• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 17,655 Views, 1,579 Comments

The Symbiote - SpyroForLife

Twilight Sparkle investigates the Life Aura Center at Celestia's request, but what she finds there is far more than she expected.

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6. Cardio Testing

Twilight limbered up each of her legs, looking at the track that stretched ahead of her. A single lap was half a mile long. A very determined, well-conditioned pony could gallop at forty miles per hour. But such a speed couldn't be maintained for long. When it came to distance running, ten miles per hour was much more manageable.

She would take the first lap at a comfortable pace. She checked the watch she had worn for the occasion, then took off running. The wind blowing through her mane was refreshing, and she sped up after the first curve, going faster. She galloped down the straightaway, amazed at how fast she was going, and she didn't even feel tired! Another two turns and then she was on the final stretch to the finish line. She took long strides, seeming to fly over the track, and next thing she knew, she was past the line.

She lifted her foreleg to look at her watch, and could barely believe it. Am I reading this right?

It has been thirty seconds since you started running, Venom confirmed.

That means... Twilight quickly did the math, and exclaimed out loud, “I just ran at sixty miles per hour! For an entire half mile, without slowing down!”

You sure did. Good for you! And you weren't even giving it your all!

You're right. I could have run even faster than that, I'm not even winded, I feel great. This is incredible... you're incredible!

That got a very pleased reaction from him. Thank you, but I'd be limited by a weak host. The fact that we're capable of this speaks highly of your own strength, Princess.

She blushed. I wonder what our top speed is. Even if it means we have to stop a few seconds in, what's the fastest we could go?

Only one way to find out. They walked back to the starting line, took in a breath, and did a few more stretches. Then they ran again. This time, they poured everything they had into it. The air rushing past them quickly dried out their eyes, and they had to squint, starting to pant now, but not slowing down. They ran so fast their hooves tore up asphalt, and they cleared several feet between each hoof beat. It seemed like no time at all before they were running for the finish line again, and they ran even faster, sliding past it seconds after turning the last corner.

Breathing hard, Twilight took control and walked over to the grass, flopping down and looking at her watch. “Amazing. That was... that was fifteen seconds. Venom, we just ran a hundred and twenty miles per hour. That's insane. There are few pegasi that can even fly that fast, and we just ran it.”

After checking their surroundings, Venom stuck his head out and said, “We're awesome. So, got any more running tests for me?”

Twilight shook her head. Her legs were aching now. “I think I pushed myself a little too hard on that last lap. I've figured out what I needed to.” She wrote down her run times in her notebook, looked around to make sure they were alone, and then patted Venom's head. “I know we're alone out here but I don't think you should be uh, showing yourself in public.”

He grew shoulders just to shrug with and sank back into her body.

Twilight had planned on testing her endurance, but now decided she could do that later. Her legs may be tired, but her wings were fine. Which meant it was time to see how her flying has improved. She had flown very fast and hard last night, but she had mostly been panicking so it was difficult to remember the details. Now she could test it more thoroughly.

She took her notebook home, not wanting to lose it while flying. Then she went up to the roof and spread her wings, gazing into the nearly cloudless sky. She gave a few slow flaps to make sure all her feathers were lined up and ready to go, then took off. She rocketed upward, and with only a few flaps was over the clouds and on eye level with Cloudsdale.

Twilight hovered for a moment, impressed with herself. Then she kept going, wanting to get high enough to be out of view. Once she was a couple miles up, she took a moment to make sure her breathing was still okay. The air was thinner here, but so far she seemed to be doing okay. Then again, she thought with amusement, Venom can probably help me breathe in places I shouldn't be able to as well.

You've got that right.

Venom began sharing control after that, and they soared through the sky, occasionally dipping through clouds, and then shooting back up, fur glistening with water. They did flips and barrel rolls, doing spins straight up and spiraling straight down. They spent several minutes doing tricks, and were soon laughing together, discussing what other tricks they may be able to do with practice.

Then Venom dared her to do a sonic rainboom. Twilight informed him that she did one a few years ago during a Summer Sun Celebration, and while it looked different she still broke the sound barrier. She also told him about the second time she flew faster than sound after gaining all the magic of the other princesses of Equestria.

Okay then, do a double rainboom! All the way across the sky!

That sounds dangerous and irresponsible. Let's do it! Twilight inhaled, and shot down. She flapped her wings hard, leading with both forelegs, and Venom helped her determine the best angle to use to reach the required velocity. Wind whistled in their ears and they could feel resistance growing around them, but they kept driving their wings down, forcing themselves to go faster and faster. The ground rapidly approached and tears streamed from their eyes at the sheer speed.

Alright, here we go... now! They broke through the sound barrier at last, with a massive boom and a wave of violet and magenta magic. They used the momentum to soar back up, laughing wildly. They slowed down slightly and then sped back up to create a second sonic boom.

They spun to watch the waves of energy flowing across the sky, grinning as ponies everywhere lifted their heads to watch curiously.

“Wow,” Twilight said. “Well, that settles it. I... we can pretty much do anything.”

“Now that's what I like to hear.” Once they had lost some of their speed, they glided back toward Ponyville. “We can do anything. I wouldn't be surprised if we could fly into space with our combined strength.”

“Would we be able to go to space?” Twilight asked. “I want to see other planets. Other creatures.”

“Perhaps one day. Equestria doesn't really have the technology to get into space yet, but I may be able to help with that. Perhaps if we free the other symbiotes at the Life Aura Center, they can take scientist hosts, and kick Equestria into the space age. We can use the ship we came in to get things started. You deserve to see the universe beyond your planet.”

“But we might not be able to trust them.”

“That's a risk you'll just have to take if you ever want to get into space.”

“Why not just teach me what you know, and I can teach the scientists? I mean, I like to consider myself a scientist as well, I'm sure I can figure out all the necessary technology.”

“Do you have nuclear fusion reactors?”


“Do you know how to travel faster than light?”

“Is that even possible-”

“Do you even have metal capable of withstanding the extreme heat and forces it would be put under while escaping the atmosphere? An efficient means of storing and circulating breathing air for an entire vessel for weeks or months? Communication devices that can reach between planets in an instant? You are nowhere near learning all this yourself. And I don't know all of it myself. We'll need the other symbiotes.”

Twilight mulled that over. Then something occurred to her, and she smiled. “Well. Luckily, I happen to own a very convenient portal into another dimension where the sentient race has already figured out space travel, at least to their moon. I can easily gather information from there and bring it here to get us started.”

Venom snorted. “Right. The human world. Now that would have been a nice place to end up. So much more advanced technology. And their bodies have fingers! Not that I can't just make fingers of my own, but if I have to remain hidden, using these hooves is so frustrating.”

“I have magic, you know.”

“Right, but sometimes I just want to use my hands for things, actually physically handle stuff, and I can't! Anyway. Yes, I suppose you could modify technology from that other world. But it won't be easy. You wouldn't believe what sorts of calculations go into space travel, and you barely have computers. Oh sure, a few cutting-edge industries have invented them, but I mean such things need to have reached the point of being so efficient and easy to produce that they're a common household object. Of course, I'm not saying it can't be done by hoof, the first humans who got into space relied on hand-calculated trajectories, but that's months of nonstop work... it may be tough finding someone who's willing to do it. Multiple someones who can do it. You'll have quite a task ahead of you if you want to get ponies into space without my people's help.”

Twilight sighed, angling her wings for the final descent to the roof of her castle. She decided to start talking to him with thought now, just so no one wondered why she was flying around seemingly talking to herself. I won't try to do it any time soon. I understand it will take a lot of work, and there are much more pressing matters to attend to. But it may be something for me to look into one day, once I feel that Equestria is ready for it.

Of course. Though, it may interest you to know that Blazing Aura is already researching space travel.

He is?!

Yeah, he wants to get to my planet and take more of my people for his stupid tests. We told him that would be a suicide mission, whoever he sends will be crushed. He claims to be working on that too. I don't expect him to get anywhere with it, you creatures have barely figured out motorized vehicles such as trains and airships, and he thinks he's going to get into space any time soon? Hah! And the other symbiotes have so far refused to help him in that regard. He has our ship in storage and has a small team working on it but none of us will help him. We've kept him appeased with medical advances, but I don't know how long my people can hold out against his torture. They might just cooperate with him, especially if he figures out what to feed them and offers it...

Twilight entered the castle and went to get her notebook, greeting Spike, along with Starlight. They both seemed to want to talk to her, but she told them she needed a moment and barricaded herself in her room to keep talking to Venom.

So then, we need to stop Blazing Aura. Soon.


Stop him, have the research center free the symbiotes, get them into hosts, and ensure that whoever takes over in his place runs things in an ethical manner. I can't stand by and let him continue torturing our people. There are better ways to do research, I know pony test subjects will still be needed but they can change how they approach it. They can explain their waivers better, explain all the possible outcomes, give them the chance to leave if they want... instead of locking them up and tormenting them. Ugh. Twilight finished writing her observations on her flying skills and slapped the notebook shut. And to think, everything happening on the first floor was so wonderful... why couldn't they just stick to that kind of work? But no, they just had to cross the line into experimental treatments on ponies, using ALIENS. Aliens they don't even fully understand and thus just harm their patients! Brilliant. Just brilliant.

You're clearly very passionate about this. Okay. Then we'll talk to Celestia and take on the Life Aura Center as soon as you and the princesses are ready. We'll take down Blazing Aura, completely reform the system there, and everything will be happy rainbows and sunshine, just like you creatures like.

Twilight stood, deciding to go see what Spike and Starlight wanted. Okay. Then I'll talk to Celestia right away.

Good. You and her are both very intelligent, as are the other princesses. I just know you'll come up with the perfect plan. Plus, you have me to help you out.

Twilight felt his confidence, and couldn't help but agree. Right. This will all be over with before you know it.
