• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 296 Views, 1 Comments

Follow the Heart - Shadow CN Night

A filly loves the moon and struggles for her.

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File.2 One-day Tour of Ponyville (Chapter of Tourist )

June 15th, sunny

Hey, Me finally got out of bed today! Oh, Octavia and Vinyl's lights of concern really keep me warm. Vinyl even turned off her mega bass and washed the dishes by her hooves. But Octavia, the smile on your lips has exposed you! Oh, Octavia really loves and dislikes her roommate. Why do they live together? Me need to ask them when Me am free.

After finishing the breakfast prepared by Octavia, Me went out. By Octavia's introduction, this is a place called "Ponyville". It looks pretty good.

Wait... Me don't have a map, uh...

No matter what! Me don't care. Here must be somepony who knows them.

Then, the first field trip after amnesia (technically, the stroll), is beginning.

So how did you appear, Pinkie Pie?

The pink mare suddenly appeared from somewhere in front of me, which shocked me to jump! In other words, can a shock cause amnesia?

She shouted something like these—"Hey, ! Hello, new friend!" "I must gave a surprise welcome party for you! " "Please look forward to it ! " And then she suddenly disappeared, again?!

Oh... Celestia! Isn't she an earth pony? Her blinking magic is too... "Pinkie Pie".

The heartbeat gradually stabilized, and me wandering journey would continueft.

Well, there is really everything in this town. Markets, hospitals, schools, and a string of stores with strange names. Oh, Me saw the city hall! If Me want to settle here, Me must come there. Oh, Me still have to find a job, or Me can't live. A job... No matter which world , it is always a serious question! But the job will be mentioned in the following chapters. Don't worry about it first.

The ponies in the town are very good too. When they meet unknown ponies, they will greet them with friendly smiles and say, "Welcome to Ponyville! " or simply, "The weather is fine today, isn't it? " Well, they are very cultured and affable.

Oh, why is Twilight Sparkle‘s library built in a tree? Is this really not destroying the green plant? Uh, well, there is Equestria. Everything is possible.

Spike received me. This little dragon is really cute. But why his voice sounds like a filly? Well... A male character with a dubbing actress? Again?

Next Me saw Twilight twilight. Oh, a bookworm big sister with a lot of knowledge. Yes, that's how Me felt.

In fact, Twilight is still very friendly. She welcomed me to the town and welcomed me to come here to borrow books and ask questions. This time Me borrowed the history book and map of Ponyville—and of Equestria? Come on! Me am not someone who crosses to a new world. Those histories aren't forgotten by Me.

By the way, Me didn't tell Twilight that Me lost me memory. Me always feel that she will move out a lot of scientific instruments that are running green light to help me.

Well, Me said goodbye to Spike and Twilight. Then Me continued me journey.

Ah, there was a little trouble on the way. When Me passed a tree, three little fillies were sitting in a freight car and sliding down the hillside. However, the wheels weren't strong enough. The wheels knocked a small stone and the whole car suddenly turned over. Three little fillies were thrown out of the car and flew in me direction.

Luckily, Me caught them with magic in time and put them back to the ground. Otherwise, Equestria will lost a genius-The Great and Magical Shadow! Oh,yeah! Um... This sentence seems that... Me have got used to... Who did me learn from? Well...

They apologized and thanked me. They are “Cutie Mark Crusaders” ? Me don't think they are so reliable. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Oh,Sweetie Belle! No wonder Rarity said me should be careful with her sister and her sister's friends.

Wait, did Me forget to write Rarity? Oh, oh, me Goddess! This is so bad! Come on, the narration interposed ! No, the flashback interposed? Well... Narration? Uh... What interposed? Manage it!

At that time, Me was interested in the beautiful independent small building. Carousel Boutique? It looked it sells clothes.

Just as Me watched the gate, the white unicorn mare smiled and invited me to come in. Of course, Me was very resistant-after all, there was no a bit of bit in me pocket.

Next, it was unexpected. She gave me a new dress generously! Facts prove that her skills in making costumes are beyond compare. No, no, no, no. Although Me was generously forced to put on a beautiful dress, Me must get a job and earn money and must come back and pay for it! Is this grammar a little strange in this sentence? Well...

Then, a rainbow fell near the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Rainbow Dash, a very awesome rainbow pony!

She was sleeping on the clouds. And She discovered that the three children had an accident. She rushed down quickly from the clouds-oh, the pegasus, Me must get a pair of wings for fun later-to catch them before they hit me. But fortunately, Me always remind me that Me am a unicorn. Thank for her kindness. She said she even planed to make a rainboom. Oh, it sounds great. That's her distinctive signature stunts! If Me later have a chance , Me must have a look at it!

After saying goodbye to them, Me went to Apple Jack's farm. Me was going to pick an apple because of thirst. But after looking around, Me found it was a farm and realized that these fruit trees could not be picked easily.

Then Me saw the orange pony, Apple Jack! She is very simple, very hearty. Her character is very nice. But why her popularity is very low? Wait, Me have her come on the stage in the final part... Eh, but there are many words to describe her! And the protagonist always comes to the final stage. Though it seems that Me is the protagonist in this novel... Manage it!

Apple Jack gave me an apple-of course, if Me accidentally stole one, it would be CSEC. Uh... All right, well, the consequence is serious and the end is cruel. Whisper to you, do not despise farmers! Do not discriminate against them! Otherwise, they will bring down the slave owners one day-oh, there is no slavery in the Equestria. Sorry, sorry! All in all, please do not discriminate against them.They have worked hard for so many years, and they are earth ponies, so their bodies must be very strong. Magic? Oh, please, before you use magic, you will be kicked over! Hum!

Oh, sorry, Me go off at a tangent...

Anyway, thanks to Apple Jack. Celestia! The apple they planted is so-the rating system... Oh, maybe...A little...Right?-It's so fucking delicious! Well! Oh,yeah!

And what? Well, Me met some nice ponies (such as being knocked down by Derpy, being infected by the happiness between Lyra and Bon Bon, being smoked by the smell of wine from Berry Punch, and so on. ) and enjoyed the sight of the buildings in ponyville.

In this way, the newbie task—familiar with the birth village—is completed.

Bonus: a new set of clothes, a history book, a map, an apple (already used).

The last thing is now, lying in bed, opening the diary, using the magic, saying what so that the pen can write what.

How convenient! Me love magic!

Oh, Vinyl and Octavia ware a little strange tonight, as if they were hiding something from me. Well...

Ok, that's all.

Good night, dear diary.

Good night, beloved mo...

Wait! What's the matter?

Who are you?

Oh... Celestia!

Is it illegal to write a diary with magic?

Me'm just a bit lazy!



Don't do that!

Wait... Well... Wait!

Let me say... The end! End...

Good night!

Me beloved moon!
