• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 8,500 Views, 682 Comments

To Err is Equine - RLYoshi

Everyone, pony, and thing makes mistakes. Not as many try to fix these mistakes, and even fewer succeed.

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33: A Tale of Two Sides of the Same City [Crossover with non-canon story]

LOCATION: Stalliongrad
DATE: December 28th

[Perspective: Arrell]

My mind was just a swirling mess of emotions right now. I had flown around the city until I was completely lost, and was now just aimlessly wandering around trying to get my brain straight.

This obviously wasn’t my first kill - not by a long shot - but it was the first time I had killed another human. Even worse, it was the first time I had directly killed someone who wasn’t evil.

I had really screwed myself over now. Aside from myself, only three ponies were conscious enough to vouch that what I had done was self defense, and because of Stalliongrad’s infamous racism, I didn’t think it to be too farfetched that the guards around here would look for any possible way to lock me up.


Speak of the motherbuckin’ devil.

I stopped walking and looked behind me. A trio of guards were approaching me; two pegasi, one earth pony. I got a bad feeling of hostility from all of them...naturally.

I sighed. “What do you want?”

The earth pony, who seemed to be more or less the leader, stepped forward. “We want you to come with us quietly.”


He snorted. “Why else? You’re under arrest.”

I glared. “Listen, I’m not in the mood for this BS. I’ve had a bad day, and for me, what I call ‘a bad day’ is the same thing you would call ‘a permanently traumatizing event’.”

“Resisting arrest, are we?” He smirked, as if he was hoping for that response.

“There’s nothing to arrest me for in the first place!” Okay, that was a lie, but I really just wanted nothing more than to walk away from that scene uninhibited, so I was kind of just hoping I could fib my way out. “What law have I broken?”

He opened his mouth to speak again, then stopped. He thought for a moment, and it was in that moment that I realized... He doesn’t know. Maybe he didn’t know I was the killer, or maybe news hadn’t travelled yet and he wasn’t aware of the crime at all. Either way, he didn’t know I killed someone.

He looked at his two companions for help. They shrugged. I realized he was literally looking for reasons to arrest me. What the hell is with this city!

“Uh...possession of a hidden weapon?” the earth pony guard finally answered sheepishly. I narrowed my eyes. “Oh for...just come with us already!”

I shook my head. “No. I’m not dealing with your racist crap. Leave me alone.” I turned to walk away, but as soon as I did, that asshole guard tackled me to the ground.

“You’re coming with us, and that’s final!” he yelled.

The next thing he yelled was a single drawn-out syllable as I threw him off of me and into a nearby building. I was NOT taking this crap. The two pegasi guards quickly drew swords and ran at me. I activated Din’s Fire, and they were forced to jump back to avoid the flames.

“Ah-HA! I was right!” the earth pony guard shouted, standing back up. “You are carrying a hidden weapon!”

“It’s not a weapon,” I calmly informed him. “It’s magic. A power. Ability. Whatever the hell you call it.”

“It’s still the same thing!”

I don’t give a buck if it’s the same thing!” I snapped. He cringed. “I just wanted one day to relax! One day where I didn’t have to worry about crazy monsters, evolution-caused sickness, or...you know...dying!” I slowly walked up to the earth pony guard as I yelled at him. “But I couldn’t get that day. Not here. And you know why?”

He shook his head. “Wh-why?”

“Because the damn SECOND I get here, I run into some Fire-type with a bloodthirsty asshole for a god controlling him trying to kill me!” I scream. “And once that’s over I end up meeting you three jackasses trying to arrest me just because I’m not a pony!”

They all looked at each other. It was clear they were scared, but still trying to look like they were in control. I could see why; a crowd was slowly forming, and I doubted the guards wanted to look like they didn’t have any authority. I turned and tried to walk away, but the guards weren’t so quick to let me go.

“He’s resisting arrest!” the earth pony guard shouted. The crowd of ponies instantly turned to me. “Get him!”

I just stopped. A fair amount of the ponies were confused and not bothering to do anything, but most of them were taking action. Charging me, flying up to divebomb, pulling out weapons. I sighed.

“I told you...”

The first pony reached me.

“I am not...

I nonchalantly grabbed their hoof.


With a twist, I spun them around and slammed them into three other ponies coming at me.


My drop shield came out almost on instinct, and everypony was pushed back. My front right hoof began to glow. I heard the ponies yelling something, but they were drowned out by the shield. Finally, the shield fell, but I noticed the ponies were hesitant to approach me.

Except for one certain asshat earth pony guard.

FOR THE PRINCESSES!” he cried, diving at me with a sword out. I just turned and looked at him. It may have been a trick of the light, but for a second, I think he just stopped diving midair and froze, a pure look of fear on his face. “...uh-oh.”

I swung my glowing hoof at him. It connected with his stomach, and he went flying straight backwards, smashing right through the wall of a building. And I think he smashed through the opposite wall as well, but I wasn’t paying attention.

My hoof stopped glowing, and I just stood there. It was quiet for all of ten seconds. Then, there was a loud clattering of hooves, and the area was deserted. I was the only one left.

With a sigh, I resumed my aimless walking. I had a feeling ponies would leave me alone now.

[Perspective: Risk Reward]

False was explaining what had transpired to the guards that had shown up with Asylum.

Asylum and I were digging through the rubble as quickly as we could while still being careful, trying to find Nimble. It was partially my fault he was trapped in there. I felt my eyes sting as I blinked rapidly. I didn’t know what had even transpired in the battle. It had lasted so long, but had been over so fast. I rubbed my eyes with a hoof as I saw False coming this way.

I couldn’t meet her eyes.

“Risk,” she began, moving a rock out of the way, “What happened to Nimble wasn’t your fault.”

I sighed and moved to reply, “False, you c-“

I was cut off by the sight of collecting magic rushing towards a point just outside my line of sight. I gasped and looked towards where it was gathering, quickly lowering the Fine Rock and charging it with magic. False drew her sword cautiously. Asylum came up next to us.

“W-what’s that?” she asked softly, looking at the magic converging on a certain ice-ridden spot on the ground.

My eyes widened as I got a general idea of what was happening, “It’s…” I stammered, “It’s… it’s…” I thought for a moment longer. “It’s something to do with Cinder…” I finished lamely, causing False to roll her eyes.

I studied the magic. It was starting to look like a particular color. There were reds, oranges, and yellows still swirling about, slowly stirring down as the sphere of influence got smaller and denser. Soon, it was just a hemisphere of yellow magic, swirling furiously. It stayed still for a few moments. I edged closer to try to get a read on exactly what it was, when it suddenly projected into the air, forming a bright yellow beacon shooting straight up from a point, a white shape flying down the pillar until the lights came to a rest.

After that, I heard an all-too familiar voice.

“R-r-r-respawn!” Cinder shouted, in all his laws-of-the-universe-defying glory.

There were several seconds of deafening silence, in which I briefly wondered where Arrell had gone off to, before False spoke.

Well, spoke is a generous term.

“Wha… But… How…” she stammered, portraying everypony’s thoughts on the scene perfectly.

“If no one will humor me and ask me where that line is from, then I shall enlighten thee on the subject of respawning in Pokémon,” Cinder said deeply, taking on a very fake accent. “In the original Pokémon games, Pokémon would only faint, and would not be subjected to harshness of death and decay.” He paused, “However, that was only because the game was for small children, or foals, if you will. Now, when a Pokemon fainted, you merely had-“

“We get it!” False shouted, “Get to the point!”

“Fine,” Cinder said snarkily. He then paused for a second. “If I had eyes, I’d be rolling them.

“Ahem,” he said forcefully. “Now, this item here,” he pulled out a seed of some kind and held it above him, scrutinizing it. “It is called a Reviver Seed. When consumed, it-“ He was cut off by a guard, who had finally come to her senses about the whole situation.

“Hold it, criminal scum!” she shouted. “All of you are under arrest! You will leave your weapons on the ground and come towards me! Do not try to resist, and do not attempt to escape!”

“Aaaaw,” Cinder said grumpily, advancing towards the guard. “Don’t you want to know about it?” He asked, holding the seed up close to her face. “Immortality?” he said softly, so that I could barely hear him.

The guard was silent for a few seconds. When she opened her mouth to speak, Cinder immediately stuffed the seed into her open mouth and head-butted it closed.

He then immediately ran back, shouting “Run!” as he whizzed by me towards the wreckage of the building. I quickly followed him, still greatly perplexed about what was going on.

“Halt!” the guard yelled again. “You are under arr-“ She was rudely cut off by a large mass of orange flame spewing out of her mouth, causing her to panic and retreat.

I turned to Cinder, who just smiled and said “Blast Seed.”

I ran to the rubble with him, not knowing what I was getting into.

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