• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,372 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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Rescue Mission

Zhane continued to fight his way against a squad of Basherbots and knocked them all down. Madame Odius looked from the security monitors and saw what was going on inside their ship. She looked furious and said, “What? Who’s taking out our Basherbots?!”

One of the Kudabots saw Zhane on one of their security monitors and alerted Madame Odius.

The fox growled, “Another Ranger on board? Not on my watch! Badonna, take care of our uninvited guest.”

“Your wish is my command.” Badonna replied and bowed to her. She left and looked at the four Basherbots who were guarding the halls, “You four, come with me!”

The Basherbots escorted Badonna to help her find Zhane and take him out.

Zhane kept on eliminating more Basherbots and reached the cell room. He entered and found Sheriff Skyfire inside his cell after mopping the floors on the ship.

“Sheriff?” Zhane called as he approached his cell.

Sheriff Skyfire looked up and saw Zhane in his Silver Space Ranger form. “Zhane? Thank goodness you’re here. How in the galaxies did you find me?”

“Long story, but right now, I’m busting you outta here!” Zhane said. He used his Super Silverizer and sliced the bars into pieces. Not only that, he also cut off the chains of Sheriff Skyfire that were chained on his wrists and ankles.

“Thanks for the save, but we need to find my weapons and rescue two more prisoners.” Sheriff Skyfire informed Zhane.

Zhane said, “Sounds like an excellent idea, my friend. Let’s go!”

Zhane and Skyfire ran as fast as they could to find the armory room where Skyfire’s weapons were being held, but it’s guarded by two Basherbots. The two heroes reached the armory room and fought off against the two Basherbots. After they were eliminated, Skyfire entered the room while Zhane backed him up if more Basherbots were coming in to look for them. Skyfire found his weapons and gears up.

Sheriff Skyfire was pumped and ready to go and said, “Oh, yeah! The sheriff’s back in business!”

“Alright, let’s get moving.” Zhane ordered, making sure his friend doesn’t get left behind.

As they move on, they’re stopped by Badonna and her four Basherbots, blocking their path to find Pinkie and Starlight and escape the spaceship.

“Where do you think you two are going?” Badonna asked.

Sheriff Skyfire said, “We’re here to save our captives.”

“I’m afraid they’re occupied at the moment. So be good prisoners and walk back to your prison cells.” Badonna said.

Zhane answered to Badonna as he drew his weapon in hand, “Not gonna happen.”

“And here I thought we’re going to be good friends.” She chuckled before the jokes were off, “Oh well. Destroy them.” Badonna ordered the Basherbots. The four Basherbots attacked Zhane and Skyfire to prevent them from going forward.

Skyfire slashed two Basherbots with his katana while Zhane took out two more like it was easy.

“Ha! Piece of cake.” Zhane commented.

“Not for long it is.” Badonna said and she started attacking Skyfire and the Silver Space Ranger with her metal-bladed fans.

They both dodged her attacks and the three combatants were at a standstill. But then, Skyfire had an idea in his mind. “Zhane, think you can hold her off a little longer? I’m going to find the girls and rescue them.” Skyfire whispered to him. From then on, they continued their conversation in whispers and Badonna wasn’t sure what they’re talking about.

“Girls?” Zhane asked in confusion.

Skyfire replied to him, “I’m talking about the other two prisoners.”

Zhane understood what he meant and they stopped speaking in whispers. “Oh, okay. I’ll see you on the flip side.” Zhane said

Skyfire said, “Right back at ya.” The sheriff ran off to find Pinkie and Starlight alone.

“Hey! Come back here!” Badonna yelled and went after him. However, Zhane blocked her path.

“Oh, no you don’t, young lady. You deal with me.” Zhane said, getting ready to fight her again.

Badonna laughed and asked, “Do you really think you have a chance to take me on?”

“Listen, I fought many bad guys like you before. So this should be no different. Plus, I want this a fair fight.” Zhane said, feeling confident as ever.

Badonna replied, “Touché, ranger. Yet you make a good point. However, the Basherbots are still continuing their search for your friend and when I’m finished with you, you can join him in his cell.”

“We’ll see about that.” Zhane said as he gets ready to use his Super Silverizer.

The two clashed once more outside the armory room only for Skyfire to rescue Pinkie and Starlight. Sheriff Skyfire continued running on a clear path in the ship, but he went to the storage room to hide himself as more Basherbots were coming in to find him. As they left, Sheriff Skyfire exited the storage room and resumed running until he found the control room where the Kudabots are monitoring the show. He entered and said, “Surprise!”

“What?!” Madame Odius shouted, as she and a few Kudabots saw him.

Skyfire threw a smoke pellet in the room as the Kudabots drew their weapons and it created a large puff of smoke and blind his enemies. Within the smoke, he took down the Kudabots, took out the controls to the ship’s defense systems and cut the power off on the stage, causing it to create a blackout. Madame Odius cleared the smoke with her fan and saw her destroyed Kudabots and the main power on the stage.

“Oh, no!” Madame Odius yelled. She felt furious and said, “He’ll pay for this!” Then, two Basherbots showed up and entered the control room. She looked right at them and said, “You two, find Skyfire and the two clowns onstage. Now!”

The two Basherbots ran to find the three prisoners and exited the control room.

As the power went out, the audience gasped as Pinkie and Starlight found the perfect opportunity to escape.

“Now’s our chance, Pinkie!” Starlight yelled as she got off the stage.

Pinkie replied, “Right behind ya!” She too got off the stage and followed Pinkie. They exited the show without leaving a trace for their new enemies. After that, they ran into Sheriff Skyfire.

“Pinkie. Starlight. Are you two okay?” Skyfire asked.

Starlight replied, “We sure are. Thanks for asking.”

“No problem. Anyway, we need to find our way outta here before more guards show up.” Skyfire informed them.

Pinkie said in a cheerful mood, “Okie dokie lokie, Skyfire. Lead the way.”

They resumed running to find a way to escape from Madame Odius and her fleet. As they were continuing to run, they stopped and found Zhane.

Zhane said, “Skyfire. Thank goodness you’re alright.” He then saw Pinkie and Starlight, “So, these are the two prisoners you were talking about?”

“Yes sir. These two were very brave to stand up against Madame Odius.” Sheriff Skyfire said.

Starlight said, “That’s correct. Pleasure to meet you, Mister...”

Zhane introduced himself to the two girls and said, “Zhane. I’m the Silver Space Ranger.”

“Cool!” Pinkie cheered.

Sheriff Skyfire cleared his throat and said, “Sorry to cut this short, but let’s save the introductions later. Right now, we need to find our way to escape.”

“Skyfire’s right. There’s no telling how many robots are there to come in and catch us again.” Starlight added and agreed Skyfire’s statement.

“No need to worry, I got a ride.” Zhane said.

“Really?!” Pinkie said before she hugged him and started jumping up and down repeatedly, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much Zhane.”

Zhane replied to Pinkie, “Umm... you’re welcome.”

The four intruders continued running inside the ship to find the exit.

“So, how did you manage to get away from Badonna?” Skyfire asked.

Zhane answered, “I took out her weapons and threw a bucket of paint on her.”

Skyfire reacted, “Ooh, she must be really angry that you ruined her dress.”

“Oh, it was nothing. However, I got her keycard to bypass the entrance door and exit this spaceship.” Zhane said as he showed them the keycard.

“Good thinking, Zhane.” Starlight complimented the Silver Space Ranger.

“Uh-oh, my Pinkie Sense is tingling.” Pinkie alerted her friends.

Skyfire asked, “Um, what’s Pinkie Sense?”

Starlight explained to him, “Oh, that. She only uses it when she senses danger.”

Just as expected, Pinkie was right. They found more Basherbots blocking their path. On top of that, more Basherbots came in from behind and surrounded the intruders.

“Great... just what need. More Basherbots.” Skyfire said.

Zhane comforted him, “Relax. This shouldn’t take us long.”

“Well, since we don’t have our weapons, we’re just going use our fists and kicks to do the talking.” Starlight said.

“Yeah! Let’s do this, Pinkie Pie Style!” Pinkie yelled as she posed like a crane in a kung-fu movie.

They all took down and beat the living scrap out of those Basherbots. Once that’s done, they continued running along in their escape route until they found a big door.

“Guys, I found something. This must be the entrance to the ship.” Starlight said as she looked at the door in front of her.

Skyfire, Zhane and Pinkie Pie arrived and saw the entrance door. Zhane said, “Good job. Now let me take care of the rest.”

Pinkie Pie took out her fanny pack from her hair and unzipped it. “Good thing I brought this with me.” She took out a lot of stuff like a rubber chicken, a whoopie cushion, and other prank tools until she found something, “Aha! Found it!” She took out a space helmet for her and another from her fanny pack. “Here you go, Starlight.”

“Thanks, Pinkie.” Starlight thanked her friend.

Skyfire was surprised and confused to see a big space helmet that came out of Pinkie’s fanny pack. He asked, “How did those space helmets get inside that small bag?”

Starlight informed him about Pinkie’s antics, “It’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. So don’t question about it and just go with it.” She then put on her space helmet and Pinkie did the same.

“Umm... okay then.” Skyfire replied.

Zhane used a keycard to bypass the security lock and opened the door. They exited the main entrance and made their way to the hangar where the small, alien spacecrafts are parked.

Pinkie gasped, feeling excited and said, “Wow. We’re in outer space!”

Starlight looked around in wonder, feeling amazed that it was her first time to be in space. “I never thought I’d be in space before, but this is so cool.” After that, she turned around and saw the planet, Earth. “Wow. So this is what Earth looks like from way up here. Twilight is going to be so jealous when I come back to Equestria.”

Zhane called his friends, “Hey guys! I found our ride. Let’s go before they catch us.”

The gang leaped forward and entered the small spacecraft that Zhane owned. As they went inside, they took their seats and Zhane sat on the pilot seat to take control of his ship. Pinkie and Starlight took off their helmets, feeling relaxed as ever.

“Buckle your seat belts, everyone. We’re going to head towards Earth right now.” Zhane informed them.

He pressed some buttons and his spacecraft thrusted its engines, getting ready to take off. Pinkie and Starlight took off their helmets, feeling relaxed as ever. Everyone buckled their seat belts and Zhane’s ship took off and headed straight towards Earth.

Madame Odius watched from the security cameras on the ship and saw Zhane’s spaceship getting ready to head towards Earth. Badonna came in, feeling sad that she was splattered with paint.

“Madame Odius. I’m sorry that I failed you, but look what that Ranger did to my dress!” Badonna cried.

Madame Odius said in an anger tone, “Of course you failed! Who do you think I am? A bumbling idiot?!”

“No, sire. But what should we do with them now?” Badonna replied.

“They don’t concern me anymore, Badonna. They’re just pawns getting ready to be crushed. Now go wash off and fix the control set before I destroy you.” Madame Odius ordered her.

“Yes, Madame.” Badonna replied and left the control room.

Madame Odius vowed, “You won’t get away that easily, you cowards. Mark my words. I will emerge victorious after I claim all the Power Stars and rule not just the universe, but the entire multiverse itself.” Madame Odius laughed with pure evil, waiting to seize her opportunity and claim what’s rightfully hers.