• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 295 Views, 1 Comments

Follow the Heart - Shadow CN Night

A filly loves the moon and struggles for her.

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File.3 A surprise

June 16th, cloudy

Life is like a pink Pinkie pie. You never know when she will surprise you and what surprises she will bring.

Oh, Celesia! Look at this poor filly! She was frightened. Several unknown colts broke in, packed her up and took her away.

She was confused and alarmed. She even held a view that she would be taken to Princess Celesia and banished to the moon because she didn’t take the trouble but used the magic to keep her diary as the protagonist of the novel! But after careful reflection, it should not be possible. But if it became a reality, she would be happy! After all, she deeply loved the moon.

She spent a long time in the midst of turbulence. She knew neither the exact time nor where she had been taken. Maybe she had been taken out of Ponyville! She had only come to this town for two days and stayed in bed all two days. Oh, she's not a detective. How did detectives reason? Did they read the script ahead of time? She couldn't really imagine…

Finally, they stopped. She was at a loss. What was happening outside? She knew nothing about it. She closed her eyes and waited quietly. She could vaguely hear some movement outside.

Then the bag opened. She opened her eyes all of a suddle. The blood red pupils in the dark even shocked a few ponies. Ha~

She was very afraid. The magic had gathered on her horn. She was ready for final resistance. Then, the lights went on…
She was shocked to see that Pinkie Pie was carrying a cannon which could shut many ribbons. Octavia, Vinyl, Twilight, Rainbow, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, all the ponies she hadn't seen and she had seen the whole day today were here. They smiled and said, “Welcome to Ponyviie! ”

Oh, a surprise… This was a welcome party. She couldn't help laughing. She asked helplessly, "Oh, me Goddess, do you welcome everypony coming to Ponyviie like this? " Pinkie Pie’s answer was, of course, yes.

She almost thought she could be banished to the moon. Wow, kidnapped from bed at midnight, ran to Twilight’s library, had a welcome party. Oh, what a pleasant surprise!

Next was carnival.

Vinyl and Octavia performed a piece together. The electric sound and the cello. Oh, Celestia! How did they make such a tacit understanding? Completely different timbres intertwined—she really felt that they might be intertwined in some places too.

Pinkie Pie prepared a lot of food and drinks for the party. The ponies played frantically. They seemed to instantly accept her as a filly from nowhere. Maybe that was the charm of this town where the ponies were so friendly and enthusiastic.

Twilight’s library was full of laughter—the book-loving sister certainly added some protected magic to her bookshelves.

The party almost lasted all night.

While the sun rose, ponies came back home one after another. The library would be cleaned by Twilight herself, and of course Spike would help.

Pinkie Pie talked about the success of this party—besides, she knew her birthday (thanks to her memory), her favorite drinks (a simple cup of pearl milk tea) and her favorite foods (ice cream! Both chocolate and matcha flavors are nice). Maybe she would get a new invitation from this pink pony later.

Vinyl had got used to staying up late. She was a DJ. She worked all night. It's a hard job—but she liked it after all!

But Octavia was a little tired. The elegant cellist never stayed up late. She and Vinyl helped Octa back to the mixed house—the little bedroom they had left for her was right in the middle. She could enjoy both styles. That was awesome.

Set up Octavia, said goodnight to Vinyl—though the sun was coming out. She recalled the surprise party and walked back to her room with a sweet smile. Then she collapsed exhausted on the bed and soon fell asleep.

And then…

Oh, Celestia! Oh, me Goddess! Oh, me God!

Me almost slept all day! When Me woke up, Me wanted to find Vinyl and Octavia, and then Me saw…

Vinyl and Octavia were kissing!!!

Was it embarrassing?

Not embarrassed—just for me! For them… They might be very embarrassed! Ha!

Octavia and Vinyl, who took me in, were lovers!!!

Well, although I had seen Lyra and Bon Bon very close yesterday. But a kiss! Oh! A kiss!

Oh, Princess Luna!

Actually, Me didn't pay much attention to the sex of the pony Me fell in love with. If Me really fell in love with the same sex, it's no big deal. Uh, Me'm not an adult yet. Now, it's not appropriate to talk about love.

Me asked Octa and Vinyl how they became each other's special pony. They told me. Oh, their stories were really tortuous and romantic. Like a movement, ups and downs. The notes were dancing, so beautiful!

What? Write it down? Please, Me was the protagonist! If Me wrote down their stories... Oh, it’s too long…

Of course, apart from their love, Me also knew that these two musicians had gone through so many hardships. Chasing dreams, being defeated by defeats, experiencing pain and tears. Now, they were successful. Living in a small town with the favorite pony, playing piano and ensemble at will. Oh, their combination was not too low in Equestria. They were called DJ&Cellist. They even sent albums! Me must listen to them!

Oh, it's great to live with them.

However, Me still have to leave here. Me can't always depend on them. Me have to find a place to live and work. Of course, the most important thing is to retrieve me memories.

Of course, now, enjoy the warm time with Octavia and Vinyl! Me hope it's not too early to leave. Me should still live in Ponyville. Well, Me can find a place closer to them.

Oh, oh, it's getting late. Me don't want to stay up again!

Uh, there should be nopony to kidnap me tonight. Right?

No… Right?

OK... So... As usual!

Good night, dear diary!

Good night, beloved moon!