• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 1,736 Views, 50 Comments

Spike's Heartfelt Gift - RS-Belle14

It's Hearth's Warming, and Spike has a very special gift for Flurry Heart this year. However, some grumpy pony shows up and says he wants to ruin the holiday! Can Spike and his friends stop this pony and save Flurry Heart's Hearth's Warming?

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Grumpy Epilogue

Half the morning had passed since the Grump was launched from the castle. Thankfully, with the abundance of snow in Ponyville, he was able to cool down his keister as soon as he landed. While it would have been simple to continue with his plan to kidnap Princess Flurry Heart, he decided to drop it after his last failed attempt. Those kids could sure put up a fight, and that dragon made it pretty clear what would happen if he returned, and the Grump preferred his keister not be turned into charcoal.

With that decision, he just checked out, sitting on some random bench. He did not bother to go home or even change out of his costume. With all of his failures throughout the year on top of Hearth's Warming, he just did not have the will to move on, so he just sat there, beard and all.

The morning sun would soon arrive, and other citizens were already beginning to celebrate the holiday all over Ponyville.

Oh, how the Grump hated Hearth's Warming. It was nothing but noise, gluttony, sickening music, and materialistic shopping to him, just another way for corporate Equestria to get more bits just like any other holiday. It made him sick.

But what could he do?

He just sat there, letting the day pass by him. He would receive the occasional "Happy Hearth's Warming" from a random citizen every so often, but he did not care. He just wanted to be left alone.

While he was busy sulking, the Grump felt something flutter close to him. He looked up from the ground to see Princess Flurry Heart hovering in front him, holding a stuffed ladybug.

"Huh?" He stared.

She smiled. "Thank you, Santa Hooves! It my favowite pwesent ever!" She hugged him.

The Grump looked down at the toddler. "Uh..."

"Come on, Flurry."

The Grump looked across the street to see Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor with a stroller.

Shining Armor spoke out again. "We've got to get to Spearhead's house before breakfast."

"Okay." Flurry Heart flew back into her carriage. "Thank you, Santa Hooves! Happy Hearf's Warming!"

Cadance and Shining Armor also waved at the Grump. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Santa Hooves!"

The Grump watched as the royal family walked off. He saw how Princess Flurry Heart played with the ladybug and a snail, and he could not help but notice just how... happy she looked.

"Huh." He watched as they trotted along, seeing Princess Flurry Heart playing with her toys. "Um..." He stood up. "H... ha... happy Hearth's Warming!"

Princess Flurry Heart responded by happily waving from her carriage.


"Excuse me, sir?"

The Grump turned around and saw a young mare.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I couldn't help but notice your holiday spirit. Would you like to make a donation for young fillies in need?"

"I, uh... I... yes." He nodded. "I'd like to donate twenty bits."

"Really?!" The mare jumped. "Thank you so much! The children will really appreciate it!" She took out a notepad. "And just who is making such a generous offer?"

"The Gru—I mean..." He smiled. "Green Lump."

Author's Note:

And that's another story done. This is one that I hoped to release last year but didn't because life can be a pain. I hope it's worth the wait.

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday. I want you to know that I appreciate you, and I really wish I could do more on a regular basis. Thank you so much.

Merry Christmas :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 30 )

This is a very well written, heartwarming and funny story. The Crusaders were a lot of fun, the "villian" was insane and funny and the things Spike did with Flurry Heart was sweet and touching.

I enjoyed your story from beginning to end and it's already my favorite MLP: Hearth's Warming story of this year!

Well done RS-Belle14! :twilightsmile:

Thanks! I always appreciate your support. I'm gonna try to write stories a lot more often, now. I have to make up for lost time.

This was such a sweet heartwarming story that gave me a big smile while reading it & an even bigger chuckle at the kids antics dealing with this *villain* of sorts! :rainbowlaugh:

"No," Spike scowled. "No buts, no ands, no ifs, and no whats. You're leaving. You're not going to bother us, again, and if you even think about it..." Spike took a deep breath and the chimney felt a lot warmer. "I won't hold back next time."
Spike really does take after his big sister in putting his claw down at moments like these, he's a pretty cool uncle to Flurry! :moustache:

Thank you for such an enjoyable story & hope you have an awesome holiday! :twilightsmile:

Thanks! I really appreciate it. I just hope this story does okay. Happy Holidays!

If I had know that was thing before I read your comment, I might've included it, somehow.

I know, right? I miss classic Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry.

My brother used to mess up his ABC's all the time when he was little. It was so cute.

This was simply amazing. Really well written, funny, and saccharine sweet. There aren't enough stories of Spike and the Crusaders. Really wish the show had shown them interacting, since Spike never really had friends his age. Flurry Heart was tooth-meltingly adorable.

Really, a fantastic job, my friend! Merry Christmas! :yay:

Thank you so much!

And I know, right? I always thought Spike should spend more time with the CMC. He's a kid, let him be a kid.
And Flurry... well, if you read the author's notes, you know :raritywink:

Merry Christmas :scootangel::twilightsmile:

Thanks for this RS-Belle. This was wonderful to read.

Thank you. I try my best. My biggest hope is people liking my stories. I really appreciate it.

Loved it! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you! Happy Holidays :twilightsmile:


And on that day, Green Lump's heart grew three sizes!

Finally! I was waiting forever for someone in the comments to say that!

Thanks! First time I ever got comment like that lol. I appreciate it!

You say the jokes were groan worthy? Lol I can see that. I'm more of a "Slice of Life" and "Shipping" writer.

I appreciate it. Thank you. If it's any uplifting news, her passing was last year in 2018. It did hit us pretty hard, but we've had some time. Her parents and her brother are looking better these days. I think her brother actually just encountered the Tooth Fairy for the first time not too long ago. We all still miss her dearly, but we try to live happy lives while always honoring her memory.

Hope this was in the same universe as,

Spike's Little Sweet Hearts

, because I love the the relationship with Spike, Flurry Heart and The CMC! Especially Sweetie Belle!

Great job!
Merry Christmas!:heart:

Ha. There's a thought. I, personally, don't see it that way. In Sweethearts, Spike and Sweetie end up together. In this story, I didn't want shipping to be the main focus of the story (in part because I wanted Spike to get a reward from ALL the CMCs). I did take elements from Sweethearts into this one because, like you, I love the character interactions in Sweethearts, but I, myself, don't necessarily see the two stories in the same universe.

That's cool. I just really enjoy the "Uncle" moments. I think MLP canon really missed out on a lot there. But I love how you worked it in your stories! This is the kind of display/growth in Spike's character that is always enjoyable to see!:twilightsmile:

Really awesome job!:moustache:

MLP missed out on a lot of opportunities (not to mention giving us extremely questionable ones but I digress). Uncle Spike is one of the top things I wish the show did.

I just thought he deserved a good Hearth's Warming gift from three nice fillies :raritywink:

In G5 maybe? Hopefully?

I am honestly hoping to have some in the Season 10 comics, but G5 also sounds good.

I also want Spikebelle to be canon!

Oooh, I'd like that. SpikeBelle is my favorite MLP ship.

Oh, I know it was just the ending gave me those vibes personally was all!

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