• Published 17th May 2019
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Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 14 - Odega

Before Twilight could respond to Odega, she disappeared in a sudden burst of flames and reappeared behind her. She grabbed her wings and twisted them to investigate, earning a glare.

"Oh yeah, top Psera wings," she judged. "How can you walk with these, it's like you're eating love. Daily."

"Hey!" Twilight flapped her wings and successfully spooked Odega to give an unpony-like squawk and back up. Then swiveled around irate. "These are mine! Get your own!"

Odega chuckled and responded, "Oh I do, your majesty. Now... Who are you again?"

Twilight repeated in a voice of authority, "I'm Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle of Psera."

"Nice to meet you, Queen Butt!" Twilight's face slowly lost her look of authority while Odega teleported in flames behind her once again. "I'm Odega, Pony of Flames... I think, unless Narmeelah changed my title. AGAIN! Where is she anyway, I've been trying to call her, but she never shows up."

"Not sure," Twilight responded. "Now, my ponies—"

"Oh yeah, your group of..." Odega counted off the many ships around theirs. "Seven, twenty-nine hundred,—twelve Aquatas full of creatures trying to pass." She chuckled and stomped a hoof. "MAN, it's been a while since I've seen these babies in action! Back a few million years ago they did not look like this. Back in the day, these babies were gold!"

She elbowed Twilight and whispered, "Someone's been busy since she took office. Don't be surprised, I know everything the second they happen. Now from what I can smell, you have three boatloads of ponies who are not Pserateps attempting to cross for Psera. I need a good excuse, and don't say, 'they're my friends.' Friends and family are not allowed like that. And you know that, Queen Butt."

Arcadia mouthed silently, "Smell?" Then sighed and rubbed her forehead. "I thought Merry was lying when she said she knew you."

Odega gasped and reared up on two hooves grinning. "Oh you know my girl Merry?!" She shouted. "Ohhhh, my stars!"

Oh no. Odega wrapped a flaming hoof around Arcadia's neck and whispered, "You? Me? We're gonna be best friends. I take it you know Madun too. Don't you?" When she winked, Twilight grumbled something unheard. "You can't hide any of that from me, you nasty filly."

Twilight groaned and shoved her hoof off of her. "Look, I just need to get to Psera. Maheera has risen and Narmeelah isn't around. We're evacuating any creature we can get. Her Majesty and the Senate have agreed to allow them refuge in Psera and I just had a fight with Maheera myself, and the Creature of the Depths."

"Oh, Ms. Bigshot. Alright, you can pass if you successfully pass this quiz! If you miss one question, I'll burn you and everyone on these Aquatas to molecules. You'll never be seen or heard from again. Now..." With a stomp of her hoof, Odega created a table, and two chairs behind them both. She sat down in hers and from out of nowhere placed a bowler hat on her head. Then leaned back in her chair on two legs and propped her rear hooves on the table.

She pointed a hoof at the chair behind Arcadia and offered, "Have a seat, Queen Arcadia Nova. And let's begin."

While Twilight got comfortable, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were looking at each other in trepidation. There was literally a pony made of fire walking on the ship. That should be impossible. Yet there she was. At least they thought they were a she. They couldn't read what they were saying but it seemed that Twilight was about to take a test.

Arcadia was sure she was joking around, but Odega placed a burning book made out of fire on the table and flipped it open. "Alright. Question number one. Where is Psera located? I'll take any answer as long as it's right in the end."

"Over five hundred miles off the West Coast of Equestria."

"Correct. How old is Psera?"

"Over sixty million years old."

"Correct. Now who are their current rulers?"

"King Shimmering Madun and Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle."

"Correct. Now this is a tricky one." She raised a hoof and whispered, "I'm enjoying myself. Are you?"


"Correct, you're not supposed to be, I'm about to burn you alive if you answer one question wrong. Next and final question..." She dropped her chair onto four legs and asked, "Who... Am I?"

Twilight was absolutely positive she answered this a few minutes ago, but she went ahead and did it again. "Odega, Pony of Flames."

Odega stuck her tongue in her cheek and slammed the book closed. Then stood up and stomped her right hoof to get rid of the table and chairs. As well as the wall of fire stopping their ships from moving forward. Twilight fell to the deck of the ship by her flank, grunting and growling.

"Well! I was really hoping to burn something!" Odega shouted. Then dropped her head, sighed, and motioned towards the sea behind her. "Fine! In the name of Narmeelah, I grant thee access to Psera. But at a cost!" Twilight jumped up and eagerly nodded. "I... Come with you. If Maheera's up and running, then Narmeelah needs all of us to help take her down. That and I have to see my girl Merry."

"Oh! Uhhh, about that..." Twilight rubbed the back of her neck and seethed through her teeth. Apparently, she didn't know this. "Narmeelah went missing over ten million years ago."

Odega jumped up and burst into an inferno, yelling, "WHAT?!!" Then landed and returned to normal, flame-filled eyes full of horror. She grabbed Arcadia's hooves and whispered, "Queen Butt, you better tell me everything."

Arcadia rolled her eyes at the term. She really hated that name. Ripping her hooves back, she answered, "Only if you refrain referring to me as Queen Butt. Merry's already enough. Psera's two days and some away, so I don't know where you are going to sleep."

She raised her Comm Block and ordered, "All Aquatas, move forward." Then turned around and walked back towards the bridge with Odega right behind her when a horn blared. They were the same size, but looked extremely different. For reference, one was made of fire.

Odega scoffed and walked up the steps behind her. "Queen, I have slept underwater for millions of years, I'm pretty sure I can sleep on something dry for once."

Queen Arcadia pushed the steel door open and walked in at the same time their Aquata began moving once more, horn blaring. Those inside saluted before Odega strode in behind her. She stopped at the doorway and looked around, whistling at her find.

Awestruck, she said, "Wow, look at all these lights!" The steel, the glamour, the gadgets! And—WHOA!" She teleported in front of Celestia, and surprised her enough that she and the other Princesses jumped back. "An alicorn? Three alicorns?! Isn't this nice. If you don't know who I am, I am Odega, Pony of Flames. Yeah, uh huh. Keep staring, I'm pretty hot, aren't I?"

Celestia, Luna, and Cadance put their mouths into a glaze instead of a response and just stared at her while she playfully made poses. Even though she was fully on fire, she wasn't putting off heat.

Cadance whispered, "It's a pony... On fire... Alive."

Odega's face contorted and she whipped around from her current posture. "On fire? What?" She laughed and corrected, "I'm not on fire, I'm made of fire. Nothing but ignited Hydrogen molecules in the shape of a pony with a personality. Pony of Flames. I'm made out of fire. Hey, fun fact? I haven't talked this much to any sensible creature in six million years. I lived at the bottom of the ocean. So it's usually the fish talking to me like, Glub glub glub. And I'm over here going, 'Sammy laid how many eggs now?' I bet I'm older than anyone in this room."

She looked around at the ponies actually paying attention. Including Queen Arcadia, whom she asked, "How old are you, your highness?"


"Yeesh, so young. Look out little fillies and colts, your favorite super mare Arcadia has come to save the day! Man, I am enjoying this! Do you guys know how old I am?" Arcadia was going to answer but decided to see where Odega was going with this. And at least let her have her fun for a few minutes.

Odega teleported in front of the glass windows and spread her flaming body out for everyone to see. "I am nearly eleven million coming up! And I still look good! Whoo wee! 'Odega, you so hot!' Oh I know honey, don't have to tell me twice! Look at these curves!"

She stood up on two hooves and struck a pose, smiling at a stallion. "Like what you see?" She whispered in a sultry voice. Then added, "Be careful, you may burn yourself out." The one she was talking to didn't even move. Let alone blink. "Fine, be that way."

Arcadia rolled her eyes and ordered, "Odega, stop trying to.... Ugh, seduce my soldiers."

She dropped down onto all fours and teleported into the seat next to the Queen with her rear hooves propped up on the glass table. "Okay, okay," she coalesced. "No more seduction. But be honest. Do I look good?"

Twilight looked the flaming stark-white goddess up and down. Then shrugged and answered, "You look... Hot? Yeah, hot."

"Thanks, Twilight Sparkle. Now..." She looked around the ship at all the technology. Then asked, "What's your agenda, your highness? What's going on? Where are we going?"

Twilight pointed her hoof at the digital map between them inside the table. "Well since we passed you, we just need to get past the twins. So a lot of eyes on the waves."

"Whoo, good luck. Mahloo and Marloo are dangerous." Odega followed her hoof towards the last red blue dot and asked, "And what about Maheera? She's not going anywhere unless she gets what she wants, or she's taken down. I'm surprised she's not following us. I don't sense her chaotic nature nearby."

"We'll worry about that after we get these refugees to safety. According to Narmeelah's Diary, the 'Purple Obelisks' provide a barrier against Maheera's form from their magical feedback. So our goal is to get everyone behind that barrier. Then we can worry about Maheera and what to do with these guys once we're there."

Odega nodded and commented, "Sounds like a good plan—wait, you have Narmeelah's Diary?!" She attempted to sit up but ended up losing her grip on the table and falling on her back. Twilight flinched before Odega burst up beside her unharmed. Oh who was Twilight kidding, you can't hurt fire except with water.

"You have her diary?" She repeated. Twilight was unsure about telling her this. So she carefully lit her horn and nodded her head. "Girl... You have got to let me read that. There must be some really juicy rumors in that thing. I mean I'm sure all of those ponies are long gone now, but I need to know if one of my hunches were correct. Narmeelah knew everything about everyone, but she'd never tell me what was going on that made her laugh. So I bet that Diary has all sorts of juicy secrets in it. There was this one mare who thought she owned the world and Narmeelah did not like her. I was all, 'Girlfriend, she was a mistake.' And Narmeelah..."

Twilight made a mental note to introduce her to Rarity. These two would get along great. Twilight shook her head and interrupted, "Sorry. Only I have access to it. And it's not on any Aquatas out here. It only comes at my beck and call."

Odega scoffed and pranced back around towards her side. "Jeez, way to hold out on this hotshot, Queen." She jumped back into her chair and swiveled her body to the Princesses. "So, who are they?"

Celestia pointed to herself and answered, "I'm Princess Celestia of Equestria. This is my sister Luna, and my adopted Niece Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire."

Odega whistled and asked, "The Crystal Empire? Phew, Queen Arcadia, you're bringing all the big boys on this journey huh? The last time I heard of the Crystal Empire was when I spoke with Princess Platinum. Now you got her God-Niece or whatever. Who else you got on this big boat of yours?"

Arcadia stood up and gestured towards the door. "How about I just show you? It's easier that way." She made her way to the door and ignored Odega's bursting into view next to her.

"Sounds good, Queen." She let Twilight open the door and walk out before she herself followed along. Meanwhile the Admiral glanced at everyone else awkwardly, sharing the same expression as the stallion who Odega was flaunting the stuff to. That was one strange mare.

Rainbow Dash had no idea what happened, but she was tired. Exhausted really. All that running a few hours ago was a workout she didn't know she needed. And neither did the rest of the ponies on the Aquatas. Some around her on the brightened Hangar floor had the right idea. It wasn't the winter, but thanks to the open doors the wind was blowing in the ocean scent, breeze, and the temperature. Just enough to make you shiver a little bit.

Rarity was sitting with Fluttershy on the edge of the Hangar Bays, watching the waves splash and move. Along with a few more ponies. Many of them were patiently waiting to get overseas to Psera. None of them on this ship had actually traveled all the way to Pera overseas before, let alone at all. And those that have usually went by the Independent Portal setup in the Embassies. Speaking of which, what if that large snake thing made it through that?!

With that terrifying thought, Rainbow Dash turned around with intent on heading to the nearest guard. But came face to face with... Fire? With a smile? Odega grinned blue teeth and greeted, "Hi!"

Rainbow screamed and zipped out of sight, leaving her Rainbow trail behind attracting attention. Odega threw out her hooves and yelled, "Why are you running, pony? I just said hi! Ugggh!" She turned to and nudged Queen Twilight. "She's a scary one. Am I right?"

Twilight shook her head with a smile and answered, "Not really. It doesn't take much to scare Rainbow Dash, but it's also not easy."

"So what, I just got lucky?" Odega scoffed and waved a wing at her, brushing that off. Embers got on one of the ponies' snouts, incurring a brushing fit. "No... No I'm pretty sure I gave it my all there."

"Uh huh." She turned to Rarity and everyone else in front of her. Which were a lot of ponies. Clearly freaked out, so much so they didn't even scream. "Everyone? This is Odega, Pony of Flames. She's grabbing a ride back to Psera with us. She's not a pony on fire, she's—"

"A pony made of fire," Odega clarified. "As in built out of fire? Don't worry, I won't burn ya'. I'm just naturally hot at times and naturally cold at others. Here, if it makes you comfortable I'll just change into something else." Odega jumped in the air and did a backflip, morphing into a fast spinning ball of fire that flashed into a small phoenix. Odega flapped her wings and landed on Queen Arcadia's surprised head. Then brushed her beak. "I can turn into anything I want. But being a phoenix is my favorite."

Rarity asked awkwardly, "Wh-Why is that, darling?"

Odega laughed and pointed a wing at her. "Because no one suspects the pretty phoenix to be of any trouble. I've been all over Psera and whoo wee, don't you ponies have it all! We dockin' in Lavender?"

Twilight nodded and answered, "Yes we are. But it's going to look like we're heading to Merōl. We have to secure all the Aquatas behind the Obelisks."

"We're going straight into the mouth of the real ponies! The behemoths of life! The definition of strength! Undefeated in any war, and finances! You guys literally sit on money, I bet the Queen here does too. How does Her Highness rest?" Odega bent low and stared up into Queen Arcadia's eyes.

This one was really dramatic. She rolled her eyes and answered, "Well... Gold is cold."

"The throne is gold?"

"Yes. Now stop telling ponies about Psera, seriously. You'll give important details away that they are not allowed to know."

"Right, right. Now... How's Madun when underneath those—mmmm!"

Twilight created a strap to keep Odega's beak closed then rubbed the back of her neck, trying to avoid the knowing looks coming from her friends. "Er, excuse me." Twilight teleported back to the bridge, snapping into her chair next to Sunset, who jumped a little in response. She tossed Odega onto the table and growled, "Don't tell ponies about Psera, and don't tell ponies about me or my family. Got it?"

Odega quickly nodded. Twilight was scary when she was mad. Satisfied, Queen Arcadia removed the strap. Odega turned her back to Arcadia with crossed wings and said, "I feel unappreciated."

"And I feel embarrassed. Welcome to the club." Switching moods, Twilight asked, "How's Starlight?"

Sunset shrugged and answered, "Not sure. I have no idea where she is."

"Third level. I'll take you to her later, I have to see my daughter."

Daughter?! Odega whipped around, gasped and asked, "Oh little mini Arcadia?! Awww!"

Sunset grinned and asked, "I know, right? She. Is. Too. Cute. Right, Twili.... Twilight?" They looked around the bridge and saw not a hint of violet. Probably embarrassed again.

Madun needed to put a leash on Fresh Dawn. Did she eat something with sugar, because she was everywhere right now. After picking up his daughter from school in downtown Cop, he flew with her back for the castle. She was still new to using her wings and he had been teaching her. She's been slow and steady in the past, taking "precos, like mommy tells her." Precautions. Madun could tell she was going to be a mommy's girl when she grows up.

The breeze shuffled their feathers as they soared through the blue windy sky. They flew past tall office buildings and more, making way for the humongous castle in the distance.

"Be careful!" Madun shouted up to Dawn. She was doing all types of loops and nearly flew into the guards leading the way. She needed a leash-jacket, just so Madun could keep her close.

After a few more seconds, the huge castle was nearing and becoming more prominent in their sights. Madun flapped closer to his excited daughter to bring her down. She usually had a hard time doing it herself which would result in a scraped knee and boo boos.

After getting a good hold on her body he began his descent towards the steps. And guess who stepped out of a portal when he did.

Fresh Dawn gasped and wiggled her hooves excitedly in her father's hold, grinning at her mother grinning back. "Mommy!!" She cheered. Once they were on the ground and Madun let her go, Fresh Dawn ran straight up the stairs to her mother and jumped into her open hooves, nuzzling into her coat.

Twilight nuzzled her mane lovingly while Dawn basked in her glow. "Ooohhh, how was my little Filly's day at school? Did you have fun?"

Dawn looked up and nodded. "Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh! We learned about numbers and, and, and shapes!"

"That's great, sweetheart!" She calmly let Dawn go to zip under one of her large wings, a place she liked to go. She liked her feathers possibly because they were really soft and felt good around her body. While Dawn was messing around there, Arcadia shared a nuzzle with her husband. Oh stars, is he growing a goatee? Twilight swore she felt some hair on his face.

She pulled back and smirked at him. "Are you growing a goatee?"

Avoiding his wife's gaze, Madun reached up and slyly scuffed his face. "Ehh, you could say that."

Arcadia only rolled her eyes and shook her head. He was always trying out something new. "Uh huh. Well Mr. New, I dropped on by to see my family." Twilight looked out towards Cop, hustling and bustling beyond the castle gates, getting ready for the afternoon. "And to check on the rest of Psera."

"Well little Dawn is as hyper as always. I think she ate something at school today that had sugar."

Twilight turned and looked underneath her wing at Dawn's innocent face completely relaxed. "Dawn? Did you eat a lot of sugar today?"

"Ummm... A butterfly!!" Dawn zipped out and tried to grab at a bright yellow monarch fluttering through the air, flying away out of her sight for a minute before it landed on her nose. Her wide violet eyes crossed for a minute before zeroing in on the butterfly. Twilight and Madun shared a look then burst into a fit of chuckles. She definitely ate something.

With a clear answer, Twilight grabbed Dawn in her magic and pulled her back over. "All little fillies need to stay close to their mommies and daddies, okay? Especially the younger ones."

Dawn nodded and walked back underneath Twilight's wings, who then turned around and made way for the door in between the saluting guards alongside her husband. They strode into the busy but surprisingly quiet castle's interior for the elevator far across.

Madun informed her, "So we believe the best place to set the foreigners would be in between Fenix and Merōl, and Fenix and Lavender. They're both big enough and have a lot of land."

"Yes, but some citizens still live out there," Twilight clarified. "Mostly farmers and loners, but it wouldn't be right to take over their lands for the foreigners. I could probably provide sections, but it still wouldn't be fair." Madun sighed. She had a point, it wouldn't be fair to their own citizens. Maybe they could live by the coast.

Twilight asked, "They did scratch off Eventa, correct?"

Madun nodded and answered, "Yes, that was the first thing settled." The family stopped at the elevator while the Guards there pressed the up arrow for third floor.

Twilight nodded and turned to King Madun. "We'll work out a compromise so the ponies already living out there can keep their land. It's going to be difficult finding suitable areas as well as the necessities to keep them stable while also researching the Infected."

Madun smiled and nuzzled her head. "But I know you can do it. You're a strong mare. Not to mention very lovable." Arcadia rolled her eyes but embraced the fact. "Just do what you can, sweetheart."

"I will. We picked up a Legend named Odega. She said she knew Merry?"

Madun rolled his eyes at the name and answered, "Knew Merry? They're like sisters. Both of them together spells trouble."

"Yeah, I figured that." The elevator door dinged open. So they strode inside the decorative box and turned around. Twilight pressed for six and lifted her wing for her daughter who was gnawing or something at one of her feathers. "And what are you doing under there, Princess?" She asked playfully.

Twilight raised her wing a little higher for Dawn who jumped up to flick the loose feather and successfully knock it down. Then used her magic to grab and place it in the front of her mane.

"I'm putting this in my photos!" She explained. Photos? Dawn has an archive? This filly was something else. At five she was already accelerating faster than a standard pony. Maybe it was her Pseratep genes? Massive magic? Knowledge from her mother? There was no telling.

Twilight smiled and nodded. "You do that, sweetie. Make it pretty, okay?" While Dawn went for a few more feathers, Twilight turned to Madun and stated, "We have an estimated one more obstacle before we reach Psera. Let's find some location. No Eventa. How's Gardeen?"

"Our 'second Filly's' with Pink right now," Madun answered. "Enjoying a date I believe. As for your parents? Here driving me insane again."

Twilight sighed and scolded, "Madun, be nice. They're just really excited."

"They were waiting for me outside the door to the meeting room," Madun deadpanned.

"...You're leaving out a detail, I know you are." The elevator slowed to a stop when Madun cursed in his mind.

"They wanted to see Dawn." They looked down towards their daughter absentmindedly nudging her father's wing with her eyes on the doors when they opened.

Twilight Velvet's squeal snapped them out of their conversation and over to the doorway. Fresh Dawn gasped and Immediately zipped out. "Granny! Grandpa!"

Twilight Velvet held her hooves open in an inviting gesture. Expression adorned with one of happiness. Fresh Dawn jumped out and flew straight into them with a speed that would make Rainbow Dash proud. And latched onto her chest like one of Fluttershy's animals.

"Ohhh, how's this little filly?" She greeted. Velvet pulled Dawn out and stared into her excited lively eyes.

Dawn wiggled around and tapped her hooves together, grinning like a foal should be. Innocent. Her flapping wings reminded Twilight when she and Madun approached that they needed to be preened. Madun leaned into Twilight's ear and whispered, "I'll preen them this afternoon. Dusk's mother is excited for their playdate over the weekend."

Twilight flicked her ear then shot her head to Madun bearing appreciation. "Great, thank you, sweetheart. I've been so busy I haven't had the time to sit down and actually do my Royal tasks. Let alone be my daughter's moth—"

"Don't say it," Madun interrupted. Then leaned in and nuzzled her mane. "You're a fantastic mother. Don't belittle yourself, the King orders you."

Arcadia giggled and responded, "Well the Queen orders you to treat her to a dinner."

"You got it, your majesty."

Twilight tilted her head up and met his lips with hers, expressing his love for his wife, mother to their daughter.

"Eeeeewwww, mommy has Roomahs!" They parted and looked towards Twilight's parents. Fresh Dawn was in "Granny's" hooves sticking her tongue out in disgust, flicking her little ears around. "Mommy, you have to wash your mouth out so you don't get sick!"

Twilight Velvet chuckled and turned her around to face her. "Oh, your parents are just expressing their love for one another. Just like how mommy kisses you goodnight."

"But daddy's a boy! He has Roomahs!"

Twilight walked over and stroked Dawn's mane. "No he doesn't, little Dawn. Roomahs is just a story. Hey, mom." Twilight leaned over and placed a kiss on her daughter's cheek.

"Daddy has Roomahs! Daddy has Roomahs!"

Madun walked in and kissed Dawn's cheek. "Now you have Roomahs." While Dawn was going through hysterics he said to Twilight, "You be careful out there in that ocean, okay?"

She smiled and nuzzled his chin. "Of course." Then turned back to her daughter. "Mommy has to go and get your aunts and uncles, okay?"

Dawn gasped and whined, "What? B-but you just got here." Her face scrunched up before she started to cry, wailing with tears. Twilight nearly forgot she was five, her vocabulary was above normal for her age.

Arcadia fawned and lightly pulled her out of her grandmother's grip into her own. "Don't cry my little butterfly," she cooed. Twilight leaned in and nuzzled her cheek. "Don't cry. Your mommy's always going to return."

Fresh Dawn sniffled and whimpered, "Pr-Promith?"

"I promise my sweet little filly." She rubbed her nose against Dawn's. "I will never leave you."

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