• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 8,512 Views, 682 Comments

To Err is Equine - RLYoshi

Everyone, pony, and thing makes mistakes. Not as many try to fix these mistakes, and even fewer succeed.

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8: You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry

[Perspective: Arrell]

I woke up in a cold sweat, looking around me nervously. The purple ocean dream may have only been a minute or two long, but it felt like forever I was drowning in that liquid. And I couldn't get that stupid voice out of my head.

Calm down, Arrell. Surroundings, take them in. Where did you fall asleep?

A spot check told me that I was lying on a park bench like a hobo, the sun was just peeking up over the horizon, and I was still tired as hay. I would've just gone back to sleep, but the bench was really uncomfortable. I tried to roll off the bench onto the much comfier-looking grass, but by the time I worked up the energy to do even that, I was too awake to sleep.

Well, back to the library...once I figure out what direction it's in.

[Perspective: False Front]

"Which do you think is the real Arrell?"

The question kept ringing in my head. Risk made a valid point, and not just the obvious one. In a sense, he was forcing me to realize that I knew next to nothing about Arrell.

Is Arrell actually just that annoying, with some quiet moments? Or is he always shy with just an optimistic facade to hide it? ...gah, I can't think straight without sleep!

I managed to doze off for a few minutes during the night, but most of the night was spent thinking. And waiting. I was used to waiting, but not for a whole night. And I really was not used to being so tired. Having to deal with Arrell and Risk in this condition would be hell.

Stupid stallions, they drive me to insanity.

[Perspective: Arrell]

"I've stoked the fire
Seen more pain than you can know
The tears of the broken
Have washed away my soul..."

I continued singing one of my favourite songs, albeit quietly, as I made my way back to the library. Apparently the town was used to me by now, as they didn't even bat an eye at this. Or maybe Celestia just ordered them to treat me normally. And ignore any horrible singing.

"Pushed by desire
To change the way my stream will flow
Now I've awoken
And I'm taking back control..."

I finally found Twilight's library again (after being lost for roughly an hour) and stepped inside. I didn't even bother knocking, since this place was already my home until I could afford an actual house. Yet I didn't even stay here last night. Waste of a home.

"I try my best to block out the screams
But they're haunting me in my dreams
Please break my shackles
I want it to stop..."

[Perspective: False Front]

My eye twitched.

[Perspective: Arrell]

"Am I the only one who slept last night?" I deadpanned.

False had huge bags under her eyes and was constantly glaring at me, Risk, or the floor. Her mane and tail were messier than normal, and the only time she spoke was to tell me to shut up about three or four times. Risk's eyes refused to stay open, and I had to repeat things frequently for him, since he kept dozing off. Even Twilight was still yawning and looking rather messy as she trotted around the library while the rest of us prepared.

"Shut up," False grunted. Five times now and counting.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, if you two are going to be this energetic, maybe we should just stick around town for another day?" It was actually a good suggestion; I hadn't seen much of Ponyville in person (in pony?) aside from anything flying past my vision on my run away. That and the park bench. A comfy park bench I wanted to return to...or maybe a bed would be better.

"Sounds good to me," Risk yawned, instantly flopping back on the couch and going back to snoring. That pretty much made the decision for us, so False returned to the guest room for some more sleep herself.

Twilight came out of the kitchen and saw me standing in the middle of the room, alone sans for an unconscious Risk. She smirked a bit, which I returned before walking out of the library.

As soon as I left, I was hit by my hatred sense again. This time, however, I grinned; now that I had almost complete free reign over where I went, as long as False was moderately nearby, I could do something about it.

I let my guard against the sense down, and allowed it to pull me in a direction.

[Perspective: Risk Reward]

My sleep only lasted a few minutes, but I felt a bit better when I woke up. I knew I'd have to sleep some more during the day, lest I fall asleep in the middle of conversation again, but I decided to get up and actually do stuff for a while.

My first thought was to read some more about my horn, but I stopped as I reached for yet another book. I had spent plenty of time reading, but not enough time experimenting. One theory was that gemstones could be used by all species sort of like a unicorn's horn to use magic. So, ostensibly, couldn't I use one as a horn replacement?

I smiled at the thought and set out to find Rarity. I had met all of Twilight's friends, and they seemed pretty nice. Though Applejack and Rarity still seemed unsure of Arrell, and Rainbow Dash...come to think of it, I have yet to see her interact with him. And she doesn't speak highly of him either. She was probably the only one who didn't seem concerned when he was brought in unconscious on Celestia's back. Hay, she even laughed.

I scowled. Once I'm finished getting a gem from Rarity, I'm gonna have a talk with Dashie about this. Not liking somepony is alright, but laughing when they're hurt is...just cruel.

[Perspective: Arrell]

My hatred sense finally began to disappear, which confused me. Shouldn't it get stronger as I got closer to the source of the hate? ...well, at least I didn't have to deal with the feeling now.

I felt myself being released from the pull and looked around. I was on the main (or mane...I'm sorry) street of Ponyville, which was less crowded than normal. This could likely be attributed to it being rather early in the morning.

My senses kicked in again, this time very lightly, and directed my attention to a familiar mare arguing with an unfamiliar stallion. I recognized Rainbow Dash quickly, despite having only seen her once since my arrival, but had no idea who the other one was. I trotted up to figure out what was going on.

"I already paid it all off! Give it back now!" Rainbow yelled at the stallion, looking absolutely pissed off.

"Ya think I'd just let ya go like that?" the stallion asked with a smug grin. I instantly wanted to punch all of his teeth out. He had a dark green coat and brown hair, wore a pair of sunglasses, and was...smoking? I didn't know Equestria had cigars. To top his 'total jackass' look off, he had a brown trenchcoat on and a spiked collar.

"I paid you the money you wanted," Rainbow hissed. "Give me back the book. Now."

The stallion's grin widened and he lowered the shades from his face. "Nah, we ain't done yet, little filly. Come with me, and I'll show ya what else ya gotta give me."

I'd seen and heard enough by that point. I stomped up to them, making my presence known to the both of them, and stared the stallion right in the eye.

Now, I never paid much attention to my eyes when I arrived, but I knew they were pure white, without pupils. Now I knew just how useful eyes like that could be, because as soon as I locked eyes with this guy, his grin vanished and he took on a look of nervousness.

"Hello," I greeted him, very calmly. "I believe I overheard you two talking about something suspicious?"

"Uh..." the stallion uttered, sweating a bit. "N-no, nothing at all..."

"Really?" I let out a puff of icy air, causing him to shiver. "Because it sounded like my friend here was paying you to try and get something back from you."

His eyes darted back and forth comically. I felt like Phoenix Wright.

"You're going to give her back whatever she's been trying to get back from you," I ordered. "As well as any money she's paid you. And you're not going to bug her again."

He nodded frantically, reached into his trenchcoat, and pulled out a book and a small bag. He tossed the two items to Rainbow and began to back away. Before he could get too far away, I walked up to him and grabbed him by the neck.

"You have seen what my eyes can do," I told him. "Don't make me show you what the rest of me can do." I let him go and he bolted, not looking back.

I turned to Rainbow, who was staring at me in surprise. She tried to speak, but no words came out.

"No need to thank me," I said as I walked past her. "Just stop avoiding me. It hurts me worse than what I could have done to that guy."

With those words, I began my walk back to the library, the hatred sense now silent.

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