• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 2,232 Views, 56 Comments

The High Note - FlashFoward

You talent is what you loathe. However, Octavia shows you how to appreciate your talent.

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An alarm clock went off in your room. At first, you just wanted to hit snooze to get some more rest. Just as you were fumbling around for the snooze button though, the Note Theater pass Octavia gave you grabbed your attention. It had been right underneath the alarm clock. You pull it from its hiding spot, completely disregarding the alarm now. Octavia still didn’t give you a clear reason why she wanted you there. Perhaps she just wanted you to be there?

A loud rumble from your stomach interrupts your train of thought. Forgetting to eat dinner yesterday and risking the chance of skipping breakfast seemed to have its flaws. The café usually has something nice cooking. Maybe Roast can shed some light on Octavia’s intentions.

You trot through the rooms of your house. As you enter the living room, a picture on the mantle above the fireplace catches your eye. You walk up to it and, once you realize who was in it, slammed it flat on the mantle.

“I thought you were supposed to be at Note Theater?” Roast asked, sipping away at his cup of tea.

“I can’t help if I get really hungry.” You mumble.

“Ha, I’ll fix you something up quick.” Roast walked to the kitchens.

The chit chat of the crowd around you was starting to get on your nerves. They were talking about the most stupid things.
Honestly, don’t ponies have better things to do? Gossip was such a dangerous thing and you knew how well it disassembled a pony’s reputation.

“Here ya go! It’s on the house!” Roast placed a huge plat that had the biggest sandwich on it that you have ever laid eyes on.

“Don’t you think this is overkill?” You eye the sandwich with fear. Darn thing looked like it could eat you.

“Nah, silly thing is more bread then anything. Figure to get you something big since I know you skipped dinner yesterday.” Roast explained.

You gingerly poke the sandwich to make sure the thing isn’t alive or something. Last thing you wanted was to be its breakfast. After it made no sudden movements, you cautiously start eating it. The sandwich tasted pretty good.

“Glad you like it.” Roast chuckled at the satisfied look on your face.

“Roast, do you have any idea why Octavia gave me the pass to the Theater?” You really hoped Roast had an answer for you.

Roast scratched his chin and started to look off into the distance. “I can’t really say. Maybe she likes how you play the piano? That wouldn’t explain why she’d want you there though.” Roast finally muttered.

You just hang your head. Even Roast wasn’t sure about this. “I’ll just find out when I go there.”

“Good luck anyway.” Roast tipped his cup of tea at you before taking another sip from it.

“One last thing before I go. Where is Note Theater exactly?” You ask.

“I’ll just take you there. Just let me get one of the ponies in the back over here to cover for me.” Roast replied.

It didn’t take long for Roast to convince a mare to cover for him. She seemed unwilling at first but Roast offered her a raise.
That gesture sealed the deal.

“Alright, that’s it for wasting time. We need to get you there pronto.” Roast declared before trotting out of the café quicker than expected.

Roast wasn’t exactly old and you kept letting that fact slip by you. He was just one of those guys who were just wise beyond his years. That probably why everyone thinks he’s older than what he actually is. You trot outside and notice Roast is already a block ahead of you. Running wasn’t exactly your strength but you managed to catch up with Roast’s surprising speed.

“When did you start running so fast?” You manage to ask, trying hard to catch your breath.

“Easy, I used to run track back in the day.” Roast replied happily, not even showing a hint of exhaustion.

You started to close the gap between you and Roast. This didn’t go unnoticed by him though; Roast picked it up a notch and made the small gap between you two even larger. A large group of ponies were heading right at you. Roast maneuvered his way around them with grace while you were just barely able to keep bumping into one of the ponies.
After you finally got past the mob of ponies walking past you, Roast was already waiting patiently near a building.

“This is the place.” Roast muttered as you got closer to him.

He had been looking at a poster of one of the former acts here. You instantly recognize one of the trumpet players at the far left. A burning hatred built in your heart and just had to look away from the poster. Roast just sighed and gestured to the front door of the building. You stared at Roast unsurely for a minute; he gives you a confident smile and makes a “go on” motion with his hoof.

There was a rather large stallion standing near the door. You showed him your pass and he gave you an approving nod before letting you in. Note Theater looked huge from the outside and it was the same way inside as well. There was a large group of ponies on the stage. Not wanting to be a distraction, you take a seat near the back of the seats and just watch. It seemed like the ponies noticed your presence anyway.

“You, standing in the back, get up here.” The composer demanded.

All of their eyes were focusing just on you. It was a very unsettling feeling. If this is how a zoo animal felt, you had pity for them now. You trot up to the stage, preparing yourself for a possible interrogation.

“What are you here?” The composer questioned.

“I gave him a pass to get in.” A familiar voice answered. Octavia stood up slightly and gave you a slight wink, which made you feel a little flustered.

“You gave him a pass?” The composer seemed to have calmed down a bit but it didn’t stop him from glaring at you. “So you’re the fantastic piano player some of them have been talking about.” The composer muttered.

You shot a look at Octavia; she gave you a sheepish smile, before giving the composer a nod. For once, the composer looked at you with interest rather than anger. He gestures you to the piano on stage. After taking a sat behind the piano, you were surprised on how elegant it was. Growing used to playing on a black or brown piano and to see a white one was odd. The keys were the same though so the territory wasn’t too different.

“Before our interruption,” The composer throws you a dirty look. “I just wanted to know if he is the only piano player you all found.”

The front door opened again and a mare was walking down to the stage. You notice the composer had a stupid grin on his face and you had a strong urge to buck him.

“Excellent!” The composer exclaimed, actually helping the mare up on the stage. “What is your name dear?

“Melody is my name.” The mare took a glance at you and gives you a flirty wink. This didn’t slip the composers notice and he shot a glare at you worthy of scaring off even the bravest of warriors.

“If you don’t mind Melody, please take a seat at the other piano…” The composer was cut short when Melody sat right next to you.

“I’m fine here.” Melody replied happily.

The composers face grew slightly red but he kept his cool. You could see Octavia was looking a little annoyed when Melody sat next to you. She ran her bow to roughly across the cello strings, actually breaking one of them. Melody let out a soft giggle after watching Octavia. You feel a shiver go down your spine suddenly. The cause of the shiver was from Melody rubbing your leg with her foreleg. Melody gave you a flirtatious smile once you noticed what she was doing. Her blue eyes weren’t warm either…they were filled with lust.

You try to move a little to get Melody’s hoof of her leg to no avail. Octavia couldn’t notice what Melody was doing but it didn’t stop Octavia from glaring at her all the same. Even the composer was giving you a mean look while he tried to have the orchestra play in sync. Great, this is just what you needed. To sit through a practice routine with a mare rubbing your leg and the composer is looking at you like he would just love to snap you in half. However, you wish Octavia was the one sitting by you. That would probably make up for all the nonsense that was going on.