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All For Nothing

"T-Thank you, Mistilie" White Lightning coughs, "N-Now you know baby."

The Queen screams after the gunshot smashing up against the glass trying to break through. Alarms begin to sound in the room filling the room with a red glow. Mistilie kneels down next to the stallion using her magic to pull his head up so he wouldn't choke on his own blood. The red light's shine down on the two and Mistilie shakes the stallion to keep him awake for some questions before he would pass.

"Where is it White?" Mistilie doesn't yell, The stallion is already dying and she has enough respect to not add to his suffering. She looks down at her father and holds back emotions like always. "Where is the gene? If you don't have it , who does Mr.Weyland?"

"M-Mistilie ..." White coughs trying not to tear up, after everything. "You say Mr.Weyland with so much confidence" White clenches his jaw closed holding back a scream of pain.

Mistilie narrows her eyes confused, the alarms ring louder and she can see the life in White Lightning's eyes fading quickly. The Android shakes the stallion again quickly to prevent him from closing his eyes. White stares up at the mare and he forces a smile, his teeth covered in his own blood. Reaching out to the Android he runs a hoof through her mane, the sound of soldiers nearing the chamber alert Mistilie. To buy some time the Android's eyes shift to a blue color as she links herself to the entrance of the chamber shutting it on the soldiers before they could enter. She turns her attention back to her father and shakes him one last time to wake him up, she uses her magic to lower the stallion's hoof.

"It has been said time and time again, Mistilie" White coughs and clenches his jaw again in pain. "Just when you think you have, Weyland. You never did to begin with"

"W-What!?" Mistilie's eye twitches and she uses her magic to pull the stallions head closer so she could express her anger. "What are you saying, White Lightning!!"

"I ... I am White Lightning, Part Time Science Division Employee of Weyland Yutani" White Lightning smiles and the remaining of his tears roll down his cheek. "Full Time Weyland Decoy ... hired to protect the identity of the company leader"

"No, No, NO!!" Mistilie lets go of the stallion's head realizing the situation, she looks down at the stallion again as she feels his hoof on her chest. "W-Where is she?"

"Mrs. Weyland? Getting ready to leave Equestria" White Lightning closes his eyes and a frown spreads across his muzzle. "When they told me not to get attached to my creation, it was a direct order to basically not love my own daughter" White Lightning's head goes limp and one last tear rolls down his cheek.

The alarms continue illuminating the room and the Xenomorph Queen stands in her chambers looking over to Mistilie Flare. The Queen's tail illuminating with magic ready for something, a large button near the chamber doors comes into Mistilie's sight. The bright red lights almost blinding her as she looks around the room to make sure she was still alone. All this time it was a lie, stepping over to the Queen Chambers Mistilie takes a deep breath letting it out in a long scream of pain. Though she took no physical injuries, her emotions were on the haywire with everything.

"Mrs. Weyland!!! I am coming for you!!!!" Mistilie looks into the glass, face to face with her creation. The Queen isn't snarling as if knowing what the Android was about to do. The large Xenomorph places one hand onto the glass and turns it's large head to face where the button was visible. Mistilie presses the button and quickly stands back in case something goes wrong. "Come on girl ... You are free"

The Queen pokes her head out from the chamber slowly, as if testing if it was safe for her to leave the prison she has spent this long inside of. The Xenomorph snarls as the top of her head begins pulsating with a magical glow, the glow starts as a violet glow. Mistilie's eyes flash again opening the doors and she quickly heads for the exit of the Queen's Chamber, the Xenomorph Queen watches as the Android leaves and she stomps towards the exit reaching out trying to catch the mare before she could escape. Mistilie leaps through the exit as the Queen is right behind, she smashes into the soldiers who were outside knocking them over.

"Hey stop her!! Open ... The Matriarch!!" The commander screams as his attitude the situation changes. "Retreat!!! Abort the Mission!!!" The Squad pulls themselves from the ground as the Queen Xenomorph smashes through the small door making her own exit. "RUN!!!"

The end of the Xenomorph's tail ignites with a magical glow and she tosses the squad out of the way breaking their bones as she smashes them through the hallway wall. Mistilie rushes as fast as she can, hearing the Xenomorph stomping down the hallway. Looking back she sees the Queen's magical aura change from violet to green, the same color of green that used to be inside Twilight Sparkle's eyes.


Rahzzy kicks open the door, the sound of hoof steps still very close behind as they are still being hunted by the Weyland Troops. Twilight aims her weapon behind her firing off a couple rounds to make the troops become a little more cautious when approaching. They both enter the lower area of the castle, worried that this is exactly where the troops wanted them to be. Rahzzy pulls out a flashlight and holds back the urge to puke as he sees a body laying on the ground.

"They have a hive under this place!!" Rahzzy moves around the body of Violet, her chest opened from the chestburster she had inside her. "This doesn't feel better than being chased by them!!"

"Do you wanna go back outside and get shot!?" Twilight screams as the push deeper into the hive, "Either way we go it feels like we are going to die, Rahzzy!!" Twilight aims her flashlight around to see if any Xenomorphs are hiding on the walls waiting for them to let down their guard.

"I don't wanna die period, Twilight" Rahzzy looks around as well, the though of Weyland having a base on top of a Xenomorph hive is unsettling. "Though if I had a choice, I think I would rather ..."

"If these things grab you, let them" Twilight shines her light into Rahzzy's eyes to catch his attention. "They won't torture you and it will be quick"

Just then a Xenomorph Drone comes slowly down the wall in front of them. The Alien hisses as it snakes down on all fours, once on the ground the Alien pushes itself up to a stand turning it's body to look at the two ponies. Twilight clicks on the flame attachment to the weapon she found on Aspheion aiming it at the creature. Rahzzy steps back, his ear twitches as he hears the hoofsteps of the soldiers entering the hive behind them.

"Twilight!!! I am feeling kind of fucked" Rahzzy turns around readying himself for the soldiers that would surely show up soon while the Xenomorph on the other side of them slowly, hesitantly moves closer to them. Twilight's jaw clenches up as she stares down the Xenomorph and hears the soldiers on the way. "What is the plan, Twilight? Or this our final chapter on Equestria?"

"This is not the end, Rahzzy" Twilight looks back while keeping her weapon aimed at the Xenomorph. "You just have to ..." Twilight goes silent as a familiar silence surrounds her. Twilight's eye twitches and the pink banks of her iris begin to shatter being replaced with the green bands of the Queen Gene. Twilight's head become light and the Xenomorph's attention seems to change, however, before Twilight realizes what is happening she falls to the ground.

Loosing Consciousness