• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 2,237 Views, 56 Comments

The High Note - FlashFoward

You talent is what you loathe. However, Octavia shows you how to appreciate your talent.

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The beauty with having more than one instrument playing a song is that it sounds so much more compelling to the ears. The deep strums of the cello, accompanied with trumpets and violins, sounded far superior then just one instruments sound. You always loved how large assortments of such different instruments are able to play all at once and still sound like a work of art. Naturally, no composer can just assemble a group and expect perfection. These things time to perfect, like a fine wine. When it was ready though, all would fall for the lovely sound the band was capable to produce.

Before you joined in with the band ponies in the room dismissed them entirely. Soon as you started to perform with the band, all eyes were on the band rather than their own individual conversations. At times, you wished there wasn’t so much attention surrounding you. Oddly enough, these were the kind of conditions that you excelled in. This was probably due to how dad used to pressure you to get every small detail perfect. You just performed to get it out of the way, rather than enjoy it.

Octavia seemed to be caught in the same trance as everypony else in the room, their eye’s fixed solely on you. With her eye’s being fogged up and slightly dazed, there’s was no knowing for what was going on in her head. Your hooves nearly slammed on the keys once you saw Melody staring at you, from a dinner table in the middle of the room. Greg had sat next to her, but she paid absolutely no attention to him. The look in her eye wasn’t just awe…it was a rather scary lust. Why was she so persistent? Does she fail to notice a stallion nearly folding up like a pretzel for her attention?

Your hooves glided of the piano keys as your mind raced with many question, having nothing to do with music. The beauty of being able to keep your craft separate from your inner thoughts was one of the few things you took pride in. No pony was to know the madness that went on in your head. They didn’t deserve or need to know either. As the song ended, the crowd of ponies stood up and clapped loudly. The band and you took a bow and it took some time for the clapping to cease.

“You’re already leaving us?” A mare playing the violin asked. The hopeful look in her eye pretty much told the tale.

“I need to keep an eye on a friend. It was fun while it lasted.” You reply quickly.

The band looked slightly crestfallen at your departure, but you didn’t really care much. Joining as the pianist for the band was only due to Octavia’s wishes, in hopes of keeping her calm. You were too busy worrying over Octavia and Melody’s creepy looks to consider having fun. Now that the song was over and you were subject to the wild, so to speak, again, part of you dearly wished you had stayed with the band.

“I must say, that was fantastic! I must know your name!” A random stallion started to shake your hooves. Soon, a small group of admirers surrounded you. Trying to see past the wall of ponies now was pointless.

“Can I have your autograph?”

“You have to give me private lessons on how to play the piano!”

“Have my baby!”

“What?” You yell in surprise at the crazy offer.

The crowd was slowly pushing you back onto the dance floor, the last place you wanted to be. You feel a hoof grab you and pull you out from the surrounding mob. They never noticed that you had slipped from the circle; a steady flow of demands could still be heard. As you turn around to thank your savior, you consider the mob to be simpler to deal with.

“Aren’t they so greedy, keeping you all to themselves?” Melody whispered in your ear.

Octavia was looking rather confused as she tried to find your location. Not wanting to upset her, you manage to steer into a small circle of dancing ponies. Melody looked like she was taking joy from your fruitless effort to avoid Octavia’s eyes.

“Why so stressed? You’re with me now.” Melody cooed.

“I really don’t have the time for this.” You reply through grit teeth.

“Make some time then.” Melody threatened.

“Greg looks like he’s got some time to spare.” You offer as Melody started to twirl herself around you.

“He’s just a pawn that I’m using.” Melody shrugged.

“You’re kidding.” Sarcasm was just oozing from your tone.

“Oh come now, it doesn’t hurt to have a little of an edge in this little competition we are having.” Melody explained, giving you a flirty wink as she lowered your hooves to her waist.

If Greg wasn’t so blinded by love, he might have noticed Melody’s mind games. If you were to point this out to him he would have probably accused you of wanting her for yourself, which was totally the opposite. The need to win the pianist position finally burned your insides, having killed off the reluctance you have felt since the start. You, personally, wanted to close the book on Melody’s charades, for good.

“I won’t let you have the spot so easy.” You whisper back to her.

“Talent versus influence and my father has much of that. If things go as planned, I won’t even need to touch a piano to get the spot.” Melody scoffed, she finally let you go. “You’ll be just icing on the cake.”

Without notice, Melody leans in and pecks you on the cheek. If you hadn’t developed such a powerful hate to her, all the heat would have risen to your face in a heartbeat. She giggles softly at you before departing.

“Are you going out with her?” A voice suddenly asked, pulling you from the chaotic mess in your mind.

Octavia had trotted by your side and looked rather unhinged. Her lower lip trembled and you knew you had to think fast. “No way, friends would be pushing it.”

“You’re lying to me!” Octavia suddenly yelled. Cold sweat starts forming on your forehead when the room suddenly goes quiet, even the band ceased playing to eaves drop. Had these ponies had nothing better to do?

“I would never lie to you Tavi.” You reply, trying to sound as calm as possible.

“Don’t call me that! I saw you dancing with her and how close you were to each other!” Octavia hissed angrily.

“Octavia, it wasn’t like I wanted to dance with her.” You started to feel like you were arguing with a wall, a rather unstable one at that.

“I don’t care! Why didn’t you ask me to dance?” Octavia’s tone shifted from anger to confusion.

“I wanted to! It’s just that, it’s been pretty hard just to get over to you.” If skating on ice was considered a hazard, what was an unstable drunk?

“It’s because you don’t like me, don’t you?” Octavia demanded, sniffling a little now.

“What? No, I like you! More than you probably know!” Why on earth you let that slip, you had no idea. If it was going to calm her down, your feelings was a small price to pay.

“Then why dance with her?” Octavia whispered in a hurt voice. It was so sad that it tugged at your heart strings, nearly tearing them out to a point.

“Please, Octavia, there wasn’t much I can do…” You stammer.

She turns her back on you and runs back to the table near the stage. As you gave chase, Octavia has whipped out dad’s signed portrait and hit you on the face with it. The crunching of the glass echoed off the walls in the silent room. Shards of glass ran down your face, luckily not cutting you to ribbons. Octavia ran for it after nailing you with the portrait. Dad’s face looked like it was laughing at you and a mixture of shame and anger boiled in your body. After picking up just the autographed picture, Octavia still wasn’t that far off.

Part of you wanted to chase after her while the other half decided it was best to leave her be, not risk her attacking you with a bottle or something. What really concerned you was that she was drunk, so anything was possible with her. Maybe somepony was kind enough to take her home, but another might take advantage of her distressed state. That lost thought didn’t sit so well with you. The crowd of ponies continued to chatter after the fiasco with Octavia unfolded. Attending this dinner party was a total nightmare and if dying of shame was possible, you would have done so already.

Against your better judgment, which hasn’t done you much good tonight, you decide to track Octavia from a distance. There was no need for her to notice you and throw something your way. No more than a blocks walk was when she stood on her hind legs and leaned against a wall for support. A mixture of pity and guilt swelled up inside you. If only you had been earlier this mess could’ve had been avoided. It was too late for that now. Octavia was the concern at hoof right now. You hesitantly trot to Octavia’s side, expecting to be assaulted by her. She made no sudden movement and you assumed your presence was accepted, for now.

“Feel better? That was a stupid question.

“No.” Octavia bitterly replied.

Rain starts to pour from the sky, causing a light drizzle. You buy off an umbrella from a vendor on the block and return to Octavia, who hadn’t move from the comforts of her wall.

You pop open the umbrella and gesture Octavia to take refuge underneath. She doesn’t make a move at first. “Look, freeze and get cold if you want, but I’m not moving.” You threaten.

Octavia sighs and finally takes refuge under the umbrella with you. Her coat was dripping wet and gave an occasional shiver as you walked down the street. Not being able to handle watching her struggle any longer you offer your jacket to keep her warm, which she graciously accepts. You knew better that Octavia would probably forget where she lived, so you decided to take the route back to your place.

A few light poles catch your attention and you stop suddenly, forcing Octavia to do the same. All this rain and the street lights reminded you of an old movie you saw, goofy as it was it was a nice memory for you.

You offer out your hoof for Octavia to grab, “I owe you a dance.”

Octavia looks around at the dripping atmosphere. “You’re joking.”

To prove your point, you close the umbrella and enjoy the sensation as the rain soaked your coat. “No, I’m serious.”

Octavia glares daggers at you and you just shrug it off. Not letting her rain on your parade, you trot up one of the light poles and start swinging around it, singing the catchy tune that was embedded in your mind from that movie. “I’m singin’ in the rain!”

At first, Octavia seemed reluctant to accompany you. It wasn’t long before Octavia cracked and grabbed hold of one of your hooves to join in on the ride.

“I’m singin’ in the rain!” Octavia chirped happily as she twirled around you.

“Why aren’t you in a chorus? You have a fantastic singing voice!” You exclaim.

“You flatter me to much!” Octavia replied, waving a clumsy hoof at you.

“Not my fault I’m just being honest!”

You and Octavia had a lot of fun in the rain, but at the price of getting a little cold and sick. The umbrella offered a temporary refuge as the rain really started to downpour. Octavia started to nuzzle you on the neck, perhaps for warmth. All you did know was that the familiar heat was returning to your cheeks again.

Once you finally pushed the door open to your house, Octavia wobbles around in the living and flops on the coach. Her mane was now dripping wet and wild, which you found all the more intriguing. You light up the fireplace, which you only used in the winter, and grabbed a blanket to cover up Octavia. As you draped the blanket over her body, she playfully tugs on her end. Having not braced yourself, you trip and fall right on top of Octavia. Your face was brought level to Octavia’s and she gave you a flirty wink as she wrapped her hooves around you in a hug.

“Stay with me.” Octavia sounded more desperate and needy then you would have ever imagined.


For some reason, you felt comfortable with Octavia touching you. Whenever anypony touched you, especially Melody, it was by instinct for you to try to back off from their grasp. This was different though. You start to feel Octavia’s hind legs wrap around your back and she starts nuzzling your neck again. It was torture as you tried to restrain yourself from giving some affection back to Octavia, but you knew not to take advantage of a drunken mare. Why did you have to be such a gentlecolt? This was not fair at all, only to be made worse while Octavia started pecking you in the cheek.

Another reason that you were restraining yourself was that the situation was already dangerous, no need to make it worse. Once Octavia awoken and got sober, many questions would be coming your way. Having made out with her, without her knowing, was not one you were willing to talk about.