• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,365 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

  • ...

A New Enemy Approaches

Galaxy Warriors

It was showtime for their latest episode in the Warrior Dome.

Cosmo said, “Ladies and gentlemonsters from across the universe, welcome to another exciting episode of Galaxy Warriors! I know you’re all eager to find out which next contestant will be lucky enough to bring all the Power Stars to our show and become the new Galaxy Warriors champion. We’ll today, I brought out our...”

Cosmo gets cut off by the contestant, “Yeah yeah we get it already!” He saw a Kudabot as if it was standing his way, “Hey! Out of my way!” He threw the Kudabot off the stage with his super strength.

“Hey! What’s your big problem here?!” Cosmo’s face changed into an angry expression.

“The name’s Niox and I’m here to destroy the Rangers and collect the Power Stars. So let’s get this show rolling and move on.” Niox demanded.

“Umm...” Cosmo stuttered.

Niox grabbed him by the collar, getting ready to punch him in the face (or faces), “Do you have a problem with me?!” Cosmo’s face changed into a shocking expression.

Cosmo panicked, “Ugh, no sir. I don’t have a problem with you Mr. Niox.”

“Good. Now send me to Earth. Or else!!”

Cosmo’s face changed into a happy expression, “You’ve got it, sir. And before you go, take this with you.” Cosmo offered him a blaster.

“What’s this?” Niox asked before he took it.

“It’s a surprise. Madame Odius and her team made this for you.”

“Hmph, whatever.” Niox said, looking like he didn’t like the gift.

Cosmo looked at the audience, “Anyways, let’s get this show rolling.” The audience cheered as Cosmo hit the switch of the Stage Machine to send Niox to Earth and challenge the Ninja Steel Rangers.

Meanwhile, Madame Odius and Badonna were watching at the command center.

“Hmm, he’s got some attitude in him. I like it. Keep rolling.”

“Madame Odius, did you tell Niox about the instructions of the invention that we made?” Badonna asked.

“Don’t worry, I already told him what to do and I got it all planned out.” Madame Odius said before she sinisterly laughed.

Summer Cove

Summer Cove High School

Outside of the school, Preston was practicing his magic skills while his friends were doing their own stuff at their base of operations.

“Hi, Preston.” Sarah greeted.

“Oh, hi, Sarah. How are you doing?” Preston asked.

“I’m good. Just running some diagnostics on my hoverboard and practicing my ninja skills with our friends.” Sarah said.

“I’m doing fine, just practicing my magic skills.” Preston answered.

“Okay. But, how come you’re not practicing with us?” Sarah asked.

“Because I have to perform a little magic show for someone’s birthday in 3 days.” Preston answered.

“Oh, okay. I understand. If you need an assistant, you can always come to us for help.” Sarah understood Preston’s situation.

Preston answered while practicing his magic skills, “Thanks, I’ll consider it.”

They both smiled after having their conversation with each other. Then, their Ninjacoms rang.

“Uh-oh, that sounds like trouble.” Preston said.

“Yep, I agree with you.” Sarah said.

Brody and their friends came along to notify them.

“Guys. We got a monster to take care of. Let’s go!” Brody ordered.

The six heroic teenagers ran to find Niox.

Niox arrived on Earth and terrorized the people in their city until the six heroic teens showed up.

“There he is.” Levi said as he and the rest of his friends came by to stop Niox.

“Stop right there. Who are you?” Brody asked.

“The name’s Niox. I’m Korvaka’s little brother.”

“Korvaka?” Brody asked.

“That’s right. I’m here to avenge my fallen brother by destroying you all. Plus, I’ll be taking those Power Stars with me.” Niox demanded.

“Not today you furry feline. If you do really miss him that much, we’ll be happy to help you with that.” Calvin answered.

“We’re not going to let you or Madame Odius take our Power Stars today.

“Very well then, have it your way.” Niox got into his battle stance, “Hiya!”

“It’s Morphin’ Time!” Brody ordered.

The six teens said in unison, “Power Star, lock in. Ready. Ninja spin!”

The six teenagers morphed into the Ninja Steel Rangers.

“Lion Fire. Ninja Spin.” Ninja Steel Red morphed into the Lion Fire Red Ranger.

“Ninja Rangers, fear no danger.”

Niox and the Rangers clashed. Thus, the fight is on.

The Rangers fought their enemy with everything they got. The Buzzcams filmed everything that they see between the opposing sides and the monsterific audience loved it. However, The Rangers were no match for Niox.

“Battle Morpher: Bow Mode!” Ninja Steel Blue aimed at the enemy, “Arrow Blast!” He shot some arrows at Niox, but he deflected with his sword.

“What?” Ninja Steel Blue shockingly said.

Niox used his super speed and struck the Ninja Steel Blue Ranger with his sword a couple of times before he fell down in defeat. “Agh!”

“That’s it! You’re going down you kitty cat. Battle Morpher: Blade Mode!” Ninja Steel Yellow charged at the enemy and sharpened his blade morpher to strike him, “Blade Slash!”

Niox countered it with his sword and gave him a couple of quick strikes before he was defeated as well. “Oof.”

“Ninja Blaster!” Ninja Steel Pink and White blasted Niox dozens of lasers, but Niox countered when his sword changed into a big laser blaster.

“Oh, no!” Both Rangers said in unison.

“Ha! Fire!” Niox fired his blaster on to the Pink and White Rangers.

“No!” They both fell to the ground.

“Rockstar Blast!” Ninja Steel Gold blasted multiple shots on Niox with his Rockstorm Guitar, but Niox dodged them very fast and countered it with his own blaster.

“Fire!” Niox said, as the lasers blasted the Ninja Steel Gold Ranger.

“Agh!” He fell down in defeat.

“Levi!” Ninja Steel Red said before he ran up to check on him. “Are you okay, bro?”

He groaned, “He’s too strong. Do whatever it takes to defeat him.”

“You got it. Just stay put,” The Lion Fire Red Ranger locked his eyes on to Niox, “You’re going to be sorry for hurting my brother!” He got into his fighting stance and ran up to him. “Hiya!”

“Bring it!” Niox yelled before he clashed with the Lion Fire Red Ranger. They both put up a good fight, but the Red Ranger wasn’t too strong against Niox.

Niox hit him with a couple of sword strikes and laser blasts before he powered down to his Ninja Ranger form. He fell down and panted, “You’re good, but we won’t let you take our Ninja Power Stars.”

“Oh, really? Let’s see how you handle this.” Niox pulled out the new weapon that Madame Odius created. As he was ready to fire, the Ninja Steel Red Ranger kicked it out of his hands and send it flying down to the ground. Thus, it created some sort of glitch as it impacted. None of the Buzzcams caught the footage.

“No!” Niox said, before he used his super speed to find the weapon.

Meanwhile in the Galaxy Warriors control room...

“Oh, no, your creation has been destroyed.” Badonna panicked.

“Patience, my general. I’m sure there is nothing to worry about. Besides, I got it all figured it out.” Madame Odius said.

Back on Earth, Ninja Steel Red went to check on his friends if they’re okay.

“You guys okay?” Ninja Steel Red asked.

“A little battle damage isn’t going to scare us.” Ninja Steel Blue said before the rest of the Rangers struggled to get up.

“C’mon, let’s regroup before he comes back.” Ninja Steel Red said.

“Surprise!” Niox said.

The Red Ranger turned around at the last minute before Niox performs the final blow.

“Laser Barrage Attack!” Niox fired many lasers with his blaster, sending them crashing down to the ground with a huge explosion behind them.

The Ninja Steel Rangers were demorphed. Thus, Brody and his friends were officially screwed like sitting ducks.

“Oh, man, this isn’t good. Whatever happens to us, we’ll always be best friends until the end of time.” Brody said as he gave out his final speech. His friends stood up as well.

Niox said his final words before he prepares the final blow, “Now say bye-bye to your precious Ninja stars.” Niox pulled the trigger and fired the shot on the Rangers. Thus, Brody and his friends were no where to be found.

Niox looked at the Buzzcam, “It’s done. The Rangers should be on your ship now just like you asked Madame Odius.”

Back in the Galaxy Warriors spaceship, Madame Odius, Badonna, Cosmo, the audience and the rest of the crew celebrated with ease. “Yes! My plan worked. Now, it’s time for me to head up onstage.” She exited the control room to enter onstage. Cosmo used the Stage Machine to transport Niox back onstage from Earth. Right next to it was a cage covered in a big black cloak.

“Yes! This was the best episode that we ever witnessed today. Now, it’s time for the big finale!” Cosmo cheered.

“Yes Mr. Cosmo, we’ve all been waiting for this moment to come. However, the Ninja Nexus Prism is still intact on Earth. But don’t worry, Niox will take care of it. Now ladies and gentlemonsters, are you all ready to see the Power Rangers in all of their glory?”

The audience cheered, waiting for the moment to come.

“I think the audience is ready. Drum roll please?” Cosmo asked.

The drums were rolling, waiting for the cage to be unveiled. They were all shaking in their feet with evilish excitement.

“Now ladies and gentlemonsters, I present to you... the Power Rangers!”

The Basher Bots unveiled the cage from the cloak. However, all they see in the cage was nothing.

“WHAT?! How can this be?!” Cosmo and Odius shockingly asked in unison. The audience booed, but Cosmo tries to calm them down. Madame Odius confronted Niox, “What did you do to them?!”

“I did what you said, they should be on their way now!” Niox said.

“What happened to my invention?”

“It got knocked off, but I managed to recover it. Here.” Niox gave Odius the transporting device.

She checked on it and growled, “Argh! There’s some glitches in it.” She looked at one of the Kudabots and said, “Fix this immediately! Now!” The Basher Bots grabbed her invention and ran off to fix it.

Madame Odius exited onstage and talked to herself, “I was so close to getting those Power Stars. Looks like I’m going back to square one. The question is, where are they now?”

Meanwhile, a portal appeared in the middle of the road. Brody and his friends fell out of the portal berore it closes. Thus, they were all transported to another dimension.

“Woah, where are we?” Calvin asked.

“Are we in the Antiverse again?” Sarah asked.

“No, this doesn’t look like the Antiverse at all. It looks, peaceful.” Hayley said.

Preston looked at the sign that says, “Welcome to Canterlot City.”

“Canterlot City? I’ve never heard of that name before.” Preston said, feeling puzzled.

“Nice job, Preston, you found a place where we could stay at.” Levi said.

“So what now, Brody? What are we going to do now that we’re in another dimension?” Sarah asked.

“I don’t know, but we gotta find some help and figure out a way to get back to our dimension.” Brody ordered.

“I agree. Let’s do it!” Levi said.

“Yeah!” Everyone agreed in unison and followed Brody to find some help and a place to stay in... at Canterlot City.

Author's Note:

Pronunciation: /knee-ox/

Niox is based on Benglo, one of the Fearcats who previously appeared in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.