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Author's Note:

All Flashbacks will be in PURPLE

For Amber

Cloudsdale, the ponies on the clouds gather on the unstructured area to keep away from the many factories that cover the fluffy clouds. Unlike most of Equestria the area remained the least effected by the advance in technology, however, instead the area used to be the heart of all factories in Equestria. Now the factories are occupied by the Winged Xenomorph presence. The Xenomorphs hiss and scratch at the clouds attempting to walk on them like a Pegasus, however, they fall through the fluffy surface.

"Do you think they will learn to walk?" Scootaloo watches from a distance biting her lower lip, the young pony looking over to her famous blue guardian. "I don't think I can handle seeing anymore ponies die ..."

"A Xenomorph!? Walking on a cloud?" Rainbow Dash takes a deep breath after speaking in a taunting manner out loud for those to hear. "They can keep trying but they will never be able to do it!!"

Rainbow Dash looks away from the crowd to look at Factory with a hint of doubt, after the fall ... nothing has been the same for the Pegasus. Nopony knowing exactly what the mare has gone through, she is able to keep a high spirit and a good moral among the ponies of Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash focuses her sight on a symbol she used to trust, a Weyland Yutani W remains suspended on the Rainbow Factory, that symbol is nothing but a symbol of pain.

"Rainbow Dash!!! I need you to take her!!" Twilight screams as the Xenomorphs sour overhead attempting to grab ponies from the clouds, however, the aliens missing most attempts and instead sour right through the cloud after missing. Twilight holds Scootaloo close but she knows that she cannot keep her, this is going to be the safest bet.

"Twilight I can't!! What if I cannot protect her!?" Rainbow ducks easily to avoid one of the diving aliens, the creatures struggling to snag anypony on the cloud itself. Inside the factories, or any of the other structures ponies were still being slaughtered.

"Please Rainbow!!! Where I am going ... is less safe than what is going on here!!" Twilight screams as tears begin to roll down the Alicorn's cheeks. "RAINBOW!!! LOOK OUT!!!"

Rainbow's eyes tighten remembering that day, lifting one wing she takes a look at a large scar that stretches from her chest, down her side, and ending across her flank. Her eyes open when she feels Scootaloo's small hoof poke her hoof for attention. The blue pegasus looks over and smiles despite everything, looking back over to the factories and the position of the sun Rainbow turns around to head back to camp.

"They come out at night, mostly. You know that Scootaloo ... let us get back to camp" Rainbow Dash uses one wing to nudge Scootaloo in the direction of the campsite. "Come on, hustle!! Dinner will get cold"


The debris fragments fall from the wall as Mistilie hits the wall, however, before she can react or prepare she is now tumbling down a hill of building ruble. Rolling down with Twilight right along with her, she cannot help but feel used to this. This is the second fight she has been in with the Alicorn this week. Getting up from the ground Mistilie tries to gather herself ducking from a brick being tossed by Twilight's magic.

"Why can't you just go away, Mistilie!!" Twilight huffs in anger, the group of ponies that follow stand outside the ruble fissure that the two have fallen into. "I don't want you here anymore!!" Twilight uses one wing to wipe a bit of blood from her lip. It split from tumbling into this situation.

"At least I am trying to change you fake!!!" Mistilie screams lifting a metal pipe from the ground and tossing it at the Alicorn. She stomps a hoof in rage having been tackled into this fissure in the rubble, "Go back to your test tube!!!"

Mistilie gasps with that statement as Twilight runs forward tackling the android to the ground levitating a heavy brick over her. Mistilie uses her magic to hold the brick back, tossing it to the side quickly. At least Twilight was weak from the fall or Mistilie would never have been able to move that out of her magical grasp. With one heavy kick with her hind leg she pushes the Alicorn away but it is short lived as Twilight comes right back pinning the mare down.

"AT LEAST I LOOK LIKE MYSELF!!" Twilight insults back, pointing out that Mistilie is transferred data into the body of Coco Pommel. "Should I call you Coco or Mistilie!?!?"

Rahzzy pushes himself from the crowd above jumping down and sliding his way down to the bottom of the fissure to try and put a stop to this fight. The stallion takes off his saddlebag to try and make himself lighter to get there faster, he notices that none of the mares have anything heavy levitated anymore.

"STOP!! Mistilie!! Twilight!!" Rahzzy screams in the distance on approach to the two mares, the stallion tripping from the occasional misplaced hoofstep.

Mistilie kicks again to try and get Twilight off but it is no use, Twilight slams her head down onto Misitilie's headbutting her hard. In Mistilie's luck of being an android, this hurts Twilight more than it hurts her. The pain causing the Alicorn to back off and allow the android to get up. Rahzzy reaches them and he tries using his magic to move the two mares apart with his magic, however, Twilight is quick to put an end to this effort with her own magic. Mistilie is quicker to use her magic and pick up another piece of debris for defense.

"I am fucking trying to be nice to you!!!" Mistilie screams, taking deep breaths as she focuses her sights on the Alicorn. "I will hurt you, Twilight!!"

"No you wont!!" Rahzzy interrupts and uses his magic to lower Mistilie's weapon, "Both of you need to stop this, right ... NOW"

The three stand still, waiting for something to happen but it never comes. Twilight's horn dims and she closes her eyes using one wing to wipe the blood from her face again. Mistilie's guard doesn't let up and her horn remains glowing ready for anything to happen. Rahzzy looks between the two not letting up either, he doesn't want this to continue.

"Sorry, I have lost so much getting to this point" Twilight says softly, not trying to make it about her but feeling the need to address once again that Mistilie didn't have much to loose in all of this. "Everypony I knew!!! IS DEAD!!!!"

"We have all lost something, Twilight" Rahzzy says trying to make everypony even. "Even Mistilie ... fighting here is not going to keep us all alive"

"What has she lost, Rahzzy!!??" Twilight angrily facehoofs with a growl in the back of her throat, she tries to keep her anger in but it seems the fight might go on. Before Rahzzy can say anymore, Mistilie butts in to answer the question.

"I-I have lost things t-too, Clone ..." Mistilie tries her best not to cry but once again her tears roll down her cheeks, "I don't deserve to be treated this way"

"What about all those you killed!!?? Look what you have caused, Mistilie" Twilight removes her hoof from her face and slams it on the ground below. "Iron Will, Rumham, Sunset ... Good lives taken away because of you or the beasts you created!!"

Mistilie almost rushes forward to attack, however, Rahzzy steps in the way. The stallion shakes his head in a pleading way to beg her not to start this. Twilight's horn reignites with magic after seeing the android ready to attack, however, the attack never comes. Rahzzy lowers his guard hoping everything has finally come to an end here, he looks up at the ponies above waiting for them and then too the two mares.

"I told you Twilight!!" Rahzzy snaps for a moment staring over at the Alicorn. "You two need to work this out!! NOW!!!"
Mistilie sucks up her tears and wipes her white blood from her lips. Twilight remains silent and this only makes Rahzzy more angry with this. "How can you two fight? THE XENOMORPHS!! Those are the enemy now!! Not. Each. Other"


"Good Morning~" White Lightning chuckles as MoonDust pulls herself from the floor to a stand. The Stallion eyeing her every movement as she gets up. "Sorry again ... I loose my temper when ponies don't listen to me"

Moon glares at the stallion, this is not a good morning with him here. All throughout the room, soldiers with the Weyland Symbol stand at attention against the walls. The sight of all these ponies make the mare's ears pin back against the back of her head. Each one of them seeming to be emotionless, however, they all share something in common. They all share the same cutie mark, not a single one is different.

"What is with the army? Is it for Cloudsdale?" Moon looks around, chills flowing down her spine at all the duplicates in the room. Each cloned to be a soldier for White Lightning's cause no doubt. White Lightning smiles and shrugs slight as if he didn't know what she was talking about. "YOU SICK BASTARD!!"

"Shut up! Right now!!" White screams and he uses his magic again to shut the mares mouth, "Do I need to remind you already?" He releases her as soon as he silenced her momentarily, the stallion walking to one of the soldiers staring into the visor that covers the soldier's face. "Yes ... these soldiers will be heading to Cloudsdale. The Xenomorphs there are in need of a little ... helping hooves"

"Why? Why do these ponies need to die, White?" Moon tries to stay calm, especially with all these armed guards. "They don't ... need to die"

"I wish they were worthy of life, however, nopony can live from this" White Lightning says bluntly, not a hint of remorse is in his voice. "I need to do this, MoonDust"

The guards ready their weapons and all turn for the doors having heard the stallion give what seems to be a code word for rollout. Moon shakes her head knowing that nothing good will come from this, the ponies at Cloudsdale won't stand a chance against this force, especially if there is already an alien presence on the clouds. Moon tries to stop some of them, tugging and pulling at their armor but they just keep walking as if she doesn't exist. Even if she steps in front of the soldiers they just keep walking almost knocking her over in the process but she backs away.

"Stop!! They don't deserve this treatment!!!" Moon pleads but there is nothing more she can do as the rest of the guards leave to head for Cloudsdale. "Why are you doing this!?"

White doesn't reply ... he just focuses on the desk in front of him. The desk has a hologram of Cloudsdale presently floating before him. The hologram shows the large factories on the clouds and many red dots outside on the fluffy clouds, this must be where the ponies who are left are currently hiding. White closes out the image as soon as all the guards exit the room and he turns around to face Moon. Stepping forward until he is right in front of her he chuckles looking down at her.

"I can promise you that their deaths will be swift. I don't want them to suffer, however, I can't let them live either" White says without a hint of actual remorse. "Once it is all over, they will thank me that their suffering is finally over"