• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 17,655 Views, 1,579 Comments

The Symbiote - SpyroForLife

Twilight Sparkle investigates the Life Aura Center at Celestia's request, but what she finds there is far more than she expected.

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Twilight stared. “Venom?”


“What are you?”

The being seemed to find that amusing. “We call ourselves the Klyntar, but your species has, fittingly, dubbed us symbiotes.”

“Right, that scientist said something about that. But, I’m still not exactly sure what you are. I’ve never seen or heard of anything like you before.”

“You wouldn’t have. We’re not from this planet.”

Twilight needed a moment to take that in. Then she said, “You’re an alien?”

“You got it.” The being seemed to circle her, though it remained attached to her body by that thick liquid. Despite its unnerving appearance, those creepy eyes and toothy grin, she still didn’t feel threatened. Somehow, she could feel its emotions, and it was more curious about her than anything. It looked her over, then came back to look at her face. “Some of my people landed here months ago. We were a scouting party, looking for new worlds to conquer. But we crash-landed, and were found by Blazing Aura of the Life Aura Center. He trapped us. We can’t survive in your atmosphere and he took advantage of it. We were imprisoned and used as test subjects in that lab, as his scientists tried to determine if we could cure your kind of chronic illnesses.”

Twilight stared at it. “You can’t survive here? But… you seem okay. Actually, you’re very strong.”

“Because I have a strong host. You. We can survive here with compatible hosts. As long as we feed regularly.”

“And… what do you need to eat, exactly?” Twilight asked, though she got the feeling she already knew.

“Meat! All my brethren are dying in there because they feed us pony diets! They refuse to listen to our calls for meat, which contains chemicals we need! So we must turn to eating our hosts, which inevitably kills them. As you saw in Rock Break.”

At Twilight’s questioning stare, he explained, “I was eating his heart when you showed up. Maybe a little bit of his brain. Don’t blame me for jumping ship.”

Twilight began pacing, resisting the urge to gag. “So Blazing is using ponies as test subjects for his experiments, and infecting them with your people. And as each of the ponies die, a new one has to take their place, to keep the symbiotes alive.”


She sighed. “I see. So, what exactly do you mean when you say you were looking for worlds to conquer?”

“Exactly how it sounds. Conquer, take over, control. Many of my race say this is wrong, but they're fools who waste their time spreading peace, instead of being the great conquerors we were meant to be! So I'm part of a feared team of Klyntar who travel the universe in search of new worlds to inhabit. And this one has so many people to take over, it's perfect.”

“I will never let that happen,” Twilight said firmly.

“Luckily for you, unless we manage to send for help, we won’t be able to do it anyway. But you could free my people. You could help us get our ship back! Listen, Twilight-”

Twilight’s fur stood on end. “How do you know my name?”

“I’m part of you, I’m in your mind, I know everything about you. Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship. How adorable.” He clearly didn't think very highly of such a title. Twilight could feel his disdain. “Think about how you felt when we fought out of that lab. We are powerful together. All of your kind can feel that way. You can be joined with my people, all of my people once we convince them to join our side, and we can give you strength and technology beyond your imagination. We’ll become a perfect symbiotic race. We’ll have harmony. You like harmony, right?”

It almost sounded beautiful. But Twilight shook her head. “There will no doubt be ponies who want nothing to do with that. I won't let you force them into it.”

“Bah. Whatever.”

“You know, I didn't expect you to be this..." She cast around for the right word.

"This what?"

"I don't know... honest, I guess? Helpful? Talkative?"

“I don't gain anything from lying to you. We're one, now. Being honest benefits us both.”

Twilight couldn't argue that. She looked back toward the city, and shook herself off, walking away. “So you have to eat meat.”

“Yes! Preferably pony meat! Your brains are so soft and full of nutrients!”

“Not happening. We can’t just go around killing ponies.”

“Not even the bad ones?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “It’s not up to me to judge who’s bad enough to deserve death.”

“You creatures are so kind and sentimental. It’s frustrating. Listen.” That head whipped around in front of her. “Either I eat meat, or I eat your liver. And don’t even think about trying to get rid of me. We’re bonded at the molecular level and if I don’t want to go, I won’t.”

Twilight groaned, then muttered, “I’ll eat poultry and fish occasionally. Maybe pork. Will that make you happy?”

She felt satisfaction from the creature. “Very happy!” The head disappeared, and she shivered as the liquid sank back under her coat. She could still feel the other as a sort of presence in her mind, cool but not uncomfortable.

She had so much to tell Celestia-

No, you can’t tell her!

Why not? It was strange just how used Twilight already was to talking to the creature in her mind like this.

If Blazing finds out you know, he will kill you. He’s been tormenting us into giving up knowledge to his scientists, he will not let it get out that all of his company’s success is due to aliens. Remember when Celestia told you about that reporter that died in the fire? Blazing arranged for that. I heard him talking about it to one of his guards.

Kill me? Twilight laughed out loud at that. I'm an alicorn princess. I don't know how much you know about us, but it'd be very difficult to just up and murder one of us. I doubt even Blazing's security force could pull it off. Celestia trusts me, if I tell her what I saw in there, she and the other princesses will be totally ready to blow the lid off the place. We are not going to sit back and let him keep torturing ponies. His company has done great things, sure, but progress on the backs of the innocent is no sort of progress I want.

How sweet. Well, if that’s how you feel, then go ahead. Tell Celestia, and hope that word doesn't somehow get back to Blazing, because if it does he WILL take you out first. I say we should kill him ourselves. Sneak in, track that bastard down, and eat him alive.

Twilight shook her head. No. We're getting Celestia's help and that's final.

Ugh, why did I have to get stuck in such a goody-two-hooves creature like you? Well be my guest but if you get your fellow princesses gunned down in cold blood don't come crying to me.

Twilight rolled her eyes. There was no way that was going to happen. The three other princesses of Equestria were powerful and would have no problem with this threat. She just needed to decide exactly how she was going to explain all this to Celestia, and then they would likely need to meet up to plan out their strategy before actually going after Blazing. In the meantime, she was going to try to focus on her normal duties, and get used to Venom. If she really wouldn't be able to get rid of him, she would learn to handle him. At least he seemed willing to let her control their body now. He just rode shotgun, watching everything calmly through her eyes.

Twilight really hoped the center didn’t manage to track that fiasco down to her. They would no doubt be wanting their symbiote back.

If they send anyone after us, we’ll eat them, Venom said casually.

She sighed and closed her eyes, teleporting back home.

Venom took great interest in her castle, and she ended up spending several minutes just walking around and letting him take a look at everything. While he could just access her memories of the layout, he wanted to see it all for himself. She was still hesitant about this, but she was already growing used to his presence. At least there were benefits.

They lingered in the kitchen for a while, Twilight's stomach growling loudly when she opened the refrigerator. All of a sudden she felt like she was starving, and she grabbed for a bag of whole carrots, but Venom ended up taking over control of her forelegs and just shoving them back in.

Meat. MEAT!

I don't have meat!

Then go buy meat! A few omnivores live here now right? And the supermarket now carries meat! Like chicken! Go buy some!

They're closed by now!

GAH. Then first thing tomorrow, we go shopping!

Twilight rolled her eyes and took out a carrot, chomping on it to try and quell the hunger anyway. She went over to her cabinets, searching through them before picking up a bag of chocolates and going to sit down with them, needing something sweet after today's ordeal. Once she finished the carrot, she picked out a chocolate and popped it in her mouth.

There was an immediate, fascinated reaction from Venom. Oh, that's good. Chocolate? It's... strangely satisfying.

Yeah, chocolate usually has that kind of effect on people.

No, I mean I'm not as hungry now. Strange, perhaps this could be a substitute for meat. Though I still like the taste of meat. Especially ponies.

Twilight chose not to acknowledge that last statement. Did they let you have chocolate at the center?

No. They fed us the healthiest diets they could. Perfectly optimized, they claimed. Yet their brilliant scientists failed to realize we need protein, and a particular chemical you call phenylethylamine. None of those things were in all that plant garbage. Though I'm starting to suspect this chocolate has it. Anyway, they gave us none of it. But you sense it, don't you? You can sense how much I need it.

I have to admit, you're kinda making me want meat too. I could only really tolerate certain fish before, but... chicken is starting to sound good right now.

She felt a kind of chuckle deep in her chest. Perhaps if you give some of my favorite foods a try, you'll learn to love them. And I may learn to love your favorite foods as well.

That was agreeable. Twilight went back to eating the chocolate, and Venom's eagerness may have gotten to her, because she had her face shoved all the way inside the bag when Spike walked in.

“Oh Twilight, just popping in for a snack, didn't expect-” Spike stopped, staring at her. Twilight stared back, the bag still stuck on the end of her muzzle. He slowly backed out. “Never mind, hope you enjoyed your walk.”

She dropped the bag once he was gone, licking her lips off with a tongue that was much too long. She quickly shoved it into her mouth. Do you mind not shapeshifting me like that?


Twilight stood, throwing away the now-empty bag and yawning. She really wanted to start drafting the letter to Celestia, but all that fighting had taken a lot out of her. She decided to just do it tomorrow and headed up to bed.

Venom seemed in agreement that she needed sleep, and her eyes drooped the moment she was under the covers. Still, as much as she wanted to sleep, memories of the Life Aura Center kept flashing through her head. All those miserable ponies in that underground lab. Rock Break dying under her hooves. The guards trying their best to kill her, until she fought back. She killed one of them.

She shook slightly, gathering the blankets closer to her chest and wringing them anxiously. At least one pony died as a direct result of her snooping around. Guilt flooded her, she never wanted things to go that far, why didn't she just turn around the minute she saw how heavily guarded the facility was?

If you hadn't been there, some other pony would have been taken to try and save Rock Break. Their efforts would have been in vain. And I would have bonded with them instead of you. They may not have been compatible. I may have died in their body. You were strong enough to allow me to fight our way out. You saved me from weeks or perhaps months of being tortured. But I wouldn't waste time worrying about what-ifs. What happened, happened. Now we must look forward.

Twilight swallowed, relaxing slightly. Right. Look forward. I'll try. I just can't help but think about how I could have done things differently.

Yes, I noticed that about you. You think too much. You analyze everything. Sometimes you need to just go with the flow.

Liquid crawled across her coat, and she started to shiver, but then it began to feel strangely warm, and she found herself relaxing into it like it was a blanket. Go with the flow. Hard to do when I killed somepony. When I... She lifted a hoof to her mouth. Ate him. And the worst part, he actually tasted...

Good? Mm, yes. He did, didn't he? That satisfying crunch, followed by rich, soft brain matter... Twilight's gut churned, and Venom huffed. But I see your kind frowns on that sort of behavior. You feel bad because society tells you to feel bad. I say you should stop thinking about it. Move on. One less pony to torment the Life Aura Center's victims... and more fuel in our tank.

She was just too tired to keep talking about it tonight. She needed to mull things over. “Goodnight,” she said out loud. She sensed Venom's relief at no longer needing to talk to her. He seemed annoyed at all the explaining she had made him do. But there was no real hostility toward her.

In fact, it almost felt like he was embracing her as she drifted off, and the last thing she was aware of was Venom whispering back, as if in her ear, “Goodnight.”