• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,660 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

8: Rebirth

“Alright, Adagio…” Ankh muttered as the berserking Rider turned her attention to him. Swallowing nervously, he put his and Eiji’s plan into action. “If you care any about what happens to your sister, you’re going to listen to me….”

Letting out a guttural hiss, and lashing the unagi whips spinning them in her hands Adagio advanced on Ankh who took a few careful steps backwards.

Yelping as Adagio nearly got him ensnared in the whips, Ankh rolled to the left and held up the combined form of the candroids, projecting an image of Aria atop a nearby building like an old-school movie reel.

“Adagio!” Aria shouted.

Adagio halted briefly, her attention turning to that voice and her head whipping around to face it.

“Alright…” Ankh thought. “Just… Just got to keep her preoccupied long enough to get to her belt, and cancel out that transformation.”

He muttered something under his breath, easier said than done. And then he cast a glance to the weevil yummy climbing up the side of the Kougami Foundation building. And then there was that particular problem. Ankh figured that Hino brat would have to handle his own issues. He had more pressing concerns than just one Yummy. A rogue OOOs was slightly more concerning that a glut of cell medals getting away. Slightly.

He just thanked whatever deity was listening Eiji had thought ahead and had two of his employees cordon off the whole area so no reporters would even get near this location. He didn’t like Adagio even at the best of times, but having her angsting about her reputation in tatters would have been a bit too much to take even for him really.

“Adagio,” Aria said calmly. “If that’s really still you in there, you’re going to want to have to listen to what I have to say, okay?”

Even as she spoke, Ankh thought back.

“No, I’m not going to be party to… this!” Eiji had shouted upon learning what exactly Ankh’s plan to corral a rampaging OOOs would entail.

“Well, it’s not like we’re really going to kill anyone,” Ankh stated slamming his hand down on Eiji’s desk. “We just have to convince Adagio that we are, that’s all!”

“Even so,” Eiji refuted. “I don’t like the idea of using human beings as chess pieces. That’s what my father would have done, but not me. Never me!”

“Get realistic Hino,” Ankh replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Whatever moral problems you may have with my plan, keep them to yourself. I don’t really give a damn actually. And besides, it’s not like we really don’t have a lot of choice in the matter. Sooner or later, Adagio will get desperate enough -or foolish enough- to use a full medal combo and then what? Do we really want to just chance our bets that she won’t go berserk on anyone or more importantly me? I’d really rather not, thank you.”

“...I never told you about my father, did I?” Eiji asked.

“Not really, and even if you did I doubt I would really have cared really…” Ankh muttered with a roll of his eyes. Eiji ignored him.

“My father...Politician. I really didn’t care much for what he did, politics was never something I was ever interested in anyhow. His position however… it did afford me to live out one of my dreams, traveling the world-”

“Yes yes, sounds like a lot of great fun,” Ankh said with another dismissive wave. “Will you just get to the point already? And if it’s a sob story about how woe is you, skip it. Don’t care!”

“...You’re a real prick, you know that right?” Eiji replied flatly. “In any case, during one of my travels I got caught up in a war in Iran, and I did try to use my family fortune to help those in need including this little gir-”

“And here’s where the sob story part comes in am I right?” Ankh asked again not caring in the slightest. “She got killed, am I right? You got rescued, and for whatever human reason relating to greed, your own father used your tragic circumstances to fund his own campaign. Am I right?”

“How… How did you…?” Eiji asked, hearing the screams of that girl and the sound of explosions faintly in the background.

“It’s not hard to guess really,” Ankh commented. “Humans are all so predictable. It’s been 800 years for me, and they still have yet to change. It’d take a lot to convince me otherwise…”

Eiji actually growled, and grabbed Ankh by the shirt. “Chess. It's a useful mental exercise. Through the years, many thinkers have been fascinated by it. But I don't enjoy playing... Because it was a game that was born during a brutal age when life counted for little. Everyone believed that some people were worth more than others. Kings. Pawns. I don't think that anyone is worth more than anyone else... Chess is just a game. Real people are not pieces. You can't assign more value to some of them and not others. Not to me. Not to anyone. People are not a thing that you can sacrifice. The lesson is, if anyone who looks on to the world as if it is a game of chess, deserves to lose. Do you see my point Bird?” Eiji demanded, his tone slowly rising in anger by the moment.

“Yes, yes, I do, not caring. You think of me as using people like pawns, and yes I admit that is true,” Ankh stated prying himself away from Eiji’s grip and shoving him into his chair. “But believe it or not, I do care for Adagio as more than just another person to further my own desires, and I don’t actually care one jot about your backstory. Boo hoo, everyone’s got dead people. Everyone. So suck it up, and listen to what I have to say. Like I said before I don’t really plan to kill anyone. Just make it look like I do, long enough to distract Adagio if -no, when- this happens. It’ll only work once, but I do hope it’ll teach Adagio a much needed lesson about being so foolhardy. So shut up, sit down, and listen…”

In the present, Adagio’s eyes widened in horror as she saw what was coming up from behind her sister. A masked figure, a shotgun aimed squarely at Aria’s head.

“Ankh, he set up a deal to kill me if things ever went south with you,” Aria whispered tearfully. “Or attempt to kill me if you ever in his words ‘got fool-hardy enough to use a full medal combo’ and so please, I’m not afraid to die but I am afraid of what will happen to you if you continue on down this path. Please Adagio, give up those medals now!”

Of course, the figure was Erika and she had no intent on killing Aria -she was going to demand overtime pay for this though- but she knew what Ankh was trying to pull and even if she hated him for it she admitted it was a sound plan. And it worked as well, as Aria’s fright reached Adagio long enough to snap her out of her current state and let out a roar of rage as she charged at Ankh. Ankh drew back his fist and punched Adagio squarely in the gut and made her stagger back long enough for him to twist her belt and force her right out of the transformation. Adagio staggered forwards, clutching her chest in pain before collapsing into Ankh’s arms.

“Well, that went easier than I thought it would…” Ankh muttered clutching the medals in his free hand.

Meanwhile, in his office as Eiji readied the Birth’s Breast Cannon system to finish off the weevil yummy, Kazari’s part of the plan came into action as a lion-themed yummy came up from behind and blindsided him with a claw strike knocking him out the window.

“Crane Arm.” the Birth Driver stated as Eiji thought fast and activated the system grappling up onto a tall construction tower crane and swinging around back towards a rooftop. Landing with a roll onto a helicopter landing pad, Eiji ran some figures through his head and calculated the exact distance between him and the weevil yummy.

What he didn’t expect was the Lion Yummy jumping out of his office and onto the top of the crane and then back towards Eiji following after him.

“Subarashī…” Eiji muttered under his breath and began rapidly swinging the crane arm attachment around and slamming it into the yummy knocking away cell medals from it. He grabbed a few and loaded them into the Birth Buster and fired off a few shots damaging the yummy before swinging the crane arm around once more hitting the Lion Yummy in the side of the head.

It was floored, but it quickly recovered and charged towards Eiji with a load roar even as the man fired more Birth Buster shots into the beast. Suddenly, he heard a distinct clunking sound as he suddenly realized he was out of cell ammunition and Eiji had no time to react before the Lion Yummy tackled him through a wall and into a stairwell. Eiji kicked the kaijin away from him and maneuvered around it swinging the crane arm around some more finally managing to score a hit with it hard enough to knock away the host from the creature. The host, some unknown man fell to the floor before Eiji ran forwards and leaped into a flying side kick dispatching the yummy with a powerful Rider Kick.

“Now… Now,” Eiji panted out as he turned his attention back towards the Weevil Yummy who had grown larger with each passing moment. “There’s… There’s only you.”

Already exhausted from the impromptu fight with the Lion Yummy, Eiji sighed to himself and once more began running figures through his head. Planting another cell medal into his driver and giving the little dial on it a twist, a chest-mounted cannon that had to be held by two grips came into being.

“Breast Cannon.” the driver stated in that monotone voice even as Eiji placed a few more cell medals into the driver to charge up the weapon.

Finally, it declared “Cell Burst!” before firing off one huge continuous stream of red energy slicing through the Weevil Yummy and making it explode in one huge rain of cells. Some collected by Taka Candroids, others by of course Ankh.

“You… You sure took your sweet time Hino…” Ankh grumbled. “What the Hell was taking you? What, did some business associate decide to suddenly call you up on their phone?” he groused tossing the candroid-comprised projection device aside.

Friggin' odoroku hodo anata no ningen ga dore dake osoku naru koto ga dekimasu…” Ankh grumbled to himself as he helped Adagio into the passenger’s seat of her car. “Guess I’ll be doing the driving then today…” he continued to mutter as he got in. Amusingly, he knew nothing about such a thing as gears grinded in protest and finally, giving up Ankh banged his head on the steering wheel as the car horn let out a loud continuous blare.

“Subarashī…” Ankh muttered to himself. “Today’s been such a wonderful comedy of errors, hasn’t it?” he grumbled sarcastically and wondered what god he managed to offend for his life to go in this particular direction. Oh well, he mused. At least he had managed to get some cell medals for his troubles and hopefully had taught Adagio a lesson or two about being so unbelievably moronic.

Of course, now there was another issue. Because Adagio had overtaxed herself so badly with these constant combos this one included she was going to be out of it for the next few days. And that meant, of course, when another yummy decided to show its face -and one would- that meant it was only down to Hino of all people to deal with the matter. Such an absolutely lovely prospect, Ankh grumbled.

“Can’t believe I’m even saying this, but we need another Kamen Rider.”

A few days passed, without much incident. Because of the fact that the whole battle zone had been cordoned off to strangers, nobody got wind of Adagio going berserk and that created one less headache for her. Ankh had been kind enough to call Adagio in sick, saying she’d come down with a newly discovered disease called the ‘Feather Flu’ and therefore would not be able to work at the Aquarium for the next few days.

He hated himself for being nice, but he hated random idiots coming up to his doorstep questioning where Adagio was even more.

Really gave him quite the headache.

He did have to wonder what the whole purpose of the last attack was, as he suspected there was more to it than just Uva grabbing a bunch of Cell Medals for himself. But if Eiji knew anything -and Ankh didn’t doubt for a moment that he did- he wasn’t telling.

Figured, really. He suspected the man was still sore at him for the little stunt he pulled with Aria. He didn’t know why really, considering he saved Adagio’s life and just about everyone else’s really, but that man was too nice for his own good. Kindness got nobody anywhere really.

At least nowhere significant.

And yet here he was faced with one very angry Aria Dazzle.

“...You bastard, you fucking bastard…” the woman snarled looking this close to strangling Ankh on the spot. She was like an angry serpent, poised to strike. “First you possess me, then you nearly make me fear for my life all just to deal with my sister! WHAT THE HELL is wrong with you!?!” she bellowed, lunging for Ankh who had to duck behind the couch to avoid being grabbed.

In the back of the room, Rainbow sat leaning up against a wall. She too had heard Adagio had called in sick, and suspecting something was off headed off to her apartment. She supposed she shouldn’t have been entirely surprised Ankh and Adagio’s little side career had something to do with all of this. Weird things in this city -nowadays at least- could generally be led back to Ankh and his race anyways.

She was half-torn in letting Aria strangle Ankh or stepping in. She didn’t know which was the better option given she really wasn’t a fan of people using others like pawns for their own ends.

Then again, letting Aria get arrested for murder probably wasn’t a good idea.

Grabbing the woman by the ear, she pulled her away.

“Is something the matter with you, shortstack?” Aria asked. “Because seriously. That… That bastard,” she snapped pointing directly at Ankh who actually looked downright flattered by the statement. “Nearly got my sister killed, and tried to kill me as well!”

“Firstly, I didn’t want to try and kill you. It was never on the agenda, believe it or not,” Ankh stated not even remotely afraid of the angry woman in front of him. “You would have been completely fine. If everything went too sour, Erika would have pulled off her mask and explained everything. I just needed to distract Adagio long enough to cancel out her transformation considering Hino was of no help!”

“...Yeah, there’s probably a reason for that,” Rainbow huffed. “You using people and their emotions like chess pieces? Not cool dude.”

“And I honestly don’t care what’s not cool and what is,” Ankh sniped back. “I only care about one thing, namely-”

“Your little pet in Adagio?” Aria joined in. “Fuckin’ figures really, considering she’s one of the only ways you can restore your body or whatever you intend to do. Don’t forget, I still have the memories of what you said and did when you possessed me!” she remarked pointing towards her head.

“Oh, go cry about it to someone who cares Dazzle,” Ankh said with a dismissive wave. “I do what I want, regardless of your human ‘morals’. Tie people down anyways, and besides, city’s safe right now isn’t it? Adagio’s alive, and the city’s intact right?” he asked.

“Yeah, that may be,” Rainbow remarked, punching a glass mirror in frustration. “But she’s laid up in bed for god knows how long and if another Yummy attacks I don’t see anyone else coming to help stop it!” she shouted gesturing to the bedroom where Adagio laid on her bed taking a very long nap.

“...Well, there’s Eiji right?” Aria asked. “He’s a Rider, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, a useless one,” Ankh stated with a small scoff. “Hino takes too long to defeat the Yummies with that Birth system of his. Any longer on his last stint, and Adagio would have rampage and his building would have been munch-munch! It’s still undergoing repairs as it is!”

“You know, is gratefulness not in your vocabulary?” Rainbow muttered. “He saved your life, and quite a few others besides!”

“...I don’t care honestly, being saved by a human is humiliating. And as for everyone else, bah. Not my concern. All I care about are these,” Ankh replied holding up a cell and a core medal. “Haven’t you gotten that through your thick skulls yet?” he asked nibbling on an ice pop

Aria left in a huff, having had enough of this and slammed the door shut with a loud thud. Rainbow just gave Ankh a disgusted look and was about to follow her before she noticed something. A strange little bronze colored deck laying on the floor, right below the shattered mirror. Ankh seemed to take no notice of this, having invested himself in his ice pop. Typical really.

Rainbow, her curiosity getting the better of her picked it up and walked out of the apartment towards home. Little did she realize it, but what she’d just picked up was the beginning of a possible rebirth for one very old conflict if she wasn’t careful…

Eventually, she found herself back at her housing at Buckley Air Force Base just looking through the cards as the hours passed. They looked like something out of some sort of strange children’s game really. They had labels like “Sword Vent”, “Guard Vent” and the like. Each had what looked to be attack points on them, ranging from 4000 all the way up to 8000. Even one card depicted this odd golden bird, which gave Rainbow flashbacks towards back when she was playing Yu-Gi-Oh with Pinkie as a kid and Pinkie summoned that Immortal Phoenix thing.

“...Never knew Adagio was into card games like this,” Rainbow murmured. “Oh, guess everybody needs a venting mechanism for a stressful life, really. Especially when that stressful life includes a certain dick named Ankh…”

Rainbow suddenly groaned to herself, upon remembering Soarin’ was supposed to be coming over later that night, just so he could show her this recipe he’d been trying to make for the last week.

Rainbow totally didn’t have any interest in him, but she smelled like something the cat dragged in so she figured it was probably best to wash up. Walking towards the bathroom, she was about to jump into the shower when the hairs on the back of her neck suddenly stood on end. Reaching for her gun, she pulled out the Beretta M9 swearing something had just rushed past her.

Panting and sweating when nothing was there, she reholstered the piece and after a quick shower, she did a quick washing of her hands as well. Might have been called a bit of a neat freak or germaphobe but she wanted to smell and look her best for when her friend came over.

A cold wind then brushed past her again, and once more Rainbow grabbed her pistol from the nearby countertop. Whirling around, her eyes widened when she only saw her little sister.

“K-Kid, what are you doing up?” Rainbow stammered out, quickly putting her pistol down. “It’s late, like really late. It’s almost 2300 hours. You should be in bed for school tomorrow…”

“...I was thirsty,” Scootaloo admitted. “Y-you know how I sometimes get, r-right?”

Her nervous quiver betrayed her, and Rainbow had to admit her probably pointing her service weapon at her probably didn’t help matters much.

“Okay, out with it squirt,” Rainbow requested getting down to Scootaloo’s level, the girl clutching her blanket to her chest in a rather adorable fashion. “What’s the matter?”

“I… Oh, it’s nothing…” Scootaloo whispered, but Rainbow didn’t believe her and gently placed a hand on her cheek.

“Hey, you can tell me anything. Big sister remember. Anything, promise I won’t laugh. Not one bit okay?” Rainbow replied softly.

“It… It was a nightmare, okay?” Scootaloo whispered. “Now, I know those aren’t cool, especially me talking to you about-”

“Hey, hey, get that out of your head right now okay?” Rainbow stated. “Like I said, you can talk to me about anything. Anything at all, understand? Including nightmares, it’s my job as your big sister to help you through them. Got it?”


Okay, maybe she really wasn’t Scootaloo’s big sister by blood but she might as well have been. The kid was her responsibility, she’d actually found herself enjoying her company. Reminded her of herself really, and that wasn’t even beginning to get what happened when she found out Scoots was an orphan. She had relations, at least at one point but sadly from what she’d heard from Sunshine Smiles they’d been killed in a car accident and Scootaloo had been dumped into the system. It wasn’t one of those horrible places you read about in fiction or anything, but Rainbow knew that even the loving caretakers were no substitute for a real family. So, she’d went out and adopted the kid. She could only imagine what happened at the orphanage the day of the adoption, but Rainbow liked to think it was something like this.

“Just one day.” Scootaloo kept on telling herself, over and over and over again. “One day, I’ll finally be able to get out of this place, live on my own!”


One of the caretakers poked her head out of the door and walked up to the young teen sitting at the foot of her bed. “There’s somebody here to see you. And from the looks of it, well… Okay, well I won’t spoil the surprise.” Sunshine Smiles said with a soft grin.

“Surprise?” Scootaloo parroted, looking up at the tender-hearted woman. “What kinda surprise are we talking about?”

“Well, just you wait and see,” Sunshine said and began lead Scootaloo out of the room. “But trust me on this, it’s the good kind of surprise.”

“R-really?” Scootaloo’s eyes lit up almost instantaneously at those words. Was she finally about to… No, it couldn’t be. Her luck wasn’t anywhere near that good. ...was it?

When Scootaloo arrived at the lobby of the orphanage, she was met with a very familiar face and if Scootaloo didn’t know better she probably said she would have been dreaming. Hell, she still wasn’t sure if she wasn’t. Because standing before her was Rainbow Dash, with adoption forms in her hands and all of it practically filled out. This was a dream come true for her. Not only was she about to get adopted but it was by possibly the only other person outside of her aunts and her parents she actually considered part of her family. She was so tempted to pinch herself to make sure it wasn’t a dream, but decided against it so as not to ruin the moment.

“Rainbow Dash!” She squealed and barrelled into Rainbow’s leg, hugging it as tight as she could. Personally, Scootaloo didn’t care about dignity at the moment.

“Hey, Squirt.” Rainbow smiled down at her.

“Is this really happening?” Scootaloo asked practically crying into Rainbow’s leg. She knew how uncool it was, but… Right now, she just didn’t care.

“Yep.” Rainbow nodded. “Just gotta sign my name a couple of times, then we’re gonna head on home straight away. Sound good?”

“Of course it sounds good!” Scootaloo nodded, slathering her tears all over Rainbow’s leg. “Let’s go, Rainbow! I wanna come home with you as soon as possible!”

Rainbow looked down at the teary kid, then up at the mare who has escorted her. “So, where do I sign?” she asked with a smile.

“So, what happened?” Rainbow asked, now back in the present and having thrown on some clothes just in case Soarin’ showed up unexpectedly. ...Wouldn’t have been the first time really.

“It’s… It’s just, I saw you caught up in a Yummy attack, and…” Scootaloo whispered, sounding close to tears.

“It’s okay kid, you don’t have to say anymore,” Rainbow replied. She sighed. God above, she wanted to find and punch Ankh in the face right about now, given this whole monsters being unleashed upon the Earth was probably his fault anyways. And now it was starting to affect her family. Her family. “I know you’re scared. Hell, truth be told I am too. Who wouldn’t be? But I’ve got faith. This city… it’s gotten through worse, and now we’ve got Riders to protect it right?”

“Yeah, even if one of them is laid up in bed right about now…” Rainbow muttered to herself.

“Y-Yeah, but…” Scootaloo trailed off.

“Hey, listen. No matter what happens, I’ll always be there to protect you, understand? Always,” Rainbow promised. “Make that a promise,”

“Pinkie Promise?” Scootaloo asked.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly…” Rainbow trailed off, before her eyes widened and she shouted out: “Get down, Squirt!” and shoved Scootaloo to the floor as a figure stepped out of the bathroom mirror and swung a powerful sword down in Rainbow’s direction.

Rainbow, her back bleeding slightly from the strike looked up and ignored the pain as best as she could. Standing in front of her was this black knight-like figure, with glowing red eyes behind the mask. If she didn’t know better, she could have sworn that he was a Kamen Rider.

“W-Who… Who are you?”

“That is none of your concern. Give me the deck,” the figure said in English, though with a hint of a Japanese accent as well. “And I promise to make this as painless as possible.”

“What deck, this deck?” Rainbow asked looking towards the card deck laying on her kitchen counter. “I thought that was just a toy!”

“Then you are a fool.” the dark Rider stated slotting a card pulled from his belt buckle into a gauntlet on his left arm that resembled a dragon’s head.

“Advent.” the deck declared and before even Rainbow could blink a loud snarl filled the air around her before she was grabbed in a set of massive jaws and dragged outside her house and past a set of humvees. Looking upwards, she saw she was held tight in a Japanese dragon’s jaws, the dragon’s eyes glowing a deep blood-red.

Finally, the dragon let her go and tossed her into the side of a jet. The Dark Rider walked up and stroked his pet’s head lovingly.

Amazingly, throughout this Rainbow had managed to keep ahold of the deck. Apparently, as far as she could remember she’d managed to grab it before that thing had grabbed her intending on getting it as far away from here as possible. Or to be more accurate, as far away from Scootaloo as possible.

She looked up towards the jets’ cockpit, and in the window, she saw a belt similar to the Dark Rider’s wrapping itself around her waist. Only one difference. It was missing something. Rainbow knew what she had to do.

Cracking her knuckles, she then slammed the deck into the slot. With a cry as she felt power course its way through her body, she shouted out: “Hen… SHIN!”

And all went dark.

Rainbow found herself in a dark landscape, only her and this massive gold bird in front of her.

“You’re such an idiot, Rainbow Dash of Earth,” the bird remarked. “Still, I do have to admire your bravery in the face of danger. Not many would just slot an Advent Deck into a belt like you did. And you don’t even know what consequences might result!” he laughed, the laughter sounding like it was all around her.

“Who… who are you?” Rainbow asked, having no time for this nonsense considering the situation. Her adoptive sister was in danger, and that thing was running about amuck!

“Oh, you’ll know my name in time… But right now I suspect you have more important things to worry about yes? Like, say… your sister?” the massive bird asked with a vaguely menacing tone.

“Don’t bring her into this… You… Well, whatever you are!” Rainbow snapped.

“You may call me Goldphoenix,” the bird introduced himself. “I’m what lives on the other side of the mirror, every mirror in fact. Been a while since I had anyone to talk to really… Of course, given what’s transpired since then... “ he trailed off.

Rainbow briefly wondered what he -He? Could you even possibly assign a gender to mirror monsters?- could have possibly meant by that, but decided it was better not to ask. Time was not on her side here.

“Just… Just tell me how to stop that Rider!” she said, spitting out the last word as if it were venom.

“Simply put, kill him. It’s not like he doesn’t belong in this world anyways,” Rainbow was told. “Or maybe he does, it’s hard to say with mirror twins. For all we know, he could be the real Shinji Kido if he were to have his way. Not sure what exactly spawned him again, if he ever died, but it’ll be so good to flex my wings again and do some damage!” Goldphoenix laughed darkly.

“...Yeah, not so sure I’ll trust you if you’re going to be like that…” Rainbow muttered taking a few steps back.

“Wise choice. If I’m not satisfied with how our contract goes, I’ll eat you anyways. Just telling you straight out, so you won’t be all shocked and stunned when you inevitably fail to satisfy me,”

“Who’s to say I won’t?” Rainbow challenged. “Plenty of monsters running amuck in the world right now, who’s to say I can’t sic you on them?”

“True I suppose…” Goldphoenix was forced to admit. “You’re an interesting one that’s for sure, Rainbow Dash. Very well, I suppose I’ll humor you and for right now become your hope. Let’s go.”

Back in the real world, Dark Shinji/Ryuga took a few steps back in surprise before grinning as a golden glow filled up the area and out of the glow stepped a knight-like warrior resembling that idiot Ren in some ways. Mind you, there was more of a bird theme to this one, but the resemblance was there, Dark Shinji thought to himself as he cracked his knuckles. This was going to be fun. Barely worth the challenge, but fun nonetheless. Been so long since he and his pet were ever allowed to play with anything.

“Sword Vent.” Rainbow’s card reader -a staff with gold wingtips- called as a bird’s screech cut through the air before a long curved blade was thrown into her arm.

Gripping it tightly, Rainbow charged into battle and clashed blades with Ryuga with a ferocity that surprised even him. Mind you, perhaps it wouldn’t have been so stunning had he known one simple fact.

Never get between two sisters and their love for each other.

“Advent.” Ryuga’s card reader stated as his contract monster, Dragblacker rushed towards Rainbow Dash but somehow she managed to flip over it and actually strike its master in the chest several times with her blade.

“Final Vent.” the card reader stated before Dragblacker coiled around Ryuga poised to strike. Ryuga leaped up into the air, blasted forwards by a black flame from his dragon towards Rainbow. Rainbow simply rolled out of the way and when she got her chance struck again with her sword making Ryuga cry out in pain and surprise.

Now normally, this battle would have been tipped in Ryuga’s favor. However, he had gotten in between one very stubborn woman with a love for her little sister and one woman who he didn’t actually expect to put up this much of a fight. So his guard was actually down.

Growling to himself, Ryuga leaped into a nearby windshield and came out of another ready to kick Rainbow Dash, but the woman upon seeing this had gotten a similar idea and had done the same. The two kicks collided, and both Riders flipped backwards onto the hoods of nearby vehicles.

“Damn you…” Ryuga growled.

“Nice to see you’re not so much of a tough guy after all,” Rainbow stated pointing her sword towards him a protective edge in her tone. “Now, if you know what’s good for you… I’d suggest you leave. Like, right now.”

“Very well, but be warned… This battle is far from over,” Ryuga stated. “I am the strongest Rider, and I will prove it to you. So be warned Odin, new face or not, you will see from me again!” he shouted diving into a nearby mirror. Rainbow, panting canceled out her transformation and looked at her deck.

“And I’ll be waiting…” she whispered all the while wondering what the Hell she’d gotten herself into.

Author's Note:

Okay, so yes, Might have been a bit of a rush job, this, but I didn't want to leave you hanging on that cliffhanger forever after all...

And on the elephant in the room... Yes, Ryuki. I'm going off Zi-O's logic here, namely that the timeline still exists -somehow- and you can get access to the mirror world if you were just really unlucky. Now don't worry, won't be getting into any Rider Wars here. I honestly hate them, or at least the way Ryuki did it. If anything, the only Rider showing up from Ryuki would be Ryuga and it's only going to be for a couple of times. Personally, I think Ryuki can piss off really. A disgrace to Kamen Rider if you ask me.

But anyways, enough of that. Ankh's back to being a dick as ever, Eiji's showing off that even with Proto-Birth he can still kick ass and three Riders now oppose the Greeed.