• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 1,736 Views, 50 Comments

Spike's Heartfelt Gift - RS-Belle14

It's Hearth's Warming, and Spike has a very special gift for Flurry Heart this year. However, some grumpy pony shows up and says he wants to ruin the holiday! Can Spike and his friends stop this pony and save Flurry Heart's Hearth's Warming?

  • ...

Home Alone

Spike and the Crusaders sat at their game table, playing another board game with Flurry Heart, anxiously waiting for the Grump to reappear and try to make good on his word.

After Spike had informed his friends of the Grump's threat, they quickly thought up a few plans and hurried to gather whatever supplies they could get a hold of, never leaving Flurry Heart out of hoof's reach while doing so. They had no idea how much time they really had; they could only prepare themselves to the best of their unique capabilities and hope for the best or, better yet, be greeted by the return of Twilight and the others.

Time passed and their projects ended up finished with no sign of Twilight anywhere nearby. There was also no sign of the Grump, but they all knew he was out there, somewhere, plotting. With no way to contact the adults and the weather looking harsh outside, all Spike and the Crusaders could do was wait, keep Flurry occupied, and keep her safe.

"Congratulations, Princess Flurry Heart!" Sweetie Belle cheered as Flurry moved her piece. "You landed on Princess Lollipop's castle! You win!"

"Yay!" Flurry happily clapped her hooves.

"Haha." Spike smiled. At least she's having fun. He then turned his attention to a nearby window and immediately dropped his smile. "Hey, Sweetie Belle?" he said without facing the unicorn.


"It's getting kinda chilly in here. Why don't you take Flurry to the fireplace and make sure she stays warm?"

"What? Why? It doesn't feel that co—" Spike gave Sweetie a serious nod. " Oh... I mean, sure! Pretty chilly in here! Come on, Princess Flurry Heart." She picked up the toddler. "Let's get you warmed up. We don't want you catching a cold, now."

"Okay. Can I have mowe coco, Sweetie Belle?" Flurry asked.

"Of course, with all the marshmallows you want." Sweetie Belle carried Flurry away. "Good luck."

"Thanks, Sweetie Belle," Spike acknowledged before looking back at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. "Let's go."

Spike led the two Crusaders to the window, opening it, letting some of the chilly air in.

"I'll say this again!" Spike yelled out. "Leave her alone!"

"I must give you props for noticing me in the cold!" the Grump called back. "And for yelling at me something so bold. You certainly are a brave little dragon, and that's surely something to take home, bragging. That said, I will not give up my endeavor, and I will not be leaving the castle alone, whatsoever. To YOU, I will repeat these words of mine, and I certainly hope you hear them this time: give to me the little horse, or I shall take her from you by force. Choose your answer carefully, if I may say, for the wrong response may put you in harm's way."

Scootaloo leaned over to Spike. "Does he always talk like that?"

"For as long as I've known him." Spike then returned his attention to the Grump. "Forget it! She's staying with us!"

The Grump shook his head. "Very well. I was hoping I had made myself clear, but it seems my warning has fallen on a deaf ear. Those words you spoke will haunt you forevermore, for with them, you've just declared war."

"Duly noted." Spike slammed the window shut.

Apple Bloom raised her eyebrow. "Well, he certainly is a character."

"I know, but we still need to take his threats seriously."

"Of course." Apple Bloom nodded. "So, then, what should we do?"

"Hmm." Spike tapped his foot. "Well, I did catch a small glimpse of what he had out there, so we better prepare for some speed. Scootaloo?" The pegasus stood up straight. "Why don't we try your sled idea?"

Scootaloo gave him a salute. "With pleasure, sir!"

"Dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear." The Grump shook his head. "I tried my best to talk to reason, but it seems he wants a difficult holiday season. I offered him a very fair chance, but he tossed it aside without a second glance. Alas, I am not to blame for what happens next for I honestly told him what he should expect. He may think he can stop me from reaching my objective, but he'll soon find that nothing he does will be effective. I will reach my desired result,' he said while looking at his contraption. "With the help of my trusty catapult!"

The Grump then climbed into the catapult's bucket, holding the lever in one hoof. "Very soon, he will feel my ire." He aimed himself at the castle. "3-2-1 FIRE!"

Spike looked out from the balcony of the second floor with binoculars, spying on the Grump. "This is Flame Breath to Orchard Tree and Spin Wheel. Come in, Orchard Tree and Spin Wheel. Over," he spoke into his walkie-talkie.

"This is Orchard Tree. Ah'm here with Spin Wheel. We hear you loud and clear, Flame Breath. What is your report? Over."


"HAHAHAHA!" the Grump laughed maniacally as he flew through the air.

"The enemy has gone airborne! Impact imminent! I repeat: IMPACT IMMINENT!" Spike declared as he stared the Grump directly in the eye.


Spike scowled. "Prepare for impact in FIVE-FOUR-THREE-TWO-"

The Grump grinned with searing red eyes.


"HAHA-oomph!" The Grump crashed into the castle's wall with an unceremonious 'smack'. "Ouch..."

Spike watched as the Grump slowly peeled off the wall and fell to the ground.

Spike shrugged. "Negative impact. I repeat: that was a negative impact. Over."

"He hit the wall, didn't he?"


"Slammed himself right into a Hearth's Warming wreath, Ah'm willin' to bet."

"Affirmative." Spike nodded. "With glass ornaments, plastic snowflakes, and everything in between."


"Yup. That's what he said. That aside, how are Blizzard Crystal and Singing Chime? Are they safe? Over."

"They are still secure. Blizzard Crystal does not suspect a thing. Over."

Spike wiped his forehead. "That's a relief."

"What about Green Lump?"

"Uh." Spike looked down. "He's scurrying around the ground. Looks like he's still hurting... now, he's running back up to his catapult... and looks like he's gonna give it another go."

"Really? After that first attempt?"

"Hey, it's Green Lump we're talking, here."

"Fair enough."

"Spin Wheel, he's going to try to enter the castle, again. Have your sled ready, okay? Do you copy? Over."

"Loud and clear! But, seriously, can we drop the code names and, for that matter, the jargon? You two are getting way too into it."

"Request denied." Spike then looked back at the distance. "And incoming!"

The Grump soared through the sky, once again, launching himself directly at Spike. "My trajectory has been corrected! This time, you will be bested!"

"Hmph. Is that so?" Spike crossed his arms and smirked. "Please stay seated and keep your legs and hooves inside the ride at all times. Thank you for joining us, tonight. Enjoy your ride." He sidestepped out of the way.


The Grump passed by Spike and landed on the slippery floor. "Whoa!"

"I better keep an eye on him." Spike flapped his wings and followed.

The Grump slid uncontrollably on the floor toward the room's exit. He repeatedly tried to regain his balance but just could not seem to get a grip on the ground. Once he passed the door, he tripped over some wire and landed face first on a sled with an orange filly standing right beside him.

"Please don't scratch it. I don't feel like buffing out another one tonight." Scootaloo smirked before pushing the sled down the stairs. "Goodbye."

With that last quip, the Grump was sent down the Castle of Friendship's staircase. The sled shook violently like an earthquake as it descended, making the Grump move like a high-paced bobblehead. The shaky ride continued until the sled reached the end of the stairs, where a homemade ramp made it swerve down into the center of the castle, speeding it toward another ramp that made it and the Grump fly high, right towards the castle's front door.

Apple Bloom held the door open, smiling as the Grump soared toward it. Then, just before he could cross it, Apple Bloom slammed it shut.

"Guh!" the Grump yelped as his face slammed into a wall.

"Pardon me," Apple Bloom remarked as the Grump fell to the ground. "But Ah couldn't help but notice that you were about to fly off my friend's sled, and Ah simply couldn't let that happen. Ah hope you understand."

The Grump wobbled to his feet. "I understand just fine," he slurred as he handed the sled to Apple Bloom. "The sled is not mine."

"Really? Thank you so much." Apple Bloom then opened the door and led him out. "Have a safe trip home, don't talk to strangers, and feel free to not come back."

"Okay." The Grump burped as he limped out the door. "I appreciate your consideration regarding my current situation, but don't think that this is checkmate. I just need a minute to get my head straight."

"Hmm." Apple Bloom rubbed her chin. "Is that so? Well, if that's the case, whatever happens next will be all on you." She slammed the door on his bottom.


"Did you catch that, Spike?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Unfortunately." Spike flew down to the Apple with Scootaloo trailing.

"What happened?" Sweetie Belle appeared holding Flurry Heart. "Is he gone?"

"Who?" Flurry asked.

"Oh! Uh, someone," Sweetie Belle replied. "Um, the big kids have to talk, again, Princess Flurry Heart. Go play with your toys somewhere else, but don't you dare leave this room. Do you hear me, little lady?"

"Uh-huh." Flurry flew away. "I be wight der."

"Good girl." Sweetie Belle placed a hoof over her heart. "She's such a little angel. But back on topic, what happened?"

Spike spoke. "We went with Scootaloo's sled plan. It drove him off for the time being, but he said he'll still come back later."

"Really? After that?" Scootaloo shook her head. "Ugh. I knew I should've greased the floor some more. That extra speed would've surely knocked some sense into him."

"You did your best. That guy is just really stubborn and surprisingly durable," Spike assured his friend. "But now it looks like we better be a little more prepared. I doubt he'll try the same thing twice. Keep the sled and ramps ready, but let's mobilize Plan B, too. Apple Bloom." The young Apple straightened up. "Please, get your plan ready."

Apple Bloom nodded. "You can count on me."

The Grump kept his head low, quietly sneaking along the castle walls. "They think with that sled and door design, my quest is done? Well, they will soon come to realize that the nightmare has only begun. It will take more than one failed attempt to make me go away. Oh yes, I'm only just now beginning to play. I'll admit, I may have been a bit too direct in my first approach, but, this time, I'll be moving as discreetly as a roach. Those kids definitely carry some inner fight, so I'll just maneuver around them without having to bite. I'll simply sneak into the castle without giving away my location and not make a single peep once I finish this narration."

To the quietest of his abilities, the Grump slowly creaked open one of the castle's windows.

Spike walked to the center to the castle, holding Flurry in his arms, looking around the castle for anything suspicious. Each of the Crusaders soon arrived, as well, gathering around Spike.

"Any sign of him?" Spike asked.

"Nothing on the north side of the castle," Scootaloo answered.

Apple Bloom shrugged. "Same for the south."

"I didn't see anything, either." Sweetie Belle shook her head.

"Hmm." Spike held Flurry closer to him. "We didn't catch anything, either. We thought we saw something getting too close to the castle, but it was just a Hearth's Warming wreath that got caught in the wind, and I'm afraid it might've taken too much of our attention." Spike felt a bead of sweat descend from his head. "I know he's still out there, somewhere."

"Hey, don't talk like that." Apple Bloom placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "There's nothin' to worry about. We've got it all under control. Ah've set my traps all over the castle. The minute he steps hoof in the here, he'll be tied up like he was the centerpiece of a rodeo."

The sound of a loud snap came from a room. "DAH!"

"See? What Ah tell ya?"

Having heard the alarm, the kids ran toward the source of the jingling bells. They followed the sound to a nearby room on the first floor. Once they entered, they were greeted to the sight the Grump tied to a Hearth's Warming tree by ropes of tiny lights.

The Grump struggled. "Grr! I was sneaking around in the dark and then this happened! Just what in Equestria is this infernal contraption?"

Apple Bloom smirked. "Just one of the little spring traps Ah set up for ya. You'd be amazed at just how many Hearth's Warmin' lights Princess Twilight keeps around here."

Flurry Heart looked at Spike. "Who dat?"

Er! Spike flinched. Oops. "Uh... a guy testing out the projects we made earlier to see if they work."


The Grump kept pulling. "Grr! What's this?! Try as I might, I just can't seem to break myself free from these cords of light!"

"Ah would think not. Ah made sure the knots are very reinforced. You won't be goin' anywhere anytime soon, and just wait until Princess Twilight and her friends get back."

The Grump then paused and stared at the kids before giving them a smile, one that appalled all of them.

"Young Apple, don't think that you can best me so easily and that I'll just stand here waiting for the princess so leisurely. True, I don't appear to have the strength necessary to break through these bright lines, but that doesn't mean I can't cut through them by using these teeth of mine!" He then started to repeatedly gnaw on the lights.

"What?!" Apple Bloom jumped. "No, don't!"

"Your words can't stop me! My teeth are tougher! I'll soon break free, and then you will all suffer!"

"No, it's not that!" Apple Bloom replied. "Those lights are plugged in! If you bite through them, you're gonna—"

The Grump was suddenly engulfed in a blue aura. "GUH-GUH-GUH-GUH-GUH-GUH-GUH-GUH-GUH!"

Along with the electrified earth pony, the tree also began to shine brightly in a menagerie of green, red, and white lights. They flickered on and off in a very brilliant display of Hearth's Warming. With the Grump and tree combination, the entire room was lit up in bright colors as if it was the night sky of Las Pegasus.

"Oooh." Flurry stared. "Pwetty."

"GUH-GUH-GUH-OH-HO-HO-HO-MAKE IT STOP!" The Grump continued to get shocked as his radiant display grew brighter. Then, in a flash, the Grump shot out of the window like a lightning bolt. "DAH!"

The kids ran to the window and saw a trail of melted snow that went on for quite a bit.

"Ow..." they heard in the distance. "That was a mistake... to that, the blame I'll take... but I'm not done, yet... just you wait... very soon... it will be checkmate... ow."

Spike shook his head. "That guy has got as much stubbornness as he does stamina."

"Shoot." Apple Bloom kicked the ground. "He actually got out. Ah thought for sure we had him. Well, Ah suppose Ah better strengthen the rest of them."

"Yeah." Spike nodded. "Assuming he falls for another one, but, to be safe, maybe we should take a more direct approach and prepare Plan C, too."

"Uh-huh!" Flurry cheered. "Pwan C!"

"Thank you, Flurry." Spike patted the little pony's head. "Okay, Sweetie Belle, looks like you're up."

Sweetie Belle smiled. "I'll do my best."

"I must admit, this endeavor is becoming quite risky." The Grump coughed out some smoke. "I've even been left a little extra crispy. But even if I am now a little more tender, I still will not yet surrender. Tonight, I will be the one to end up on top, and there is nothing they can do to get me to stop. For them, I do not think I can say the same. They are sure to have a breaking point in this game. I am undoubtedly the most clever pony in town. There is absolutely no way they can bring me down. Sure, my plans tonight have come with a few unforeseen developments, but let's see them handle the unrivaled power of the elements!"

The Grump laughed maniacally as he turned on all of his giant fans.

"What's he doing now?" Scootaloo stared at all the contraptions from a window.

Spike scratched his head. "Um... blowing cold wind at us?"

"This is just getting sad." Apple Bloom face-hoofed herself. "He knows that one of us literally breathes fire, right? What does he think that's gonna do? Freeze us all like popsicles?"

Flurry Heart shivered against Sweetie Belle's chest. "Brrr."

"There, there. Here's your blankie, little one." Sweetie Belle wrapped Flurry like a burrito. "Don't you worry about a thing, Princess Flurry Heart. I'll go take care of this right now." Sweetie Belle passed the little alicorn to Apple Bloom before galloping off.

Spike watched as Sweetie Belle climbed up the stairs. Let's hope she pulls it off. He then returned his attention to the window, watching the Grump and waiting for his friend. About a minute later, Sweetie Belle appeared from one of the second floor balconies.

"Um, excuse me?" Sweetie Belle called out. "Mr. Grump?"

"Huh?" The Grump noticed Sweetie Belle. "Ah, it's the young unicorn. Have you come to wither in my snowstorm?"

"Actually, I've come to talk to you about that; you see, your fans are making the castle a little chilly, and Princess Flurry Heart really needs to take her nap, soon. Could you please stop your fans and leave us alone for the rest of the night? We'd really appreciate it."

The Grump chuckled. "While I admire your attempt at negotiating, I'm afraid I'm in no mood for political debating. I am here to take Hearth's Warming from all of you, and there is absolutely nothing you can do. You best give me the baby alicorn while I'm still feeling charitable, lest you want me to become very irritable."

Sweetie Belle breathed out. "Very well. It's your choice." Her horn glowed.

Very soon, a giant, decorated silver bell covered in a green aura appeared from the castle.

The enormous object slowly drifted across the night sky until it floated right over the Grump's head.

"Uh..." The Grump stared at it, wide-eyed. "W-what is that?"

Sweetie Belle smiled. "The Shining Hearth's Warming Bell of Discipline! Santa Hooves brings the coal, I bring the authority! Here you go!" Her horn stopped glowing.

The bell dropped to the ground with an audible crunch.

"Oooh," Spike and Scootaloo both scrunched while Apple Bloom covered Flurry's eyes.

"Ah, geez." Spike poked his head out the window. "Hey, Sweetie Belle, you weren't supposed to pulverize the guy!"

"Relax." Sweetie Belle waved him off. "I just trapped him. It's a hollow bell. Well, except for the clapper, that is. He's fine."

"Thank Celestia!" a voice said from inside the bell. "And I heard every word! Now, I will use the tongue of this over-sized chime to break through, and I'll be as free as a bird!"

"Uh." Sweetie Belle shrunk back. "I wouldn't do that! That's a working bell! One swing of the clapper, and it will—"

The Shining Hearth's Warming Bell of Discipline rung with a powerful tone that would put an orchestra of gongs to shame. The resonance shook the snow, castle, Spike, and all his friends to the point where they could barely stand up. If earthquakes had feelings, they would be proud.

After struggling back to his feet, Spike looked back out the window to see that the ginormous bell had fallen to its side, and, from it, wobbled out a very shaken Grump.

The pony repeatedly tripped over himself as he approached his big fans. As soon as he reached them, he yanked off their power and turned to Spike.

"Don't think you can now just peacefully go to sleep," he yelled. "I will return later to steal my keep."

Spike face-clawed himself. "Seriously? After that? Don't you think you've—"

"Don't bother trying to heard me away like some sheep!" the Grump interrupted. "Not just because it wouldn't deter me in the least, but also because I cannot currently hear one, tiny peep!" He scurried off into the distance.

Spike shook his head. "Something is not quite right with that guy." He turned around to see all his friends back up on their feet and that Sweetie Belle had returned. "Guess what? He says he's still coming back."

"Don't worry, Spike," Sweetie Belle replied. "That was just round one. I'll just go get my bell and—"

"No!" Spike and the other two Crusaders interjected.

"Sorry, Sweetie Belle." Spike walked up to the unicorn. "But I think it's best if we retire the Shining Hearth's Warming Bell of Discipline for the rest of the night."

"Maybe longer," Scootaloo added.

"But why? With a few adjustments, I'm sure it can stop him."

"We know that but..." Spike rubbed his head. "I mean, look what it did to Flurry."

Sweetie Belle looked over to see Flurry in Apple Bloom's arms, holding her little tummy and looking nauseous.

"Oh." Sweetie Belle returned her attention to Spike. "Okay, I guess we can forget about my bell for a bit. But then what do we do? He said he's coming back."

"Just keep putting up our other traps and fend him off. Twilight and everyone can't be gone for that much longer. Besides, did you see his last plan? The guy literally just turned on a few fans on us. What could he possibly do next?"

"The pain of that bell was absolutely searing," the Grump narrated as he climbed the castle walls. "Thank goodness I've regained my sense of hearing." He reached the roof. "But return to business I must do now. I have yet to have taken my final bow. Being direct, discreet, and elemental bore no results in my previous tries, but for this plan, I have great confidence in the art of disguise. Nothing will stop me on this Hearth's Warming Eve. Its absolute ruin I will achieve! Even if that little dragon has proven himself to be a good competitor." He looked at the chimney. "Not even he would think to harm such a beloved holiday character."

He slowly began to climb down the chimney.

Flurry Heart yawned and began to lean over the table.

"Aw." Sweetie Belle levitated the little alicorn into her arms. "Are you feeling sleepy, Princess Flurry Heart?"

"Nuh-uh." Flurry shook her head before yawning again.

Apple Bloom slid beside Spike. "Ah finished checking all my of nets. Ah didn't see him in any of the rooms."

"Ditto with the land." Scootaloo hopped in. "I checked all the windows. Nothing but snow. None of my scooter traps were set off either."

"Hmm." Spike crossed his arms. "It sounds too good to be true. If that pony is anything, it's determined."

"That's one way of puttin' it, Ah guess." Apple Bloom looked at Spike. "What do you think he's up to, now?"

Spike tapped his claws on the table. "I don't know. You can never really know with that guy. Explosives? Giant slingshot? Trapeze? Your guess is as good as mine."

Scootaloo placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "You okay, dude?"

"I'm fine. I just..." Spike looked over and watched Sweetie Belle gently rock Flurry. "I don't know. I just have this strange feeling like something bad is about to happen, and I just want this to be over with already." He stood up. "I think I'm gonna go take another sweep around the castle again and maybe set up some snow globe bombs and—"


Everyone's heads shot up.

"Huh?" Spike looked around. "Hey... did you guys hear something?"

"Ho-ho-ho! Happy Hearth's Warming! Ho, Dasher! Ho, Prancer!"

Spike raised his eyebrow. "That's his voice."

"Yeah." Apple Bloom stood up. "And Ah think it's comin' from the livin' room."

Scootaloo ran to the living room's doorway. "Yeah, from the chimney!"

"So..." Sweetie Belle started. "Is he really trying to pass off as...?"

"A happy Hearth's Warming to all! Ho-ho-ho!"

Flurry's eyes sparkled. "Santa Hooves?"

Author's Note:

One of the first (if not the first) Christmas movies I ever saw was Home Alone 2. As a kid, I really enjoyed the hijinks and shenanigans in that movie, and I tried to draw inspiration from it in this chapter. I don't think it's really possible to capture the full magic in written form, but I did what I could. I hope you like it.

Now, about Flurry hearing Santa Hooves...