• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,372 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

  • ...

Heroes Forever, Defending Together!

After their epic battle, The Ninja Steel Rangers, Rainbooms, and Ninja Turtles head back to the island and powered themselves down, changing them back to their normal forms. Tommy and the rest of the Legendary Rangers along with Leo’s friends came by to congratulate them.

Mikey cheered, "That. WAS. AWESOME!"

"No doubt about it." Rainbow Dash said as they both give themselves a high-five to each other.

Sheriff Skyfire stated, "Well, now that he’s finished. Our work here is done."

"Agreed. Now let’s go back home and..." Mick said before he was interrupted by Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie shouted from the top of her lungs, "WAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!"

The Rangers, Mick, Redbot, Alpha Six, and Skyfire were startled by this.

Pinkie Pie informed everyone, "A victory and new friendship like this deserves a big party. And since no one’s around, we can have it right here. Can we have a party right here please?"

"A beach party you say? I love it! Let's do it!" Ziggy responded.

Starlight answered, "Okay. Let’s celebrate."

"Great! Let's party!" Pinkie cheered as she jumped up in the air with her fist up in the sky.

"Alright. I guess we deserve a celebration like this before we head back home." Tommy suggested as Billy and Kimberley agreed with their old friend.

The heroes enjoyed the beach party as they're all relaxed and having themselves a good time. Preston managed to set up a performance stage and performed his tricks.

"And now, I will pull a rabbit from my hat." Preston said as he reached in, but grabbed something slimy and pulled out Bishop's Utrom body.

"AAAH!" Preston freaked out as he dropped the hat, but Twilight saved Bishop's Utrom body with her magic.

Preston and his audience were unfazed by the Utrom while watching Bishop climb back into his suit.

Bishop apologized, "My apologies for you having to see that. And you may want to throw some carrots into your hat."

Preston responded, "Uhh... right."

The scenery just became awkward afterwards.

RJ was asked by the Shadowbolts to be their sparring partner, which he agreed to.

RJ complimented, "You five show potential, but could use some more training."

Sugarcoat replied, "I was hoping you might say that."

The Shadowbolts and RJ continued sparring with each other.

Meanwhile, Tori was already hitting the waves and continued surfing with Applejack, Casey, and Rainbow Dash.

"Wow Tori. You're very good at this!" Rainbow Dash complimented.

Applejack asked her, "When did you become a pro surfer?"

Tori chuckled, "I started surfing when I was a teenager like you guys."

"That's awesome, but I got an idea. Let’s compete who can hang ten the longest?" Casey asked.

Rainbow replied, "Oh you're so on Casey. Let's go!"

Tori giggled and said, "Okay. I accept your challenge. But be warned, I'm a pro. So don't hold back."

"Trust us. We won't." Applejack answered.

The four competitors surfed against each other until they were wiped out. Minutes later, Tori won against the teens.

"Well done Tori. I hope we can do this someday." Rainbow vowed.

Tori said, "Oh I'm sure we will, girl."

The four surfers fist bumped at each other for good sportsmanship

Meanwhile, Daggeron approached Princess Twilight and Leo asked them, "So what kind of magic did that Fearcat possessed?"

"Equestrian Magic." Princess Twilight answered in honesty.

Daggeron replied, "Equestrian magic? I've never heard such kind of magic that existed in this world. Tell me more."

As Twilight and Leo explained, Daggeron couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Daggeron commented, "This is unbelievable."

"I was skeptical once, too. But every word is the solid truth." Leo said.

"Fascinating, I should add that to the books." Daggeron suggested, thinking that someday a future generation of Power Rangers can learn more about types of magic from different dimensions.

As for Jenji, he was occupied with telling stories to Ziggy, Sonata, Mikey, and Pinkie Pie which they all listened with great interest.

"Wow! Those were some fascinating stories right there, Jenji." Pinkie Pie said, feeling elated.

Jenji replied, "Oh, it was nothing."

"Say umm, how did you became a Power Ranger?" Sonata asked.

Ziggy looked around and pointed to him, "Me?"

"Yeah, you bruh." Mikey explained.

"You know, it's a kind of a funny story actually." Ziggy answered while scratching his head with embarrassment.

Pinkie Pie got close to his face and said, "Tell us, my friend."

Ziggy explained the situation he and his team was in, much to the girls’ horror.

"So you used to be a part of a mafia?" Sonata asked.

Ziggy answered, “Yeah, I was,” He then narrated his explanation in a flashback sequence, “But, I betrayed them and decided to help and deliver the medical supplies to the orphanage. It was a bumpy road ahead of me, but I managed to get away from those Grinders.”

“Grinders?” Mikey asked.

Ziggy answered again, “Venjix's foot soldiers.”

"Aww, that was very brave of you, despite your uh... stupidity." Sonata complimented.

Ziggy replied while feeling proud of himself, "Thanks. And when I became the Green Ranger, my team were pretty shocked about it."

Much to everyone's amusement, Ziggy narrated the scene in a flashback again, "My buddy, Dillion, and Tenaya were fighting over the RPM Morpher until it landed on my wrist and she accidentally let me morphed into the Green Ranger. It was surprising, but awesome."

Everyone laughed, including Ziggy.

Ziggy said, "I'd have given it back, but Dillion said it was safer in my care."

Mikey: Sounds like a nice guy.

Ziggy: He gave me a ride when our world's atmosphere was poisonous, so yeah, pretty nice.

The trio stopped laughing when they heard "Poisonous".

"Poisonous?" Sonata asked.

Ziggy nodded and explained his story in a flashback again, "That's right. Back in my dimension, ten years ago, my world was filled with a toxic atmosphere and almost conquered by a virus named Venjix. However, humanity was sheltered in the dome city of Corinth and we were lucky. I was a part of the team of Power Rangers and kept humanity safe from Venjix. After weeks of strategizing, Venjix and his robotic army came to our turf and battled them. After that, we shut them down and saved our planet."

The trio were amazed and horrified.

Pinkie Pie said, "Dude, the suspense in your flashback was just awesome."

"Thanks. In my world nowadays is starting to heal and people are prospering." Ziggy informed them.

Mikey asked, "And your team?"

Ziggy answered, "Gone our separate ways and live out our normal lives."

"That makes sense. Congrats on saving your dimension and stuff." Jenji said.

Ziggy smiled, "Thank you. By the way, I still keep in touch with my old friends back in my dimension. I’m sure they’ll be fine. Let's move on with my backstory and show you guys some shadow puppets that I've been working on."

"Okay, show us." Mikey replied.

"Alright then. Let the show begin." Ziggy said.

Jenji made a little puppet stage appeared with his magic and Ziggy started performing his shadow puppets.

Meanwhile, Calvin and Donnie were helping Zhane repairing the spaceship while Maya, Sarah, and Fluttershy were checking out the animal Zords from Hayley, Tori, and Kimberly.

Fluttershy asked the girls, "Does every Zord come in the form of an animal?"

Hayley answered, “Not all Zords come in the form of animals.”

"That's correct. Zords can be vehicles, dinosaurs, or animals. Depending on which team it’s affiliated to." Sarah answered.

Fluttershy smiled and said, "I'd love to see the animal based ones."

"Something in the back of my mind tells me we love to see what my sensei was once." Tori mentioned, but the girls looked at the water ninja in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" Kimberly asked.

Tori sighed, "My sensei was a guinea pig years ago."

Fluttershy replied, "Huh, what are the odds? My sensei was turned into a rat."

Tori asked, "Normal size or human size?"

“Human size.” Fluttershy answered.

Tori responded, "Your's was lucky."

Hayley asked Tori, "Your sensei was turn into a guinea pig and shrunk to the size, too?

Tori answered, "No, he was small, but my team and I couldn't believe it either."

"So what happened to your sensei?" Fluttershy asked.

Tori answered, "Years ago, our sensei was back to his normal self after my team and I defeated our villain, Lothor."

Fluttershy nodded, but she started getting upset on missing Master Splinter.

Sarah asked her, "What's the matter, Flutters?"

Fluttershy explained the story of her teacher and Shredder, which shocked and saddened them.

Hayley said, "That's horrible."

Tori suggested, "And I thought Lothor was heartless."

“I understand how you ladies feel, but we defeated Shredder and Master Splinter can finally rest in peace.” Fluttershy stated, wiping her tears off her face.

Jenji came by and asked, “Need a tissue?”

Fluttershy took the tissue and wiped her tears away.

Jenji said, "I'm not good at this. But I think I can honestly say wherever Master Splinter is, at least he's with the woman he loves."

After hearing Jenji’s speech, Fluttershy hugged him.

Jenji blushed and said as he hugged Fluttershy back, "Aww..."

However, Daggeron saw the whole thing and chuckled. Jenji wanted to stop, but felt Fluttershy needed this.

Fugitoid asked Sunset, "So who are these new friends that you’re talking about?"

"Them." Sunset Shimmer said as she showed Fugitoid her new friends: Mick, Redbot, and Alpha Six.

Sunset introduced them to Fugitoid, "Guys, I like you to meet my good friend, Fugitoid."

"Hello. It’s nice to meet you all." Fugitoid mentioned.

Redbot commented, "Wow, you’re a robot just like me. Awesome!"

"Aye, yai, yai, yai, yai! This is so exciting!" Alpha Six cheered.

"Who knew that Redbot can make new friends with another robot. I’m glad it's not evil." Mick said.

Sunset told him, "Don't worry, he's not evil like those Kudabots and some other robots that my friends fought."

"Oh, well that's nice." Mick complimented.

The three robots including Mick and Sunset Shimmer continued their conversation about their origins and happy moments during their normal lives.

Meanwhile, Donnie chatted with Billy about how Zords work and Ranger powers work.

"Overall, we're basically chosen to protect the universe." Billy answered.

Donnie commented with excitement, "Fascinating. And you and your friends were the first?"

Billy answered, "Yes. I only wish Tommy gained his powers like us."

"What do you mean?" Donnie asked in confusion.

Billy explained how Rita Replusa made Tommy her puppet and Donnie felt disgusted, the same way he felt with Dark Codex.

Donnie asked, "Guess her plan backfired?"

Tommy came by and answered, "Correct, young turtle. It was the worst experience I ever had when it comes to mind-controlled villains like Rita Repulsa."

Billy remembered something from his memory and asked his old pal, "What about the time Prince Gasket tricked you into thinking you were the machine king?"

Donnie became confused again and asked, "Huh?"

Tommy explained what happened during his time as part of the Zeo Power Rangers and Billy laughed at his old friend's mistake.

Donnie said, "Reminds me what happened to a friend of mine."

Then, Rarity came by and asked them, "Hello guys. Can I use your Power Ranger suits as inspiration?"

"Inspiration? What do you mean by that?" Billy asked.

Donnie told the legends, "Rarity is a fashion designer. She's a pretty good one, too."

"And your Ranger outfits are a perfect inspiration for me." Rarity said.

"Interesting. What do you think, Tommy?" Billy asked.

Tommy answered, "You’re gonna have more than one color with me."

Rarity replied, "I can't argue with that, but okay."

Donnie rolled his eyes, knowing that was slightly hypocritical.

Meanwhile, Sheriff Skyfire and Mona Lisa were having a marksman contest.

"You guys ready?" Aria asked.

The duo got their blasters ready and said in unison, "Ready."

Aria shouted, "Go!"

The pair started firing at The soda cans lined up.

Each one was a bullseye for the pair.

When they got to the last can, the score was 10 each.

Sheriff Skyfire suggested, "You first. Wouldn't he polite to keep a lady waiting."

"Alright," Mona fired the last shot, but she missed. "Oh well." She sighed.

Sheriff Skyfire patted her back, "Good try though."

"Thank you." Mona replied.

Sheriff Skyfire took position and targeted the soda can. He aimed at the soda can, fired the shot, and it nailed the can, giving Sheriff Skyfire the win.

“Congratulations. You win.” Mona said, applauding him for the win.

Sheriff Skyfire replied, "Thank you. But you were great competition. You'd been a fine officer."

Mona smiled and said, “Thank you Sheriff Skyfire. I appreciate that.”

The rest of the heroes continued to play volleyball together until Levi started playing his guitar, giving a live performance that got everyone in a good mood and turned their attention to him.

Bebop commented, "Mmhmm! Nothing beats good music."

"Agreed." Rocksteady said.

Adagio told them, "Well what are you waiting for? Let's go check it out."

The rest of the heroes went to check out Levi with his musical performance. Minutes later, The Rainbooms accompanied Levi to help with his musical performance. As everyone enjoyed the music, Leo saw Brody sneak away and it didn’t take long for him to catch up.

Leo questioned Brody, "Wanting to sneak away from your brother’s performance?"

Brody shook his head and answered, "Nah. Just needed some peace and quiet. Thanks for the help with Niox."

"You'd have done the same for us." Leo replied.

Brody replied, "Oh, it was nothing. After all, we're all heroes in our own way. Right?"

"I can’t complain about that." Leo chuckled.

Brody suggested, "If you or any of your allies need our help, don't hesitate to ask. We'll be there to help."

"Same goes for your team." Leo responded as the two shook their hands, sealing their new friendship.

The sun was beginning to set and the heroes gathered around to say their farewells.

Brody informed everyone, "It's hard to say goodbye, but we can't leave Odius to attack our home."

April nodded, "We understand."

Will told Brody and his team, "Yeah. I don’t think this is the last time you'll see her again."

"We can handle Madame Odius. But taking out that army today, we appreciate all of your help. Including keeping our Power Stars safe." Sarah thanked their allies.

Casey nodded, "That's right. She'll never win against the Super Ninja Steel Rangers."

Everyone laughed until Karai told Brody and his team, "Yeah. You guys got this. We'll support you in spirit."

Brody and his friends felt elated after hearing their encouraging words and then Calvin said, "When we take down Odius, we'll give her a few hits for all of you."

"Pinkie Promise." Levi vowed which made Pinkie very happy.

Leo told the Legendary Rangers, "I also want to say thank you Rangers for helping us with our battle."

"You’re very welcome, Leo." Zhane said.

RJ stated, "The Ranger Legacy only gets stronger with time..."

Daggeron continued and smiled at the Ninja Steel Rangers, "And the Ranger Legacy is in good hands."

Tommy vowed to them, "No matter if it's today, tomorrow, or decades to come, there will always be heroes like you. To stand up for what is right."

"Amen!" Bebop cheered.

Tommy smiled and raised his arm with his fist closed, "Heroes forever..."

The rest of the heroes responded and did the same, "Defending together!"

Tommy, Zhane, and Ziggy used their own Portal Projectors and opened up two portals across from them from separate Ranger dimensions and one up in the sky.

"See you next time, everyone." Sheriff Skyfire said as he and Zhane saluted to Leo’s team as they head for their spaceship, flew off into the sky, and entered the portal. The rest of the heroes waved at them, hoping to see either of them someday.

Ziggy and Tommy gave a high-five to each other and Ziggy waved at Leo’s party, "Bye guys."

Leo and his friends waved back at the Legendary Rangers as they all entered their respective portals. Ziggy went back to Corinth in the RPM dimension while the rest of the Legendary Rangers went back to the normal Ranger dimension.

"Here Leo. You can keep this." Brody said as he gave the new Power Star to Leo.

Leo asked him with a smile on his face, "Wait. Are you serious?"

"Yeah. You ninjas deserve a gift after helping us, courtesy of the Ninja Steel Rangers." Brody answered.

"Aww, thanks guys. We appreciate it." Sunset said as her friends felt happy.

"You're welcome." Brody and his team ran towards the portal and Brody shouted at his new friends, "We'll see you all next time!"

Leo and his allies waved at them, repeatedly saying their farewells. Donnie used his own Portal Projector and opened up the portal after he activated it. Everyone entered except for Leo and Brody who turned around and gave one last look at each other.

"Now that was morphenomenal." Brody said.

Leo smiled and replied, "Booyakasha."

Leo and Brody nodded and left for home, knowing that it won't be the last time that these two ninja teams will cross paths again.

Brody and his team were finally back in Summer Cove and they were about to head home until they saw Victor and Monty who were passing by in the opposite direction and covered in filth. Everyone covered their noses until the stench was gone.

"Pee-ew! What in the world happened to you guys?" Hayley asked.

Victor answered, "Don't ask."

The miserable pair continued walking away while Brody and his friends stopped covering their noses, laughed, and went back into their homes for some peace and quiet.

Comments ( 11 )

Wonderful wrap up

"Aww, that was very brave of you, despite your uh... stupidity." Sonata complimented.

Wow, just wow

I mean it's in character for Ziggy

What I want to know is if you created a Psycho Silver for this fic or is Zhane again in cover.

I put Psycho Silver as an original character in this story. From the start, he was a data card just like the other Psycho Rangers’ data cards.

A good story, even though Ninja Steel is not one of my favorite seasons, you gave them a good role for the story, and the participation of the Legendary Rangers also adds to the fic.

RJ was asked by the Shadowbolts to be their sparring partner, which he agreed to.

I think the Shadow Five couldn't have picked a better mentor, I wonder if RJ taught them his Karate Kid technique.

Fluttershy smiled and said, "I'd love to see the animal based ones."

It's a shame she hasn't met the Wild Zords, or at least Cole Evans, as they have a lot in common.

Tori answered, "Years ago, our sensei was back to his normal self after my team and I defeated our villain, Lothor."

I think Tori forgot the part where Lothor was Sensei Kanoi's evil twin.

Say i don't know which power ranger story tell where Tommy meets Ziggy

That’s because this fic of mine is an original story.

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