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Aspheion Two

Author's Note:

Aspheion Two, this spacecraft has been mentioned in Twilight's Gashing Origins. This ship has also been secretly mentioned in stories as far back as Twilight MIA, however, now it is time to take a glimpse into the final hours of the crew of Aspheion.

This chapter is going to go deeper into what happened to the crew in their final hours, however, we will also continue down the road of failure. For awhile now this story has been killing off ponies and destroying their plans to survive.

Now it is time to continue with the killing and the fighting. Will this eventually take a turn in our heroes favor? Or will this just continue down a road of hell until everything collapses?

I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Thank you for the support!!

Aspheion Flash Backs Will Be in BLUE


The explosions from inside Valuntas Station force them back to the only place they knew. Krystal, screams as part of her fur catches fire, the flames singeing her green coat, however, Data Plume is fast to help the mare put out the fire. The Flames moving quickly trying to roast the group alive, though the entrance to Aspheion was close and they could reach it in time. Aether speaks to Data Plume, Krystal, and Schwein through the radio screaming for them to get inside.

"Please Hurry!! I will have to leave without you if you don't get here!" Aether's voice echoes through the radio for them to hurry but the tone of her voice, they know she couldn't leave them. "I don't want to do that!! Please!!!"

"Stay put, we are on our way" Data Plume responds into the radio, her voice not showing fear because it wasn't programmed into her model. "Just need a little more time ... Valuntas Station is falling apart"

Schwein grunts holding his side with a towel to stop the blood from his wound. A Xenomorph screams from inside the fire trying to break through the thick flames to finish it's kill. They all continue down the hall as the station shakes from all the collapsing. Aether speaks into the radio again, this time she sounds relieved instead of worried.

"Oh thank Celestia! I am seeing pods ejecting from Valuntas, ponies are getting off the station" Aether can be heard crying tears of joy to know that there is survivors on board the station getting off. "Ambulance Crafts, Escape Pods ... They are getting to safety!!"

"Are you finding anything on there?" Twilight speaks to Rahzzy as she pulls as hard as she can on one of the closed crates on board the crash site. "Where did you learn to read Black Boxes?"

Rahzzy looks up from the small screen he has hooked up to the deceased Android, wiping his eyes the Stallion chuckles to himself. Androids from the past all contained black boxes, the reason he knew how to read them. The stallion coughs before answering that question because his passed working with Mistilie had him doing a lot of things he isn't proud of.

"Well Twilight, I learned a lot of things about androids" Rahzzy smiles looking back at all the small screen of numbers as he scrolls through them. "I used to look through these to get access codes for places I was locked out of"

Twilight nods as she continues to pull on the container, however, with no luck she falls back onto her flank with a loud thud. The Alicorn rubs the top of her head as she tries her best not to get angry because this has been the third time she has fallen trying to get this stupid thing open. Rahzzy shakes his head, unsure what she planned to accomplish by opening that.

"I was able to find some data .." Rahzzy continues reading the numbers and dashes on the screen doing his best to discover what they mean. "They got off Valuntas while it was being purged. Around the same time you did, however, as I keep reading something went wrong"

Schwein rushes into the control room with wide eyes as the alarms become louder. Sparks flying past his head he pulls Aether out of the piloting chair for her own safety, he straps himself in to try and correct the issue but a second piece of debris smashes into the rear of the ship. Schwein's head smashes into the control panel of the chair and it almost knocks him out, however, he manages to keep himself awake.

"I tried to steer away from it, Schwein. It came out of nowhere!!" Aether screams in a squeak of fear, the two gasp as the windshield of the cockpit begins to glow a fire red. "We are going down!! We have no control!!" Aether tries to reach for the communication to communicate with Equis, however, sparks fly from the controls before she can get to it. Schwein pulls her away again taking her out of the cockpit and into the next room.

"Forget it!! We have to get to safety!!!" Schwein screams but he is unable to keep pulling the mare because of his injuries. The stallion and the mare are sent up to the ceiling as the ship flips over on it's back as it enters the atmosphere of the planet. "MOTHER!!!"

A robotic voice comes from the speakers, the artificial intelligence of the Aspheion speaks after being addressed by the stallion. Mother displays the altitude of the craft on a nearby screen for Schwein to see, Aether laying on the ceiling knocked out cold after being suddenly tossed up there.

"Two Minutes Til Impact ... Moral Commander Schwein" Mother says blankly but nopony can move as the ship spins out of control. Schwein tries to use his magic but all the blood rushing to his head he couldn't concentrate hard enough. "Sorry Schwein, I wish you the best of luck"

"You ... Have Been ... So much help!!" Schwein forces out those words sarcastically because previously Mother wasn't willing to collate. The altitude counts down and before impact Schwein looses consciousness before he can do anything to slow themselves down.

"Mother wasn't being compliant with the crew sense they originally took off" Rahzzy say out of nowhere, making Twilight fall over once again. Twilight yelps and smashes into the ground again groaning afterwards. "Was even more rebellious to the crew after the signal made by Mistilie" Rahzzy holds back a few tears after bringing up Mistilie, focusing back at the screen he continues reading. "Any luck with the crate, Twilight?"

"Maybe ... if I could a few seconds of silence!! I would have it open already" Twilight groans getting back up and looking at the crate again. A symbol that resembles a weapons crate is still visible and the alicorn wanted what might be inside. "Maybe keep the reading to yourself for a few?"

Schwein kneels down by the broken Android trying to get Plume back to life by rewiring her essentials. Krystal and Aether continue pushing on the only exit left on board the ship that wasn't hazardous or completely blocked by rubble. With every kick and push they don't get closer to achieving freedom, Krystal screams moving away from the door in frustration.

"There is no way I can get this open!" the Pegasus spits onto the ground, her spit containing droplets of blood. "The crash jammed the door shut. Is Data Plume coming back or is the bucket of bolts out of order?"

"Enough Krystal!!" Schwein snaps getting up, his hooves covered in white blood from the Android. "Keep working on that door while I get her working again. Aether, see if you can get back to the cockpit and call for help" Schwein stares down Krystal, the stallion having had enough of her through this rough journey.

"Somepony is going to find us ..." Aether whimpers, her hope has always been high. "They will come looking for us and we will be out of here"

Schwein and Krystal nod hearing that, even though they never agreed before. They all agree on one thing and that there is a chance that they will be rescued after the crash. In the back of Krystal's mind, however, she is worried that the disaster at Valuntas Station might overshadow their situation. Aether leaves the room through a cloud of smoke to begin trying to reach out to the outside world in hopes that somepony will be listening.

"There is a log ..." Rahzzy says quietly to himself before looking to Twilight Sparkle. The Alicorn was still working on the crate and it looks like she is actually getting closer to opening it. Rahzzy then stays quiet and begins talking to himself for now until Twilight gets that crate open. "They made s-several attempt to make contact with the outside, h-however .." the stallion chokes up as he looks through the records of success. "None of them ever left the shuttle ... they were pleading to nothing"

Rahzzy scrolls down on the screen and finds that the survivors of Aspheion Two made a total of Thirty attempts to call for help from the ponies on the outside. Tears roll down the stallion's cheek, these ponies worked so hard to prevent the first Xenomorph from breaking free around Equestria. Though when they needed help ... none of their messages would ever be heard from the ponies who needed to save them.

"I should be able to extract the audio" Rahzzy looks at his device and prepares it to play the intact entries. "There might be something in these calls for help. I have got to hear these ... They need to be heard" Rahzzy pulls on a headset and prepares himself for the audio from the calls for help.

Failed Broadcast #1
"Sector B Canterlot, this is Lead Scientist Aether of Aspheion Two. We have crash landed on Equestria and request immediate evacuation! We have been trying to break through the exit without any success from the inside of the shuttle" The mare speaking into the radio begins to choke up but it doesn't last and hope comes back to Aether's voice as she continues. "I know we can count on the company to save us. We are alive, We are waiting, We have hope"

Failed Broadcast #5
"Sector B Canterlot, this is Lead Engineer Krystal of Aspheion Two. If you received the previous four broadcasts from Schwein and Aether. Then I am sure you are searching for us ... I am pleased to say that these last couple of day even with how cold it has been. We were able to find out a general location of where to find us" Krystal can be heard taking a gulp of water from a canteen to quench her thirst. "Latitude: -0.85635, Longitude: 134.25898, We are alive and full of hope ... come on Weyland"

Failed Broadcast #6
"Yeah, I am not convinced like the others anymore. I am a realist, I am starting to think I am talking to myself in this tin can!!"Schwein grunts and sucks up some pain from his injuries. "I will probably die from infection before you guys get here. Can you hear me Sector Fucking B!? Assholes!! WE ARE ALIVE!!!"

Failed Broadcast #18
"Sector B C-Canterlot? It feels like weeks ... Schwein has grown a full beard. We are running out of food and today one of the water pipes burst flooding the lower cargo bay" Aether sobs into the microphone as she speaks, pleading for somepony to hear her. "Did we do something wrong? Have I been a bad pony? I just wanna get out of here and go home!! I wanna see my family again!!" A door can be heard opening through the audio as Aether burst into tears, Krystal can be heard mumbling but it isn't audible as she ends the broadcast.

Received Broadcast #21
"I love you mother ... I love you father" Schwein mumbles into the mic, not really trying to reach out for an evacuation after these days have passed. "I smoked my last cigarette today. You would be happy to hear that I won't be doing it again" The Stallion leans in close to the microphone and angrily speaks now. "Weyland Yutani? I am beginning to think you have something to do with this. You made Mother!! SHE WON'T LET US OUT!!"

Received Broadcast #29
"You were trying to kill me!!" Aether cries coughing her lungs out, the mare gets up from the chair and begins to scream in her cries. "This is it!! We are going to" she coughs harder and can be heard falling to the ground gasping for air from how weak she has become. "Nopony is coming to get us!! We have been fighting for weeks!! I love all of you ... you are my friends" Aether continues to cough before the broadcast stops abruptly.

Failed Broadcast #30
"This is it? I think I like being here with you" Schwein coughs as the group sounds close together now. "I am ready to accept this, however, you all better be waiting for me in the light"

"I will be there with open wings bud" Krystal forces out a these weak words that lack sounds dry from the lack of water. "You better be there too ... I don't wanna be there alone" Krystal can be heard crying softly with the group at her side as they huddle in the corner. Aether's soft voice chimes in weakly for she too was dying from the lack of food and water.

"I think I will be happy as long as I go with you" Aether sniffles probably still missing her family back home. "Maybe mome and dad will be there?"

"Of course sweetie, all of us will be there" Schwein assures the mare as they all begin to accept their fate. "You are sure that is Weyland? D-Did you put the letter in the safe?"

"I-its in the cockpit asshole" Krystal says trying to act tough but she knows she is going to miss Schwein. Almost at the same time, the group can be heard saying their final words, including Data Plume who sits with them as they begin to take their last breaths. All at once they say it ...

"I love you all~"

Twilight pulls open the safe and inside the safe is a single piece of paper. Rahzzy stopped Twilight moments ago after she got the weapons safe opened. Now that they are in the cockpit they stare into a safe at a single letter written by the crew in their last hours of life. Twilight shakes her head not entirely sure why this is needed because of the circumstances.

"How is this going to help us stop Weyland?" Twilight sighs lifting the note out with her magic and giving it to Rahzzy. Rahzzy's eyes are filled with tears after listening to the broadcasts earlier. "Did you learn something?"

"They figured something out ... they wanted it to be found or they wouldn't have locked it away" Rahzzy sniffles holding back his tears. "Open it!! Please!!!"

Opening the paper Twilight clears her throat and there is only an image of a pony inside, both their eyes widen not because of who the pony is, but who the phrase says it is supposed to be.


Mistilie gasps as she feels the Queen's magic grab her through the glass. The Android unable to fight back against the pure energy the Queen was using. The Mother looks at Mistilie Flare through the glass snarling aggressively, however, the Xenomorph releases the Android quickly but the tail of the mother remains glowing brightly with magic flowing through the Alien's body.

"How did they manage to capture you?" Mistilie steps back and looks up at the creature through the glass, admiring it's purity. "You have a lot of her traits ... magic and wings"

"She can do a lot more than that, Mistilie Flare" White Lightning's voice chimes in with a chuckle to follow. The stallion leaning on the wall near the exit, Mistilie turns around growling at the sight of him. "I knew you wouldn't reset, I built you that way after all"

Mistilie uses her magic to pick up a pipe that was left in the room from earlier. She readies herself for a fight, however, White Lightning doesn't move from the wall but instead uses his own magic to take the pipe out of the mares grasp and toss it to the side. Shaking his head he moves away from the wall and chuckles once again looking to the Android. The two now stand on opposite sides of the room staring down each other waiting for the other to strike first.

"The Queen is the only Xenomorph who refuses to listen!!" White laughs as he screams, this all being very amusing to him. "Hit me Mistilie! I KNOW YOU WANT TO DO THIS!!" White uses his magic to fling a pipe towards the mare but intentionally misses her. The pipe smashing into the ground near her and the stallion screams again picking up another item ready to throw it. "HIT ME!!! NOW!!"

"I never meant for my creation to be controlled!!" Mistilie growls again moving to the side as another item is tossed at her, however, the aim of White Lighting seems intentionally bad. "Wanna know what I think of the Queen Gene? My creatures shouldn't be contained or used this way!! I despise it!!"

White Lightning rolls his eyes and steps down from the stairs ripping a monitor from the wall and he throws it at the Queen Chamber glass. The monitor shattering and the pieces falling down onto the Android's back in a shower of debris. Mistilie grunts and rushes forward to get closer but she does not strike yet, wishing that she didn't have to fight him.

"Then hit me, Mistilie Flare!! I control your creatures!!" White Lightning takes out a pistol and aims it down at Mistilie's head ready to pull the trigger. "Do something!! You are worthless!! I prefer a Seegson Joe over you!! At least they know when to take action!"

"I know when to take action!!" Mistilie screams using her magic to grab a hold of the firearm. Pulling it out of White Lightning's grasp she turns the firearm pressing it against the stallion's gut. White's eyes widen from the sudden reaction, almost like he didn't fully expect this. Tears roll down Mistilie's cheeks as she screams at the Stallion in anger. "Why do you hate me!!?? Why did you create me!!!"

Pulling the trigger a bullet smashes into White Lightning causing the stallion to fall onto the ground. As he falls to the floor his blood immediately begins to pull, as his head bounces on the ground with great force. A green contact in the stallion's eye falls out of place and into the pool of blood. The stallion coughs up blood and he slowly begins to die, he uses his magic to pull the second contact from his other eyes and then tosses it away revealing he never actually had the gene. Mistilie's ears pin back as she hears White Lightning dying. Looking to the ground she uses her magic to pick up the contact. The Android's eye twitches and she looks to the stallion who lays on the ground.

"T-Thank you, Mistilie" White Lightning coughs, "N-Now you know baby."