• Published 4th Dec 2018
  • 7,449 Views, 2,810 Comments

The Potion Shop - Ashfur

There's a secluded potion shop in a small little town. Its owner is... eccentric.

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Arca and the Stain

Arcane Catalyst, master alchemist extraordinaire, yawned and stretched his limbs as he rolled about in bed. Today was going to be a fantastic day! He had all the potions he needed brewed and ready to go, his monthly research stipend from Celestia had come in along with a few suggestions on what to look into, and most importantly, it was free cookie day at Hayburger!

So, he left his plush beaker behind and hopped out of his bed to take a shower. Being clean was always important in the lab, after all! He reached out into the kitchen of his little home above his shop and retrieved a pair of frozen blueberry waffles from the icebox with his magic, instantly cooking them to his preferred temperature and texture. A few dozen years of preparing the exact same breakfast the exact same way certainly helps one know exactly how much heat to apply.

Having quickly finished his shower, cleaning up, and eating his morning waffles all at once, Arca strode downstairs. He was smiling, he was happy, nothing could kill his good mood!

And then he saw it.

On the floor of the shop, a stain in the wood. Right in front of the counter, so he'd have to look at it all day.

This would not do.

“Well, I don't need to worry! I'll just do the exact same thing I do when my lab coats get stained!” He sauntered off, proud with himself for remembering that option. With a grin on his face, he returned with his answer. “Tadaaaa! Bleach! And I know not to mix it with ammonia after last time. And, this oughta do it!” Grinning, he unscrewed the cap and poured the entire gallon bottle onto the floor, stood back, and waited.

“Alright! That ought to fix the problem!” He cheered. This was without a doubt one of his best ideas ever. He used his magic to sweep the bleach up in a whirlwind, shooting it out the back window to who knows where, and admired his handiwork. “Wait…”

Much to his surprise, bleach leaves a big stain on finished floors! Now the stain was even larger. This would not do. Arca knew he needed to think of something, and fast! His first new idea was to summon an area rug from upstairs. But that didn't cover the stain completely! The customers would be arriving soon, and he couldn't open up with the floor looking like this!

“Oh mane, what do I do! It's not just like the answer is right out the window, and…” Arca glanced out the window, seeing the paint store on market street. Above its entrance was a giant novelty paint roller. Arca's eyes lit up. “Jackpot.” Lighting his horn, a ear-splitting crack echoed through the town as the roller was torn off the building and teleported into the shop, knocking over several shelves of potions.

“Aw, phooey. I don't have any paint! Welp, guess I'll just bleach the whole floor, then.” He hovered out ten more gallons of bleach and soaked the roller in it, then proceeded to steamroll all the remaining shelves as he ruined the entire floor of the establishment. Clearly, he thought, this was his best idea to make the shop presentable, and-

“WAIT, MY SHELVES!” Arca panicked as he noticed all the spilled potions. There was only one thing to do in a situation like this, and he prided himself as it being his best idea of the day so far! Gathering a huge amount of excess mana, he opened a portal at the bottom of crater lake not too far from town and made the other end open right in the middle of his shop.

This resulted in a tidal wave of freshwater obliterating all in its path, gushing out of every window on the first floor of the building. Within moments the portal had closed, but the damage had already been done, and dozens of fish were flopping about on the floor of the shop, desperate for water so they could breathe.

“Oh, no! Don't worry fishies, I'll save you with the bestest best idea I've had in years! BEHOLD!”

Arca unceremoniously ripped the entire building off its foundation aside from the spot he was sitting on, and hurled the entire building half a mile through the air so it crashed into crater lake. Arca was left sitting on the single soggy, stained plank that started this whole ordeal, a single potion, and his ‘come in we're open’ sign. Realizing he had an opportunity, he flipped the board over so the stain was no longer visible, placed the potion next to him on the board, planted the sign in the ground, and smiled.

“Perfect! Open for business! I am so smart.”


“Oh hey Juniper! You're late today! Not that I mind, but you missed the greatest series of brilliant ideas I've had, ever! I wish you had been there to see it. Man the counter while I brew up some replacement potions in… the… lab. Oh.” He glanced behind him, realizing he had just thrown all his lab equipment into the lake. “Well, we still have one potion to sell, so we're still open! Take that, world! Nothing can keep this shop closed!”

“Boss, it's a national holiday.”

“Oh. Uh…” Arcane instinctively looked to where the wall calendar would be the shop was still standing. He sighed, and picked up the bottle next to him, holding it out his apprentice. “Hey Juniper, want a free potion?”

"What kind of potion is it, Boss?"

"Stain remover."

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