• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,660 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

5: Explanations/Fashion Designer/Aquatic Greeed

Author's Note:

Okay, a few things to admit here. One, did a bit of fact-checking, and Cherry Creek? The neighborhood I've been using as my run-down part of town? Turns out that it's actually on the other end of the scale in the real world. So I replaced it with something more appropriate in the earlier chapters.

Also, some of Ankh's behavior here -Huge thanks to Thunderclap for help on writing him and the other Greeed, especially Uva- can be explained away by his possessed body already being 'dead' meaning he can replace any blood with cell medals.

Buckley Air Force Base:

“Okay, I think it’s about time you give up some explanations,” Rainbow asked of Adagio Dazzle after returning back to base. Needless to say, her night out with Soarin’ had been thoroughly ruined. “Seriously, second time -second time!- that I’ve had to deal with these… things, and I still don’t even know what the hell they are.”

“Second time?” Soarin’ asked, raising an eyebrow at Rainbow who chuckled nervously.

“...Yeah, the first time was related to… well, let’s say internal parasites and that geode of mine. Not fun to say the least.” Rainbow muttered quickly and quietly to herself as Adagio just winced. But not quite quietly enough, as Soarin’ had heard her murmurings.

Needless to say, now Soarin’ was rather curious and giving Adagio a look. Said woman raised her hands in a defensive manner.

“Okay, look, I’ll explain this the best I can. Greeed, medal based homunculi from about… 800 years ago, give or take an odd century. Somehow they got unsealed, and are now out and about in our world,” Adagio started, tossing a glance towards the window where outside, Ankh was watching things in a discreet manner. Well, as discreet as you could be from when you were sitting atop a humvee. Adagio was amazed nobody had shot him yet. Not that she would mind really. “They’re searching for things like these,” she continued holding up the Ookamiuo medal. “To try and fully reform their bodies. To what end, I’m still trying to figure that out, but I’m guessing the end result wouldn’t be anything we’d like.”

She deliberately left out the part about what would happen if the Greeed did fully reform, figuring if Rainbow and Soarin’ knew that they had the power to reduce the world to nothing but dust they’d be scared stiff.

“...Well, no duh on that. Medal based homunculi? Yeah… Pretty sure their endgame can’t be anything good,” Soarin’ deadpanned, and to be honest if he hadn’t seen the battle at the nightclub for himself he probably wouldn’t be believing any of this. The fact was, he probably would have Adagio committed. “But seriously, you don’t know a thing about it?”

“Oh, she does,” Ankh remarked, having cracked open a window and had now leaped inside the room catching everyone by surprise. Soarin’ had actually whipped out his gun and was pointing it at him. “She’s just trying not to upset your delicate sensibilities. I have to admire her for that, even if it’s rather foolish.” Ankh commented with a dismissive wave of his hand.

“Isn’t there an ice cream truck you could be stalking?” Adagio hissed, glaring at the flippant Greeed. “Or were you looking to get shot and save me from the headache that is your company?”

“You do realize, again, medal based homunculi and I’m possessing someone who’s already dead. I’d like flyboy over there to go ahead and try and shoot me, see what happens,” Ankh snarked back. “Might be good for a laugh.”

“And what if he hit that bright, red arm of yours?” Adagio questioned, approaching him and jabbing a finger at his chest. “It is a rather obvious target.”

“...How many Kamen Rider monsters have been actually hurt by bullets again?” Ankh asked with a raised eyebrow. “Go on, look me in the eye and answer that.” he sneered flicking Adagio on the forehead.

“...Okay, who’s the birdbrain?” Rainbow questioned with narrowed eyes.

“This is Ankh,” Adagio answered, waving her hand at the avian Greeed. “He’s obnoxious, egotistical, only eats ice cream and is a Greeed that’s barely holding his sorry ass together.”

“I’d prefer to do my own introductions, siren-girl,” Ankh remarked in a mocking tone having looked up Adagio’s name on the internet. After getting over his initial shock of what Adagio’s counterpart had pulled -nobody but him was allowed to rule the world damn it!- he’d smirked at the potential material he had with this revelation. “Okay, Ankh. King of Birds, the avian Greeed, Lord of all I see, the King of Flames, your worst nightmare, etc. You starting to get the picture?”

“...Yeah, I see that you’re either delusional or very obviously overblown in your ego. Maybe both,” Soarin’ remarked. Ankh looked offended while Adagio had to stifle a snigger. “Give me a good reason not to throw you off base…”

“Please do, I’d love to see MPs drag his sorry ass away and knock his ego down a peg,” Adagio said, letting the sniggers out. “Of course, he’d confiscate my couch to pout on it again.”

“Me, pout? Never! I brood!” Ankh proclaimed, and then slapped himself in the head upon realizing what he’d said. “And besides, you neeeeeeddd me don’t you? You desire me, you might say. You need me to explain everything, like what you’re not telling to these two about the Greeed.”

Now both Rainbow and Soarin’ were looking at Adagio with narrowed eyes, and Adagio could only laugh nervously.

“...Look, I just don’t want you to freak out okay? Promise you won’t freak out alright?” Adagio asked.

“Useless gesture siren-girl. I mean, what was your reaction to learning what the Greeed would do if they regain their full strength? ...Oh right, now I remember. Hiding behind the couch for a good solid minute.” Ankh chuckled and pretended to wipe away a tear at the memory.

“I… I didn’t-” Adagio sputtered out in indignation with her face flushed from either rage or embarrassment. It was hard to tell which truth be told. Ankh meanwhile was all too happy to explain what the Greeed would do upon full revival. And in possibly the most irritatingly cheerful tone imaginable.

“If the Greeed regain their full bodies, all of humanity would be crushed beneath their heels like ants. Not even the strongest of your weapons would stop them,” Ankh explained. “Now, imagine a desert. Say, like Iraq or the Sahara. Think on it hard, miles and miles of nothingness. You got that picture in your mind?” he asked, and both Rainbow and Soarin’ nodded. Ankh smiled, but not a kind smile. No, it was the kind of smile a cat might have given upon sizing up its next meal. “That would be tame in comparison to what your civilizations would look like. And in the middle of it all, there would be the Greeed, just laying on beach blankets enjoying… well, absolute nothingness. The end of all things. That’s what they desire, don’t ask me why, but they desire nothing and nothing else but their core medals and then the ability to devour the world once they have them. Good hearty meal for them. Munch, munch!” Ankh exclaimed clapping his hands together cheerfully. He then whipped around to face both Soarin’ and Rainbow. “If you’re not scared out of your minds yet, now would be a good time to start,” he commented, pointing at them.

Soarin’ did the first thing that came natural to him in such a situation. That is, he shot Ankh in the head. Letting out a yelp of pain, Ankh staggered back even as a few cell medals dropped to the ground.

“...Seriously?” he muttered as he collected them again to allow his makeshift body to reform itself. “That’s just rude. And pointless.”

“You outed yourself as a Greeed, and then told me your kind was planning to turn the planet into a wasteland, what’d you expect me to do?” Soarin’ exclaimed.

“I also said that shooting me would do nothing. What are you, selectively deaf or just dumb?” Ankh asked in return with Adagio having to grab Ankh by the ear before he did something to Soarin’. At about this point, she was so wishing she had that slipper Fluttershy did, might have been good to use on the so-called King of Birds. Might have been funny at the very least.

“Okay, okay. Yes, I’m terrified. But considering Adagio here actually can do something about it, I’m not as terrified as I normally would be,” Soarin’ commented. “Congrats Ankh, you’ve made me reach the freaking out stage, but I’m military. I’ve been trained to take deep breaths and such, so I’m completely and utterly calm. Well, as calm as I could be in this sort of situation. So answer me this, how do we stop your little bunch failing Adagio?”

“...Wow, talk about a real confidence booster.” Adagio drawled.

“Nuclear weapons might help before they find all their medals, but I know you humans are really squeamish about using those,” Ankh answered, holding his ear. “Mind you, I don’t see what’s so bad about glowing in the dark but that’s just me.”

“Any outright serious suggestions that don’t involve nuking ourselves and going all Fallout?” Rainbow asked. “Like say, how do each of the Greeeds work? Like how do they create their Yummies? I’d rather not become a parent for the third time around thank you very much.”

“All Yummies are made the same way,” Ankh answered, waving his hand. “It’s just a matter of how they affect the host. Okay, so you’ve already experienced Kazari and Uva’s ways. Kazari? Parasitic, the yummy grows inside your body and then takes you over. Think of it like pregnancy if you will.”

“...I’d rather not,” Rainbow muttered.

“Uva, now he’s a different matter. Simplest to explain. Think of his yummies like bugs. Uva's Yummies come out of the host or the egg if you will as White Yummy or the larvae. Next, they shed off their old bodies or molt after consuming enough desire. Now, Mezool. They feed off their host’s desires like any other yummy, but they’re hatched in egg clutches.”

“Like roe?” Adagio piped up, the marine biologist that she was.

“Suppose you could put it that way, yes…” Ankh remarked rubbing his chin in thought. “Now Gamel. He just plops a cell medal into his head, and out comes a yummy fully grown like a bouncy baby. Fitting really, given he symbolizes heavy animals like elephants. Okay, lesson over. Not sure what you can do with this information, but…”

“Hey, at least I won’t become a parent again!” Rainbow chimed in. She, along with Soarin’ had noticed Ankh did ‘conveniently’ leave out how his yummies were created. “Now I know how to avoid infection, and as they say… Knowing’s half the battle.”

Adagio muttered: “Really, that old line?” to herself.

“Considering what we’ve seen so far from you, doubtful. The other half of the battle is to not be so full of desire, draws us Greeed like sharks to blood,” Ankh returned, clutching his claws tightly.

“Yeah, slight problem. Humans can’t actually function without desiring something.” Adagio pointed out.

“She’s right,” Soarin’ agreed. “If someone was completely selfless, they’d be A, a badly written character, or B, well… I’d say they’d be broken in some format. Nobody’s void of any desire as far as I know. ...Well, nobody normal anyways.”

Ankh tsked, looking between Rainbow and Soarin’. “It’s not just any desires that make for good Yummy hosts, it’s out of control desires. Desire that is being denied. Things like that. I can think of a few examples, actually. Want me to list them?”

“NO!” Adagio cried, knowing anything Ankh would list would probably just be outright disturbing or downright embarrassing.

“Fine fine, wasn’t going to say anything out of color. I was just going to make an example, like commenting on how repressed lusts for someone’s body can count as-” Ankh remarked before a very red-faced Rainbow clamped a hand over his mouth.

“Yeah, yeah… I don’t think we need to hear any of that, thank you.” Rainbow commented.

Adagio facepalmed before muttering: “Why are you trying to make my life hell Lord? Or for that matter, why’d you stick me with this idiot?” she asked looking skywards. She was severely reconsidering her position on getting through to Ankh and saving him at this moment.

“So basically, you’re saying we’re screwed really.” Soarin’ remarked.

“Well, not completely. You’re close to screwed, but that’s what OOO is for. And knowing you humans, you’ll figure a way out of this mess. You always seem to do so year after year after all… Mind you, if you do, I’d be severely impressed.” Ankh remarked.

With that, he leaped out the window once more even as the Batta candroid observed these proceedings and relayed them back to Eiji.

“...Yeah, I think we’re already about half-way there…” he mused as he watched the Kougami Foundation scientists work on a system they only called one thing: Birth.

“The question is, who’d be best suited for the system?” Eiji asked himself, holding the prototype belt in his hand. He looked at Soarin, and muttered: “I wonder…”

Capitol Hill

Mezool wanted to physically throw up as soon as she stepped into her new abode. Did humans not get the idea of cleanliness? The whole place looked like it was falling apart. Take the couch, for instance, it looked like it was probably going to snap in half as soon as somebody sat on it. The only thing holding it together appeared to be bed bugs and lice.

“So Uva,” Mezool remarked changing into her Greeed form and turning to the Insect King. “I thought you said your latest yummy would produce results? I don’t see any cell medals, do you?” she asked dangerously as her hands crackled with lightning as she drew on the powers of the eel medal.

Uva growled, slamming his fist in a doorway. “It would have! But OOO and the host of all people got to them first!”

He growled, knowing even now Ankh was probably looking smug and savoring the taste of the medals he’d grabbed. Mezool had to stifle back a laugh.

“Wait, so you’re saying the parent of your latest yummy actually stopped her child?” she remarked raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know if I should laugh at the sheer irony or at you for creating such a pathetic creature!”

“My Yummy was not faulty in any way,” Uva snapped, flashing his blades at her. “The desire in that woman was rich and wild. OOO’s interference did something.”

“I’d say it was faulty actually, if it got defeated,” Kazari remarked as he lounged himself on the couch placing his feet up on the armrests. Surprisingly enough, it didn’t break. “And OOO this, OOO that. Excuses, excuses I say. The woman was the reason your Yummy got defeated. Plain and simple. Not OOOs, but the yummy’s own parent!”

“Big talk from someone who doesn’t earn their keep,” Uva retorted, scoffing at the lounging cat. “Seem to remember you tried your luck with this woman, and it didn’t pan out either.”

“Well, at least when it got defeated it was by OOOs, not by its parent!” Kazari snapped.

“...You two are pathetic,” Mezool grumbled. “Let’s recap shall we? Ankh stole core medals from all of us, alongside the seal and gave them to a woman who’s now the new OOO. And they’re gathering more cell medals than we are. Have I missed out on anything?” she asked mock-sweetly. “I think it’s time for a woman’s touch to be added to this situation don’t you?”

“Yes, Mezool is the one who will get us our medals back!” Gamel cried, clapping his hands in jubilation.

“You boys had your turn, now it’s mine,” Mezool remarked.

“My confidence in you is low,” Uva deadpanned. “Considering Ankh stole the most core medals from you. Or did I miss OOO using that SaRaMiUo combo of hers somewhere along the line?” he asked in a sarcastic manner.

“What are you implying?” Mezool asked dangerously.

“I’m not implying anything, I’m outright saying that you’re the weakest of us right now,” Uva remarked.

“Something I intend to fix, I already have my eyes on a potential parent for my children,” Mezool replied with a small sniff. “In fact, I plan to go into battle myself and reclaim what’s mine.”

“Well, if you want something done right, do it yourself…” Kazari murmured to nobody in particular filing away at his nails.

“Like I said, you’re weak. How do you intend on getting your own medals back, when you’re liable to lose what remaining ones that are holding you together?” Uva asked.

“Because unlike you, I actually have a plan. Something you seem unable to comprehend, actually.” Mezool replied wryly. “With you, it’s always attack, attack, attack! Haven’t you heard of the term ‘Thinking ahead’?”

“Actually, I have,” Uva remarked with Kazari watching this exchange with a bucket of popcorn. “And I’m already thinking ahead of you getting your ass beat by OOOs.”

“Is that concern I note in your tone, Uva?” Mezool asked. “I didn’t know you were capable of such a thing…”

“I’d just rather not let that traitor get his hand on even more cell medals,” Uva dismissed, turning away from her.

“Yes, Ankh regaining his full body his is a concern, isn’t it?” Mezool sighed. “But what I’m more curious about is why is he just an arm? Where’s the rest of him?” she asked.

“...That… That is a very good question.” Kazari agreed. “It’s entirely possible he lost enough cell medals over the years to be just that, an arm, and I’d like to believe that but it’s also equally possible the rest of his body exists out there somewhere.” he theorized.

His mind turned to that base in Country A, where those last century idiots calling themselves ‘Shelver’ or something like that had been housing themselves. “Was it possible that…?” he thought to himself, his mind’s eye conjuring up the image of the coffin they’d been sealed away in. It was no stretch of the imagination to presume that maybe, just maybe they’d left the rest of Ankh’s body behind. Then his thoughts turned to a certain other Bird-themed Greeed. It was equally possible that the Striker Greeed had absorbed his fellow bird king into his own body, and now housed even more Cores.

“Anyways, while you idiots babble about, and theorize I have some children who need tending to,” Mezool said before walking off and returning to her human guise. “A mother’s love is always the best don’t you think?” she asked with a small giggle.

Washington Park

On the other side of town lay this high-end boutique, sorta resembling a carousel in some aspects, with all the trimmings and trappings of a place you’d call girly or frou-frou. A few of the neighbors had complained about its appearance from time to time, but however, what they weren’t complaining about was the quality of what came out of the boutique.

Rarity Belle was a self-made woman. Sure, she came from one of the richer families in the area and was a bit of a trend-setter but that didn’t mean she let all of her money do the talking. Oh no, in fact, she’d actually decided to build her life from the ground up, not using any of her parents' money except when needed. She wanted to make her own name for herself, not just be known as Rarity Belle, the daughter of the politician Cookie ‘Crumbles’ Belle.

And actually, for her at least it had turned out rather well. Her parents had understood her desire to be more than just ‘their’ daughter, and for Rarity to be her own mare. They hadn’t really interfered in her life, to the point where it had taken quite a few of her friends by surprise Rarity was related to anyone substantially well-known at all.

Granted, Sunset had figured that out a long while back, but that was because she’d hacked the school computers just to dig up any potential blackmail material on her back during her Alpha Bitch days. Rarity was honestly surprised when Sunset hadn’t actually outed Rarity to anyone. But then again, with the benefit of hindsight and the knowledge of Sunset’s past -that is, Sunset herself wanting to distance herself from her relations- she probably shouldn’t have been surprised.

Even now, as she stitched and sewed away at her latest design, Rarity with a wistful smile flashed back to a couple years long gone by.

“So, why didn’t you do it?” Rarity asked, even as she and her friend strode through the halls of Canterlot High, textbooks pressed to their chests even as they walked to their next class. “I have to ask… why? If you knew who I was…”

“We’re sorta next of kin, if you will,” Sunset sighed. “Look, no secret I was all kinds of an…”

“Trouble?” Rarity suggested in a delicate tone.

“Well, I was going to say Alpha Bitch, but I suppose that works as well,” Sunset sighed, even as Wallflower gave her a shy little wave and Sunset sent a smile in the blushing girl’s direction. “I’ve changed since then but even back then I guess I had some sort of standards. You knew who I grew up with right?”

“The pony counterpart of Principal Celestia, right?” Rarity replied, even now still having trouble reconciling that one of her best friends was practically royalty in another universe.

“Yeah, although she was more like mom to me if I’m honest,” Sunset explained. “My parents were always sorta distant, so Celestia was sorta the closest thing I had to a mom after I got accepted into her school for Gifted Unicorns and then her personal student. ...And look how I repaid her…” Sunset murmured sadly to herself.

“Hey, you reconciled, and from what Twilight -the pony one- told me you Celestia held no ill will towards you, she recognized you changed.”

“Yeah, but still…” Sunset whispered.

“Hey, the past is the past right? You’re a new you, that’s what matters,” Rarity said with a small smile. “But, as you were saying…”

“Yes, anyways when I saw who you were related to, I guess the old me felt a rare moment of compassion and empathy and decided not to mention anything. I had -even back then- a respect for ma-Er, sorry, women who were trying to be their own person and not just their parents kids if you catch my drift.”

“Yeah, I do,” Rarity nodded. “Guess I really shouldn’t be surprised, given your past, but all the same…”

“You are? Yeah, I suppose that’s fair enough. As I said, I wasn’t the nicest of people back then.”

Rarity gave her a quick hug and smiled at her friend. “Darling, you need to stop beating yourself over the past. You’re a new woman now, almost to college and record labels are scouting you out. Keep the past as a reminder, it made you into who you are today -a strong and confident woman- but don’t let it define you.”

“Thanks Rarity,” Sunset smiled back. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Rarity smiled as she stitched a miniature sun into her mostly otherwise bright orange dress. Lately, she’d been having a lack of ideas truth be told, and the only thing that seemed to inspire her were her friends. But even then, she needed to create a full line up by the end of this week and art could not be rushed. Even if Hoity Toity and any one of her customers seemed to think otherwise.

Swearing softly to herself -after all, Rarity was a lady, and ladies couldn’t be heard cursing- Rarity ripped up another one of her notebook pages, which depicted a design that was just basic pink and hardly inspired at all! If she was going to do something based on Pinkie, she needed more than just that! She sighed, turning to her Sunset Shimmer inspired dress. It was really just… orange. That’s all there was to it, really.

“Bust my buttons, Rarity!” Rarity’s boss sighed as she saw her friend toss away another one of her designs, the cyan-skinned woman running a hand through her long amber hair. “You’re still on this?”

“Yes, sadly, and I think I’ll have to work overtime…” Rarity muttered to herself. “Why… Why can’t I get an idea, a good idea?”

“Creator’s block Rarity, it happens to the best of us,” Sassy sighed to herself empathically. “Look, why don’t you take a break for a few days? Just enjoy yourself, put fashion out of your mind for a bit?”

“But that’s just it!” Rarity cried, throwing her hands up in the air. “I can’t just not put fashion out of my mind, it’s my life. Never mind the fact that Hoity wants these things done by the end of the week!”

Sassy then put her foot down. “Bobbins and bodkins… Okay, that’s it! You’re overworked, and you’re tired. As your boss... No, your friend I’m ordering you to take some time away from the workplace. I’ll handle things for the next few days, don’t you worry. I’ll try and buy you some time. You, however, just do anything other than something fashion-related. Spend some time with your friends, take a vacation. Just put all of this,” she said gesturing to the boutique around her. “Out of your mind, understand?”

“But… But my customers, they’re used to seeing my face! It provides them with a sense of warmth, comfort!” Rarity cried.

“And an overworked fashion designer is not what they would want to see,” Sassy replied. “Look, I get you Rarity, I’ve been there before, but you trying to push yourself like this? You’ll only end up burning yourself out. You need some time away from this. Fashion’s your life, yes, but I just don’t want to see you…” she trailed off sadly.

“I know, I know…” Rarity sighed. “And you’re absolutely right Sassy. Time away, that’s what I need. It’s like any form of art, -and make no mistake, what we create here is art!- I do need breaks to recollect myself, get some actual inspiration.”

Sassy smiled. “That’s my girl. Just go have fun okay?” Sassy said, practically shoving her out the door. “I’ll hold down the fort. Rest assured, nothing’s going to happen.”

Rarity gave the woman a smile before walking off. Her smile soon faded as she got out of view. As much as she liked her boss, sometimes she just didn’t understand her. Idle hands, that’s what Rarity had an issue with. She always needed to be doing something. But on the other hand, Sassy was right. She had been working later than normal, and her designs continued to turn out repeatedly uninspired. That was not what everyone expected of her. No, they expected originality, grand designs and the latest chic. Sadly, what her customers wanted was not what her brain could come up with at the moment. Her desires and the reality just couldn’t match up.

“Oh well, I suppose there’s nothing better to do right now than just gorge myself on ice cream and watch some old romance movie…” Rarity sighed before letting out a girlish giggle unbefitting of someone her age. “Or get lost in the folds of some book. I’ve still got a few in my ‘secret’ stash…” she smiled to herself, thinking of those handsome well-muscled men on the covers.

So lost in her thoughts was she, Rarity failed to notice this teenage girl walking up behind her and tossing a medal into the back of her head into a slot that had suddenly appeared.

“The desire to create,” Mezool smiled as Rarity ran off suddenly shouting about ideas to nobody in particular. “Now there’s a perfect progenitor for my babies. Don’t worry darlings, momma’s gonna be with you every step of the way!”

Suddenly, a blast of hot wind hit Mezool knocking her back and she looked upwards transforming into her Greeed form even as she did so.

“Taka, Kujira, Ookamiuo!” a certain driver sang and Mezool looked to see OOO and Ankh, with the latter having his arm outstretched and smoking like he’d fired off the blast. But given he probably had Kazari’s Tora medal in his possession, this really didn’t surprise Mezool in the slightest.

“...Wait, so that’s Mezool?” Adagio asked and Mezool could have sworn the woman was trying not to break down in laughter. “...Is… Is that an orca for a head? Ankh, do all of your comrades look this silly? I mean, I thought Kazari with his studded leather and dreadlocks was something, but this… this takes the cake!” Adagio laughed barely able to contain herself. Mezool? Suffice to say she wasn’t… pleased.

The Aquatic Greeed, quite enraged by this mockery fired off a blast of lightning at OOO which she intercepted with a small whirlpool thrown from her staff. The two blasts met, causing an explosion in midair.

“Stay out of the way, my children must be allowed to come into this world!” Mezool shouted, changing her entire body into liquid and wrapping herself around OOO like a snake. Ankh fired off another blast of wind freeing his ‘partner’ and knocking Mezool to the pavement.

“Rule of thumb, don’t give away your hand so easily,” Ankh stated with an annoying little wag of his finger. “Really Mezool, you always were the predictable one. Love, love, love. That’s all it is with you!”

As Adagio picked herself up off the ground gripping her staff tightly, she began switching out the Kujira medal for the Tora one. Of course, while this happened a blast of lightning zapped both her and Ankh sending a few medals flying up into the air.

“You dare!?!” Mezool snarled as Uva walked up, cackling.

“Hey, it helped get some of your medals back, didn’t it?” Uva remarked still laughing. “Besides, I have a score to settle with OOOs. Don’t deny me this chance!”

“I stand corrected,” Ankh stated. “You were always the predictable one…”

“Great, two Greeeds. Didn’t know when I was quite so well off,” Adagio sighed as Mezool took the Kujira and Same medals for her own, armor regenerating around her body.

“Adagio, run! Now!” Ankh shouted knowing when to cut his losses. They’d get those medals back, another day. Adagio, grimacing fired off another whirlpool from her staff knocking Uva to his feet and sending the Kuwagata medal flying in her direction nodded.

“Fine, but at least let me take something as compensation!” Adagio said before the two made a break for it running for her car as Uva raged with Mezool smirking and walking off. She had what she needed anyhow.