• Published 28th Sep 2018
  • 9,167 Views, 981 Comments

Hello, This is Not a Scammer, I Promise - BronyWriter

IRS scammers go after the Mane Six

  • ...

Twilight Sparkle

It started when the phone rang.

Twilight didn't answer at first. She was engrossed in her brand new computer. So far most ponies around Ponyville didn't have one, not even her friends, but once she had installed it in her home she couldn't step away from it. It made organizing everything so much easier! With a little more work, she'd have a full catalogue of all of her books, and when somepony came to check one out, all they'd need to do was type the title into the computer and it would tell the pony right where the book had been filed!

The phone rang again.

Twilight broke out of her concentration and looked over to the phone. Oh, right. It was ringing. She picked up the headset and put it on.

"Hello, this is Twilight Sparkle. To whom am I speaking?"

"Hello, this is Legit Collector with Computer Company tech support. I am calling you to inform you that your computer license key has expired. If you do not renew it your computer will cease to function. It will expire in six hours unless action is taken to renew it. Would you like to renew it today, Miss Sparkle?"

Twilight rolled her eyes and leaned her head against her hoof. "Uh-huh. Sure."

"Very good. Now, may I have your computer's IP address, please? It will allow me to share your screen so that I may repair your computer."

"Repair it?" Twilight said, raising an eyebrow. "I thought we were reactivating the license key?"

"Yes, that is what I mean. Now, may I have the IP address?" Twilight rattled off the computer's number and pulled up a program she had created. She hit a few keys and after a few moments, the name "imbecile" showed up under a section labeled "other computers." She clicked it and a second screen popped up.

"Okay, so are you ready?"

"Yes, I am. Okay, firstly I must inform you that reactivating the key has a small cost of three hundred and fifty bits and nineteen cents. Is that okay?"

Twilight shrugged. "Yeah, I guess it has to be." Twilight highlighted a folder labeled "photos and videos" and, with one right click, several options popped up. She selected "delete" and the folder vanished.

"Hey... hey what are you doing?!"

"Oh, nothing," Twilight said as she started deleting his documents. "Why do you ask?"

"Stop that right now!"


Twilight heard a few keys being hit on the other side of the line, and his mouse icon moved to block her. She chuckled quietly to herself and hit a few keys herself, causing his mouse icon to vanish. With that settled, she hit a few more keys, disconnecting him from her computer. He couldn't see her screen, but she was still connected to his.

"This is not legal, Miss Sparkle! This is my personal property that you are deleting!"

"Hmm..." Twilight tilted her head. "Actually since computers are fairly new technology, there isn't actually a law on the books about doing this. Believe me, after seventeen calls from you guys, I checked to see if I could do this. Turns out, I totally can." After a few more clicks, she found the folder "program files." Out that went.

"I... uh..."

"Let's see, let's see..." Twilight hmmed to herself and went onto the internet. He had set his default home page to his e-mail. She opened up a new e-mail and selected all of his contacts.

Hello, I am a scammer. I wish to apologize for violating your trust, but I cannot live with my actions anymore. I'll probably apologize to each of you in person next time I see you, but I want to get a real job, one that helps ponies instead of trying to take their money.

"No, no, Miss Sparkle, please don't send that!"

"Too late, I already did," Twilight said before closing out of the internet and deleting all of his web browsers. "Seriously, I've had to deal with you calling me up a lot, and I'm sick of it. If you can't use a computer responsibly..." Twilight opened up a file on her computer and grinned. "Then you shouldn't have one at all."

With that, she uploaded the file to the scammer's computer.

"Wh-what did that do?"

"It's a little virus I cooked up for this kind of situation. Over the course of the next ten minutes or so, it'll delete everything on your computer. You'll basically own a really expensive paperweight. Plus, it'll sync to all of your login information. If you get a new computer and try to use any of your current logins..."


"Seriously. Don't be a scammer anymore." Twilight let out a happy little sigh and leaned back in her chair. "You never know who you might call."