• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,218 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 46 - Path To Arcadia's Cell

Getting to Psera was much faster than usual. Somehow they managed to reach the obelisk line during the night and no one knew about it until Celestia stalked out onto the deck to raise the sun, and she was met with the sight of another Aquata flanking their right heading in the same direction.

"Huh?" She murmured. Then turned to trot back into the ship until Dawn stopped her from above.

"They're escorting us to Lavender!" Celestia looked up to the rail where the bridge was and where Dawn was standing in front of the windows. Both Captain Smalls and Gardeen were by her side. Dawn was peering through a pair of binoculars trained to the blue ocean in front of them. Scanning the sea. Celestia wondered if the Pserateps were voyagers in the past. They had enough Aquatas to be.

Celestia looked around her and noticed there was not one but three on this side. There was probably more on the other. She hummed and teleported up to Dawn who jumped in surprise. Kia jumping out of nowhere was already enough. She didn't need a tall pony like Celestia doing it too.

Dawn sighed and glared at her despite that innocent grin Celestia was shooting her way. Then went right back to sea gazing. "They joined us overnight after we reached the Obelisk Line," she explained.

They already reached the Obelisks?! "Wait, how?!" Celestia asked. Then trained her eyes back on the horizon. "We're already near Psera? I thought it would take two more days."

Dawn nodded and answered, "Yeah, it does. But someone decided to give us a little unseen push—AUNT ODEGA!"

Odega burst into view atop Celestia's back with a calm expression trained on Dawn. She was lying down on her side grinning like an innocent foal. Dawn knew otherwise.

"What, you all were going too slow," she excused.

Dawn deadpanned, "You picked the Aquata up and placed us one hundred fifty miles forward near our mainland. Without letting anyone know. You try explaining that to Lavender."

"No I picked the Aquata up and brought you home. Now your little Guardians can relax. Pserateps are so tense when a King, Queen, or Princess leaves the nest." Dawn didn't change her deadpan. "Hey, be grateful squirt. I just saved you hours upon hours of just watching blue oceans. Now you're almost home. They finally managed to get a tunnel dug into where your mother's lab is. Phew, you're talking about a super library of spells. I honestly didn't think she had nearly that many. But whoa, that place was filled with all kinds of egghead stuff. No one thought that Queen Arcadia hid her spells underground. It's genius. Look, Daddy Madun is waiting for you on the shores with Granny Ice and Aunty Merry. You're a few miles in, see?"

She pointed a hoof over Celestia's head towards the thin outline of land they were approaching now. Even though Celestia couldn't agree with Odega's method of lifting them while they slept, she can't say she wasn't relieved they didn't have to look at blue seas for three days.

Celestia nodded and asked, "What are we to expect?"

"Everything is moving quickly. So fast paced action, a lot of dirt since you're going underground to get to the lab, and... Something you're not supposed to talk about."

Her eyes shifted to Dawn for an explanation. But she didn't even have to look to find out what she wanted. "Yeah, they signed the agreement. Gardeen has them."

"Good. Isn't Dawn so mature? It's so cute! This small little thing is actually allowed to give orders and go across seas on her own at fifteen!"

Dawn sighed and growled, "Odega? There is literally nothing stopping me from throwing you into the Aquata's furnace." She lowered the binoculars slightly and smoldered at Odega in the corner of her eye to show she was serious.

Odega acquiesced with a raise of her hooves. "Oh alright. By the way, your friends are there too. Including that mean ol' Kia. How can you be friends with a pony who mocks you?"

"We have a... Really complicated relationship." Since Psera was in full view by this point, Dawn let the binoculars go to dangle around her neck and asked, "The Zebra?"

"She's following behind Molten. She won't be coming with us. I'll see you on land." Then Odega burst out of sight from Celestia's back. For a pony made of fire she's certainly heavy.

Dawn sighed and turned around for the doors leading into the Aquata. "I need to pack," she said.

They watched her clink her way back to the door and open it with her hooves. Then trot in before it closed, shielding her from their sights and ears. Celestia looked to Gardeen and asked, "Is Dawn always..."

"Reclusive? Alone? Serious? Absolutely," Gardeen answered. She looked back to the approaching land of Psera and added, "Dawn doesn't even use her magic like all of you, let alone talk much around the castle. The most magic she actually does is grab things when she can't get them with her hooves, and to make Sky Blue come alive. Along with that puppy she has now."

"I heard she has friends, including a pony who mocks her?"

Gardeen confirmed this with a nod. "Yes, Kia Farue. She's interesting. And a pony Dawn grew up with named Dark Dust. He is a common kind face around the castle. And super friendly. Shy. Quiet. Now I have a question for you, Celestia." Celestia's ear twitch was her only response. "As the teacher of Queen Arcadia, couldn't you have taught Dawn at least a few things during this trip? I know you wanted to."

Celestia sighed deep through her nose to the coast of Fenix and her plains. "I've honestly been waiting for someone to ask this question," she whispered. "The answer?... My teachings would interfere with her mother's. Twilight's way of teaching will in fact be very different than my own. Way before Twilight set a hoof on your land, I've noted things down about her. When my ways didn't work in the classroom, she'd make her own ways outside of it with the same result. Twilight will be the only pony who can actually teach Dawn in the more easier ways. Not to mention..."

Celestia smoldered towards the ports of Lavender they were approaching decorated with a full crew of Pods and flashing lights. "Dawn's magic... Doesn't seem to be Equestrian. She seems to have inherited Dark magic, a more unstable form. Taming it would be difficult. A task more suited for the Alicorn who can raise a block of steel all by herself. Yes, I raise and set the sun. Luna the same for the moon. But the physics require little effort, and our magic is not suited for dealing with Dark Magic. We've spent most of our life combating against Dark Magic instead of teaching it. We will leave the teaching to Twilight since she apparently has more experience."

Madun was anxious. His hooves were jittery on Lavender's bay, his heart was pumping. His coat was heated thanks to the sun. Flanking him were the judges of Psera's Court, notable ponies from the classified facility of Serl, his family and Dawn's friends. Kia was weirdly dancing in place while her quivering wide yellow eyes were trained on the Aquata docking into place. Something was up with her. She's been acting very strange lately.

But those thoughts could wait. A deep hush reigned over the land. Aquata Zero just docked and the steps were being connected right now. Then the door opened and the first pony out was... A puppy?

A little brown spot took one step at a time down the stairs with little ears flopping that anyone around stared at. It took awhile, but it did eventually reach the bottom. Then walked over to the King and started sniffing his hooves. Thus triggering the terror twins.

Daisy and Lightning both descended and fawned, "Awww! Look at the cute little.... Puppy?" When those black buttons for eyes didn't blink, they jumped up and ran the other way. "It's alive, it's alive!!"

Looks like Dawn got another therapy doll. Madun sighed and sarcastically jabbed to Merry, "Ah yes, they're ready to rule the world. There's my sugar plum!!"

Dawn sighed and trotted up to him with Gardeen by her side. The rulers of the foreign countries were making their way down the steps with their small bags of necessities. Not much was needed for this trip since Psera always supplied everything.

Dawn scolded, "Dad, I'm not a filly anymore!" But that didn't stop her from sharing a hug and nuzzle with her father.

The Princesses of Equestria eagerly made their way for the King and the Royal Family of Psera. It's been so long since they've seen this place, but they could easily tell not much of it had changed. Same luxury chariots in the back, same technology, same pods, same military. And same long wings, if not longer.

Celestia slowed her speed to the King and greeted with a smile and bow, "Madun, it's been too long." His coat was still orange-red, his physique was still to die for. And he had managed to grow a goatee. Oh stars above.

Madun laughed and replied, "Yes it has, Princess!" The two shared a deep emotional hug before he moved on to Luna, Cadance, and... He pointed to Flurry and asked, "And who is this?"

Cadance wasn't surprised he didn't recognize her. She did look a lot different than from the last time they've seen her. She placed a wing on Flurry's back and answered, "This is our Daughter, Flurry Heart. Remember when Arcadia used to bring Fresh Dawn to Equestria?"

Oh! Now Madun remembered her! He grinned white teeth down to Flurry and greeted, "Why of course, Princess Flurry Heart! I haven't seen you in years. You've grown up beautifully."

Coming from this handsome stallion, Flurry blushed from his praise and stammered, "Th-Thank you, Madun—King Madun."

Luna gathered Madun's attention by poking his wing and stated, "Remember the others?" She raised a wing in the direction of the rulers awaiting recognition.

"Yes, uhh... Queen Novo and the rest of IHT, thank you for coming. We have a lot to work on."

They all shared a deep bow then straightened with smiles. Queen Novo stated urgently, "When Celestia told us that Princess Fresh Dawn was waiting for us in Canterlot, I feared something tragic had happened."

Another voice made its speaker known. Molten Ice silently laughed her way to attention with Merry and corrected, "Something has happened, but not tragic." She hasn't changed either. Blue and orange-red coat, tall figure, long wings and didn't seem to be getting any older. Her light blue eyes still sent a shiver down their spines and forced smiles on their faces.

Cadance cleared her throat and switched to her serious personality. "You've found Queen Arcadia's spell library."

Madun nodded and answered, "Yes, we have. Well, Dawn and her friends have. While we are concerned about there being an actual tunnel underneath the castle with no end in sight, we want to get Queen Arcadia out first. In the case of an emergency, drilling crews have created a large tunnel inside the mountains that lead to the library underground. But we need Dawn to lower the elevator inside the Castle so when we do get Arcadia out, we can take her up to Triage."

Luna clarified, "So you are certain she is alive."

"Absolutely." All eyes moved to the pony of silvery-white coat and mane, and yellow eyes, wearing a lab coat. The pony that helped Equestria in the past.

Celestia smiled and greeted, "Bright Gold."

Bright Gold's coat has never been whiter. A decade hasn't changed her. "Princess Celestia, thank you for coming. I have gathered a majority of my team to figure out the device being used to control the Mecrah Portal. It's big, it's complex, and it's our department. My crew is standing by now."

Madun turned around and ordered, "Then let's move. Dawn you're going to the castle to get the elevator down. Everyone else, we're going to the mountain range. And Queen Tarsafani? You're going with Her Majesty Molten Ice."

Tarsafani blinked at him then shifted her soft gaze to the tall Pseratep in front of her. Staring down at her with a smile. But that was no regular smile. It was more hard than before. Phew, this was going to be a conversation.

Just like the King said, Dawn was riding in her own Chariot with her friends, and Madun was riding in another with the Princesses of Equestria. They flew through the air over Lavender with more chariots pointing towards the same location: The large mountain range keeping Cop from view. Celestia's high sun bathed its green slopes in rays of light, and the many Pserateps flying in and out in its magnificence. Psera Skies has never been more fruitful. The time was a little over seven. Pserateps below them were just starting their moves of the day.

Luna noticed first that they were using the Refugee camp below them that Arcadia created so long ago for their own reasons. But before she could ask, Celestia brought up a question. "So... Dawn's Magic?"

Madun took a deep breath and sighed. "Well... Not much if any. Heavy things are hard for her to lift. She usually resorts to physical efforts and likes to work out like her old man."

Shining scoffed playfully and stated, "You, my friend, are far from old."

"Try telling that to a filly."

This was a great opportunity for Flurry Heart to look away when her father turned to her. And whistle a tune in her head. Madun smiled and watched the road they were coming up on sneak closer and closer to the bottom of their chariot. Then the wheels touched down with a slight jostle before they rolled into the cave carved into the mountains. The entrance was roped off before. Now it was open for them.

The sun's natural light cut and the air smelled of stone and rock when they entered. Lights lined the ceiling made of earth. Small ones that provided just enough to see where they rolled.

After riding deeper into the mountain, their chariots pulled off the road to the rocky side of the road where yellow cones sat amongst flashing law enforcement. Work ponies wearing safety vests were walking into a large hole in the wall, big enough to hold two chariots stacked on top of each other.

The rulers let themselves out and looked around the darkness that was this Mountain Tunnel.

Novo walked up to Celestia and commented, "Pretty quaint."

Celestia silently agreed. This was one of the many quiet spaces of Psera. A tunnel deep in their mountains. She resorted only to a single nod that she would have missed were her coat not so bright. Luna would practically be invisible were it not for the lights above shining down onto the road leading into Cop. Other than their dry hoofsteps, the tunnel was so quiet it seemed more respectful to whisper.

Madun grabbed a hard hat he was offered and dropped it on his head from the Guards passing them out. Safety first before you go marching into a tunnel. The rest were handed some as well to drop onto their heads. The Unicorns had more problems with their helmets for more obvious reasons. Once they were secure, Madun turned to their entourage of Merry Fire, Blazing Fire, scientists, a few ponies with cameras, and the rulers wearing their glowing necklaces.

"Alright. I assume you have all signed the agreement?" They nodded with their own terms of confirmations. "Then let's move."

Hooves bravely moved into the wall and followed the path outlined by lights. Which was added to when Odega burst into sight in front of them colored blue after three minutes of silent treading.

"I found something," she whispered.

Madun ordered, "Walk and talk."

Odega jumped up and turned into a phoenix that landed on Merry's helmet. She placed a wing on her chest and stated straight to the point, "That entire place is drenched in runes. I can't go in, at least too far since I am made of magic. It hurts. A lot."

Chancellor repeated, "Runes? What did they look like?"

"I can't describe them but I know what they're for. It prevents you from using magic that isn't the Queen's. I teleported past the doors and everything sort of lit up and... Zapped me. Like magic rain shot at me from all directions. I doubt anyone can use magic past the doors that isn't the Queen's. She really didn't want anyone else going in there."

Celestia and Luna shared a confused glance then back to everything around them. Cadance felt free to speak her mind. "What does that mean?"

"Well... Not sure honestly. But that backs up the theory that Squirt and Flurry came up with stating—"

Her mouth turned straight into a zipper per Flurry's request. "I will tell them," she said. She glanced to her surprised mother and said, "Dawn and I came up with this theory last night on the upper deck that Queen Arcadia planned every last bit of this in past years. Creating complex spells that all simultaneously work together to cause an unlimited chain of events in that room or chamber. She's had enough time to proof all her books, the equipment, everything to herself. As well as pack the room with defenses."

Madun looked down to her and clarified, "Like weaponry?"

"Of the Magic variety. We're not sure because we don't know much about it, but... We think somewhere in this Laboratory are her tomes of Dark Magic. Which would explain all the secrecy."

Cadance immediately asked, "You think Queen Arcadia did all this to hide Dark Magic tomes?"

"That makes sense," Odega answered. Now that her beak was free. She growled playfully at Flurry's proud expression and explained, "Dark Magic isn't the type of magic you tamper with. A simple incorrectly cast spell of one of those could cause utter disaster for miles around the affected range. Let alone to the pony casting the spell."

Madun added, "So, if she didn't have anything like that here, then there would be no reason to hide all her texts. But since a harmful type of magic is mixed in—"

"She took every last single measure imaginable to keep ponies away," Luna whispered. "Ponies? I have a troubling thought that could be added on."

Bright Gold trotted up to her and beckoned, "Such as?"

"...well first off, Celestia and I believe Fresh Dawn's magic is mixed with Dark Magic somehow. Her ability to give life to inanimate items and objects can only be done through Dark Magic. Which leads me to believe Queen Arcadia has experienced with Dark Magic for awhile."

Madun looked over his shoulder and queried, "Is that such a bad thing?"

"Coming from a pony who has caved in to her dark side? Absolutely. Dark Magic creates frustration, pain and anguish. And according to Fresh Dawn, there was a recent video released that admitted she knew it? How far back did she know Dark Magic?

"Another thought I had was what if the Mecrah Portal is Dark Magic? According to the sources and Cadance, it is a Prison. The Pillars of Equestria did something similar in the past to keep back the Pony of Shadows. However, Starswirl admitted he would rather they never do that spell again. Because it was Dark Magic."

Madun stepped over a loose rock and eyed the gold tunnel they were nearing. They were getting close. They were inside the Earth now. He looked over his shoulder and admitted, "Are you saying... Twilight may have been experimenting with Dark Magic literally and figuratively under our noses?"

Cadance shrugged and admitted, "Maybe, maybe not. She could have been experimenting with it in Equestria and brought her findings here. I say this with love Madun... But it may have even affected Princess Fresh Dawn. That would be the only reason I can come up with as to why she's able to perform necromancy on inanimate objects. I suggest we be careful once we enter this laboratory. There may in fact be hidden dangers."

Madun couldn't deny that. When they first saw it, they didn't venture too far in. They gathered the Princesses and waited for their arrival. Now he, the Rulers, even the only fearless Dragon Lord Ember and every other Pseratep were afraid of what may have lied in there. Traveling into the golden darkness towards the distant light up ahead. Novo and the ponies without horns were definitely fearful with barely any defense save for their hard hats, they knew better than to mess with the Great Queen's toys.

The temperature seemed to drop the deeper they went. Regardless of their close contact with each other and the machinery Bright Gold's team had traveling behind them, the cold became more prominent. Their thoughts raced, their hearts beat a mile a minute until, after twenty more minutes, they finally made it to their target location. The Golden Hallway. The hole drilled in next to the wall near the elevator.

Dawn was already in there playing a game with Dusty and Kia on a glass pad. She was holding it with both hooves and had her face contorted into focus while Kia egged her on with mounting support. Her red braid flipped back and forth each time she moved her head. She didn't even notice them arriving. Madun cleared his throat and broke that focus.

"It is time, daughter," he said. "Let's put the game away."

She begrudgingly passed the pad to Kia so she could level the playing field. She's been bugging her about it forever anyway. Dawn stood among the soldiers and medical staff she brought with her. He stopped and pointed towards the looming purple doors decorated with the worn out Crest of Psera above them.

"The lab is beyond those doors," he said.

Celestia and the Princesses looked around their hall of gold while a moment was taken to setup among the Pserateps. The medical staff unfolded the gurney they brought down with them, S3 or whatever set up their machines. And the Guards checked their things. Luna started her own process and started scanning the Gold on the walls with Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer. They were both surprisingly good at detecting this stuff.

Starlight trained her scanning on the wall near the door and announced, "I sense... Something. Not sure if it's Dark Magic though."

Sunset approached the actual doors with a small light on the tip of her horn. Then stopped and gasped.

"Oh, whoooa!" she exclaimed. "Oh yeah, Dawn and Flurry were onto something."

Dawn and Flurry? In the back, Fresh Dawn gasped, glanced to Flurry and asked, "You told them?"

She seethed and replied, "Yeah, the Pony on fire brought it up."

Despite being called that, Odega burst next to Sunset and stated, "Whatever is in there is about as dangerous as poison. So be careful. A lot of somethings shot me in there and I don't know what they were. So refrain from using any type of magic if you can help it. Have Fresh Dawn do it if you need something done. Word of caution?... It may be booby trapped."

Her next words addressed all of them. "So watch your actions. Don't touch things if they have runes on them, you'll know them if you see them. They're more than likely for scanning Magical Signatures. Wrong signature and everyone gets toasted.

"Consider all possibilities. If Fresh Dawn can perform Necromancy... I have no doubt Queen Arcadia may at least have a tiny hoof in it too. I may sound paranoid right now, but I was just lit up by things crawling in there. I have my reasons. So keep an ear open. Goes for you too, King Butt. You may be a big stallion, but compared to Queen Arcadia you're a teeny tiny ant. Good luck." Then Odega blew out of sight.

As embarrassing as that was, Madun took heed to her words: Be careful. He took a breath and ordered, "Let's do this. Dawn?"

Dawn slapped a helmet on her head and allowed her small body to be wrapped up in protective gear from the elite Guard. Comm Block on, helmet on, hoof covers in favor of her standard hoof shoes. Horn out with a protection cone. She nodded and made her way to the doors with Two guards on her tail.

"All units ready. Mask on," Captain Smalls ordered. Those without them grabbed a mask and plopped it on their muzzles.

Once her mask was on Sunset stepped to the side with Starlight and queried, "You ready?"

"That and scared," she admitted. She's dealt with Dark Magic before. But this was something else. What she scanned was ... Different. Something she couldn't explain.

Dawn took a deep breath and gripped the handles. Then whispered, "Alright... Let's do this." Then threw the doors wide open.

Author's Note:

Alright, here we go!!! If there are any typos, let me know please!

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