• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 9,247 Views, 149 Comments

Eternal Bonds - Slictz

Twilight goes down with Hornflu a week before Winter wrap up, and is left in the care of Fluttershy.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

By Slictz.

The sun shone through the curtains of Fluttershy’s cottage, illuminating the serene interior with an equally tranquil glow. Fluttershy lay sound asleep on the couch while a certain lavender mare slept peacefully upstairs in the bedroom. The sun rose just high enough to cast its glimmering rays over the canary mare’s face, waking her from the night’s slumber. Fluttershy opened her eyes slowly, only to quickly hide them under a hoof due to the light.

Ugh, how long have I been sleeping? Fluttershy asked herself in a daze. She lifted herself from the couch slowly, shook herself off as her mane fell into place, and walked uneasy over to the bathroom. Where she cleaned herself up and went to the kitchen.

Maybe I should make Twilight some breakfast to cheer her up, Fluttershy thought to herself, quickly agreeing and walking to fetch the needed supplies for a good breakfast. She gathered all the ingredients she needed and cooked a nourishing serving of oatmeal served with a clear glass of water and arranged it on a tray. She took the tray in her mouth as she made her way out of the kitchen and towards the staircase. Once there, she glanced up the wood staircase and a sudden fear washed over her. She felt her emotional struggle ascend to new heights as her mind traveled back to the mare of her desires.

Oh, why is this so hard? I have to tell her somehow, or I’m sure I’ll go crazy, she gnashed her grip on the tray for fear of tossing it against the wall in frustration. It’s Twilight, she’s just a pony, not some big scary dragon. Maybe I just have to be bolder in my approach, her steps faltered slightly as she made her way up the stairway of fate. Her eyes widened as inspiration struck, stopping her dead in her tracks. Wait, a dinner! Friends eat together, don’t they? It’ll be nice and quiet in a place she’d just love, perfect, she allowed herself a small smirk and a prideful pose. Not so weak and helpless now, huh? Fluttershy felt herself about to leap up of joy when the sound of glass clattering made her remember the food on the tray. She calmed down with a light blush and continued her ascent up the stairs.

When she finally came to the top, she put the tray down on a small table and opened the door slowly. It creaked as usual, but opened without any problems. She poked her head inside and saw the rising and falling of Twilight’s breathing as the mare lay sleeping. She walked back out again, picked up the tray and walked into the bedroom. Once inside, she crept up to the bed and placed the tray on the nightstand, but her thoughts halted when she saw the sight of Twilight lying in bed like a small filly with her hooves over the covers and a big smile on her face. She had to wake Twilight up though; there was too much work to be done before her planned evening. She finally spoke up.

“Twilight, it’s time to wake up now,” she said while nudging Twilight’s shoulder with a hoof. The action resulted in Twilight mumbling something Fluttershy could not quite catch before opening her eyes slowly to look at the motherly mare that had woke her up. She gave a groggy yawn with the best stretch she could manage in her condition.

“Fluttershy, how long have I been sleeping?” Twilight asked with a drowsy note.

“Not for too long, a few hours maybe. Now come on, it’s time to get up and start the day,” Fluttershy quickly remarked, venturing to get Twilight awake and eating.

“Okay okay, I’m up. But. . .” Twilight replied, tilting her head at her rear legs.

“Oh, of course I’ll help you,” Fluttershy spoke while pulling the covers off Twilight and slid a hoof under Twilight’s side to help her get up.

“Ready?” Fluttershy asked, making sure Twilight would not topple over when she sat her up in the bed.

“Yes, I’m ready,” Twilight replied, taking a secret pleasure in Fluttershy’s touch. Fluttershy started lifting Twilight carefully, but had to stop twice when Twilight squeaked in discomfort. Finally, Twilight was sitting in an upright position and Fluttershy could give her the oatmeal, which she dug into with delight.

“Um, Twilight? There’s something I need to tell you about today,” Fluttershy began with as stern voice as she could muster.

“Sure, what is it?” Twilight replied unceremoniously between mouthfuls. Apparently, her recovery process widened her appetite and threw all manners out the proverbial window.

“Well, I have a few errands to run, so you’ll have to stay in bed until I come back,” Fluttershy concluded, determined to get started on the preparations as quickly as possible. Twilight finally caught up to herself and pulled the bowl away from her mouth, lowering her eyes and ears slightly.

“Sure, no problem. . .” Twilight’s tone held a somber note to it, “I’ll just, read some of the books Pinkie brought over from the library and relax today,” Twilight replied, setting the bowl down and leaning her head back against the wall as the disturbance of loneliness began to sink in.

“Now relax. I won’t be too far away from the cabin, so I’ll come by and check up on you from time to time,” Fluttershy appended in a dismissive manner over Twilight’s apparent change in mood. Hopefully, at least.

“Oh, I guess that’s all right,” Twilight accepted as her expression began to lighten, comforted by Fluttershy’s promise.

“Now I have to go, so just stay in bed and relax,” Fluttershy spoke while she turned around and headed for the door.

“Okay, I’ll see you soon then!” Twilight called as Fluttershy walked out the door and shut it behind her. Moments after the door’s closing, Twilight let out a mournful sigh and resumed her breakfast.

Once the door was closed, Fluttershy flew downstairs, picked up her saddlebags and quickly trotted out the front door. First thing’s first I suppose, she thought to herself as she took flight to her first stop: Sweet Apple Acres.

The flight there was short and, to Fluttershy’s delight, she spotted Applejack outside the barn checking supplies. She flew just past Applejack, scanning the area to see if anyone else was around. When she was sure they were alone, she glided down behind Applejack.

“Applejack, do you have time to talk?” Fluttershy asked with a low, but stern, intonation. Applejack’s ears stood up at the voice.

“Huh? Oh Fluttershy, it’s you. Yeah, I got a few for ya,” Applejack replied as she turned around, slightly surprised at the mare’s assertion. Fluttershy strode up to Applejack, meeting the cowpony’s gaze.

“I need some items for a nice quiet dinner tonight,” Fluttershy replied looking at Applejack with pleading eyes. “Also, there’s… a few things I wanted your advice on.”

“Well, let’s get th’ questions out th’ way before we talk food. Sounds like ya got somethin’ sittin’ pretty heavy on yall’s mind,” Applejack replied as she led Fluttershy over to a shaded area behind the barn. She sat and rested against the property’s wooden fence as Fluttershy sat adjacent and facing her. “Alright, what’s troublin’ ya?”

Remember, we’re not weak and helpless anymore. We can do this, Fluttershy pepped herself up before relaxing with a sigh.

“Applejack, how do you tell someone you, love them?” Fluttershy managed to ask, though her final words were a bit less than audible. Applejack seemed to understand and flicked her hat up with the tip of her hoof.

“Well, I can’t ya tell exactly, but ma’ best guess would be to tell ‘em it when the time comes right; just be honest and sound. Always works for me,” Applejack advised, hoping the answer had some impact on the struggling Pegasus before her.

“Oh, I see,” Fluttershy threw her gaze to the floor, “There’s something else, but is really important that you keep it a secret,” Fluttershy added, returning to Applejack with begging eyes.

“Of course I’ll keep it a secret. You know me, I’m the most dependable of ponies,” Applejack replied with surety, but with a passive tone of curiosity as to what secret Fluttershy was holding. This had to be something serious the pegasus pony was going through. Fluttershy had only shared a secret once many months ago, with the beautiful mare who was now recovering in her bed.

Okay, here it goes, Fluttershy bit her lip and hid behind her flowing mane, firmly reciting her mantra: Remember, we’re not weak and helpless anymore. We can do this! Confidence brimming, resolve defined, Fluttershy shook her mane back and stood proudly as if she was on the cliff of the highest mountaintop in all of Equestria. As she imagined the stalwart winds of power blowing her protective mane back, revealing her true face to all that dared to view, she valiantly lifted her muzzle high and proclaimed with all her might:

“I love Twilight Sparkle!”

It felt as if the very ground she stood on shook at her words. It was the greatest, most liberating experience she could have ever imagined! Finally, the months of repressed emotions, doubts, and fears suddenly disintegrated and security rose from its ashes. She was the queen of the world, and nothing dared to stand in her way.

Her eyes snapped back open as the powerful echo of her declaration bounced back and forced her back to reality. She looked down, noticing herself standing tall on her hind legs and Applejack staring back at her, mouth agape. Fluttershy quickly placed both her front hooves over her mouth and sunk back against the dirt of the ground; she hid behind her mane, shutting her eyes tight with embarrassment and a newfound feeling of frustration.

“There, I said it! Are you happy now?” She asked more to herself than anyone in particular as tears began to darken her goldenrod cheeks. She directed her voice back to Applejack, “But I don’t know what to do! Every time I want to tell her, my heart feels like it’s about to give out. I just want to be close to her, to have her in my life, but my mind just won’t let it happen!” Fluttershy’s voice grew louder and angrier at each breath. She began to choke up with tears as she angrily, yet so softly, batted at the ground.

“That’s quite the secret you had there, Sugarcube. As I said, ain’t a soul in Equestria’s gonna hear about it from me,” Applejack finally replied, taken slightly aback by Fluttershy’s bipolar confession. Her heart reached out for the sobbing mare before her; Fluttershy would never hurt the smallest of creatures, and to see her in this much pain almost brought the earth pony to tears herself. Applejack moved closer to Fluttershy and laid inboard to her on the ground, resting her head atop Fluttershy’s own. Fluttershy gasped a bit in surprise as she opened her eyes and looked upwards.

“Now, Fluttershy,” Applejack began, pensive in tone, “I’m mighty glad that you’ve found someone you love and all, but I also need to tell you that you need to break it to her easily. I don’t know if Twilight feels the same about you. But if she don’t, I’ll be here to help you if anything happens. That’s just the honest truth,” Applejack assured, nuzzling against the Pegasus’ silky mane in attempt to calm her. Fluttershy shuddered as the last of her tears left her body. She then returned a friendly nuzzle to the cowpony and pulled her head back, still lying on her hooves with a new look of intent. Applejack, confident in Fluttershy’s new determination, could not help but smirk at the Pegasus. Fluttershy might fear many things, but with the support of caring friends, she could accomplish anything.

“Applejack, you’re fine with this? You don’t think it’s. . .weird?” Fluttershy questioned hopefully.

“Now Sugarcube, I am open and happy for any form of love between ponies. I see no difference between the love two mares share, two colts, or a colt and a mare for that matter,” Applejack replied with affirmation. Fluttershy giggled lightly at the knowledge of Applejack’s reinforcement. Hearing her sounds of delight, Applejack started to lighten up and laugh herself.

“Actually, if ya don’t mind ma’ askin’, what’s it about that mare that gets ya goin’? She’s a cute pony and all, but I’m more of a stallion girl m’self.” Fluttershy’s tail and wings straightened at the bluntness of Applejack’s question. Strangely, she didn’t feel herself shying away; quite the opposite.

“Just, everything, Applejack. Her glassy eyes, her excitement to see me, the cute smile she gets whenever she learns something new. She talks with confidence and excitement; she understands my shyness. She makes me feel wanted, Applejack, like I’m neede-” Fluttershy was preemptively cut short with Applejack’s hoof on her lips.

“Thank ya Sugarcube, but ah don’t want ya’ll goin’ off scream names to th’ heavens like ya did last time. Big Mac might hear ya n’ get on ma’ case for not finishin’ up ma’ work,” Applejack explained with a light snicker. Fluttershy smiled with a light blush and a nod as she rose to her hooves.

“That was really helpful, Applejack. Thanks for the talk, but I just hope everything goes well tonight,” Fluttershy replied, unsure about the coming evening, but confident in what she had to do.

“Ah, right; what was this talk about wantin’ somethin’ for a dinner?”

“I was thinking about some good fritters and some apple pie for the dinner. Then, a few treats from Sugarcube Corner for dessert,” Fluttershy replied, trying to figure out exactly what to get.

“Sounds mighty fine there; just wait here while I go fetch a lil’ somethin’ for ya.” She trotted over to the farmhouse while Fluttershy sat behind on the ground. With the cowpony gone, a warm giggle accompanied Fluttershy’s growing smile as she fantasized about her magical evening with Twilight. Her thoughts were soon dashed by the sounds of thudding hoofsteps companied a creaking wagon in tow.

“There ya are hun. Now run along and get the dessert,” Applejack announced as she proudly brought a wooden wagon full of all sorts of apple-related cuisine over to the astounded Pegasus.

“My, thank you, but this is much more than we need. I’m not sure if I can pay for all this,” Fluttershy hesitantly replied.

“Now now, consider this a gift. If ya love Twi’ that much, all I’d like is for you two to get together. So, I ain’t acceptin’ any payin’ for this. Now run along; I’m sure you got some things to attend to, don’t ya?” Applejack firmly spoke as more of a statement.

“But, but-” Fluttershy squeaked out before Applejack started pushing her towards the road leading to the town.

“No buts. You get along now and don’t come back here with any money to pay me, ya hear!” Applejack reaffirmed as she brought back the wagon and placed it beside Fluttershy. With a sigh, Fluttershy conceded.

“You’re right, I should go. Thank you for the food, Applejack.” With little more than a kick, Fluttershy flipped the harness of the wagon over her back and effortlessly walked back to town. Applejack sat stunned in awe at the amazing display of strength Fluttershy seemed to have kept hidden.

“My my, that lil’ lady’s somethin’ else. . .”

With a jaunty swagger in her gait, Fluttershy arrived at Sugarcube Corner. She brought her wagon to the side of the building and bucked the saddle off, now making her way to the confectionery shop’s door. As her hoof landed on the first step, she paused and glanced back to the town’s entrance that led in the direction of her cottage.

Oh, I hope Twilight’s doing fine, she shook her head in attempt to clear it. How much trouble could a bed-ridden unicorn get into? She turned back towards the building and pushed past the door. I’ll make it up to you tonight Twilight, I promise.

The shop was booming with customers today. There was quite the line leading over to what looked like a promotional kiosk. Fluttershy’s gaze followed the line up to the front and noticed a sign that advertised a colorful new sweet, complete with slogan, affectionately named: “Skittles; Taste the Rainbow.”

The thought was interesting, but she remembered all too well how Pinkie reacted to the raw rainbow of Cloudsdale’s Weather Factory and decided against trying it out. However, getting past the line was a trick of itself. She was nearing the point of quitting when she heard the bubbly sounds of excitement over the rest of the noise. She looked closer at the front of the line and found Pinkie Pie, dressed in a blue suit with a colorful wig, handing out free samples to the ponies that came up. She trotted past the crowd, getting looks of confusion and anger, and went over to the vivacious mare.

“Pinkie, do you have a minute?” Fluttershy asked, attempting to speak over the impatient ponies. Pinkie’s ears perked at the sound of her name, stopping in the middle of serving the ponies and turned to Fluttershy.

“Yeah! Well, actually, I have a lot of minutes, but not too many hours,” Pinkie began as she, literally, jumped out her costume. “Almost out of those. Come on over to the back, ” she continued and bounced away with Fluttershy following suit. The angered yelling of the crowd soon stopped them both in their tracks.

“Oh, right. . .Um, one second Fluttershy,” Pinkie quickly galloped over to the store’s front display counter and pulled its door open with her mouth, grabbing a small alligator, covered in lavender icing, by its scruff. “Lunch time’s over Gummy!” Pinkie exclaimed as she plopped the messy reptile on the kiosk’s counter. The room fell quickly in a silenced confusion with only the alligator’s audible blinks sounding off. Pinkie casually trotted to the store’s kitchen with a giggling Fluttershy trailing behind.

Once they arrived, Pinkie ducked under a table in the back and placed a colander over her head, shifting her eyes in both directions before calling Fluttershy over with a hoof. Feeding into Pinkie’s nonsense, Fluttershy adopted a false sense of fear and looked both ways before diving under the table with Pinkie.

“Okay,” Pinkie starting in a long, drawn out whisper, “What can Auntie Pinkie help you with today?” A deadpan expression quickly flourished upon Fluttershy’s face.

“Pinkie, we’ve been over this; I’m a year older than you,” Fluttershy replied, looking at Pinkie with stern eyes.

“I know that silly, but it’s so much fun to call myself ‘Auntie’!” Pinkie blurted seconds after Fluttershy finished speaking. She quickly lowered her head and dropped her voice back down to a whisper, “Anyway, what the big secret about Rarity?” Fluttershy gasped in horror and brought both hooves up to her mouth.

“R-Rarity? What’s wrong with her? I just wanted to ask you if I could buy any sweets or baked goods from you.”
“Oh, why didn’t ya say so?” Pinkie quickly jumped from under the table and shook the cooking utensil off her head, walking over to the pantry. “What would you like?” Fluttershy slowly stood, confused by her question going unanswered, and followed.

“I was thinking some cupcakes and maybe a small bag of some sort of sweets.”

“Sure! How ‘bout some delicious apple and blueberry cupcakes and some toffee?” Pinkie asked, exclaimed, rather, but darted off to fetch the treats before Fluttershy could respond. She quickly came back with the treats in a saddle-basket and threw it on Fluttershy’s back, eliciting a squeak of surprise from the Pegasus.
“I also added two samples of our new sweet in there. And don’t worry about the bits; you’re part of my 'Best Friend Going on a Date With Twilight’ special discount, so this one’s on the house.”

“Really? Oh, thank you Pink-” Fluttershy froze mid-sentence and widened her eyes with a heavy blush at Pinkie’s declaration, “W-Wait, how did-”

“Hurry along now. I’m pretty sure it’s a bad idea to keep a marefriend waiting,” Pinkie casually enforced, hurrying the frozen mare towards the building’s back exit. “And tell Twilight I said ‘Get better Ms. Sicky McSickerson’!’” At the sound of the metal door slamming shut, Fluttershy snapped back to reality. She let out a huge sigh, having forgot to breathe for the last few seconds.

She circled around the building to her wagon and laid her new basket in it. Kicking the heavy harness back over her back, she made her way towards the town’s exit. Looking at the shrinking gates she left behind, a warm burst of giddiness ran over her as she starting laughing and giggling uncontrollably. Her and Twilight, alone; just the two of them for a night out. The very thought of it all was pure paradise for Fluttershy.

A ‘marefriend’ . . . You’re right Pinkie, it is a bad idea to keep one waiting.

Authors notes.

I really have only only one thig to say here,
and that's the normal big thanks to my Prereader Kodiak. Cheers all around!

That is all.