• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Seven Fates

That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.

Comments ( 116 )

ahhh, the reboot we where waiting with great hope =).
Now, it's reading time !

Hmm... no 'tragedy' tag... I think we're in for a good time.

That’s right. No tragedy tag. No pushing broken nobles with fragile psyches... Some things might explode but they won’t be ponies.

It'll be a pleasant change of pace, compared to the others.

So, can you clarify something?
Silver's genetic abnormalities have been repaired by the addition of the donor genetics, so why didn't it chang the way she's... vertically challenged?

Would've pulled a hell of a lot of mass out of nowhere, magic or no. ;)

... If you're going to keep her this size, I hope you'll eventually, after she's risen up the ranks a bit, have a new recruit actually confuse her for a foal only to get their arse handed to them.

Heya hun, long time hey? Love the new direction you're going here.
To be fair, you could substitute/donate mass from somewhere, really anything could be used.

and become an eternal loli-alicorn?I mean, yeah

1. Just forgot your spacing here.

Definitely the best way to end a chapter.

The corner of his mouth twitches., as though to strangle a grin
Maybe Twilight’s was onto something with

1. Extra full stop.
2. Twilight.

Definitely a direction we didn't see coming. Gonna have to watch it more and more cause I'm imagining interesting things are going to happen on the Eve or her patrol.

I think that may have been an importing issue, but thanks for the find.
I think I know what happened with the first one there. Gotta love the keyboard comma/period proximity. The Twilight’s one is just embarrassing. Two ways to write something... expressed at the same time.

But yeah. Eve’s a fun character. The next chapter might catch you off guard, mind you.

And here I thought Eve might've been an exorcist just from the cutie mark alone. Imagining that she banishes evil spirits with her own brand of Skreeeing.

And the NSFW version is that she specialises in excorsicing restless spirits from ponies.

Well, it isn't Aqua but still seems to be going on a similar vein. Though this does beg to question, how poorly would Penny be susceptible to her magic phobia this time? Granted she can use it but how is what she's afraid of.

I hope the guard tells Cadence what happened. Really I do.

Still though Cadence, Penny for your thoughts?

At this point, she probably has more to fear from herself than others at this point.

star pupil of Princes Celestia of the Sun

1. Princess.

What better way to let her know than to Spike all her messages right? Still, glad the Blueballs issue is sorted out. Kind of.

Didn't see the minor enchantment bit coming along for sure but then again, she does have an affinity for pumping her magic into stuff so it should have been a slight given.

That was good, I laughed at the end there. I can't wait to see what Celestia does after getting that letter.

Hah, there she goes again, playing mind games with hershelf. Though I guess the earlier encounter with the princesses in attendance really bopped her back into reality. Or at least, a magical horse land reality. Go figure.

Also, that room. Snow Blossom:fluttercry: She had such a good head on her shoulders too...

This is neither Friday nor Saturday...

Evidently, it is days where Seven ends in Why.

To be real, I have lost all semblance of a grasp on time.

I like that last part "bad pony, bad" now he just needs a rolled up news paper and a squirt bottle.

“Silver, no!”

Silver, yes!

Now, lets hand over these papers and get you legally
even exotics that could easily from the Asias
would require less finness than

1. Let's.
2. Is this a viable sentence?
3. Finesse.

Watch out folks because it's gonna be Hammer time soon. Now all she needs is a red cape and possibly a helmet with some chain mail. Too bad she doesn't have wings though but you know what they say, every cloud has a Silver lining.

Though now that I think about it could that interwoven enchantment actually launch her through the air? Steering would be another matter entirely though.

even exotics that could easily from the Asias

*easily be from*, aye. Once it has the word, it’s viable. Thanks for the other two.

I actually hadn’t been thinking about a certain so-and-so from RWBY when I thought about it, but that’s actually a pretty viable use of the enchantment.

So glad this dropped! keep it up when you can Sevvy sev~!

So, weapon names for the hammer...

I vote for Flyswatter.

Aqua regia gapes at me, but says nothing
I figure she’ll make a good foil for Penny and she’ll have a chance for actual

1. Forgot to capitlise.
2. Actual... Plot development? Pretty sure she's developing nicely... Okay, that was just creepy.

Interesting choice bringing her in to play but since there's no Silver to be her well, I'd say Wall but it'd probably be too dramatic and Foil you kinda used. Drat, foiled again. Least Penny ain't bugging out too much that she hammered home the fact that she just instagibbed an Elite Mob.

She’s not wigging out about it *yet*.

Really? Sunday now? And nit just any Sunday, but the Sunday right after a Wednesday upload? Stick to a schedule, lady!
In all seriousness though, I'm loving this story and am not opposed to these early as fuck uploads. I'm just messin' with ya.

To be fair, this one's been in progress [and under editing passes each time I opened it] for the last few weeks, I only just finished it last night. I have no idea how long it'll take now that I'm officially out of finished/partially finished content.


Against my own interests and better judgment, I keep insisting to Seven that there's a way to bring Blossom into this story. It's just not the same without a cast reunion.

“Penny, that is abhorrent!” she says with a strange quiver in her voice. “Surely you can learn to live with the weight of what you’ve done without casting off such an integral part of yourself! You would be flaying the essence of your mind and letting itself stitch it back together.”

Fuck, yeah, it is! Listen to Luna, Silver, self-"medication" is not a good idea! Especially not with mental/emotional trauma, because healing it doesn't work that way! You can't just excise the problem...

By the time he’s fully gone, only a large book remains. On the cover, it reads simply, “Soren Friedrich.” I wrap my forelegs around it and hug it close.

Oh, good! I was legitimately worried there for a moment. :twilightoops:

The book though, means that Silver's probably not as divested from her past as she might think, though the determination to move on is in the right place. She is who she is because of her past, and just negating it sounds like a terrible idea.

I figure Luna has thought through much of this in those few precious moments, and that's why she backed off.

P.S. Tsundere Aqua. All my yes.

reigned in behind a radiant smile .

1. Just an extra spacing.

Well that's going to bite Discord back pretty soon. Stay tuned next week folks for the apawling climax.

Damnit Sans.:facehoof: This is no time to be punning around.

Welp, let’s see what soul crushing thing is about to happen.

Wheeeeee! Penny biting things is going to be a thing, isn't it?


Penny's going to get merged with her favorite dog, and then EdwardTwilight is going to have put her down.

Trust me, I'm her editor/sounding board.

this would be so much simper
all her leaps to grab penny got were
Had some she passively absorbed some of the draconequus’s energy when he’d teleported her
revealing stained-glass lamp shaped like Discord

1. Simpler.
2. Forgot to capitalise.
3. Umm... I think the first Some is extra here.
4. Revealing a stained-glass lamp shaped like Discord.

Dang it, Shachza! Double-Dang it, Sevi! Thanks for those. I'll get them in the morning.

Wonder, will this one actually meet Soarin unlike the other incarnation? :pinkiecrazy:

I don't see why she wouldn't come across the Wonderbolt at some point.

Beautiful as always, wanted to point out some errors but somepony else beat me to it!
Looking forward to the next installment as always hun!


The next chapter’s actually already finished and waiting for editing. Has been since Sunday. Chapter 13’s even in progress.

I’ve been writing to burn some stress and get some happy feels going.

I hope it's helping, plus we get to enjoy the results of the good feels.
It's really good to see you writing again and also writing something so intoxicating

I get the sneaking feeling we'll be seeing that lamp again.



Or maybe I left those in there on porpoise... Hm? Hmmm?! Yeah, whaddaya think of that?

Oh look something sweet happened.

I can just imagine Discord pulling the scene from The Slayers:Try where the golden dragon bashes someone with her mace and he pinballs across the town. :pinkiecrazy:

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