• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 9,247 Views, 149 Comments

Eternal Bonds - Slictz

Twilight goes down with Hornflu a week before Winter wrap up, and is left in the care of Fluttershy.

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Chapter 2.

“From what I remember, you might have woken up around dawn,” Fluttershy’s tale began. “I was busy gathering fruit for the new baby hedgehogs that arrived this season. During my trip, I noticed the library’s lights on. Maybe you wanted to start your day with reading?” She offered in attempt to jog the unicorn’s memory. Twilight simply looked up in thought.

“Nah, I usually give a bit of time to myself before hitting the books in the morning. This doesn’t make any sense,” Twilight threw her gaze towards her bed sheets, kneading her wounded side tenderly.

“Well, I don’t really know what else you could have done that day. All I remember is finding you in the evening at the bottom of the stairs, badly bruised with a small puddle of blood around your rear,” the sickening drag of nausea pierced through Fluttershy as she recalled the moment. Twilight shifted with unease at the thought of subjecting Fluttershy to such a scene. “You probably fell down the stairs. . .” Twilight placed a hoof on her forehead in irritation at her own carelessness. She pushed those emotions to the back of her mind as she tried getting more information from the pegasus mare.

“I’m very fortunate that you came. However, from what you are telling me, you sound as if you were going to be busy the whole day. What made you stop by the library in the first place?” Twilight asked with a raised brow. The ears atop Fluttershy’s head shot up in attention as her heart began to pick up its pace.

“Oh. I was just going to check out some romance novels,” she casually replied. Her lips pursed with a light squeak as she quickly realized what she said, “Y-You know, to keep me entertained during the rest of the week and spring, and stuff.” Fluttershy’s tail became restless as she flicked it side to side beneath her. Twilight seemed a bit taken back, but still smiled nonetheless.

“Sure, I’ll take that. Anyway, what else happened?”

“Well, I didn’t know what to do at all when I saw you. I’m used to tend to the injuries of the woodland creatures not a-” she gulped, “-full-grown mare like yourself. All I managed to do was to get a pillow and blanket to keep you warm while I lay down next to you for company,” Fluttershy continued with a shivering voice. Twilight knew that this was hard for the canary mare, but she needed to know.

“I then cried out for help. Luck seemed to be on my side that day, seeing as Applejack walked by on her way to a customer and heard me.

“She came rushing in and froze still when she saw the scene in front of her,” Tears of horror began streaming down the pegasus pony’s cheeks as the visions of the night flooded her mind; her frame shook powerfully from the pressure. Twilight’s expression softened at the sight of her friend’s turmoil.

“Come here Fluttershy,” Twilight said opening her hoofs to welcome Fluttershy into her embrace. Fluttershy quickly accepted, leaning into Twilight and hugged her tightly. The contact sent a warm pulse through her veins; her tears didn’t feel as hot anymore.

“There there, it went great. Hey, I’m still here, aren’t I?” Twilight cooed while stroking Fluttershy’s back gently. Fluttershy giggled lightly through her tapered whimpering and rested her head under Twilight’s muzzle.

“Whenever you’re feeling up for it, please continue,” Twilight said while she lifted Fluttershy’s head up and dried the tears off with her left hoof.

“Sure,” Fluttershy replied with a strong smile beginning to brighten her face. The pegasus pony shifted over Twilight, accidentally hitting the unicorn’s wounded area with a bit of force. Twilight’s eyes shot open as she brought both hooves to her mouth to keep from screaming. Fluttershy gasped sharply and jumped off the bed, hovering over Twilight with the aid of her wings.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry Twilight. Please don’t be mad at me, I didn’t mean to do it!” She frantically sputtered. Twilight let out a deep sigh as she closed her eyes and brought her hooves down. The unicorn blushed a bit at the situation.

“You’re fine Fluttershy. Accidents happen, right?” She nervously brought a hoof behind her neck and stroked it. Fluttershy lowered herself to the ground on all four hooves and decided to stand beside the bed.

“I suppose, but are you okay thought? I-I think you should rest, I’m sure I was boring you with the story anyway…”

“No no, I’m quite alright. Please, continue,” Twilight assured, doing her best to return to the subject.

“All right. I tried my best to explain the situation to Applejack, but she insisted that we’d get you medical attention,” Fluttershy continued while looking at Twilight to make sure her patient was really feeling better. “She quickly lifted you onto her back and ran out the door towards the town clinic. It was the fastest I’ve ever seen her run my entire life; she had a genuine look of concern on her face.

“We then came to the clinic after a short sprint and shot through the door. There, Nurse Redheart was sitting at her desk and sprung up the second we entered. She then directed us to a nearby bed and told Applejack to lay you on it carefully. As soon as you were on it, Redheart started looking you over. This took a while, so Applejack left to inform our friends on what had happened. They all took it badly and blamed themselves for not noticing the signs earlier or visiting you during the day. It struck Rarity the hardest; she said she missed the appointment you two arranged earlier that day. ” Fluttershy explained further.

“It took a while, but Redheart finally finished. She diagnosed you with a damaged leg, Hornflu and some minor loss of blood.” Fluttershy reluctantly told, biting her lip after she finished the last word.

“Was it really that bad?” Twilight cut in before Fluttershy could continue.

“’It could have been worse’ was all Nurse Redheart said to me. While Applejack fetched our friends, I just sat there by your bed; not sure what to do. I couldn’t think straight at all. All I could do was sit there and rub your back gently, hoping it would help,” Fluttershy replied looking at no place in particular, hoping what she had done didn’t offend Twilight.

“Then, after what must have been about a half hour, Applejack trotted back in and told me that the rest were waiting outside on me to call them in when it was time. I looked over to Nurse Redheart and she responded with a nod.

“I immediately walked out the door to welcome them in, but told Rarity to stay in the lobby. She wanted to see you, and protested dramatically against waiting, but when I told her of Hornflu’s contagiousness, she understood immediately,” Fluttershy’s eyes began to water as she empathized with the feeling of isolation, not being able to be near the one you care about the most.

“That must have been awful for her. I could only imagine the emotional toll that took on her.” Twilight responded, lowering her ears a bit. Fluttershy continued with her tale.

“After they had all visited you, Pinkie Pie invited them over to Sugarcube Corner for a little get together. They invited me as well, but I didn’t want to leave your side. I wanted you to have at least one friendly face to see if you woke up,” Fluttershy said, smiling warmly at Twilight.

“That’s really thoughtful of you. Now I feel even more obliged to repay you when I get better,” Twilight replied with a giggle, smiling back to the canary mare.

“There is no need to repay me Twilight. This is just what good friends do,” Fluttershy countered. Right. . .just friends. . .

“Still, I feel awful putting you through this. Was there anything else that happened?”

“Well, one last thing, but you really should get some rest. It’s getting late,” Fluttershy informed, looking the drowsy lavender mare over.

“I’m fine. I just really, need to know what happened after our friends left,” Twilight stammered as she shook her head in a feeble attempt to stay awake.

“If you insist,” Fluttershy shrugged, “You slept on through the night. When your condition seemed to improve, Nurse Redheart said that it was possible to move you somewhere else to rest and regain your strength.”

“That’s all well and good, but what-” Fluttershy rested the tip of her hoof on Twilight’s restless lips, locking her gaze with the unicorn’s amethyst eyes.

“Hush now, you’re in safe hooves. Please, just rest for me?” Fluttershy asked with an airy tone and endearing smile. Twilight flicked her tail beneath the sheets as she mirrored her caretaker’s smile. With a yawn and nod, she turned over on her undamaged side and drifted off. Fluttershy stayed with her until she heard the deep breaths of Twilight’s slumber.

“Good night, Twilight,” She savored the unicorn’s name; it flowed so naturally from her mouth. Fluttershy stretched out and made her way towards the door. However, her thoughts halted her in midstride. She looked behind her over to the resting mare, shaking her head rapidly.

No, no. Not while she’s asleep, she ordered herself. Her expression turned to that of unease as she turned her body to face the unicorn’s.

Well, maybe she won’t notice it. It’ll be a quick thing, she returned to Twilight’s bedside with sweating apprehension. She leaned over towards the mare’s muzzle, Come on, don’t be such a scaredy-pony. She hesitated, stopping mere centimeters from contact. Her eyes closed tightly as she quickly turned her original affection into a quick nuzzle along the mare’s neck. She took in the warm scent of Twilight’s mane, sending an electrifying shiver only accentualed by the sounds of Twilight’s steady breathing through her spine. With a heavy, and reluctant, sigh, she rose once again and continued her path out the door. She felt her eyes begin to moisten with tears threatening to fall as she looked back at Twilight once more, Maybe someday.

Outside the bedroom, she felt exhaustion cripple her limbs. Maybe getting a little rest herself wouldn’t be such a bad idea. She quickly flew down to the kitchen, clearing out any leftover dishes and gathered food for her animals. After giving Angel his usual bundle of carrots, which was only met with a pout displaying his distaste for Fluttershy’s tardiness, she trotted over to her couch and lay across it.


The forceful hand of sleep quickly took hold of Fluttershy’s psyche. Endless darkness was quickly replaced with her dreamscape building around her. She usually found herself surrounded by the many woodland creates she’s dedicated her life to, or fantasizing about being in a certain mare’s protective embrace during the last nights of Winter Wrap Up.

However, this one in particular was an anomaly; it missed something crucial, but she just could not put her hoof on it. She thought heavily on this as she found herself gliding through the skies of Ponyville, looking over the events of Winter Wrap Up taking place. She was scanning the area out of interest when her internal mystery was solved; Twilight was nowhere to be found!

Growing worried, she flew towards the town square where Twilight was usually delegating the different roles of the event. On arrival, she noticed the area barren of activity. A brilliant display of white struck her peripherals before turning towards its source. She spotted a unicorn with the aplomb of a princess and the attitude to match. Fluttershy’s heart jumped at the feel of seeing a familiar face.

“Um, Rarity? Have you see Twilight anywhere?” Fluttershy asked the regal mare as she landed beside her. Her question was only met with the cold response of silence; the mare seemed to ignore Fluttershy’s very existence.

“R-Rarity? Can you hear me?” Fluttershy called to her from behind, still yielding the same result. Taking a more assertive approach, Fluttershy flew in front of the unicorn’s path, waving her hooves wildly. The mare continued forward, marching straight through the frantic pegasus’ attempts at gaining attention, and even through Fluttershy herself. Fluttershy stood there, shell-shocked as she turned around to watch the unicorn continue her journey.

Maybe she’s at home, Fluttershy took flight and make her way toward Ponyville’s town library. She heaved a sigh as she arrived at Twilight’s home.With a shaky hoof, she tapped on the door lightly. A sickening creak pierced through the silence as the door gave way to Fluttershy’s force. She peeked inside, but the library was empty. Fluttershy quickly walked inside, shutting the door quietly behind her. With a small flex of her wings, she flew quietly over the first floor towards the stairs on the right side.

She began making her way up with uneasy steps. She then arrived at the bedroom door and put her ear to it, hearing the soft sounds of life behind it. The hinges creaked as she opened the door and peeked inside the room. It was empty and dark except for what appeared to be some strange forms that lay beneath the blankets on Twilight’s bed.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and stepped forward towards the bed, noticing the tip of a purple horn poking just above the pillow. She took to the air once more and hovered behind the resting unicorn. Smiling warmly, she flew over to the opposite side to get a better look at the object of her affection. However, her findings were less than predicted. She saw a yellow mare resting so naturally between Twilight’s hooves. Upon closer inspection, she realized that the mare was, in fact, herself. Twilight occasional nuzzled the top of the mare’s head, as if in response to something she was dreaming about. Fluttershy playful pouted in envy at the attention being given to her doppelganger.

Feels good to be loved, doesn’t it? She then looked over at the two smaller forms sleeping just in front of her doppelganger’s form. Fluttershy’s eyes widened as her hooves flew up to her mouth.

F-Foals? But. . .how’s that possible? We’re both mares!

The endless darkness that started her dream began to make its way back as Fluttershy’s mind frantically skipped around conclusions. The shadows quickly devoured the scene in front of her as she slowly slipped back to unconsciousness.

Authors Notes:

As allways here's some notes:
Chapter 3 is on the way. More info in a blog post.
Some one actually contacted me about doing an Audiobook reading of the story yesterday. I'll post more info when the Person doing it feels like it's time.
And due thanks:

I just have one today, but it's a big one. And it goes out to my allways fantastic prereader, Kodiak. Cheers all around for you!

That is all. Future Updates will be posted in blog updates.