• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,660 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

19: Burning Fires

Author's Note:

Give Layton13 a shout eh? He was a good help getting Takeru started here, and yes before you ask, Ghost will be staying around for a few chapters at least. He's so much fun to write, what a sweetheart.

“Well, isn’t this just lovely to know…” Sunset thought to herself as she finally arrived back home, throwing open the curtains to let in the evening light. “Adagio Dazzle, back again. And as if to add insult to injury she’s a freaking Kamen Rider, of all things to boot!”

Sunset was about to ask herself if anything could possibly get any worse, then decided against it. Usually, things did whenever someone asked that particular question.

Seemed Fate still had a few more jokes left to play on her, really. Falling backwards onto her bed, Sunset sighed to herself even as PostCrush played faintly in the background. How the Hell was she supposed to take this, moreover, how was she supposed to handle this? She had a sneaking suspicion even a Rainbow Friendship Laser of Love -as Pinkie had so nicely named it- wouldn’t really do much to a Rider. And that was assuming Adagio’s own abilities weren’t all that powerful. Really, her getting hold of a particularly powerful set of abilities would be just like her, wouldn’t it? “So, even without the power to sing and bewitch others, she still finds a way to come back with a vengeance.”

A thought occurred to her, where were the other two? Where were Aria and Sonata in all of this? Had they finally went their separate ways, too jealous of Adagio’s newfound power to function as a cohesive unit? Or worse, were they secretly supporting their sister(?) from the shadows with belts of their own?

“So many unknowns here, it’s not even funny,” Sunset thought trying to resist the urge to scream into her pillow. It’d be cathartic, sure, but it’d solve absolutely nothing. “I mean, I don’t even know the extent of Adagio’s powers, nor do I know what Aria or Sonata could or can do.”

Sunset climbed off her bed, and then reached under it to pull out a dusty old box. She hadn’t touched the contents of it in years really. Opening the box, she blew the dust off the old notebook inside, feeling it’s pages. Sunset sighed in pleasure, while she loved books as much as the next woman there was always this underlying feel of magic only a book made in Equestria possessed. It was warm, soothing even. But there was no time for reminiscing, not right now.

In Equestria, the Princess of Friendship, the Sun and the Moon now sighed to herself rubbing her forehead in pain. It was another one of those days, dealing with the nobility who she swore could be equated to children at times. Simply put, Twilight Sparkle was a tired mare and would have loved nothing more than to just turn in for the night as soon as she raised the moon.

Looking inside her bedchambers, she saw her marefriend of now several years already fast asleep and snoring soundly. Her armor was laying by the bed, discarded in a hurry. That fit, Twilight mused to herself. Fizzlepop when she wanted her sleep, she really wanted her sleep. At least this time she’d bothered to take off her armor before collapsing.

“Wait a moment…” Twilight murmured to herself as she saw her bedside dresser glowing. She knew what this meant. Opening it up with a gentle creaking sound so as not to disturb Fizzlepop’s beauty sleep, Twilight gave a soft gentle smile. “It has been too long, hasn’t it… Sunset?”

Twilight frowned when she read Sunset’s message. Adagio Dazzle returning, now that was a problem. She’d thought about the siren a few times in the past couple of years, but not often. And it was only with pity, thinking about how truly great she could have become if she hadn’t lost herself in her power. Twilight had hoped Adagio losing her powers would teach her a lesson. Clearly not, if Adagio had greedily grabbed up the powers of a Rider the first chance she got.

“Are you absolutely sure, Sunset, that Adagio is a threat?” Twilight wrote. “From what it sounds like, Denver seems to hail her as a hero of sorts. And given it is quite frankly impossible to bewitch a whole city -and that presumes Adagio’s own powers have returned- it seems a possibility that-”

“...Possibly, yes,” Sunset admitted. “But hello, this is Adagio Dazzle we’re talking about here. I’d like to give her the benefit of the doubt, but remember your counterpart here? She’s basically you if you never had friends, with only a few minor differences here and there.”

“And all counterparts are exactly alike?” Twilight replied. “That seems… well, I’ll be honest with you, rather narrow-minded if you ask me. I mean, well yes, this raises the old nature VS nurture debate but really! Consider the possibility that the human world’s Adagio had a very different upbringing than our world’s version of her. It’s a thought worth considering, right?”

“The nature vs nurture argument has never have been proven to have any factual basis,” Sunset replied. “For all we know, really, the human Adagio could have been raised right and still turned out to be some sort of sociopath.”

“The only reason the nature vs nurture argument has never been proven is because there’s been no way to test it! Until now, at any rate. You’re letting your emotions rule you again, Sunset…” Twilight wrote back suppressing a sigh. “Honestly! Your past history with Adagio Dazzle is clouding your judgment!”

“Yeah… yeah,” Sunset admitted. “Perhaps you’re right…” Sunset agreed. “Good night, Twilight.”

“Good night, Sunset.”

Closing the book, Sunset sighed as she fell back into her bed. Yeah, this was going to be a lot to take in, and take some getting used to, really. Maybe Twilight was right, maybe it was just her old emotions getting the better of her, preconceived notions of what an Adagio was supposed to be. “Goddess above, Sunset,” the mare thought to herself. “You really are getting a little bit too paranoid for your own good! You really haven’t even met the woman, and already you’re getting crazy ideas in your head that this Adagio is playing the long game! ...Hmm, maybe your girlfriend is rubbing off on you.”

If this was an anime, she suspected -if she were a stupider sort of woman- she’d probably be winding up in some sort of Toshiki Inoue style plot. Well, at least she knew better and actually had an idea of communicating with her friends when it mattered. Sunset facepalmed at this, of course… She was such an idiot. Surely this Adagio had friends, right? And actually, come to think of it, where did she even get the Driver? What, did she go all Tony Stark and build the thing in a cave, with a box of scraps and random bits?

Sunset had to laugh at the mental image this conjured up.

Sunset then pulled up her phone, and went through Adagio’s Facebook page. It was easy enough to find really, given it was about the only one with the name ‘Dazzle’. It wasn’t a common name, really.

Sunset blinked in shock, Adagio had a lot of followers yes -this was a given considering who she was- but she really wasn’t following a lot of people back. If Sunset didn’t know better, she would almost swear Adagio had very little in the way of actual friends. “Whether that’s due to her downright bitchy personality, or something else is… uncertain.”

She caught a few names, like someone named Star Hunter and Eiji Kougami of all people but then her eyes narrowed. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy -Fluttershy!- was on that list. A protective rage filled her, Fluttershy and Rainbow would have to be talked to. If Adagio had even touched a hair on their heads there would be Tartarus to pay indeed!

Then Sunset regarded Adagio’s profile picture, and general presumed demeanor that the page seemed to indicate. Unlike the Adagio she had met, this one seemed more reserved if her style of dress was of any indication. Also, Sunset was surprised to note Adagio rarely -if at all!- seemed to mention her… exploits. Instead, she just talked about various sea life. If Sunset didn’t know any better, she would say that Adagio didn’t even want fame. But that was impossible… right? Right?

This time Sunset really did slam her head face-first into her pillow and screamed. Goddess above, like Writer’s Quill why did this have to be so frustrating? Why couldn’t Adagio just be out and out evil and Sunset could ask her friends to rainbow laser her again into oblivion?

“Because real life is not that simple,” a voice in the back of Sunset’s mind -one that sounded suspiciously like Twilight- commented. “People, they just aren’t like that. You can’t put them into neat and tidy little boxes labeled black and white.”

Sunset got the point really, and went for her phone and dialed Rarity’s number. She’d noticed she was also following Adagio… for some reason. Well, if anyone was a good enough judge of character it was generally Rarity or Fluttershy. Sunset noted to call her kind friend later for a second opinion. What really puzzled her was Dash. Was she just keeping an eye on Adagio? Were all of them just doing that? Sunset’s finger hovered over Rarity’s number. Well, there was really only one way to find out, wasn’t there?

“Sunset, darling!” Rarity cried over the phone in joy. “I didn’t even know you were back in town! Oh, have you told Twilight yet? Have you swept your girlfriend away -or plan to- for a night of dazzling romance and passion?”

“You’ve been reading those romance novels again, haven’t you?” Sunset deadpanned.

“...I… Er… yes? Maybe?” Rarity stammered out. “Look, look, let’s not go pointing fingers here, okay?”

“Who said I was pointing fingers?” Sunset asked. “Anyways, did you have to use the word dazzling?”

“Why would that be a… bad word unless… Oh,” Rarity muttered as she finally cottoned on as to why Sunset was calling her. “Oh, so I see. You must have seen the morning edition really…”

“Well, not this week’s morning edition, but yeah… I sorta did,” Sunset said before taking a deep breath and sighing. “When did… well, when did Adagio get Rider powers? Like seriously, for Celestia’s sake when the buck did this happen?”

“Calm down, Sunset,” Rarity tried to soothe to little to no avail.

“Calm down?” Sunset nearly shrieked. “You want me to calm down when my worst enemy has the powers of a Kamen Rider? Like… Like, I don’t even know how to deal with this right now!”

“Deep breathes, Sunset,” Rarity soothed. “Deep breathes. You doing that right now?”

“Yeah… yeah, I’m doing that…” Sunset muttered. “By Writer’s Quill, this is terrifying. Like, when did this even happen?” she asked again.

“To be honest, I’m not sure myself…” Rarity admitted. “One day, Adagio -the human one, as far as I can tell- just showed up out of the blue with powers of animals. Hell, I wouldn’t have even known who it was if Adagio hadn’t accidentally outed herself while saving my life…” she murmured.

“Huh, that doesn’t seem like the Adagio I… She’s so full of herself that…” Sunset muttered before her eyes widened in abject shock as she realized what exactly her friend had said. “Wait a minute, what!? Saved your life? When did this happen!?!”

“A few weeks ago, these piranha fish-like creature things just showed up in my shop -In my shop, Sunset!- and they would have eaten me and Sassy alive had Adagio not showed up and stopped them. IN MY SHOP SUNSET! Can you imagine…?”

“Well, that certainly lends a point towards Adagio’s favor…” Sunset muttered.

“IN MY SHOP!” Rarity shrieked making Sunset rub her ear in pain from the sheer volume. Sometimes Rarity forgot that Sunset -as a herd animal- had more heightened senses than her own.

“Yes Rarity, I sorta get the picture,” Sunset deadpanned as her hearing slowly returned to normal. “Now what was that you were saying about deep breathes?”

“...Yes, yes, you’re quite right,” Rarity admitted shamefully. “Et tu, Sunset?”

“Saved your life, huh?” Sunset muttered as she fell back onto the bed and sighed again. Yeah, she said to herself. This was going to be a lot to process, and a lot of getting used to. “By the Writer’s Quill…”

When did her life get this complicated?

“Sunset?” Rarity asked in a worried tone. “You… well, I hesitate to ask this, but you don’t honestly think Adagio could be dangerous do you? I… I hesitate to ask but-”

“You can go ahead and ask anyways,” Sunset said. “I think I know what you’re going to say.”

“Well, I hesitate to ask, but what if…” Rarity muttered. “What if Adagio is indeed the Equestrian one, and she is indeed playing the ‘long game’ as it were?”

“It’s a possibility I don’t like to think about,” Sunset replied. “But yeah, it’s definitely a possibility.”

“I mean, I only ask because not too long ago, there were these rumors -crafted by Vignette, dreadful woman- of Adagio knocking over a drug store. Oh, I cannot believe I lended her my romance novels to a drug addict!”

“Well, if it’s by Vignette, I’d ordinarily say it’s some sort of hatchet job, but…” Sunset commented. “But when it’s Adagio, you can never be too entirely sure really.”

“Oh, we are being entirely ridiculous, aren’t we?” Rarity decided. “There is really only one way to decide this matter, and make up our minds on if Adagio is dangerous or not! And that is ask her ourselves!”

“Yeah... “ Sunset admitted. “I… and Twilight -my world’s one- said this to me as well, and I agree with her completely that I may be letting old bias cloud my judgment.”

“No duh, as I believe they say,” Rarity tittered. “But I would be remiss to admit if it’s not happening with me as well… Shameful, just shameful I say! To fall into such old habits, I thought I would be old enough to move past such things!”

“Well, you would think…” Sunset commented. “But here am I as well, doing things as well. We’re not as perfect as we like to think we are, are we?”

“No…” Rarity admitted with more than a touch of shame in her voice. “No we are not. Have… have you looked at Adagio’s Facebook page, like I have?”

“Yes, I have. It’s… well, I hate to say it but she has almost no friends,” Sunset said. “And if this is really the human version of Adagio like I hope she is, and she’s just… well, not an out and out sociopath we should really amend that right?”

“Yes, quite!” Rarity agreed. “Well, we’ll handle this in the morning, give Adagio a good grilling if you will. And if she turns out to be a friend… well, then she is a friend. Goodnight Sunset.”

“Goodnight Rarity.” Sunset said as she finally hung up before letting sleep finally claim her.

Elsewhere in the city, Adagio had finally returned to the National Aquarium, though not for work-related reasons as one might think. In lew of an actual temple or shrine, Takeru figured somewhere the woman felt most comfortable would do.

“Well, it’s not the Daitenku Temple, but this should do…” Takeru commented observing Adagio trace a finger along the glass tank in front of her, a school of fish swimming out of the way as a beluga whale swam near.

“...I’m assuming the Ghost naming thing, well, that’s just to make you sound cool, right?” Adagio asked with a sigh. “I mean, you can’t actually be a… Look, I’m a woman of science. I believe what I see with my own two eyes, and so far, there’s absolutely no proof of ghosts. None.”

The senior Rider just smiled as he returned: “You somewhat remind me of a close friend. She probably would describe herself as a woman of science. She always got into arguments with another friend if Gamma were something explainable with science or not. In the end, she found her answer. But regarding your answer, I once was a ghost, but not anymore.”

“Yeah, sure firefly boy,” Adagio said rolling her eyes and pointing to the beluga in the tank. “See this? This I can touch. Look, I was entertained by Ghostbusters just like anyone else. I can appreciate good science fiction. But that’s all it ever was and ever will be. Science fiction. I also appreciate something I can reach out and touch with my bare hands, something approved and supported by scientific fact. Needless to say, the paranormal is not.”

His smile not wavering he returned after a few seconds: “So how can you believe in the feelings of someone else? You can't see them, you can't measure them, you just have to believe they are there. Sometimes there are just things we can't explain just yet. Only because we don’t have proof of something right now doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

“...You sound like Sonata going on about Bigfoot,” Adagio said. “If Bigfoot existed, pretty sure we’d have proof of the big guy by now beyond just footprints -which can be faked I feel I should add- and blurry photographs. ...Or her and aliens for that matter. Wow, Sonata believes in a lot of conspiracies now that I think of it.”

“And until recently no one believed in coin based homunculi as well and now they are running around out there and hurting people. There is a lot about our world we don’t know right now.”

“...Point taken,” Adagio muttered leaning up against the glass. “I mean, ask me a few years ago about if magic existed and I probably would have laughed my ass off in your face. And yet, somehow magical sea sirens from another world exist, with me and my sister’s faces for their human forms. Goodness gracious, this is just…” she trailed off rubbing her forehead in frustration.

“The world is full of surprising things, isn’t it? Last year I thought a giant Pac Man that rampaged through Tokyo was just the stuff of fantasy. You never know what the world might throw at you next,” Takeru said, rubbing the back of his head.

“...Oh right, I did see that,” Adagio said. “Did anyone else just think it was a rebroadcast of that one movie, Pixels?”

Takeru just looked at her with a bewildered expression in return. “You really are a stubborn one, aren’t you?” he asked.

“So I’ve been told,” Adagio said with a smile. “Aria didn’t get all of it, actually. Though in my line of work, some stubbornness is required, just to help that one animal or to get by being more than a pretty face.”

“Definitely some qualities one can admire if they don’t consume one,” Takeru observed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Adagio asked her hands on her hips.

He simply chuckled and added an innocent: “Nothing.”

“Oh, I know you were going somewhere, firefly boy!” Adagio said poking him in the chest. “Listen, you may be cute, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you get away with insinuations!”

“Cute?” He raised an eyebrow.

Adagio huffed. “I’m serious, you look like you stepped out of one of those mangas I know Sonata reads, the shoujo ones I think she calls them. Not that I care, of course. Life’s not all flowery romance.”

Takeru resisted the urge to snark about the reason behind life not being all flowery romance for Adagio was perhaps her general grumpy demeanor.

“I mean, I don’t even have time for romance, as it is,” Adagio huffed. “I’ve got a full workload as it is, plus animals are far more interesting than humans half the time really. They’re less likely to do something stupid.”

Then she was promptly hit atop the head by a paper fan. Rubbing her head and groaning in pain, Adagio turned to see a Japanese man in monk’s robes behind her. “Do not insult Takeru-Dono!” he shouted at her.

“...Who’s this guy, and why is he shouting at me?” Adagio asked in a confused tone.

“Ah, Onari, you finally made it. I was getting a bit worried,” he said before turning back Adagio. “That’s Onari, a friend of mine and currently running a paranormal activity agency.”

“...are all of your friends… this odd?” Adagio asked, trying to word her distaste for the somewhat overbearing man as politely as she could.

“They are the best friends one could ask for and as far as I heard, you have some colorful ones yourself,” he chuckled with an innocent smile.

“If you’re talking about Ankh, or my Equestrian doppelganger, then they’re no friends of mine,” Adagio said. “...I still have an urge to punch the both of them in the face as it is… The little sellout, threw me to the wind as soon as he found someone better. I don’t know why I’m surprised but…”

“Is it just me, or was there something more going on between the two you think?” Onari asked as he leaned over to Takeru. “I mean, the way she talks, it’s like she’s a spurned lover…”

“I’m not going to be the one to bring that up,” Takeru whispered back. “I’m too polite for that, besides she scares me! And anyways, where were you? We met up at the airport, and it’s only now you decide to show up?”

“I… may have decided to take in the sights, and heard about a mysterious incident in a house not too far from here. It was my duty to protect the little old ladies of Denver!” Onari whispered back.

“...You got lost didn’t you?” Takeru said in a flat tone. “Mapquest is a thing, you know…”

“KAMI-SAMA DAMN THESE AMERICAN APPS!!!” Onori shouted falling to his knees and screaming to the heavens.

“Shamballa? Well, what’s this, my mantra?” Adagio drawled. “No, It's the wi-fi password. We're not savages. Are you two done whispering behind my back? I can hear you two you know.”

Both Takeru and Onori yelped upon seeing the annoyed looking woman staring at them.

“Well… she’s quite a… catch,” Onori muttered. “I pity the poor soul who ends up with her…”

Adagio’s eye twitched. “I can hear that too.”

Both of them shared a last nervous look before Takeru returned his attention back to Adagio, adjusting his color continuing, his voice a bit shaky: “Yeah… Noted. Uhm… Anyway, we probably should get back to what we came here in the first place. Eiji told me you had some problems controlling your powers, is that right?”

“...If by problems controlling my powers, you mean turning into a berserking animal, then yeah,” Adagio said. “I’ve only seen it happen twice, once to me and once to my counterpart.”

“So I heard, Eiji also told me that it might be connected to your desires since the Medals apparently enhance them. He hoped I could help you keep them in check and I think I can help you, but it won’t be easy.”

“Neither was getting to where I am now, but I managed that right?” Adagio asked.

“True, but this will be an entirely different challenge, not one of brawns, but one of the mind. You have to find your inner self and to do that you have to slow down and meditate,” Takeru said pulling out a mat from… somewhere and unrolling it along the floor. “That’s why we are here because this is a place you feel at home. You are familiar with the concept of meditation?”

“Sonata recommended me and Aria trying it,” Adagio said. “But truth be told, I’ve never actually seen much use for it.”

“Then this explains so much…” Takeru mentally grumbled.

Onori let out a sharp gasp before hitting Adagio atop the head with a paper fan again. “How dare you disregard the principles of simple and daily meditation! It frees the mind, the body, the soul! Takeru-Domo here meditates every day, and that is why he is so at peace with the world and its woes!”

“...I really don’t need you to speak up for me, Onori…” Takeru thought. “I can explain this for myself.”

“The answer lies in your heart, Adagio Dazzle-san,” Takeru said sitting himself down next to her. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about. In fact, I think just some time meditating every day, just a little for about ten to fifteen minutes or so could do you wonders.”

“How so?” Adagio asked.

“Your life… yes, you’re quite intent on making something of it, and you certainly don’t treat it recklessly but-”

“Recklessly?” Adagio asked. “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you implying I’m going to suddenly start treating it as a game? You only live once, and playing around with your life as if it’s a toy is downright asinine!”

“Yeah, you only live once…” Adagio thought to herself, flashing back to several years before.

It was Hawaii, that was where it all began. Adagio and her sisters were the children of an ambassador, ‘Ohana or family was respected above all else. To even disrespect those values was sacrilege in her family. Something, Adagio would later begrudgingly admit that she and her Equestrian counterpart shared.

“You can’t catch me!” Sonata chorused merrily as she ran through the halls of the embassy, the then only five-year-old laughing up a storm. Adagio and Aria followed after their sibling, running past the adults.

“Oh, but I think I can…” said their father as he scooped his child up into his arms, Sonata letting out a cry. “So there you are, you little scamps.”

“Hello father,” Adagio said. “How are things?”

“Tiring, but I can never take time out of my day to spend time with you three little rascals, right?” Musical Score asked. “Tell you what, later tonight? How about we all go to the beach, there’s supposed to be a fireworks show planned.”

“That does sound like fun…” Adagio said. Aria was silent in those early days, shy and hiding behind her hair. She would be the one to change the most in the coming years, though if it was a positive change Adagio would never exactly be sure. “Ooooh, can I wear a lei? And a hula skirt? I want to…”

“Dance like the rest?” Musical asked the ten-year-old. “Yeah, I know. That’s my little girl, my little Adagio. And I’ll help you reach your dream. That’s what family is for. To help each other out.”

Then her whole world seemed to be unmade as in the next several minutes or what seemed to be a slow eternity everything was enveloped in a flash of light. There was a powerful explosion, and flames reached through the building as Adagio was sent flying backward. There was a loud crack, and some part of the building began to come down on top of Adagio…

In the present, Adagio continued to think: “I barely survived, I still have the scars on my back to show for it. Dad… he didn’t make it out. The firemen only arrived to just save us, and a few others. It was one of the worst terrorist attacks in history, and to this day the man or woman behind it hasn’t been caught. We all handled it in different ways, Aria got angrier, took up boxing and rock and roll to vent out her issues. I… I learned all life was precious, after it nearly got taken away from me. I turned to marine animals to cope. Sonata… she turned to cooking. Dad…” she sniffled. “If you could see me now, I wonder what you’d think of me. Did I do you right, become the daughter you wanted me to be? ...or would I be just a disappointment?”

“I never implied you were treating it as a game,” Takeru said placing a hand upon Adagio’s shoulder, and watched as she flinched. “Are… are you alright?”

“Yeah… sorry, just thinking,” Adagio whispered. “I suppose my problem is… well, maybe I’m in over my head. I’m supposed to be collecting every medal of the Greeeds that I can get my hands on, and now… well, I’ve only got three, and when Ankh stole the rest out from under me and gave them back to their original owners... “

Adagio stood up and walked back towards the glass. “In the end, I suppose a large part of this is on me. I should have tried harder to make nice with Ankh, instead of keeping him at arm’s length. Guess it’s no real surprise when he decided to make tracks and head right back to his own kind.”

“You couldn’t have predicted that,” Takeru said. “Human… well, not human but you know what I mean. Human nature is a very funny, and fickle thing. The Greeeds, from the sound of them, are very human. They just want to live their lives as well. They’re close to extinction, and they want to live, no matter what means they chose to do so, that does seem to be their end goal. To live, and become complete. Isn’t that right?”

“...I suppose, yes,” Adagio admitted. “But they’re a mockery of life, and they only want to think about one thing and one thing alone. And that’s themselves.”

“...well, when nobody else is able to look out for you, suppose you don’t have much choice really,” Takeru said. “There’s a saying of mine that I like. You never know when a person might die. But until the moment it actually happens, you should let your life burn bright! Isn’t that what the Greeeds want? To burn their own lives brightly? To be… remembered? Maybe I’m misjudging the entire scenario and maybe I’m wrong. But it seems to me that they want a hand extended, and to live in such a way that they make it worthwhile. Isn’t it worth considering that we should help them? Or at the very least, try to understand them?”

“...Maybe, maybe you’re right,” Adagio said. “And starting today, that’s what I will try to do.”

“And I, Takeru Tenkuji will help you, Adagio Dazzle-san.”

“Please, just call me Adagio.”

Morning came, and Adagio awoke in her apartment, dressed herself and drove to work. “Good to see you back, Adagio!” Star Hunter said. “Arthur’s been lonely without you. Actually, the entire workplace has been a bit lonely. It’s like there’s been a certain energy missing without your constant devotion to the job.”

“Star, stop sounding like such a suck-up. It doesn’t suit you,” Adagio drawled. “I’m sure the National Aquarium can survive a day or two without me. It’s not like everything’s just going to fall to pieces.”

“I-I know,” Star said. “But you bring a certain level of energy and devotion to the job here. I mean, seriously, I can count the number of people on one hand who’d get close and personal with a leopard seal. I’m still not sure if you’re brave, or just plain crazy.”

“Yeah, well join the club,” Adagio shrugged. “Still, Arthur’s a sweetheart once you get to know him.”

“I’ll…. I’ll take your word for it. He tries to bite my hand off every time I get near him.” Star Hunter muttered.

“You just have to know how to talk to the guy, that’s all,” Adagio said looking to a nearby tank where the seal in question swam around freely, and happily. He almost seemed to smile as he swam past Adagio. Almost. Adagio had long learned not to anthropomorphize creatures.

Taking a glance behind him, Star Hunter sighed before he then muttered: “Ugh, I can’t believe we have to replace the front doors. It’s like someone ran a truck through them!”

Adagio flushed brightly, yeah that was Aria’s driving skill for you alright. She drove like she was possessed. There was a reason she had often politely declined for Aria to take her to work on her bike.

“The boss is up to my ears, wanting to know who pulled that,” Star Hunter continued. “And the worst part is, I can’t even tell him, as the security cameras chose to cut out right then. It’s like they’ve been on the fritz as of late, as every so often they just… shut down.”

Adagio flushed again, she suspected that was the energy Takeru put out. While he was no longer a ghost, he did mention he still put out a form of supernatural energy. Like a barrier, or forcefield of sorts. Adagio didn’t believe him personally, but there were some things about him she simply couldn’t explain.

At the very least though, he was a definite step up from Ankh in potential boyfriend material. She was seriously considering asking him out to dinner. He reminded her of Fluttershy in some ways, except he was… well, a guy and Takeru was a bit more of a spitfire in some regards. He wasn’t afraid to speak his mind.

“You ever been on a date, Star?” Adagio asked. All the while, she considered Takeru’s words. Yeah, she could definitely do with a few methods of destressing herself at times. Especially considering her raised cortisol levels at times were half of the reason performing a full-medal combo was so risky.

Also, he was right. Helping Ankh might benefit her in the long run really, considering it was her pushing him away that led him to go back to the Greeed. Who knew what damage he’d managed to cause by doing so. She even hated to think about it. Oh well, she supposed she’d be reaping what she’d sown really.

“...N-Not particularly, no,” Star Hunter stammered out, blushing a bright red. “Why do you even… Oh, so someone’s finally caught your eye is it? Is it Eiji?”

“NO!” Adagio shouted catching a few looks at her sudden shout. “No, hardly. It’s a friend of his, from Japan. He’s here to help me… destress myself.”

“He’s got to be some friend,” Star Hunter observed. “I mean, to come all the way from Japan to give you what’s basically a massage. I mean, wow! That is dedication to his work! Hell of a favor, really.”

Truth be told, Star Hunter thought Adagio deserved someone to call her own. She often got so caught up in her work, she didn’t know what day it even was without being told. Usually by Star Hunter himself. She’d worked long hours far too often, probably because she had no inclination to go back home. She was just far too much of a workaholic than was necessary. He’d heard of loving your job, but Adagio took it to egregious levels. Star did hope whoever had caught her eye was ready to handle her.

He swallowed. He’d often caught a few glimpses of Adagio’s back when she was zipping up her wetsuit. It… well, it really wasn’t pretty to say the least. It looked like some great ugly mess, and Star Hunter had seen enough of his brother’s work at the hospital to know a burn scar or two when he saw it. He’d had the delicacy to never ask where Adagio had gotten them, but for whatever reason, Star Hunter felt like he should give her a great big hug. To describe her, Star would first start with her eyes.

“She has such beautiful, kind eyes...Yet, for some reason, she really looks… incredibly sad.” Nanoha Takamachi once said of her future friend Fate Testarossa, and Star Hunter swore it applied to his friend as well.

“Oh, who are you kidding?” Star said to himself. “Stop fooling yourself, if Adagio really liked you that way, she’d have taken notice of you long ago.”

Yeah, Star Hunter had resigned himself to just be Adagio’s best friend, and that was the end of it. He’d support her through thick and thin, but she’d never let him be anything more than that.

“...Yeah, a hell of a favor,” Adagio muttered before perking right back up. “Yeah, I’ll be sure to send Eiji some flowers.”

“Oh, Adagio~!” a surprising if not welcomed voice sang merrily.

“Rarity?” Adagio asked to see the fashionista, alongside another woman who had -quite possibly- the most vibrant red hair Adagio had ever seen in her lifetime. It reminded her of a blazing fire, and her eyes were like that of the seas. This absolutely could be none other than the Sunset Shimmer woman she, Fluttershy and Rainbow talked about. “...Look, can you come at a later time, like maybe during my lunch hours? I’ve got a few days worth of work to make up, and I’m pretty sure Arthur is pissed as all hell that I haven’t dropped in to feed him. And have you ever seen an angry leopard seal?”

Then she took notice of Star Hunter, who looked to be trying very hard not to do anything but proclaim his undying love for Sunset. Adagio facepalmed, of course. Of course. She wasn’t a complete and total shut-in, she’d vaguely heard Sunset was some big music star. It just hadn’t… clicked in her mind till now. Oh well, attendance numbers would rise for the Aquarium, so all was good.

“I’m sorry about Star, we haven’t gotten him… completely trained as of yet,” Adagio said kicking her friend in the shin as a none too subtle hint. Star Hunter took the message and straightened himself. “You know how it is, right?”

“Yeah, I do…” Sunset laughed rubbing her hand behind her head in embarrassment.

Okay, Adagio wouldn’t lie. She was… well, she could consider herself sufficiently intimidated. There was no getting around the fact that Sunset was goddamn beautiful. Now, Adagio had never concerned herself all that much with her looks -again, work was more important than attracting a man- but she knew others considered her beautiful.

She’d gotten more than enough compliments to tell. But Sunset…? Hoo boy, she was on a whole ‘nother level. It was like a goddess had descended, possibly literally if any of the stories coming from Canterlot High had any small amount of truth to them. Adagio hated rumors, they always amounted to large amounts of unsubstantiated fact and spelled trouble. She could attest to this thanks to Vignette, that devil woman.

“Oh well, thanks to some big country music star just dropping in, attendance numbers will rise,” Adagio shrugged. “Now, are you going to just stand there, or did you actually want to see me about something? Because if not, I have a…”

“Leopard seal to attend to, yes we heard,” Rarity said. “Listen, can you at least spare us a few moments? We honestly haven’t talked since the whole coin piranha fish thingy incident, and I do want to just catch up. Plus, you really must meet Sunset. She’s a joy to talk to, and I’m sure you two would get along great.”

“Yes, yes, I’m sure we will, but we’ll talk and walk,” Adagio said as she began walking towards Arthur’s tank. Star Hunter followed behind, like some puppy I guess Adagio would compare him to. “You’re awfully pushy, aren’t you? I mean, I can meet your friend some other time right? Goodness knows she just finished her European tour and probably wants to relax right? Not talk to some random ass stranger, and get hounded.”

“Er… yes, right,” Sunset said exchanging a look with Rarity. “That is… admittedly, a tempting idea. I actually had a spa date with Lotus and Aloe planned…”

Okay, so yeah. Adagio was definitely not what Sunset had been expecting. While she clearly didn’t want to talk to them, it wasn’t out of a measure of just being a bitch. She wanted to do her job, and Sunset could respect that. Celestia only knew if she’d been interrupted whilst in the middle of a recording session she’d have been none too pleased.

Sunset did also take notice of what was something of a curiosity to her, a strange sort of medal glimmering around Adagio’s neck. It radiated some sort of power, and it made Sunset’s hair stand on end. Was it Equestrian magic of some sort? Quite possibly. Sunset did know this however, it quite possibly eclipsed the power of a siren amulet.

And yet… Sunset felt a strange disconnect between the woman in front of her, and the one who had tormented her at Canterlot High all those years ago. Even now, watching her toss a fish to a leopard seal, Sunset didn’t feel threatened, at least not in the same way the Equestrian Adagio threatened her. She was on edge, of course, who wouldn’t be seeing the face of a former enemy seemingly working some sort of job in a well-functioning society? But it wasn’t the kind of edge that, at least for the moment, made her want to reach for her geode and pry inside Adagio’s mind.

“Gah!” Sunset thought with a grimace. “Maybe I’m being paranoid! Being around threats so often, with the power of Equestrian magic is clearly starting to get to you Sun. Twilight’s right again, you’re pre-judging this Adagio based on your history with the previous one. Of course, she’s right, you know she’s right. Rarity said Rainbow didn’t trust her, but at times Rainbow’s thick as a brick, and sometimes has a tendency to let her emotions do the thinking for her, not her head. Great, now you’re just rambling to yourself, and standing around like an idiot!”

“...Rarity, listen,” Adagio said. “I’m sorry, I’ll talk with your friend some other time. But I’m, as you can see, very busy today. We’ll meet up this weekend, okay? I’ll put a pin in it, you put a pin in it okay? Hell, I’ve got certain books of yours I’d like to return anyways. They were just a bunch of rot anyways.”

“Why I never!” Rarity huffed. “They were perfectly fine romance novels!”

“You’re implying there ever is such a thing,” Adagio deadpanned. “I was so tempted to feed Arthur one until I realized it’d make him dumber and probably sick as well.”

Sunset suppressed a snort. Clearly, getting a good judgment of Adagio was going to be harder than she previously thought.