• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 8,513 Views, 682 Comments

To Err is Equine - RLYoshi

Everyone, pony, and thing makes mistakes. Not as many try to fix these mistakes, and even fewer succeed.

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42: Cuddles to Troubles

DATE: March 6th
LOCATION: Ponyville

[Perspective: Arrell]


...wait...am I awake...?

So that’s how I woke up the day my second round of evolution sickness ended.

As I fell from dream land back into the real world, I couldn’t help but feel like a statue, having been lying down for what felt like years. Yawning, I began the process of opening my eyes as I forcefully unwrapped my hoof from...

...what was my hoof wrapped around?

Slowly, I continued my efforts to open my eyes, and soon my mental question was answered. A light yellow blob was lying in bed with me.

I blinked a bit, then used my apparently unwrapped hoof to rub at my eyes. The blob soon became less so, and I recognized the form of Asylum.

“...did I get drunk or something?” I asked aloud. My voice was apparently enough to stir the sleeping pegasus, as she began to shift in her sleep a bit. Her own eyes also began to open, and they locked onto mine.

For about ten seconds, we just stared at each other. Then, simultaneously, as our brains finally turned on completely, we yelped and jumped backwards - which had the result of both of us crashing to the floor, Asylum dragging the blankets with her.

As I struggled to get back up (hey, I had been lying down for at least a couple days; don’t blame me if I forgot how to stand!), I heard hoofsteps rushing from downstairs, and the door swung open. Risk and False stood there, looking confused and worried.

Of course, when they saw me and Asylum sprawled out on the floor, they looked more amused than anything.

“Finally woke up, huh?” False chuckled as she walked over to me, extending a hoof to help me up. I can’t say I wasn’t surprised, but I wasn’t looking a gift pony in the mouth, so I grabbed it and she hauled me to my hooves. “Took you long enough.”

“What happened to you?” Risk asked Asylum. “I can understand Arrell falling out of bed, but...you weren’t even in the bed.” He paused. “...were you?”

The pegasus blushed as she tried to answer. “W-Well...he was hugging my hoof last night...” I was? “...I tried to pull away, but he just pulled back, and I ended up on the bed, and...well...I was tired...”

Risk blinked. “So...Arrell’s a cuddler, huh?” He smirked. “Didn’t see that coming.”

I glared. “Hey! In my defense, from what I remember, she was warm - and in a good way, not the way that’s dangerous to Windigoes!”

His smirk didn’t fade. He turned to head out the door. “Whatever you say. You two snugglies come down when you’re ready.” He left, False following him with a smirk of her own.

I wasn’t sure if I was blushing or not, or if Windigoes even could blush, but I definitely felt heat in my cheeks. I turned and slammed my head against the wall - partially to hide my possible blush from Asylum, and partially because I just wanted to knock myself out and sleep another day until this was forgotten.

Long story short, all I ended up doing was giving myself a headache and standing against a wall for half an hour or so before finally going downstairs. Asylum left pretty much instantly after I attacked the wall with my noggin, so at least I didn’t have to face her yet.

I wish I was still sick.

After walking into the kitchen, I found Risk downing a glass of milk. When he saw me, he put the glass down and grinned. “So, how was-”

“If you finish that sentence the way I think you’re going to, I will break all your legs completely in half and use the bones to stab your eyes out, then reach down your throat and pull our your intestines to tie you up with so you can’t escape as I burn you alive and bury you in a patch of Poison Joke.”

“...how was...the...trip...down the stairs...?” His grin became a rather disturbed and frightened look.

I smiled calmly. “It was just fine.” I walked past him to the fridge, opening it and looking for something to eat. “Where are the girls? And on a similar subject, where’s Nimble? Haven’t seen him since I woke up.”

He shrugged, seeming to get over my wordy threat. “It’s Nimble. No point even trying to keep track of where he is if he’s not in the same room as you.” He finished his milk. “As for the girls, Asylum’s showering and False is looking over an inventory list for Alterspace.”

“Inventory list? For the articles?” I came out with an apple. Not the best breakfast, but it was all I could find that didn’t require actually putting anything together.

“Yeah. The Royal Guard snagged a few while you were out. Pretty tame ones, though.” He put his glass in the sink. “Last I heard, they were looking for some kind of white hoodie, or something.”

I choked on the piece of apple I had going down my throat. It started making its way out, but I coughed and shut my lips to keep it from popping out. I swallowed it quickly. “Did you say...white hoodie?”

He nodded slowly. “They don’t know what it does yet. Somepony found it, and it seemed to possess them into wearing it. They then just ran off, and the guards are looking for them.”

“Where are they?” I demanded. If this is what I think it is...

“You really need to calm down-”

Where. Are. They.

He sighed. “Cloudsdale. You happy?”

“Cloudsdale...how far is it? What’s the quickest way to get there?” I started walking towards him. I couldn’t tell, but I probably had a very freaked-out look on my face.

“Arrell, you’re scaring me...”


He gulped and backed away a bit. “I-I don’t know...I think Asylum can show you...she’s been there before...”

“Thank you.” I turned and darted off. “Asylum! Get your cuddly flank out here! We’ve got a hoodie on the loose!”

“Night, mom! Night, dad!” the colt called as he trotted into his bedroom. With a yawn, he flopped down onto his bed and pulled the covers over him, waiting for sleep to take him.

Instead, he felt...uncomfortable. Paranoid. Like somepony was watching him.

Nervously, he opened his eyes and looked around the room. At first he saw nothing out of the ordinary, but then he noticed two crazed-looking eyes.

And they belonged to a crazed-looking pony.

The colt screamed as the pony started trotting towards him, a very large knife held by his wing. He giggled, paying no heed to the screams of the child or the worried yells of the parents currently making their way towards their child’s room.

Go to sleep...

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know I said I'd have some character development rather than action...I decided to have both.

Anyone who already knows what this article is gets a cookie.

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