• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 9,246 Views, 149 Comments

Eternal Bonds - Slictz

Twilight goes down with Hornflu a week before Winter wrap up, and is left in the care of Fluttershy.

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Chapter 3

Five days had passed since Twilight’s talk with Fluttershy, and Twilight was getting tired of sitting in bed. She turned from side to side trying to fall asleep, or find a comfortable spot at least, but her body had just grown tired of constantly lying in bed. Fluttershy, in the past, had tried her best to make it comfortable, but it had little effect now. Twilight had to get out of bed.

She moved herself slowly, but stopped when her rear leg started burning again. The sensation was severe and brutal at best, but she had to get out of bed. She ignored the pain and crept out of bed with the blankets tangled all around her and put her hooves down on the floor, but winced in pain as the damaged one came into contact with the wooden floor. She lifted it up slowly and limped on three hooves towards the door, but had some trouble adjusting to only using three hooves so she almost tumbled over.

She finally reached the door after some near falls, then put a hoof on the door handle and pulled it. The wooden door creaked, but opened without a struggle. Twilight then walked out onto the top part of the stairs and looked into the living room. It was empty. There were no signs of life at all; not even a fly could be seen. She started making her way down the stairs slowly by limping down each step, but had to take frequent brakes due to her instability.

After some tense minutes, she made it to the bottom and stepped out onto the living room floor. She took a sniff of the air around her and noticed the distinct smell of fresh cookies, but she could not remember anything about Pinkie Pie visiting. So she limped after the smell which led her into the kitchen, where on the bench by the open window a fresh batch of cookies sat cooling in the gentle breeze.

Twilight looked around the empty kitchen for any signs of the canary-yellow Pegasus, but none could be found. She took a plate from the counter, put two cookies on it, then fetched a glass of water and went to sit down at the old kitchen table. She winced in pain as she sat down. Twilight then lifted herself up and moved a little bit so that she would not be sitting on her thigh and leg.

She quickly finished the delicious cookies and went to wash up the plate. Once done, she closed the window slowly while looking for the primrose mare out behind the cottage. When she did not see her, Twilight closed the window completely and limped into the living room. There she took yet another good look for the different animals Fluttershy cared for, but none could be seen at all. She then started feeling slightly dizzy from standing and decided to go back to bed. Twilight walked to the staircase and thought about it for a while, and decided to try to walk up the stairs rather than limping up it.

She started making her way up the stairs with great progress, until her healthy rear leg slipped on a step, which made her loose balance and fall down two steps of the hard wooden staircase. She screamed out in pain as her damaged leg hit the wooden steps. She blacked out for a short while, but soon regained consciousness and lifted herself up into a sitting position.

She felt sore all over and heavy remorse for her bad decision.
Why did I think it would work? Fluttershy will be devastated if she sees me like this. What have I done? Twilight thought to herself in pity.


Fluttershy’s day had started quite easily. She had gotten up, fed her animals, and taken a shower to clear her head for the coming day. She then proceeded to go check on Twilight that was sound asleep in her bed. She thought about what she had done a couple of days ago, and pondered if the lavender mare even knew or felt it.

She quickly pushed the idea out of her head and checked Twilight’s temperature and took a good look at her horn. The Hornflu was mostly gone, but some signs were still there.

A couple of days and she’ll be good as new, Fluttershy calculated to herself. She then wrote down a note telling Twilight that she was at Sweet Apple Acres helping Applejack today and left it on the nightstand.
She made her way down the stairs and out the door, heading for the farm.


“Thank ye kindly for the help,” Applejack told Fluttershy as they finished the work for the day . It had already started getting darker.

“Oh no, it was nothing really,” Fluttershy replied shyly.

“Okay then, but I’ll still repay you for all the help around here though,” Applejack noted firmly, “I know, here, take this apple pie as a thank you gift for you and Twilight,” she added quickly, handing a rather large pie over to Fluttershy.

“Okay, but I should start heading home though. Twilight might wake up soon,” Fluttershy said, putting the pie in her saddlebag and getting ready to leave.

“Sure Hun. Tell her I said hi,” Applejack replied as Fluttershy started heading home.

“I will Applejack, bye!” Fluttershy called before taking flight, her cottage warmly in her mind.

The flight home was quite short, but Fluttershy enjoyed it knowing that Twilight was at her house waiting on her. The air seemed lighter today, her life felt more complete. Every little thing was suddenly cute, interesting and beautiful. It was the best feeling she’d felt so far in years.

Fluttershy’s thoughts were cut short by a loud scream shooting through the air around her. She quickly panicked as her wings clapped shut to her sides and quickly fell to the ground. Thankfully, she wasn’t flying high and there was a bush just under to cushion the impact.

She quickly got up and looked around to try and determine where the sound came from. She quickly saw that the only place it could have come from was her own cabin. This made her wings fold out again on the second as she flew the fastest she had ever flown towards the cabin.

No no no! Twilight, what have you done now? Fluttershy quickly asked herself. What if she’s badly hurt? Wide eyed at the thought, she dashed off faster than she’d ever have before.

She arrived in a haste and quickly broke her decent towards her front door. Once she landed, she swung it open and jumped at the scene in front of her. Twilight was sitting in the staircase looking terrible. Blood was flowing from her nose, her leg was bleeding, her body was bruised all over and her lip cracked. But the thing that really crushed Fluttershy the most was that Twilight was sitting there alone crying in pain. She quickly closed the door and stepped up to the staircase.

“Twilight, how did this happen?” She timidly asked the mare.

“I-… did something stupid…” Twilight replied between sobs.

“There there, don’t worry about it. Everything will be fine,” Fluttershy replied calmly while she sat down next to Twilight and started rubbing her back gently with a hoof. Twilight replied with hugging Fluttershy tightly while she cried on her shoulder. “Now, why don’t we get you back into bed?” Fluttershy added, looking at Twilight.

“Okay, let’s go,” Twilight said with remorse for putting Fluttershy through yet another traumatic scene.
Twilight started getting back up, but quickly halted when her leg buckled under the pressure. Thankfully, Fluttershy was hovering just behind her and caught her before she fell down the stairs again.

“Is it that bad, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, clearly worried about what damages Twilight could have sustained during her tumble.

“I’m not sure. I do know that I can’t walk on my hind legs all that well…” Twilight noted, saddened by the thought that she might have prolonged her healing process.

“There there, I’m sure it’ll be all fine soon.” Fluttershy said while helping Twilight stay upright by holding her hooves on Twilight’s flanks. The motion made Fluttershy blush wildly, and Twilight fared no better. There was a moment of awkward silence as both mares were standing there blushing wildly and unsure of what to say.

“Maybe we should head back up now?” Twilight spoke up, breaking the moment.

“Oh, of course Twilight,” Fluttershy replied with shifting her hooves forward so she could lift Twilight up and fly her into bed.

“Okay, ready to go?” Fluttershy asked after she had positioned her hooves just behind Twilight’s front ones.

“Yes. Let’s head back up again,” Twilight replied after a quick glance at herself to make sure she really was ready.

Fluttershy carefully lifted Twilight and herself up from the staircase and began the flight up the stairs to her bedroom. She had some problems at first adjusting to the extra weight, but the flight was a short one, so she managed to get them both to the top without any mishaps.

“Twilight, could you get the door for me please?” Fluttershy asked as they reached the top of the stairs hovering just an inch above the floor.

“Of course Fluttershy,” Twilight replied and used her weakened magic to push the door open. The old wooden door creaked under the new motion, but opened steadily and came to a halt when it touched a dresser put up by the door.

“There we go,” Twilight replied in a proud manner, seeing as this was her first time using magic since she fell ill; the feeling she felt was one of pure joy! She was actually helping instead of being a burden for Fluttershy.
Fluttershy then flew into the room stopping just above the bed and placed Twilight as carefully as she could down on it. She then proceeded to wrap Twilight up snuggly into the blankets and fluff her pillow, like a mother to a foal.

“There, all settled. Now, is there anything else I can help you with Twilight?” Fluttershy asked when she finished the work.

“Could you just, stay here for a while? I don’t feel like being alone right now,” Twilight spoke while looking with hopeful eyes at the canary-yellow mare.

“Of course I’ll stay,” Fluttershy spoke up before she gently sat down on the bed and stroked Twilight’s mane in a calm soothing manner. “Now, why don’t you try to get some sleep?” Fluttershy asked after a while when she felt Twilight calming down again.

“Yeah, maybe that’s a good idea… Okay, I’ll try to get some sleep,” Twilight replied while she shifted slightly in bed and placed her head on the pillow facing Fluttershy.

“Goodnight Fluttershy,” Twilight sighed calmly.

“Goodnight Twilight,” Fluttershy replied gazing at the lavender unicorn. She thought about just going all in and pour her heart out in confession to the unicorn. Maybe she feels the same? What if she’s having the same problems as I am? The quarrel with her mind went on for a short while until she made a decision. I just can’t do it! The thought was painful, but true.

Fluttershy turned around, walked slowly through the door, and shut it behind her as she left.
Once outside, she began thinking again, One day. One day we’ll be together. Or so I hope. She started walking downstairs again to finish her chores for the evening. She came to the bottom of the stairs and looked around the living room, but she couldn’t see any of her animal friends anywhere. They must have gone outside for the day when I left for Sweet Apple Acers.

Fluttershy walked into the kitchen where to her surprise Angel was sitting glaring at the mare as she entered. “Oh, there you are Angel,” Fluttershy replied walking towards the bunny to pick him up, but she was met with the end of a carrot being thrown at her.

“I’m guessing that means you’re hungry?” Fluttershy replied to the assault while she walked over to a cabinet, opening it and taking some carrots.

“Now, go back to your house and I’ll give you the food there,” Fluttershy continued, pointing a hoof towards the kitchen door. Angel just glared at her again before he jumped down from the table and hopped out of the kitchen.

Fluttershy finished the rest of her chores slower than usual due to Twilight, rather, her thoughts about Twilight. They were the same as before, but they kept reappearing. Especially how she chickened out trying to tell Twilight again as she had so many times before.

Finally done with her work, she went to wash up and brush her teeth. Once done, she blew out all the lights in the cabin, walked over to her couch, and laid down on it. Sleep quickly took its hold of her and she dreamt the same dream that she had been dreaming since Twilight’s accident. The last scene replayed itself over and over, nagging her in her sleep: Her and Twilight with foals, how could it be?