began, very quietly. "the Shadowbolts said that they were loyal t'Nightmare Moon. And then all these monsters, and you..." she pointed at Epona.

"The time will come when that becomes of your concern, young one. You have but begun your journey," Zecora coldly reminded, staring back at Applebloom from the corner of the eye. "Leave such matters for those who can worry."

"I think that time's already here, Zecora." Estranged by the unusual reply, the zebra turned to face Epona. She had stopped several steps behind them, her gaze fixated on the horizon before them. As the other two travelers traced her eyes, a silhouette in the distance became clear. It was clearly an equine that faced their way, its moonlit frame much bulkier than the average pony.

"I don't like the sound'a this..."

Epona's voice trembled. "You shouldn't. That's... that's Ganondorf's horse." Applebloom's brow rose. Even Zecora's stoic stance had been broken. The horse drew closer, the desire for destruction clear in the malicious red glow of its eyes. "That armor and mane... he's just like Link described him."

To Epona's surprise, a pair of wings flared from its sides, lined with feathers as dark as the night. Their hearts raced ever faster as a guttural voice spoke to them, "Weary travelers crossing this desert, heed my warning. Your hooves take you through accursed lands, and your backs carry forbidden belongings. Should you not wish to be swallowed by the sands, relinquish these items... And I may yet show mercy."

"Don't," Zecora chided when Epona prepared to riposte. "He will carry out his dare if we do not take care."

Epona snorted, then spoke in a hushed voice, "Then what are we supposed to do? It's three to one, Zecora! We can take this guy down!"

"It is not us he desires." She rummaged through one of her bags with her snout. There was a smooth, stone sphere decorated a single gray gem in her mouth as she pulled away. "It is that which Applebloom requires."

The young Apple was about to argue when Zecora suddenly turned and roared to the great dark horse, "You seek me, dark one! Allow those who do not matter to run!"

"It would seem I did not make myself clear. I did not allow you to bargain, let alone dare suggest, my course of action!" The mere stomp of its hoof caused the ground to tremble. "This is your last chance. Relinquish your belongings, step forth... and kneel."

As Zecora picked up the sphere again and took the first step, both Epona and Applebloom lunged forward to grab her. She shook herself out of the embrace and continued, until the stallion demanded she stop. In a simple, very ungraceful movement, she bowed down before him. Satisfied, the stallion moved closer.

"For every inch of worthlessness in you, there is at least some obedience," he uttered, leaning closer. “What have you, a bug at my hooves, to offer me?”

She heard Applebloom call her name, and the stallion snorted impatiently. The dark one flicked his head, causing a barrier of flames to erupt between the pairs of equines. Satisfied, he turned to Zecora with a grin. “Now that we are… alone...” His breath tickled her ear. “You have something that belongs to me.”

Slowly, the zebra dropped the stone on the barren ground. The pressure of the stallion’s gaze fell upon the object, which he gingerly rolled closer with a hoof. Even the flames surrounding them withered, such was his fixation on that which he had claimed from those he deemed unworthy.

“The power is never lost… it simply changes its residence. It remains shattered, for as a whole it cannot exist. With this…” he spoke as the stone became enveloped in a deep red mist, floating up to his eye level. “Equestria stands another step away from salvation.”

“You have that which you craved for,” Zecora muttered. “Your presence is required, no more.”

The stallion’s brow furrowed. “Is that so? Perhaps I should oblige, just this once.” He raised a hoof. “You shall lay eyes on me, no more.”

Applebloom’s shrill cry for her friend’s name was just steps away, and the clopping of her hoofs grew louder and louder. Both the zebra and the stallion turn to see a filly run at them with a sword in her mouth, eager to strike. Their foe was about to reach when Zecora leaped and stole the stone from its magical embrace, tossing it away.

She called for Applebloom to touch it, shortly before reaching into her own saddlebags and retrieving a golden plated arrowhead, which she promptly stabbed the stallion’s naked neck with. He staggered back for a moment, attempting - and failing - to pull out the sharp object with his hooves. When it finally dislodged itself after being held by his magic, it disintegrated into ashes as dark as the night, a scorch mark the only indication of where it had struck the neck.

His magic wavered as he picked the zebra up by her neck. Amidst grunts of pain he muttered curses, somehow encasing his prisoner in a veil of clouds. Zecora didn’t utter a single word, not even as she was finally cloaked entirely… and then disappeared in the haze.

“Curse this body… I was promised a stallion of immense strength, not a weakling.” He shifted his gaze to the two remaining fillies, and his breath left him. “Do. Not. Touch that!!”

It was too late. He tried to pull the stone away with his magic, but there was no response. Applebloom’s hoof made contact with dull gem, and the object's form disappeared in a flash of faint light, drawn towards the filly.

The stallion’s mouth quivered, his wings twitched. There were a million words crossing his mind at that moment, and he couldn’t use a single one to verbalize his feelings. The result was incoherent mumbling, the likes of which he never thought he would ever do. Everything was falling apart.

He summoned his magic again, this time to no avail. He couldn’t so much as pick up the filly anymore. Whatever the zebra had done to him… it had worked. And it filled with him with such an incalculable rage that the earth trembled. This was no over, he repeated to himself, again and again. The filly’s squeaks at that moment felt like a needle piercing his ears, and he wished only to fill his mind with his own voice. But she didn’t stop. She just kept talking… and talking...

“What did ye do to my friend?!” Applebloom was shouting after rising to her hooves and picked up her sword again.

“Your friend… oooh, your friend…” his voice shivered with his body. “I have something special planned for her… oooh, yes…”

There would have been nothing left of the area had his magic not been drained. No filly, no stone, no sound. Just utter silence.

Yet there she was, as if expressly to drive him to madness.

“But you… you’re more important to me now, little filly... You think you’re a ‘hero’, don’t you? Eheheheh, you do...” He pawed at the ground. “But heroes have to die… that is how stories go."

Epona and Applebloom both turned tail as the stallion reared up, wings flared up and a devilish glare in his crimson eyes. When he finally stomped the ground, the shockwave kicked dirt and equines into the air, knocking the lights out of the fillies.

Even after enduring the blast, however, the youngest of the Apples had a glimpse of consciousness. She felt a presence nearby, one that drew closer at a progressively faster rate. She heard cries for help, shouts that confirming she was still alive. More presences stepped in, but one in particular stood out.

She saw nothing but the darkness, but she could feel how concerned it was. When her cheek was nudged and a leg draped over her back, whispers of relief filled her ears. She recognized its scent, the sound of the hushed voice. She knew it was finally safe to fall asleep.

After all, she was back in her brother’s hooves.

Author's Note:

What? I said it was nearly finished. *shrug*


Comments ( 23 )

4516704 There'll be time for that~

4516704 We have more pressing concerns at the moment. *starts praying for Zecora not to die*

Hmm, I think the horse that Ganondorf had was from the same ranch that Epona came from. Need to check that information to see if it is true.

4517444 The Gossip Stones say he's a solid black Gerudo stallion, and I believe Epona was meant to be for Ganondorf (because the-guy-running-future-Lon-Lon-Ranch-whose-name-I-can't-recall said he was gonna gift the king a new horse).

4517939 I agree that them being reunited is good news, but they only have six days for AB to finish her quest and overthrow the evil tyrants together with Link. I don't think Link himself has ever had to deal with that sort of time limit...:unsuresweetie:

There was the three day thing in Majora's Mask.

An update! Yay!


4518869 But that was different, because Link could use the Song of Time to go back to Dawn of the First Day. AB doesn't have anything like that, as far as I know.

4518887 I forgot about that. I haven't played Majora's Mask in years. :pinkiehappy:


Aye, a solid-black Gerudo stallion - Ingo was going to 'gift' Epona to Ganon, but she was too stubborn for that without Epona's song. What's more likely is that Ingo meant to 'gift' Epona's children to Ganon. A Hylian Mustang with a Gerudo Stallion? Kinda seems legendary if you see what they can do individually and then had foals.

Comment posted by Sage Wolf deleted Jun 16th, 2014

4802490 yeah it's left hand for Link...

I have one question before I read this story...


*sighs in relief* took me a long time to get back to this after it updated, now to wait for further chapters. :rainbowdetermined2:

Ganon's horse along for the ride as well? This can only end well... :derpytongue2::trollestia:

So is this story being continued still?

doesn't look like it, last update was 8th Jun 2014 so yea......

I know but I don't consider a story "dead" until the author says its cancelled, the author leaves the site, or hasn't been on the site in years, this person is still around FimFiction since the last time he was on was Sept 13. These kind of stories - the ones that haven't been updated in a long time, but don't show signs of being cancelled or the author being inactive - are in my opinion just one of the ticking time-bombs that'll come back, and if they don't.. it was a good and awesome story to read

imo the author should post an update and say whats up with the story which he does not do.
which for me means its dead, but to each their own.

I have never cringed at a story this hard

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