• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".


Eric Reed is an eighteen-year-old young man, who loves watching My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, and is a big fan of the show. Eric has a good heart, has a good sense of humor, but can be prone to expecting too much from others, is a bit immature, and doesn't have many friends.

One day, he suddenly wakes up in Equestria, and to further add to his huge shock, he's only about one-inch tall. After a frightening meeting with Princess Twilight Sparkle, he asks for her help to find out how and why he's in Equestria, why he's so small, and where to go from there.

The good news: Being a fan of the show, Eric already had some knowledge about the new world he's in and his new friends. The bad news: It won't help nearly as much as he hoped and may cause its own problems. And the worst news: He'll have to face the dangers and struggles that being so small and powerless would present. But they may not be what you think, and some struggles could come from completely unexpected and trustworthy sources.

But he won't be the only one to struggle...

First story I've written.

EDIT on 03/30/19: I wasn't going to have Equestria Girls be "canon" when I wrote this story, but because of some confusion, I edited a bit of some chapters to let EQG be "canon". However, this ret-con to the story won't affect how the story goes.

EDIT on 07/28/19: To help fix a pacing problem, I added two chapters to show more of what happened that was previously "off screen". These chapters, what will now be chapter 6 and chapter 16, are written in a way that won't ret-con the story. There are minor edits to the start of what's now chapter 7, the very end of chapter 15, and a bit of chapter 17 to fit the chapters between them, but there's no actual ret-con.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 147 )

I have to say this has been a good story so far and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Thanks! I'll be releasing more chapters at about one or maybe two a day so I may release the 9th chapter later today.

Pretty good story. I appreciate it's not another clop/spike story. Way too many of those.

Thanks, and I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.

And yeah, while I don't really mind stories with clop per se, but this, and most of the shorter stories I'm planning to write later, would be stories that could be episodes in the actual show, or at least be close to being allowed. So stuff like clop won't be in them.

I do have one or two story ideas I'll make, after I'm done with this story, that probably would be a bit too much for the show. But even those won't have stuff like clop.

The truth will set you free haha
Interesting concept by the way, enjoying it so far.

This is one of the best size stories I ever read! I am so HYPED to read more. If you want suggestions for ideas and scenarios which he can experience, do tell me, as I have many ideas for him


I wanted to add some kind of a wrinkle to the "MLP fan goes to Equestria" type of story so it can be more unpredictable and interesting. I thought the concept I decided to use in this story could be a good way to do it. Glad to hear others think of too.

All right, I'm really glad to hear you're liking it so much!

While the rest of this story is already decided, I am gonna write a bunch of short stories that takes place after the events of this story. But at the risk of spoiling anything, I can't say much else on what they'll be about. If you'll like to help with ideas on those stories, I'll be happy to hear ideas, once I'm release all the chapters for this story.

This story is really getting in to me
Nice work
But the gore tag is putting some chills in me about the direction of the next characters

I am so glad this isn't one of those fetish stories where vore/getting inside a pony's pussy is involved.

'"Let's first worry about finding what that magic of yours went first, before..."

I think you meant "where", rather than "what"?

it can only mean that it either went into something"

i think the "either" is not necessary. You did not follow through with an alternative.

Oh yeah, I did. That was a grammar mistake I missed to fix. Thanks for catching it, and I fixed it

Nope, it wasn't, and I just fixed it. I had too much trouble finding a proofreader to look over the story after chapter one, so even thought I proofread it myself a few times, there might be a few grammar mistakes I missed like that.

"That won't work either, Twilight! Chrysalis said this is some kind of 'special fire' that can't be put out with spells, even by Alicorns!"

Jeepers, they need Aquaman!

"Wait, you're a 'human'? I don't think I've ever heard of humans before."

So EqG never happened in this universe?

Nah, in this universe, it doesn't exist. I might try to ret-con that in a future short story, if I decide to bring in Sunset Shimmer for it. And if I do, the ret-con would only be for stories with Sunset.

EDIT: On second thought, I'll just edit this story a little bit to let EGQ be canon, to make things easier and less confusing.

Woah, for a new writer you're fairly skilled:ajsmug:

gotta say i'm impressed:twilightsmile:

Thanks a lot for that!

I know there's probably some mistakes in there that I still couldn't find or know that I did, but I'm glad to hear you and others like this story.

Very nice story, I look forward to more similar ... good job:twilightsmile:👍👌

What a coincidence; I happen to be working on a story where a kid named Eric is sent to Equestria as well.

What are the odds? :)

Right now I'm just writing shorter stories, mostly light-hearted stories with takes place after this story that uses Eric Reed, but for the time being I'm not planning on writing a "true" sequel to this story yet.

I'm planning to do it eventually, but I'm Just not sure when.

"Well, Princess, the first thing I'm gonna do is weaken her in battle, and when she's in a lot of pain, I'll kill you while she watches."

Chrysalis is easily the stupidest villain I’ve ever seen

You know... You said in the author’s notes at the end of chapter two that this was mid season 7 and yet once again you are inferring that Twilight wouldn’t know about something. First about humans and now about television. Did you forget about the mirror to EQG’s universe or something?

I didn't really forget it. At the time I wrote this, I wasn't planning on having EQG "canon" in it, which was why Twilight didn't know what a human was, or about TVs.

But on hindsight, I really should have thought twice about that.


I hate myself....

i like the way this story was done nice :)


Thanks! This was the first story I've ever written, and something I was thinking about now since I have more experience was pacing in this story. Especially after chapter five and going into chapter six and I've been giving heavy thoughts about adding an "in-between" chapter between chapters five and six. But no one mentioned it's an issue as it is, yet.


You think so? I didn't think it was too bad.

This is such a self insert piece of crap. The protagonist screams Mary Sue, despite being "weak and helpless", and suddenly has two "Big Sisters" there to care for him.

I love how the human isn't giant in this story. It's pretty annoying, at least to me, when the human is always taller than the ponies, so this was great to read!

This made me think of one of Gary Larson's first comics, before The Far Side he did basically the same thing called Nature's Way, where a couple of women are drinking lemonade commenting on how Billy is so we'll adjusted, and is always volunteering to mow the lawn. Meanwhile in the foreground you see Billy pushing an old unpowered mower while a herd of bugs run for their lives in front of it.

(Tried to find it to link, but unsuccessful. Darn thing is in his Prehistory of The Far Side compilation book on my shelf too.)

I always thought it would be kind of easy to explain how you knew things about their world. Just tell the truth, that they were legends in your world. No idea how the concepts made it to your world, but since they matched their descriptions you just kept to the assumption that they were the same. Kind of like seeing a white haired, bearded Viking guy with one eye, who has a raven on each shoulder and assuming that his name was Odin.

"Jesus only told us half of it, 'The truth shall set you free,' yes, but first it's going to really piss you off."
-Solomon Short

As soon as kites were brought up, I was expecting him to hangglide. I know I would! Take advantage of your mini stature. Of course I used to read The Borrowers all the time as a kid. .

After about half a minute, Gummy started to slowly walk towards me, licking his eyeballs.

Ok, this has always bothered me about Gummy in the show. Alligators have tongues that are rooted to the bottom of their mouths. They don't stick their tongues out, though I have read of vets pulling them slightly out to work on wounds. Geckos, and some other lizards but mainly geckos, are the reptile that licks its eyes to clean them and replenish moisture, but alligators are physically unable to do so. (Despite how cute Gummy looks while doing it :pinkiehappy:)

Suddenly a wild Queen Chrysalis appears . . .
Dun Dun Dunnnnn

I see your Queen Chryssi, and raise you a Prince John from Disney's Robin Hood.

I just now realized that the reason they didn't get clued into Chrysalis messing with the anti-nightmare spell, was because it was already supposed to be green. Nice detail. :coolphoto:

Dairy products always make things better . . . Unless you are lactose intolerant, then it might make things a LOT worse. :pinkiesick:

Ok, I liked that 'solution'. I would definitely build a house, or some kind of structure around the spot though, make it safer and more private.

I've read some of the spinoffs, which I liked, and I guess I owe you a full review here.
If I must be honest, this story's pretty weak. The main character isn't really given much of a personality, and the story goes into a lot of really cliched writing, like Twilight basically adopting him, the whole Chrysalis thing (seriously, what did she think was gonna happen), and the dialogue's pretty bland and predictable. I'm sorry, I hate criticizing, but there doesn't seem to be a lot to this story.


Thanks for those thoughts.

At the time I wrote this, I was pretty new to the site, so I didn't really know what was cliche or not, so i just went with what I knew. If I were to ever do a rewrite or something, it'll be better with some of the stuff I've learnt over the past year.

Is there anything, if any, you did like or stood out? Don't get me wrong: I appreciate your honesty and you're definitely not trying to be mean about it, and knowing not to do or try to avoid doing is useful. But it's tough to use even constructive criticism if It doesn't give me anything to build on. Not because I just don't want to, though. I know some writers may look the other way when they get criticism they don't like, but I try not to be and take any and all criticism into account.

That's the criticism I love to get. The kind that don't just tell me what I did wrong or could have done better, but also what I did right or what worked mixed in,


If Equestria was a world only told in legends in our world, saying it that way could work. But Equestria is its own TV show that's not apart of any legends, so that, plus Eric's paranoid plus nervousness of being so tiny, is what made him so hesitant to admit the truth.

If you ever met Odin, how you'll tell him you know about him, while telling the full truth, would be very different than what you'll tell Twilight. since she or Equestria isn't something of legends like Odin is, but a cartoon show.

Ahh, but cartoons are but a modern incarnation of legends. The medium is unimportant, but the message contained within carries the core. For what is a legend, but a story sharing a message?

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