• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 2,232 Views, 56 Comments

The High Note - FlashFoward

You talent is what you loathe. However, Octavia shows you how to appreciate your talent.

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Your piano playing skills were supplying the casual background music to the café. While the rest of the ponies in the room chatted idly, you only had attention for task at hoof. The music soothes your mind and puts you at ease. When you started to play, everything else around you got blocked out. These were the small comforts that you had when playing the piano. After all, you needed something to enjoy while your dad yelled at you for hours at end whenever you would screw up. A perfectionist he was and Dad built you in his mold in a way. Practicing and having Dad breath down your neck to pick on you for any mistakes was a living nightmare and you had to endure it until you finally became a grown up.

Every time you touched the keys on the piano, you felt a feeling of loathing and satisfaction in your heart. You enjoyed playing, just not the way you learned to get to this level. Dad, on the other hoof, hated playing on the piano, but felt it was a very good talent to have. He preferred playing on cello’s and trumpets. There have been times when you wondered if Dad was just angry at his lack of talent on the piano and used you as a way to make him feel better. Assumptions can only be made; Dad was just too thick headed to argue with.

It was a miracle how you managed to keep the anger in your heart spilling all over your talent. No pony could even comprehend somepony like you, being more laid back then most, have such a demon in your heart. When you played it gave a rather calm aurora to others. You, on the other hoof, felt trapped within your own talent that Dad pushed upon you.

There was one good thing coming out of Dad nearly bullying you to play the piano, it paid the bills. Sure, you didn’t mind working in factories and such. It was just that you got more pleasure out of playing the piano, even if you had to play in little café’s and clubs. Mom told you to ditch playing the piano if you hated it so much. Thing was, you always found your way back to a piano. You love to hate your talent sometimes.

You wrap up the last song of the day and trot over to the cashier to collect. He notices you coming over and brings out a small pouch from under the counter.

“There ya go Mr. Piano man!” The stallion chirps, handing the pouch over to you.

“Thanks Roast.” You reply, offering a smile in return.

It was a nice payday…maybe to nice.

“Um, Roast.” You mutter sheepishly.

“What is it? Not what you expected?” Roast asks, giving you a nervous glance.

“Not in a bad way. This is just more then I expect.” You reply quickly.

“Ah, well, I figured you earned it.” Roast replied with a shrug.

You couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about taking the extra bits. It’s not like you needed them anyway. While Roast had his back turned to you, probably sprucing up some tea for a customer, you drop a few bits in the tip jar.

“You can’t fool me.” Roast mutters, still having his back turned to you.

“I try my best.” You reply happily.

Roast just chuckles and hands you the cup of tea.

“Isn’t this for a customer?” You asked nervously.

“Nah, that’s what you get for giving me a tip. I also figured you might be thirsty after playing on the piano so long.” Roast answers, turning his back on you again.

The faint charming aroma was from the tea. You could feel your throat getting scratchy and dry. Going against your pride, you grab the cup of tea and take a sip from it. Your throat burned a little once the tea started to run down your throat. Still, it satisfied your thirst.

You suddenly feel a tapping over your shoulder and you turn around to see a gray mare standing there, holding at an
extended hoof. She looked a little embarrassed after you gave her your full attention. There was something about her light purple eyes that pulled you in, almost like a hypnotic trance. Or maybe it was just that you thought she had cute eyes.

“Um, sorry to bother you but can I ask a favor? Mind playing a song for me and my friends?” The mare asked sheepishly.

“Well…” You mutter, trying to mull over the offer.

“He will gladly oblige dear.” Roast suddenly interjected.

You can turn around and notice Roast had been observing the situation with a silly smile plastered on his face. He gives you a knowing wink and returns to filling up a cup of tea. Great, just when you thought you were done for the day, Roast was giving you more work. You throw Roast a mean glare before turning your attention to the gray mare, who looked at you expectantly.

“Like he said, I’ll be glad to play a song for you and your friends. Any request?” You trot back over to your piano and take a seat before it, preparing yourself for anything she threw at you.

“Ave Maria.” The mare offers simply.

You never were able to understand the words to the song, only having listened to it in its native language. Nonetheless, the song always tugged at your heart strings a bit. Without delay, your hooves glide over the keys. The crowd in the room went rather silent as you played Ave. For the first time though, you noticed something else besides the keys that where in front of you. That gray mare had kept grabbing your attention every now and then. It was her eyes that really enchanted you the most when you would sneak a peek at her.

She gives you a wink once she you notices you staring at her. You start to feel the heat rushing to your face. That wink nearly threw you out of focus and you noticed how much more flustered you were getting. Thankfully, you were nearing the end of the song. After you were done, the crowd in the store broke it in applause. At first you were totally thrown off by the sudden clapping and cheering, being more used to being yelled at for missing a note. The gray mare caught your full attention again and you quickly make a beeline to her.

“So, how was that?” You ask, giving her a sheepish smile.

“You were fantastic!” The mare exclaimed, giving you an approving nod.

Now, it wasn’t unusual for you to get praise from the audience. However, you couldn’t help but actually feel grateful that she complimented you. The mare hands you a pass to Note Theater. Dad had spoken of the place, since he actually played there a few times. Apparently, the place was a very prestigious musical theater. Only the best of musicians play there and it was considered an honor if you got to play there. Personally, you never really cared about the Theater. Mainly since Dad was always reminiscing about his “golden days”. Anything that he thought was amazing is what you loathe with a fiery passion.

“I hope you make it. Tomorrow in the morning is when you need to be there.” The mare explains before following her friends out of the café.

“Wait!” You call after her more desperately then you would have liked. She turns around and gives you a pleasant smile.
“What’s your name?” Yet again, you fail to hide how badly you wanted to know.


She then turned around and trotted after her friends. You lean back on the cashier counter and let out a sigh. Roast noticed the sad look on your face and resorted to taking a brandy from underneath the counter.

“What don’t you have under there anyway?” You joked, eyeing the bottle of brandy with interest.

“That’s a secret.” Roast replied, pouring a cup for him and you.

“Thanks.” You mutter, gingerly grabbing the cup and drinking the contents in one gulp.

“Take it easy there champs, I’m not dragging you home if you get carried away.” Roast teased, pouring some more brandy into your cup. “Anyway, you really fancy Octavia don’t you?” Roast gave you a quizzical look.

“You read me like an open book Roast.” You reply, sipping at your cup more slowly this time.

“It’s rare for you to make a mistake, let alone keep your eyes off the piano keys. That was the first time I saw you out of your zone.” Roast pointed out, taking a casual sip out of his cup.

“I can’t help it, there’s just something about her Roast.” You dreamily recall her light purple eyes. They just grabbed a hold of you and never let go.

“Glad to see you enjoying yourself a bit. Going to the Theater?” Roast looks at the pass Octavia gave quickly before continuing to look directly at you.

“I guess so.” You idly turn the pass around repeatedly.

“Odd, I don’t recall any shows going on in Note Theater this week. Things pick up there at the start of next week though.” Roast informs, looking at the pass with interest.

“Eh, I’ll head over there anyway. Lucky for me it’s here in Canterlot right?”

“That it is. I wish you the best of luck.” Roast holds his cup out for a cheer and you clink your cup against his.

“My Dad is going to get all worked up if he finds out about this.” You mutter darkly.

“Let him get worked up. This is your time to have something going for you.” Roast replies, waving aside your worries like nothing.

You just shrug and take another sip from your cup. Surprisingly, the cup was empty. You wished that Dad took a leaf out of Roast’s book. He wasn’t even your dad, yet he encouraged you more than Dad ever did. Roast actually cared about your opinion while Dad thought his was the only valid one in the room.

After bidding Roast good bye, you head back to your house. You lived a few blocks away from the Royal Palace. There was a window in your room that offered you a spectacular sight of the castle. Considering the rather high rent, you figured the view was worth it. There was only one thing on your mind as you tried to get in a comfortable spot on your bed, Octavia’s light purple eyes and how they just sucked you in.