• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 17,618 Views, 1,579 Comments

The Symbiote - SpyroForLife

Twilight Sparkle investigates the Life Aura Center at Celestia's request, but what she finds there is far more than she expected.

  • ...

2. Symbiosis

The first thing Twilight realized was that the floor was tiled, and her hooves clicked loudly on it. She froze, and the pony she had followed inside paused, looking around. Then he rubbed his ear, shrugged, and kept going.

Twilight took a breath, then took a cautious step forward. She had to move very slowly to keep quiet, but she managed it. She crossed the room, examining the doors and finding that they led to different labs, and not offices like she had thought.

Allergy and immunology. Emergency medicine. Diagnostic radiology… that caught her interest. It wasn’t anything suspicious, she was just very curious about the field. It always fascinated her that ponies have learned to use radiation to scan for injuries and disease. She quietly opened the door and slipped in.

Her entry was unnoticed. Only a few ponies were working here right now, and they seemed focused on various experiments. She walked through the room, and stopped to watch as a device was leveled at a mass of tissue sitting on a dish.

She realized with mild disgust that it was a pair of lungs, but understood that this kind of research was best done on actual samples.

The device’s operator pulled a lead shield in front of the dish and got behind it, then pressed a button to activate the machine. A few seconds of humming, then she lowered the shield and went to check out a screen.

Twilight’s ears perked when she realized it showed a scan of the lungs, separated out into layers. And the employee located a dark splotch on one of the images and circled it, looking satisfied.

Technology capable of taking such clear, detailed scans of organs would definitely benefit Equestria. Twilight was excited to see that machine reach the public.

She kept looking around, but nothing here was suspicious or unethical. All the testing was being done on organs or cadavers.

She briefly examined a magnetic imaging machine, then headed back out.

She checked out some other sections of the building. Emergency medicine was testing new and improved ways to save lives in an emergency, as the name suggested. How to quickly stop bleeding, set bones, and tend to burns and other severe bodily trauma.

There were also a couple doctors writing out updated procedures, complete with graphic depictions, and Twilight decided she wanted to keep her dinner down.

She kept exploring. The ponies working at the desks weren't doing anything too interesting. Mostly finances and public relations work. She only watched a few of them before moving on.

There was so much going on in the center, but nothing stood out as questionable. She wondered just what Celestia had picked up on that made her worry.

Twilight took a quick break in a bathroom, hiding out in a stall and lowering the invisibility spell. She sighed and wiped sweat from her brow. Maintaining that took a lot of effort, and it didn’t help that she had her body covered. She was so tempted to just get an ID and walk around visible, but so far she hasn’t seen anypony dressed like her. She would stand out. She had vastly underestimated what it would take to sneak into this place, let alone actually explore.

Though, if she were to get both an ID and a lab coat…

Twilight got up, pulling off her clothes and tentatively trying to teleport them home. They disappeared, and she sighed with relief. It seemed you could teleport out of here, you just couldn’t teleport in.

Now considerably cooler, she turned herself invisible again and walked out. She looked around, then trotted up to the second floor, where the security offices were. There were signs to the office that issued badges, and she headed there.

There were hours of operation, and she found that they were closed. Badge pick-up was during the day only. That seemed inconvenient for the night shift employees. She tested the door. Locked. But it didn’t require a card. Instead, there were six numbered buttons for a passcode lock.

Alright then. Plan B. She went down the hall to the employee locker rooms. She would borrow some supplies from the day shift. It’ll be fine, she’ll give everything right back.

She found that none of the lockers were actually locked. She supposed they were confident in the security and the trustworthiness of their fellow employees. Then, upon opening one, she discovered why they weren’t secured. There was very little in it. A lab coat, some goggles and other PPE, and a lanyard with no badge on it.

Okay, maybe that pony just didn’t bring much to work. She tried the next locker.

This one had scrubs, a face mask, and a box of nitrile gloves. Along with some mane bands and a mirror.

Twilight closed it.

Finally she found a locker with a badge stored in it, and she took it, along with the coat. She turned visible and pulled the coat on. It didn’t belong to a pegasus, so there were no wing holes, but that was fine. It was much easier to hide wings than a horn.

She pulled her mane and tail into buns, and put the lanyard on. She examined the mare on the badge. She had blue fur and a white mane with a streak of gray.

Twilight found a mirror and took a deep breath, then began casting her magic. She was glad the mare whose identity she was assuming was a unicorn. She watched her appearance shift, her fur and mane changing color.

The last step was arguably the most difficult. Her eyes. She checked the picture again, then changed her eyes to an intense blue.

She gave herself a final examination. “Okay. Your name is Dr. Blue Bell and you work for pathology. Now, what part of that you work for, I’m not sure. But hopefully nopony questions you.”

She headed out. She was very nervous, but no one gave her a second glance. She passed the pathology department, heading for one of the staircases that led to the basement levels.

But just as she was taking the first step, a voice called, “Dr. Bell, is that you?”

Twilight paused, then turned around. “Yeah, it’s me.”

The pony approaching her paused and tilted her head. “Are you feeling okay? Your voice is weird.”

“Oh, um…” Twilight coughed against her foreleg, and used a hoarse voice as she replied, “Just got a little bug, I’m okay.”

“Oh dear, you don’t think you got sick from that influenza sample you were studying, do you?”

“I hope not, I used all the standard precautions.”

“Well…” The other mare awkwardly shifted, then said, “I did see you handling a sample the other day without gloves on, remember I had to write you up?”

Twilight sighed internally. Of course she was impersonating a pony who made dumb mistakes like that. “Oh, right. I’m sorry again about that. Yeah, that could be it.”

“Well, be careful and take some cold medicine. By the way, why are you here? You’re not scheduled to work tonight, you were moved to days.”

“Oh, well…” Twilight hurried to think of a lie. “I couldn’t sleep, I’m still so used to being awake at night, haha. I just wanted to come here and see if anypony needed my help.”

“Hm, well I doubt anypony down in the restricted research section needs you. You don’t even have the clearance to work down there. Why don’t you go talk to public health, they’ve been looking for input, something to do with mosquitoes and malaria? I don’t know, but go talk to Dr. Buzz.”

“Dr. Buzz, right, I’ll go see her.”

“...He’s a stallion. Seriously, you feeling okay?”

“Fine,” Twilight squeaked. She hurried past, toward where she remembered public health being.

The mare shook her head and went back into her lab.

Twilight slowed, and checked that she was gone. Then she turned and went back toward the stairs, trotting down. Restricted research, huh? That sounded promising. Of course it could simply be military research, or something a princess asked for. But if there was anything shady happening, it would be down here.

She noticed there were cameras on the walls. She looked at them out of the corner of her eye but tried not to stare. That was cutting edge, especially if they were transmitting live to somewhere. Did they develop that technology themselves, or did they get it from somewhere? And if the latter, who provided it?

Twilight decided to put the cameras out of mind and watch her surroundings. It was very quiet down here. There were several hallways and doors, with hardly any labels. She wasn’t sure where to start. She decided to just pick at random.

She was just starting to open one of the translucent glass doors when a stern voice called, “Doctor!”

Twilight tensed and turned around, seeing a stallion in a suit marching toward her. She straightened. “Yes, sir?”

“I don’t know what you’re doing but I need you to come with me immediately.”

Twilight recognized him as Blazing Aura, the unicorn who spearheaded the Life Aura Center as the leading research center it was today.

Several possibilities went through her head. Did he recognize her as an intruder? Did she act suspicious upstairs? Was this place so restricted she was in trouble just for coming down here?

“Yes, sir,” she replied. It’s okay, she told herself. If things went sideways she knew she could teleport out.

She followed him down the hall, and he said, “I was just running to get somepony, we need a doctor immediately. One of our patients is going into cardiac arrest and our usual doctor is upstairs in a meeting, and none of my scientists know how to handle this.”

Twilight’s blood ran cold. She didn’t know how to handle that either. “Sir, should we call for additional help?”

“I can once I get you working on him, but if he doesn’t get immediate medical attention he will die.”

Twilight’s breathing grew shallow. She tried to scrape together what she knew about cardiac arrest, but there was very little. Stabilize their heart rate. Keep the heart beating. A well-timed electrical shock could do it. Unless the heart has already stopped. Then she’d just be zapping meat, as horrible as that was to say. She did know CPR though, so she hoped the patient’s heart was still beating, so she could at least do that.

“You don’t have clearance for down here, so I’ll need to up your clearance once this is done,” Blazing said. “But hey, possible promotion.”

Well, at least Blue Bell might get something out of this.

Blazing shoved open a set of doors, and Twilight was stunned as they entered a huge lab ringed by glass cells, all of which contained ponies. Many of whom looked sickly and pained. But she didn’t have time to look too closely, because then they were approaching one of the cells and the door was flung open.

“Here, this is Rock Break,” Blazing said, pushing Twilight in. “Save him, he’s too valuable to lose.”

She looked back, but the door was closed and locked behind her. She stared, wondering why she was being locked in, then turned and got down next to the stallion. “Sir?” she asked him, rummaging through her pockets before finding gloves and pulling them on. “Sir, are you alright?”

He was laying on his side, breathing hard with a crazed look in his eyes. He was clutching his chest.

“It’s in here, it’s killing me!” he gasped.

“Okay, just remain calm.” Twilight tentatively felt his chest, and found that his heart was thrumming to a very offbeat tempo, his breathing ragged. She rolled him onto his back and began compressions, trying to get his heart’s rhythm back to normal.

“Get away, it’ll kill you, get-” Rock abruptly passed out.

“Sir? Rock? I’m losing him!” Twilight shouted. She kept up the compressions, then sat back, horn sparking as she prepared to shock him. She might not know how to do this properly, but he was already dying, so she had to try. She made sure she was clear of his body, then fired a bolt of electricity into his chest.

He jolted but remained unconscious, and she kept going, tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to force his heart to keep beating. This wasn’t what she wanted, she just wanted to look around, and now she was struggling to save a life and nothing was helping! What was with this place, why wouldn't they have more doctors assigned to work down here?

She heard Blazing talk to the scientists around him, and glanced back to see most of them disperse but one.

She looked back at the dying stallion, finally noticing how weak and emaciated he was. He was an earth pony, but all his muscles seemed to have been eaten away, leaving his skin sagging off his bones. What have they been doing to him? Or did he come in this way?

She took a breath and prepared her magic for another shock. “Clear-”

Then a stream of black goo erupted from Rock’s forehead and slammed into hers, covering her horn, and a deep voice roared, NO MORE.

The substance completely blocked her magic. She reeled back with a surprised shout, and something black and slimy emerged from the stallion, rolling and shifting in an unnerving, alien way.

Twilight tried to back away, but it caught all her limbs and pulled itself against her, stretching itself across her body.

“No, get back!” she shouted, struggling. But as suddenly as it appeared, it seemed to fade away, leaving only black crawling across her before that too disappeared. Her skin itched for a few moments, but the sensation soon stopped.

Breathing hard, she felt her face. There was nothing there. What was that? Was the panic making her see things? But there was that voice, and the thing that grabbed her...

The stallion gave a final gasp and went limp. When Twilight felt his neck, she couldn’t find a pulse. Nor was he breathing. “No. He’s…” She sat back, chest aching. “He’s gone.” She looked through the glass, standing. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t save him.”

“Oh, no matter,” Blazing said, while the scientist next to him took notes. He gave her a strange look. “You’ll do just fine in his place.”


Blazing looked at something on the wall next to her cell. “Vitals are normal. Heart rate nominal… oxygen intake is down, though. Keep an eye on that.”

Ugh, who needs oxygen.

Twilight whipped her head around. “Who said that?”

Blazing just lifted a brow. “I’m the only one talking. Ms. Atom, please note confusion in the subject, and possible auditory hallucinations.”

“Like many of our subjects,” Ms. Atom said, writing that down.

Twilight banged on the glass. “Let me out of here!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Blazing replied. “You’ve become a valuable research subject. Far more valuable than you were sniffing petri dishes or whatever you do up in pathology.” Blazing kept reading the wall, and Twilight assumed there was some kind of monitor there. “I'm glad I found you. Truth is, I have doctors here who could have perhaps saved Rock. But I didn't want to sacrifice them, they're all very hard workers.” He was quiet for a bit, then said, “This is odd. We took your DNA when you started work here. But this is failing to identify you.”

Twilight swallowed. “Oh? That’s weird.”

“It is. It’s almost as if… you aren’t Blue Bell. You’re an impostor.” Blazing’s horn glowed, and he gestured to a couple guards, who immediately ran to his side. “Atom, open the door.”

“But sir, the symbiote-”

“It won’t want to leave her, she matched with it far better than Rock did. Open the door.”

Atom didn’t argue, opening the door while the guards aimed their guns.

Twilight’s legs shook with fear, and as soon as the door was open, Blazing hit her with a spell. Her fur colors began changing back.

“No!” She cast a counter-spell to keep the disguise up, but then the guards stabbed at her with the barrels of their guns, making her lose her concentration. She closed her eyes tight and blasted them backward, and they went flying, crashing into tables and knocking lab equipment over.

Twilight struggled out of the cell, tossing off her coat and lanyard and making sure she was still disguised. Can’t let them change me back, they can’t see my face!

Why didn’t you say so?

Twilight gasped as a viscous black fluid flowed across her entire body, coating her and completely obscuring her appearance. Her wings flew open, slime dripping from them.

Now this is more like it!

Twilight had no idea what was going on, what that voice was or why she was suddenly coated in this strange substance. But she did feel more powerful than ever before, and the fear melted away, replaced with a smug confidence.

She charged across the room, her legs seeming to move on their own, and she plowed into one of the guards. He tried to lift his gun, but she grabbed it in jaws that suddenly felt much bigger and stronger than before. She ripped the gun away, and as she opened her mouth wide, the other screamed.

Next thing she knew, she had bitten down on his entire head and pulled it off with a sharp twisting motion. Her teeth crunched through his skull, blood and brain matter flooding her mouth. It tasted both disgusting and delicious, and she yanked herself away, feeling like she was going to vomit.

What am I doing?! she demanded of herself, wondering where that sick hunger had come from.

Fuel! that deep voice yelled, and she finally realized it was in her head.

She remembered what Blazing had said. Something had matched with her, something the scientist had called a ‘symbiote.’ As in… something that formed a symbiotic relationship with a host?

That’s it, sweetheart, now let me get us out of here! They moved, tossing the guard’s body aside. They turned to roar at the other guard, who began shooting at them. Twilight flinched, but then she realized the bullets were bouncing right off and she didn’t even feel pain.

Her body moved, crossing the room in an instant and knocking the guard out cold with his own weapon. Vicious claws grew from her hooves and she sank them into his neck, lifting him and opening her mouth wide. Then she stopped, growling, “No, don’t eat him!”

“But why?” a deep voice whined from low in her throat.

“He’s just doing his job, don’t hurt him!”

“These ponies go far beyond just being security guards. I’ve watched them beat the patients here. Kick them around, humiliate them, abuse them. They do not deserve your pity.”

Twilight swallowed, but firmly said, “Leave him.”

The being sharing her body groaned, but dropped the guard.

Twilight turned. “Now, where’s Blazing?”

She got her answer when high-pitched alarms blared around them.

Sounding the alarm, the voice replied, back in her head and sounding pained. We need to get out.

But I need to find out what’s going on here, this is so much bigger than-

Out! Their wings opened and they were suddenly in the air, slamming through the ceiling as if it was tissue paper. They landed on the first floor, their hooves scrambling against the floor as they ran through the building.

There were dozens of guards waiting for them, and Twilight began preparing to teleport out, but the voice said, It won’t work, they would have cast a barrier spell by now. No teleporting in or out.

Twilight stopped the spell. So how do we-

We fight our way out.

Before she could argue, they were being shot at, and her body moved faster than she ever thought possible. Her wings flapped and launched her straight up. Black appendages shot out from her sides, latching onto the walls and swinging them through the room, so quick that no one could land a hit. Then they flew back down, back legs first and slamming right through the line of guards.

They landed and began kicking out, their legs moving so hard and fast they sent their victims flying. They never stopped moving, leaping from pony to pony, snarling as they punched and threw them. Nothing the others did seemed to even hurt. It was just a rush of adrenaline, as Twilight cooperated with the strange being to take down every single guard.

Next thing she knew, she was standing near the door, panting with a room of unconscious ponies in front of her. She realized she was much taller than usual, and when she looked at herself in the glass, she was shocked to see that her entire body had grown huge and muscular. The black liquid seemed almost solid now, and there were hideous white eyes over her own.


Twilight opened her mouth. It was filled with sharp teeth, and a long tongue lolled out of it. She shuddered and slammed through the glass, running as fast as she could to get away. An even louder alarm sounded from the building, and she winced, finally feeling pain.

Here, this way. Their wings opened and they took off. More guards poured out of the building, chasing them, the pegasi taking to the air and aiming their weapons. But before any of them could catch up, Twilight was off the island and diving into the water, swimming so fast and deep their pursuers lost track of them.

They resurfaced miles away, jumping up onto the shore a good distance south of Manehattan.

Twilight gasped for breath as she dragged herself through the sand, the goo seeming to sink back into her body. She hadn’t breathed once while underwater, but now she couldn’t seem to get enough air.

“What… what, the hell, was that,” she gasped.

Hm, I didn’t think you ponies knew how to swear.

She pushed herself up, looking herself over. She looked like herself again, her mane and tail no longer in a bun but now very messy. “Okay, who are you?”

The liquid emerged from her body in strands, before forming into a sort of head and twisting around to look at her. It was horrifying, looking just like she did when she had caught her reflection earlier, but somehow, she wasn’t afraid of it. “I am Venom.”