• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 1,735 Views, 50 Comments

Spike's Heartfelt Gift - RS-Belle14

It's Hearth's Warming, and Spike has a very special gift for Flurry Heart this year. However, some grumpy pony shows up and says he wants to ruin the holiday! Can Spike and his friends stop this pony and save Flurry Heart's Hearth's Warming?

  • ...

Flurry's Gift

Flurry Heart excitedly broke out of Sweetie Belle's arms. "Santa Hooves! Santa Hooves!" She cheered before flying off.

"No!" Sweetie Belle tried to reach for the toddler.

"Flurry, wait!" Spike flapped his wings and gave chase. "Flurry!"

"Ho-ho-ho! A merry Hearth's Warming!"

"I'm coming, Santa Hooves!" Flurry happily declared.

"No!" Spike flapped his wings harder. "Flurry! Don't!"

Flurry flew into the living room past Scootaloo and was heading straight for the chimney.

"Ho-ho-ho! I've come bearing gifts for all the good little fillies and colts!"

Flurry flew even faster. She maneuvered around any tree, table, or decoration that stood in her path, hardly slowing down at all. Just as she was about to fly into the chimney, Spike was finally able to catch up and grab hold of the small alicorn.

"Eh! Eh!" Flurry struggled to get out of Spike's grip.

"Flurry, stop!" Spike tried his hardest to keep hold of Flurry. She struggled, but he would not let go. Even when she tried to teleport away, he quickly grabbed hold of her again just as she reappeared, but she was determined. "Flurry! I said stop!"

Flurry kept flapping her wings. "But—"

"Stop it!" Spike yelled into Flurry's face. "STOP IT! RIGHT NOW!"

Flurry froze. "But... but Santa Hooves—"

"No!" Spike angrily retorted. "You will NOT go up there!"

"Huh?" Flurry shrank. "But why?"

"Because it's not what it looks like! It's not what you think! Santa Hooves, him flying all around the world, giving presents to kids, it's all bogus! Flurry, Santa Hooves is NOT—"

Just before Spike could say the next word, he noticed just how shaken Flurry had become under his tight grip, how she shivered when he spoke to her. He had scared her, and she looked like she was just about to cry.

"Um..." He paused. "I-I mean... Flurry, you're doing it all wrong. You were about to make a huge mistake."

Flurry cracked her eyes a little more open. "Huh?"

"You're not supposed to chase Santa Hooves on Hearth's Warming; you're supposed to be asleep when he's in the house. He only gives presents when kids are sleeping, remember?"

Flurry's eyes widened. "Oooh." The fear she exhibited moments earlier seemed to have suddenly vanished as she happily nodded. "Uh-huh!"

"Right!" Spike ecstatically shook his head. "He's almost here, so you better get to sleep or he won't give you a present! You want him to give you a present, don't you?"


"Then hurry! Get to sleep!"

"Okay!" Flurry flew out of Spike's claws and quickly made her way to her nearby baby carriage. She laid herself down, covered herself with her blankie, and snuggled her whammy. She made a few exaggerated snoring sounds, trying her best to appear sleeping while poking open an eye every few seconds to look back at the chimney.

Spike wiped some sweat off his forehead. "Thank Celestia."

"Spike!" The Crusaders finally caught up.

"We heard everything." Sweetie Belle breathed out. "Thank goodness you stopped her."

Scootaloo worriedly looked at her friends. "But what about Green Lump?! He's still coming!"

"Ho-ho-ho! What a wonderful time of year!"

"Oh." Spike scowled. "Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about him." He began to walk toward the chimney. "You three stay here and keep an eye on Flurry. I'll take care of him." He clenched his fist. "I'm going to make sure he doesn't bother us again."

"Ho-ho-ho!" the Grump continued to slowly descend in the chimney. "I give presents to all, so to all a good—"

"Do you have any idea what you almost made me say to her?"

The Grump stopped when he heard that and took notice of the increasing temperature in the chimney. He looked down and saw Spike hovering just under him. Smoke flared from his nostrils and his eyes did not look happy.

"Um." The Grump thought quickly. "Hello there, young dragon! I come bearing presents for—"

"Shut up!" Spike interrupted. "And listen. This is how the rest of the night is going to play out: you're going to get out of this chimney, stay off our property, and leave Flurry alone. Got it?"

The heat began to make the Grump sweat. "B-but—"

"No." Spike scowled. "No buts, no ands, no ifs, and no whats. You're leaving. You're not going to bother us, again, and if you even think about it..." Spike took a deep breath and the chimney felt a lot warmer. "I won't hold back next time."

The Grump's keister suddenly felt very toasty.



Spike watched as the Grump flew up the chimney like a firework set off during the Summer Sun Celebration.

"Hmph!" He descended to the ground.

Once he made it back down, he walked out of the chimney and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all ran up to him.

"What happened?" Apple Bloom asked. "We saw somethin' flyin' out the window. Did you light a bottle rocket on him?"

"No." Spike dusted his claws. "I just persuaded him to not come back the old-fashioned dragon way."

Scootaloo gasped. "Dude!"

"Don't worry. It was just my mild breath. A warning flame, if you will. He'll be fine. Now, then." He walked passed the Crusaders. "Where's Flurry?"

Spike walked across the living room to the baby carriage. He found Flurry still pretending to sleep, snoring exaggeratedly loud. I guess she did inherit something from her aunt.

Flurry soon poked her eye open and saw Spike. "Is he gone?" she whispered.

"Yup." Spike patted Flurry's head. "Good job, Flurry. He didn't suspect a thing."

Flurry sat up. "Yay!"

"Haha." Thank goodness. It's all over now.

"So where is my pwesent?"


"My pwesent," Flurry repeated. "Fwom Santa Hooves."

"Oh..." Spike's eye shot open. "Oh! Uh... It's, uh..."

"What's wong?" Flurry gasped. "Did he not bwing one fow me?! B-but... b-but..." She began to choke up. "But why? Was I a bad pony?"

"What? No, no! That's not it."

Flurry Heart choked up some more. She then covered her eyes with her tiny hooves and began to cry.

"Stop." Spike placed a claw on her head and softly smiled. "It's okay. That's not it, at all. You've been a very good pony, and of course Santa Hooves brought you a present. He just left it in the other room under the tree. Silly old me just forgot it there."

Flurry looked up with big eyes. "Weally?"

"Uh-huh." Spike nodded. "Wait right here. I'll go get it for you."

Spike walked away from the baby carriage. The moment he turned away from Flurry, his smile disappeared. Hmm... I guess I have to. For her. He began to walk.

As he carried on, the Crusaders caught up to him.

"What are we going to do?" Sweetie Belle asked. "We need to find her a present!"

"She does have a present," he answered without facing her. "From Santa Hooves, and I'm going to go get it for her."

Sweetie Belle looked back and forth. "What do you mean? What present?"

Spike did not answer Sweetie Belle's second question. Instead, he kept walking toward the next room with the Crusaders following close behind. Once inside, Spike led the Crusaders to the Hearth's Warming tree and picked up one of its presents.

"Here it is." He solemnly looked at it.

Apple Bloom gasped. "But, Spike, that's the present you were goin' to give Princess Flurry Heart!"

"I know." Spike took a deep breath. "But she's expecting a present from Santa Hooves, so... ya know."

"Well, you don't have to do that!" Scootaloo said. "Can't you give her somepony else's present? Like Twilight's or her parents'? There's gotta be another one in here for her, somewhere!"

Spike slowly shook his head. "No way. Absolutely not. I'm not going to rob them of their chances to make Flurry happy, especially when this, all of this, happened while she was under my care. It's my responsibility to make sure she's safe and happy, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Besides..." Spike gave his friends a small smile. "Santa Hooves is supposed to give good fillies what they want for Hearth's Warming, right?"

"But, Spike," Sweetie Belle said as she slowly trotted up. "That's your present. You want to give it to her. You've been waiting to do that all day."

"And I am." He looked back at the present. "Just... a little differently than I had expected."

Spike stared at the small gift for a moment. He remembered when he had first seen it and how it made him think of Flurry. He thought he found the perfect gift for her and how happy she would be when she opened it.

He read the label in the center.

To: Flurry Heart
From: Spike

With a deep breath, he peeled off the sticker.


"Let's go."

Spike led the Crusaders back to the room where Flurry was waiting. He walked up to the baby carriage, present in claw. Flurry happily clapped her hooves as she watched Spike approach her with the small, colorful box.

"Here you go." Spike placed it in front of Flurry. "Compliments of Santa Hooves for being such a good filly this year." He winked.

Flurry eagerly ripped into the present, tearing off shreds of wrapping paper with no concern of making a mess. She tore through it until she finally reached the box hiding underneath. Flurry quickly lifted the top off, and her eyes widened.

She gasped as she reached in. "Wady Buggy!" She lifted up a cute, stuffed ladybug teddy into the air. "THANK YOU, SANTA HOOVES!"

She snuggled the ladybug and flew it around the air before reaching over to her Whammy.

"Hewo, Whammy!"

"Hewo, Wady!"

Spike laughed at Flurry's delight. "Go on, have some fun! Play with your present!"

"Okay!" Flurry happily flew off with her new toy.

The Crusaders stepped closer to Spike.

"A ladybug?" Scootaloo asked.

Spike shrugged. "It's from the same series as her Whammy. I think they're supposed to be best friends or something like that. Lady Buggies are actually pretty rare. I just so happened to come across one when I went to that convention the other day. It cost me a couple of gems." Spike watched Flurry happily play. "But just look at her."

Sweetie Belle placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "You've made her very happy, Spike." She softly smiled.

"Yeah." Spike tried to smile back. "I guess I did."

"You've been good to her," Scootaloo said. "You've been really good to her tonight."

"And, hey," Apple Bloom spoke, placing her hoof on Spike's other shoulder. "She'll know what you did for her, someday. One day, when she's older... she'll understand what you did."

"Hehe..." Spike attempted to chuckle. "I guess. I just... I just wanted to let her know I care."

"Ah'm sure she does know, Spike." Apple Bloom lifted his chin. "Anypony could see that."

There was a knock on the door.

"We're back!"

Twilight and the others appeared to them a few moments later. "We're back, everypony! You will not believe the night we've had. How has your night been?"

Spike and the Crusaders stared back at the adults.


Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders explained everything to the adults when they got back. While they were slightly frightened by what had happened (they really mellowed out when they heard it was Green Lump), they were grateful and thanked Spike and his friends for handling the situation.

Midnight passed and Hearth's Warming had arrived. Everyone exchanged and opened presents and celebrated the holiday the way it should be. Smiles and laughs filled the castle halls as if nothing had happened.

Most of the attention was given to Flurry, who easily received more presents than anyone else. She thanked everypony and enjoyed all of her gifts, but none seemed to make her happier than her new Lady Buggy, and seeing that actually brought a smile back on Spike's face.

As long as she's happy.

Seeing how busy Flurry was with all the attention, Spike and the Crusaders decided to move on and play another game to pass the time.

"Yes!" Scootaloo cheered. "Yes! Finally! Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Spike handed his play money to Scootaloo. "Don't go celebrating just yet. This game is far from over."

Scootaloo smirked. "The tables have turned, dragon. Your time is up. My time is now! I'd like to see you try to make a comeback!"

"Hmph!" Spike stared at the board game. She might be right. With a night like tonight, I might've used up all my luck, already.

As he was studying the board and trying to find a way to salvage his situation, Spike felt a tiny poke on his side.

"Hmm?" Spike turned around and saw Flurry with her parents. "Oh, hey, guys. What's up?"

Cadance smiled. "Oh, nothing, Spike. Flurry just wanted to see you for a second."

"Really?" Spike looked back at the small alicorn. "What is it, Flurry?"

Flurry smiled and held up a colorful card. "Ta-da!"

"Huh?" Spike stared at it. "What's that?"

"It's your present!" Cadance answered. "Flurry Heart made it all by herself. She's been waiting to give it to you all day."

"Uh-huh!" Flurry happily nodded.

Spike's eyes widened. "R-really?" He looked at it before slowly taking it.

He opened the card and saw a simple drawing of a purple dragon and a small, pink alicorn together with a crystal heart surrounding them on the first page. The second page had a message.

To mi faverit unkle, Spike,
Luv, Flurry :heart:

Spike stared at the card. "... you made this for me?"

Flurry smiled. "Uh-huh! Happy Hearf's Warming, Uncle Spike!" She flew up and gave him a hug. "I wuv you!" *Muah.*

Spike was left momentarily stunned in Flurry's embrace but soon softly returned the hug. "... th-thank you, Flurry. Happy Hearth's Warming. I love you, too."

Flurry let go of Spike, gave him one last smile, and hovered over to her mother.

"Come on, Flurry," Cadance said. "Let's go give Auntie Twily her present."

"Okay. Bye-bye, Uncle!"

They left.

Spike watched as the royal family trotted off until he heard some snickering behind him.

"Aw." He heard Sweetie Belle hum. "Someone loves his niece."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Spike turned around to face the Crusaders. "Laugh it up."

"Ain't that sweet?" Apple Bloom chuckled.

"Whatever." Spike shrugged.

Apple Bloom continued. "Guess you didn't need your gift after all."

Spike pointed at the dice. "Can we just get back to the game, already?"

"Hmm." Apple Bloom playfully tapped her chin. "No, not just yet."

Spike rolled his eyes. "And why is that? You want to keep making fun of me?"

"No." Sweetie Belle shook her head. "Well, actually, maybe a little, but it's just..." Sweetie Belle looked at her friends and giggled. "We think you deserve a little something for everything you did, tonight. Right, girls?"

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom nodded. "Right!"

"Huh?" Spike looked at his friends. "What do you mean? Like what?"

Without any warning, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hopped off their seats and surrounded Spike, grinning and fluttering their eyes at him.

"Hey!" Spike nervously said. "W-what's going on?!"

Scootaloo smirked. "Happy Hearth's Warming, big guy."

"What are you—" Spike suddenly noticed something move above him. He looked up and saw some mistletoe covered in green aura floating above his head. "Huh?!"

All three Crusaders leaned in. *Muah.*

Spike felt his face turn crimson while the Crusaders giggled their way back to their seats, blushes covering their cheeks.

Apple Bloom then slid the dice over to Spike. "Now, we can start playin' again."

Spike sheepishly smiled. "R-right."

Author's Note:

Okay, this is probably going to be the hardest part to write, but... I'll try.

First off, the ladybug has significance with me. Last year, in September, a little girl, who was basically my family, died of heart failure. She was born with heart problems and lived on life support since day one. It was really sad seeing her grow up, as she could never walk, talk, or speak, and last year... her time came. She was only four.

However, throughout her life, despite everything she lived through, it warmed our hearts to see her smile whenever we saw her play with a toy or smile at a TV show. She had two favorite things that made her smile the most: Minnie Mouse and ladybugs. I remember giving her a Minnie Mouse balloon once for her birthday and how happy it made her.

In this story, I tried to connect Flurry with my deceased family with a ladybug teddy. I figured it could be done since Flurry loves her snail so much just like how the girl loved her ladybug. It made them both happy. I hope you understand.

On a less saddening note, way to go, Spike!