• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 296 Views, 1 Comments

Follow the Heart - Shadow CN Night

A filly loves the moon and struggles for her.

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File.5 Music · Pony · Night

June 18th, sunny and cloudy

Hello, diary.

Does little Shadow start like this?

I am Octavia. As you can see, I am writing this diary for Shadow today.

Of course, I have got her approval. The lovely little filly was so tired today that she was already drowsy after dinner, so she asked me to write for her once—I was with her all day today after all.

Shadow Night, a dark green unicorn filly, was still a minor child. I found her injured and fainted near the house a few days ago. Vinyl and I were frightened at that time. Fortunately, the next day she went out of bed in good condition and wandered around the town. Pinkie Pie held a welcome party for this filly who came to Ponyville for the first time. Vinyl and I performed a piece together again at the party.

Octa, it needn’t be too long to look back on the past, or the readers will say that it's just a day-to-day account —although me own diary is a little like this too. …

Please ignore the above words. Oh, this lively little filly can’t keep quiet even when sleeping.

She was a pony filled with mystery. She lost her memory and suddenly appeared in Ponyville. She seemed to have recovered a few memories, but she didn't tell us about them. Maybe she has her own concerns.

Anypony please tell me that she's not a bad pony—if She narrowed her body, pretended to be amnesia and planned some kind of conspiracy, it will be very terrible! Uh, sorry, it seems to be the plot from some comic. I wouldn’t read comics so often. I can ask Vinyl which one it is sometime. All in all, I think that plot is unlikely to happen.

Oh, off the track, this is the diary of little Shadow.

After visiting Vinyl's studio yesterday (oh, Vinyl is always like this. I'm used to it. ) , she was interested in music, and today she insisted that I could take her to my association. I had to follow—No way! After all, this little filly was... too cute to be rejected…

The Musicians' Association is an elite club with all kinds of musicians. It had performed at many major festivals and royal celebrations or banquets many times. It had a good reputation in Equestria and had a reputation in music circle. Unfortunately, in recent years, the number of the members of the association had been declining. After the association moved to Ponyville, only a few old members and new ponies were left.

Then I introduced little Shadow to the old members—of course, my old friends too. They will not waste the pen and ink of little Shadow introducing one by one, after all their story can not be written in just one simple diary.

They also attended the welcome party of little Shadow. When I told them that this lovely little filly had been injured and lost her memory, they all showed worry and concern. See how happy she was—the care of so many strange ponies could bring warm and light.

Today, our association practiced as usual—little Shadow said unexpectedly that this was the daily play. Music practice as play? Well... She was really special. She was so excited that she ran to almost every musician to listen to their music and shook her head with their rhythms, sometimes beating them with her hooves. Did I say she was so cute when beating the floor following the rhythms?

Unfortunately, there was a pianist who could not come because of his serious illness and even the repertoire of our latest performance had to change—he wasn’t able to let little Shadow shake her head.

And then, the little Shadow began to ask me to allow her to play the piano—oh, real “play”... But after all it’s not a big deal, I finally still agreed. Luckily, the other ponies didn't mind.

Little Shadow ran up to the piano foolishly --- oh, forgive me for using this adverb, but it's not much different in fact.

At first, she knocked the piano keys carefully one by one, and then she dared to play more and more keys. Her melody was getting more and more complicated too.

At first I thought she was just playing there. After all, she should have been in touch with the piano for the first time, shouldn’t she? But the next thing was beyond me and all the musicians' expectations. We even stopped our instruments, and listened to and watched this crazy performance.

Shadow was a piano genius; at least in my view, she was excellent. She was just "playing around". Right, yeah, that meant, "chaos". She closed her eyes and played Crazily. She only used the disharmonious intervals and a very small number of harmonious ones to complete the whole piece of music. Under her hooves, the disordered disharmonious intervals at least became harmonious. The original disharmony could be so harmonious actually! This was a very complete piano piece. It's beautiful, amazing and great!

Oh, after playing, we were all standing in the same place. A few seconds later, there was a loud sound of hooves all over the hell—she was even frightened to jump up. She explained that she had just played following her heart!? Maybe before she lost her memory, she had once learned the piano; maybe she was a concealed musician? Oh, Shadow Night, who were you?

Such a excellent musician could never be missed! I immediately asked her if she would join the association. She agreed decidedly—the premise is that she could play these instruments at will! Oh, the little filly…

For the rest of the day, Shadow stayed at the association, played the piano, played the guitar, exchanged with other ponies and made friends with Lyra Heartstrings—oh, she even asked her how to know Bon Bon and how to fall in love with each other… This kind of questions… When did this little filly become so gossipy?

As a result, Shadow was exhausted. A child who had been crazy all day, right.

Little Shadow had always hoped that she can find a job and move out in case of bothering us. It really made us worried. But I really didn't want her to leave so soon.

Anyway, tomorrow is sure to see little shadow. What will happen? Look forward to it!

Good night, lovely little filly!

Oh, it's usually music. I don't often write articles, diaries or something. I hope little Shadow won’t be abandoned—although she did not write well too in fact. But the diary, it should not be too rigid, shouldn’t?

Oh wait, almost forgot.

Good night, beloved moon.

Octavia closed Shadow Night’s diary and laid down her pen. Looking at sleeping Shadow beside her, Octavia smiled, slowed down, walked out of Shadow’s room and gently closed the door for her.

"Well... Sister... Sister... Me miss you… “

The little filly’s dream words came out of the room.

"Will you go out so late again,Vinyl? " Octavia complained to DJ, who was about to go out.

"Oh, sorry, Octa. I'm a bit busy lately. Don't worry! Is Shadow asleep? " She smiled at her special pony.

"She has fallen asleep. Well, watch your body and come back early. Even so, you should come back in the morning, right? “

"Ha , I am DJ! Remix, carnival, night! “

"Fine... Have a good time! Good night. “

"Good night.”

Vinyl kissed Octavia's cheek and walked out the door.

Octavia sighed, closed the door and went back to her room for rest.

The cellist was dreaming, but the crazy night belonged to DJ was just beginning, and the young filly talked in her dreams.

As the moon rose and brightened, this chapter ended in such a silent night.