• Published 17th May 2019
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Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 07 - Theories

After the Conference in the Crystal Empire, the rulers, nobles, and representatives of each country hopped back in their chariots and took off into the air, leaving the Crystal Empire and Equestria, and soaring back into their problems. Those plagues. Seaquestria's defense, and Mount Aris' grass. Twilight's words rang in Novo's head as her Hippogriffs flew overhead, heading for the mountain just outside of Equestria's border. They had to be ahead. Evacuate Seaquestria first. Worry about the sponges second. They could be toxic. But how? Strange.

Speaking of strange, the same was for Twilight's attitude for that old book. She seemed exuberant. Way more than Novo's ever seen her. The second she could read the cover, and whatever those strange shapes were, she was like a filly. Dancing around and whispering things. And those ponies that came in wearing all white and pushing that strange pod thing. It looked very... Not Equestrian. Something was going on over there. The sudden metal resurrection was a clue.

Too soon, Queen Novo landed back on the browning grass outside the castle in all its glory. The nature on the land was clearly dying. The castle was a little ways away from the farmland they flew over, but they could still make out the dying brown slowly inching towards their castle, eating through their food. Not only that, but it seems that the Hippogriffs of her countries were waiting for her in a line. Trailing out the door of the castle. That was a very troubling sight.

Once the chariot rolled to a stop, a Guard standing by grabbed the handle for her door and let them out. Skystar's eyes trained on the land in sadness. Some of the ground on the castle's property was turning a sickly brown like the farmland. It wasn't there exactly, but it was reaching that point. Skystar lifted a claw and grabbed some of the grass. It practically turned to dust.

Queen Novo looked her way and sighed. Her daughter held that depressing look on her face, the one she usually wore when things looked bleak. "It will be okay," she whispered. "This will only be temporary."

Skystar took a deep breath and nodded, eyes still on the grass and the brown slowly but definitely approaching the castle. "Hopefully," she whispered. In her heart, Skystar knew they could get through these plagues. But in her head, she knew they couldn't do it alone.

While riding the Royal Chariot through the air, destination for Eventa, Arcadia wrapped a wing around her sister-in-law's body, who decided to come along. The four of them were facing the distance at the approaching city of Eventa.

"Thank you so much for coming, Merry," she told her gladly. "Little Fresh Dawn, her father and I are both appreciative. Right sweetheart?"

Madun sighed and asked tiredly, "Why are you really here, Merry?"


"What? I know she has another motive. I know my twin sister. Why are you really here, Merry?"

Rolling her eyes, Merry decided to answer. Madun knew her too well. "Well... Light Pink wanted to talk to me about something. It's about her girlfriend, Gardeen. She sounded worried, so..."

Confused, Arcadia asked, "But doesn't Pink live in Psera Skies North?"

"Close. She works in Psera Skies North but lives in Eventa. Right in the Mall's Office as a secretary. Gardeen lives in Cop. Pink didn't say if anything was amiss. But she rarely does. She just asked me to come over so I am."

"But about Gardeen? I never notice anything wrong with her. Should I be worried?" Arcadia looked down between her hooves at Fresh Dawn looking at one of her dolls. She left Blue Sky at the castle "so she could rest" and "snuck out with Ms. Goldilocks," her new doll. Too cute. She learned that from her father, definitely.

Merry shook her head and answered, "No. I'm sure if there was something wrong with Gardeen, she'd tell you herself."

"If you say so."

Fresh Dawn squeezed out from between Arcadia's legs and made slow moves towards her father with her doll. Then sat down between his hooves. He smiled down at her and nuzzled her mane with his muzzle. "Ready for ice cream, Sugar Plum?"

Fresh Dawn looked up and nodded happily, bearing the most beautiful grin she could manage. "Yeah! Ms. Goldilocks said she wanted two ice creams!"

"Er... I think Ms. Goldilocks needs a nap."

After they were dropped off back in Canterlot, Celestia and Luna slowly made their way through the crowded rejuvenated city for the castle. It was common to see the two Princesses walking around casually. Tall and elegant with strangely blowing manes that had no source of force to be given that type of movement. Hooves nearly silent as they moved across the concrete sidewalk. They were seen so much that just like everyone else they were paid no mind. It must be different in Psera for Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle. During the time it took to walk back up to the castle, Celestia's mind was coming up with different possibilities and theories of what could be causing the international plagues that were affecting all the lands but theirs.

It wasn't until they were back in the privacy of the castle, walking the slightly empty comparatively tall hallways and into the empty throne room that she voiced them.

Sighing, Celestia whispered, "Luna... I may have an idea on what is happening." The two walked up and took a seat on their thrones before they faced each other. "I believe this is a magical affair. We are all experiencing times of loss. These are no accidents."

"What do you mean, sister?" Luna asked. She grew concerned. How could any of these plagues not be an accident? Celestia could tell that she caught Luna's attention. So she cleared her throat and began to explain.

"When our steel dropped, S3 told us a possible chemical may have been released into the air. I actually spoke with Twilight about it when I visited one day after she became Queen and she said that even though that may be the case it would be highly unlikely since there is no Chemical Agent in Equestria that could eat through steel in that timeframe, boosted or not. Her own theory was a spell casted incorrectly and created a curse. She also said that it was entirely easy to do, to just lose focus while using transfiguration spells have the potential to yield disastrous results and doing it on purpose is as simple as focusing on another pony walking past. I asked could it have been anything else. She said that since Equestria is and has always been prone to attack that it could have been by an enemy."

"An enemy," Luna repeated. "Like by the changelings who are not reformed."

Celestia shook her head and answered, "No. Twilight stated that in order for something to affect steel all over the country like that there had to be a constant flow of magic. Not to mention our own nature. The ground turned lifeless, the food inedible. We had to go through what we had rationed, nothing fresh. Twilight said all of this was one spell. One very destructive spell that would make Discord proud were he not reformed. Twilight believed that we were attacked by a very powerful creature. A creature that has enough magic such as her own."

"So we are dealing with a creature of possible legend."

Celestia nodded. "Yes. But Twilight also admitted that even though they may be powerful, all magic must come from somewhere. Herself alone, even though Psera's love supplies her with a constant flow, admits she still grows tired after a while of using it and will have to take an hour or two. Psera is the biggest country in the known world. Way bigger, stronger, and smarter than any creature's. She said this creature cursed Equestria for a total of three months. Their plan failed here. Equestria is second best to Psera. If they cannot grab Equestria, they will try somewhere else. And that it would be a good time before it happens due to how much magic was used. How do two years sound?"

Luna nodded and answered, "Sounds long enough. Queen Twilight's involvement in the resurrection has made her a major VIP in this issue. Those ponies may never figure out it could be a curse. We certainly did not until she told us."

Celestia nodded and relaxed in her seat. "Twilight and S3 are the only ones who in fact know what is really going on. So if worse comes to worst, then she's right. They'll come to Equestria for help. Specifically her. And she will not be here. Triggering an investigation."

"This place is big!!" Cheered the Princess of Psera from atop King Madun's back. After grabbing tickets and trotting past the bowing from the rest of the ponies, the Royal Family walked through the gate and into the amusement park. Multiple colorful and decorative shelters and buildings lined the concrete streets on the sides that held games, contests, and rides. Noises of fun and play bounced off the concrete ground and rollercoasters. Just like usual, the family were escorted by the Guard, although on less tense hooves with smiles. Usually, they were replaced by the oh so serious frown, focused on the crowds. And even though Arcadia scared the ponies who were possibly in a terrorist group targeting her when Blueblood had been incarcerated at the trial, the organization in charge of their safety were taking no chances. The Queen may be impossibly powerful, but even she had her weak moments. Doubly so because they have a daughter now. So the guard were pretty much required. Unless she were to attack the guards. Like someone.

Arcadia eagerly nodded and replied, "Yes it is, Dawn. The park goes on for a while. Not as big as Eventa, but still pretty big."

Merry nodded and zipped over to her. "That's right! So what do you want to do first, pipsqueak?" She lifted a hoof and playfully poked Dawn's nose.

Her eyes crossed for briefly before grinning again. Giggling, Fresh Dawn looked around excitedly and jabbed her hoof towards a ball pit a few more foals were playing in. Oh boy. "There, there!" She jumped off her father's head and quickly scurried away from her parents. And the guards, who quickly pursued.

Arcadia squeaked and quickly called, "Fresh Dawn, no! Walk!" Fresh Dawn jumped up, opened her wings and sailed down straight for the plastic balls before she was encased in a violet glow, freezing her movement in front of the other parents watching their children. And directly over the plastic round colorful balls below her. The Queen quickly trotted over with her horn bright, taking deep breaths to calm her rushing heartbeat. "What do I tell you about walking and patience? You could have been hurt."

"To always go fast?"

"No, that's what daddy says and something I have to scold him about." Arcadia slowly lowered Fresh Dawn into the ball pit then released her magical hold. "Much safer."

Dawn's head popped up out of the mess of balls with a strange expression before she locked eyes on a dark brown Pseratep colt across from her, staring at her with his mouth partly open holding an orange ball. The other foals were playing with each other nearby, but he was focused on Dawn a lot more.

Excited, she lifted a hoof and waved eagerly with a grin. "Hi!"

The colt dropped the ball and shyly waved back. "...Hi," he whispered.

Fresh Dawn swam through the balls over to him and greeted, "I'm Fresh Dawn! What's your name?"

He glanced around nervously and whispered, "I'm... I-I'm Dark Dust. You have a cone on your head."

Fresh Dawn could tell that he felt out of place. Maybe it was because of the weird shiny thing she had on her head that her mom and dad tell her to wear. What was it called again? A tiara. She needed to figure out a way to make him more comfortable.

Dawn anxiously looked around her claimed space and grabbed a light brown ball. Then turned back and pushed it his way grinning. "Ball?"

Serl was tense, the air inside all buildings packed with a dense anxiety that even Bright Gold couldn't get through. They had found the Diary. The Diary of Narmeelah. It could and would hold answers to Narmeelah's disappearance. Along with more clues to whatever else she did in her lifetime. Maybe even the cause of the Blue Gold! All of it a page turn away from the many technicians and more settled in the clean room wearing suits and masks, eyeing the old dusty book lying on top of a glass table. The Clean Room was entirely white and cold. Lit up with neon yellow lights that shone all over the room, keeping out bugs and dust. There was a timer on the far wall reading how many more hours, minutes, and seconds were left before the book was completely sanitized. It was currently at a minute and fifteen seconds.

Bright Gold stood at the head, eyeing the clock. Then turned her eyes back to the diary in front of her. The pages were practically screaming at everyone to open and read them. But they had to be careful. The book was centuries years old. It should be dust by this point really. Written in Old Pseratopian. Queen Arcadia Nova was presented with it from a foreign nation, who apparently thought it was a dusty old book and was only interested in it because they had never seen the writing, and was unable to open it. Now it was Psera's turn to open it. Or try.

Bright Light's head poked into Bright Gold's peripheral vision and stated, "Time's up. Let's make these attempts."

Bright Gold looked up at the clock. Sure enough the timer was at zero on all ends. She nodded and focused back on the book. "Agreed. Take a note. Attempt number one at... Nine-fifteen AM." Bright Gold grabbed some hoof covers and put them on like everyone else. Then made a motion to Rising Flutter to make the first attempt.

Seven Minutes Later

Bright Gold flopped down on her rear and sighed behind her mask tiredly. "Attempt number.... Thirty-eight?" She groaned. "Unsuccessful. Put down the tools." Rising Flutter calmly set down the crowbar underneath the glass table. They were becoming a little desperate, but that desperate wasn't necessary.

One of the technicians grumbled and shouted in frustration, "This is getting us nowhere! How in the stars are we supposed to open this?"

Blue Ivy shook her head and answered, "I don't know. Maybe ask Queen Arcadia? This seems like something she may have a solution for."

"Maybe," Bright Gold responded. She rubbed her mouth and stood on her hooves with a decision. "I'd hate to drag her away from the rest of her schedule that I know she has for today, but it can't be helped. Hopefully, she can make some arrangements. It doesn't even have to be today."


Yesterday was fun, but Fresh Dawn had to go back to School, and Arcadia had to sit on the throne once again. She made her first real friend outside of the Castle that wasn't in the family! It was so exciting! She couldn't even focus on the three meetings she has today. Even now before Arcadia could jump onto her throne, she skipped away from Madun's side when they entered the Throne Room and towards it.

Watching her, he asked, "And what has you so enthusiastic?"

Arcadia skipped past the smiling guards and onto the throne. Then whipped around and sat down before Madun followed suit. "Our little foal has her first friend that isn't a relative!" She cheered. "Isn't that exciting?"

Madun nodded and answered, "Yes, sweetheart. But we still need to talk to Dusk's parents before they can actually go on a play date. For now, let's focus on Psera, okay?"

Arcadia adjusted her body in the most regal and serious position, eyes on the large golden double doors at the end. "You're right. Psera needs Queen Arcadia right now, not Mommy Twilight. Enter!" The doors opened and a single Pseratep stallion entered wearing a business tie. While he approached, Arcadia could feel Madun's eyes on her. "Stop staring," she ordered.

Trying to contain his laughter, Madun whispered, "You switched so quickly."

Arcadia nudged him with the bridge of her wing and greeted the stallion, "Good morning."

The stallion bowed and greeted, "Good morning, your majesties. I've been meaning to meet with you for awhile regarding the Embassy of Psera in Equestria."

An Embassy problem? "What is the issue?" Madun inquired.

The stallion stood up and looked at Arcadia. She may be small, but she sure as buck was intimidating with her eyes narrowed wearing all the gold. Not to mention the sharp horn on her head with a decorative gold tip, dense with gem dust. "As one of Ambassador Shimmer's Secretaries, I handle all requests and documents at the front. However, this one pink pony somehow in unexplainable ways continues to get past security by just... Randomly appearing with 'Twitchy Tail and Itchy Nose'—whatever those are—trying to get me to send you a letter about trouble involving you."

"Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense," Arcadia explained. "She must be sensing something. Strange. Gardeen."

Gardeen was at her throne saluting in a nanosecond. "Yes, your highness?"

"I need you to send a letter to the Security Directors of both Embassies about escorting Pinkamena 'Pinkie' Pie to the throne room at their earliest convenience for my audience. And to keep a very close eye on her. She's a slippery one." Arcadia turned back to the stallion while Gardeen wrote. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. She'll stop bothering you now. She knows I know that she needs to speak with me ... Somehow."

"Er..." The stallion chose to bow instead of question it. "Thank you, your majesty." He straightened back up and made his way out before Gardeen could stop writing.

Madun turned to Arcadia's serious expression with a knowing grin and whispered, "I can tell you're still excited."

"I am! I admit it!" Arcadia cried. She danced in place and added, "Before I dropped her off, she asked, 'When can I see Dusky again?' I told her I was going to setup a play date with his mother, just so they could get to know each other better! Eee!" She turned to Gardeen and clarified in a whisper while the next pony strode in to converse with Madun, "Fresh Dawn has a friend. Her first one outside the castle. I'm more excited than her."

"No kidding," Gardeen whispered. After two hours and the burning through two scheduled meetings, or sixty more Pserateps, the next one to walk in was Bright Gold.

Surprised, Arcadia greeted, "Bright Gold, Madun and I are surprised to see you."

"Above it really," Madun added. "What brings you here?"

On the red carpet, Bright Gold bowed and greeted humbly, "Your majesties. We are having trouble opening the Diary. We are requesting Queen Arcadia's wisdom and skill."

Arcadia hummed and stated, "I'm not surprised. Chancellor did say his mages had issues opening it, and that was why he gave it away." She thought for a moment, trying to find a solution. Or rather... Remember! Fresh Dawn! "The only pony who may actually know how to open it... Is in school. I remember telling you about my daughter's interactions with dreams. To be honest, because of her, we were able to discover the Diary. I believe she may know how to open it. Keep it in the clean room until I call it over in a few hours. We will find a solution."

Things were getting worse. Seaquestria's defense sponges were beginning to break, all the grass on Mount Aris had reached their zenith and molded into a deep lifeless brown, and for some other unknown reason, the air was becoming gassy and dense. Fogged with something brown Novo couldn't explain. Neither could the smartest Hippogriffs on the land taking samples and confronting with the Zebras for information, who seemed to be going through the same thing. Something was going on. It's been over a week since the Conference and things did not get better. In fact, they were worse. Food refused to grow by this point.

The hot wind tickled the fur of Queen Novo observing from the balcony of her castle. Her thoughts moved to the other lands. The only one seemingly unaffected was Equestria. Their steel shortage and that dust storm was possibly their plague. But they overcame it. Somehow. Something was amiss with the "sitting on steel" story. She could feel it. But it wasn't important right now. They needed some help. They needed brains.

They needed Twilight.

Coming to a decision, Novo whipped around and ordered, "Some griff prepare my guards. I am heading for Equestria. And send an urgent letter to Princess Celestia requesting an audience with her."

That same Saturday morning, after a week of anticipation and catching up, the diary of Narmeelah was securely taken to the Castle of the Gods. Just like Bright Gold, the technicians of Serl were extremely reluctant to believe a foal still learning to form words could figure out how to open a book that even the smartest minds couldn't. But as ordered by her highness they brought the book, and themselves to the castle throne room. Since the rulers of the land refused to keep their citizens in the dark, cameras were allowed. A large brown, glossy wooden table had been setup in a standard meeting room connected to the throne room decorated with large picture frames in the corner. Twilight and Madun sat in their own while their daughter was in hers, reading something. Arcadia couldn't tell what, but it must've been important. She was entirely focused on it.

After a few more minutes, and after the Diary of Narmeelah was carefully placed on the table, everyone got silent and turned to the King, Queen, and Princess. The latter didn't even move, too busy reading to care. Arcadia and Madun leaned forward towards the table. Eyes on this book that has be causing trouble. It hasn't changed. Still green and strange.

Arcadia looked onto the throne next to hers and asked, "Dawn? Could you come up here for a moment?"

Fresh Dawn peeked over her book at her mother. Then practically threw it to the side to hop onto Twilight's lap with long wings dragging. "Yes, mommy?"

"Mommy and daddy need your help. Do you remember the dream you had of Narmeelah? About her diary?"

Fresh Dawn turned around and used her magic to grab another book. "I write down all my dreams by date!" She answered. The book hovered in front of and towered over her smaller form, shrouding her from view. Page after page turned for a minute before she found what she was looking for. "Oh! Oh! I found it! Narmeepah thold me that her diary could be found in Equethria!"

The eggheads in the room muttered silently amongst themselves. Arcadia nodded with a smile. "That's right dear. Did you write down anything else?"

"Uh huh! Narmepah also said that—Hey, hush, I'm talking to mommy!" Fresh Dawn narrowed her eyes at the stallion talking on her right. Then turned back to her book while Gardeen covered her mouth from the side. Merry would have been in hysterics. "Narmeepah also said this just like this: 'Queen Arca...Arca.... Arcadia! Arcadia is the key. No other can open it but my descendants. My diary activated by the mathical signature of myself, I give to your mommy. Let her know, Princess of Psera, that only she can read it. And yourself when you are of age. Your mother is the key to saving the world.'" Dawn dropped the book and grinned up at her mother. "I studied those words."

"Amazing job, Dawn!" Her father congratulated. Arcadia reached down and picked up her daughter to hug and hold close.

Bright Gold raised her hoof and stated from directly across, "I admit that it was really good. However, we still don't know how to open it. Apparently, the only pony that can is a descendant. According to record, Saemool never had any children. Unless Narmeelah had a long lost son or daughter, then this book is permanently shut." The table erupted into chatter, all ponies attempting to come up with theories and more. Arcadia and Madun just sat back and watched the chaos for a moment. Somepony even cried out that it's a lost cause.

"Mommy." Arcadia looked down at her daughter in her hooves. Purple eyes into purple eyes, she whispered, "Only you can open it, remember?"

Only her? How many times has she said that? "How exactly..." Arcadia rolled her eyes and raised her right hoof to silence the noise. She couldn't even hear her daughter. Once all eyes and cameras were on her, she paid mind to Dawn. "How exactly would I do that dear?"

"Narmeepah said that it can only be activated by you. Right there." Fresh Dawn pointed at a specific point on the cover, next to the gem. Arcadia and everyone else leaned in to see the empty space. "You put your hoof on it!"

Rising Flutter stammered, "B-But then that would mean that Queen Arcadia is a distant relative of Narmeelah herself." The table once more erupted into discussion.


"I'm not too sure."

"It would open the eyes of all of Psera and change history!"

"An investigation would commence!" One of the technicians whipped out a notepad and placed her hoof on the point for five seconds. Since nothing happened she wrote down "Attempt Seventy-Seven(Standard Pseratep Physical Contact): Failed."

Fresh Dawn grinned towards her mother and jabbed towards the book excited. Arcadia followed her hoof and asked, "A-Are you sure, sweetie?" Arcadia admitted she was a little skeptical. Because if that book opened...

Fresh Dawn nodded and answered, "Yes!"

Gulping, Arcadia hoofed Fresh Dawn to her father and eyed the book. Then following her filly's instructions, timidly reached out and laid her hoof on the top of the book. The intense chatter died down for a second while everyone watched. Lenses and eyes zoomed onto her hoof, breathing halted. When the book showed no change, Arcadia took a relieving breath and closed her eyes. She had no idea what would happen if—

Click. Thud. The room was silent. Arcadia fluttered her eyes open and trained them on the book. The flap that was keeping it closed was open and lying on the table, exposing the previously hidden right of the book, and the pages within it. Eyes trained on Arcadia's hoof when she used it to timidly flip back the cover, exposing and reading the inside, written in old Pseratopian. "'Dear Diary... Today I fear I grow... Lonely. This large world with no life troubles me greatly. The land and water has been made. Now it is time to add life... Narmeelah.'"

Author's Note:

Theory confirmed.

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