• Published 7th Jan 2019
  • 1,315 Views, 67 Comments

Six - TryingToActProfessional

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Six: Ch.15

“SHE WHAT?!” Twilight yells, making the crystal walls shake.

“I already told you eight times!”

“Tell me again, but slower.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake! Cinder’s burden was imprinted into his soul!” I yell, my black eyes flashing at her.

“Shade, did you do this?!” She asks angrily.

“Why the Hell would I have done this!? I’m a neutral party!”

She groans and frizzles her hair with her hands.

“I don’t know enough about this stuff to fix this! We need to ask Princess Celestia.”

“Not a good idea. She doesn’t understand souls well. We need Luna.”

“What?! Are you crazy!? If she touches you, you could erupt again!”

Then we simply keep her from touching me.”

Twilight groans. “Fine! I’ll send her a letter. But bring Six back. And what did you name this….Cinder personality?”


“Clever…” She huffs and grabs a scroll, jotting down a letter.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

Yes. Just keep the blindfold on and stay ten feet away at all times. Who knows how Pyre would react with Nightmare Moon’s power…

What’re you talking about?

Don’t worry about it!

“Alright, I sent the letter. We should expect her-”


“-right now…” She shuffles out to her front door.

Pyre really wants out…

Can you keep him back?

For now, yes. But he’s very strong.


Luna walks into the room, with Twilight in tow. Luna takes one look at me before gasping.

“Six! Your soul! It’s sectioned!”

“It’s what?”

“Your soul is split into three distinct souls merged into one body. Fascinating…..” Luna leans close.

“Princess, we don’t have time to be studied. We need a solution to this Pyre problem!”

“Right. Of course. Well, I….I don’t know how to separate a soul…”

“What!?” Twilight and I both yell.

“It’s a very delicate task! It could kill the host easily! So, for now, try to keep him confined in your subconscious mind until we find a way to get him out.”

Maybe we can reason with him?

We can try, I guess.

“I’m going to talk to him. You two stay here in case something happens. Uh, p-please...Princess?”

She nods. “Very well.”

I sit on the couch and close my eyes.

When I open them again, I’m sitting under a spotlight on a metal chair. I looked perfectly normal, but I had a small halo above my head and white wings on my back. To my left was also me, but that me was wearing a black suit with a red tie, his eyes pure black. And to my right was another me, but this one was completely made of fire and wore only black pants.

Shade.” I nod slightly to my left. He bows back.

“Six. Nice to see you face to face again.”

“Likewise, though I wish it were better circumstances.”

I turn to my right. “And you must be Pyre.”

“Yup! That’s me. Can I kill now?”

No. Look, we want you to reason with us here. So, let us cut a deal with you, so we can settle this reasonably.”

“Fine. But I’m not happy about it.”

Look, if you want to stay, you need to understand that you can’t just kill everyone and everything whenever you want.”

Exactly. So, if you can follow my ground rules, you can stay. Firstly: Don’t hurt, torture, threaten, or kill anyone nice to me. ME. Not you. Secondly: Don’t force yourself into control. If you ask nicely, we’ll let you. You may even be trusted enough to change whenever you want. And Third: No Cannibalism. Ever. Can you do that?”

“Uuugh, fine. But I wanna kill something once in a while. Anything!”

“We could go to the Everfree And let him at some of the monsters. Better them than the people in town.”

“Agreed. Do we have a deal?”

“Yup! I won’t break the rules! I’ll be a good pyro!”

Good...Would you like to introduce yourself?”

“Uh huh!”

My body heats up all over and I open my eyes, looking down at myself. My whole body was made of fire.

“Oooh, it feels so nice to exist!” I hug myself, smiling. I look over at Twilight, who was staring at my burning body in shock.

“Y-you’re on fire!?”

Mhm! Why? Does it bother you, Twix?

“Why do both of you have a hard time with my name…”

I giggle, putting my body out enough to sit back down. I hadn’t even realized I stood up. Now only my hair and eyes were on fire. When I looked at Luna, she seemed nervous.

“Do I frighten you, Moony?” I giggle. She huffs, turning red.


“Do you prefer Moonbutt? Or maybe Full Moon?”

“I dislike this personality…” Luna huffs, steaming.

“Calm down, Princess. Pyre, do you remember Cinder at all?”

“Well, duh! She was just like me! But she chopped her own head off, and now I’m with Master!”

“Six….is your master?”

Uh huh! And I’m very happy I get to be him!”

“Oh...kay, then…..I’m getting oddly Pinkie Pie vibes from her...but less party and more...stabby….”

“I’m gunna go away now. I don’t like either of you. Never make me angry…” I growl.

I feel myself go out as my eyes return to normal.

“Uuuh...well, then…..That was….terrifying….” Luna says bluntly.

Twilight shudders. “I hope he doesn’t want to kill me….or AJ….”

“I doubt it. Besides, he wants to be away for a while. He’ll be a rarity for sure.” I chuckle, getting up.

The library door opens, and I feel Shade take over as Discord himself struts in with a three piece suit on.

“Hello, all! Your God of Chaos has arrived! I felt drawn here by a rather fiery chaos here.”

Leave, Discord.” He looks at me and smiles.

“Aah, so this is who’s been wreaking havoc on the town? Lovely work.”

“Thank you!”

Stay out of this.” He raises an eyebrow.

“What was that?” He asks, sounding intrigued.

“Discord, now isn’t a good time to be here.” Twilight says plainly. He clutched his chest.

“E tu, Twilight? I just wanted to meet the little ghost whisperer in person. Is that so much to-” He couldn’t even finish as I grab his throat, my hand shrouded in a thick, black smoke. My eyes burrow into his head from how hard I glare at him, and he gulps softly.

“I could care less of your pathetic introductions. You’ve done nothing but insult me since the moment you walked in! Your very existence is an insult to evil, and you disgrace the title of God of Chaos with your childish ways. So hear me well, whelp.” I squeeze, making him gag, his body starting to turn grey.

I expect you to treat me with respect or so help me I will tear your beating heart out and make you eat it while your daughter watches. Do I make myself perfectly clear, you pathetic excuse of a god?” His body completely greys, and he nods, tears in his eyes. I drop him to the floor.

Get out of my sight.” He scrambles to his feet and runs out.

“What in Tartarus was that?!” Twilight yells, chasing after him.

Fuck, Shade….Wasn’t that a bit much?

Was it? Hmm...I didn’t notice. Ooh, I really hate him. His presence is an insult to chaos.

Shade, dude...You need to calm the Hell down. I think you actually pumped depression into him…

Oh, boy….Woops….Well, maybe he’ll drop the “God of Chaos” bullshit and actually learn from this. He’s never known chaos. He’s a fraud and a child.

Even I thought that was a bit much…

Even y- Uuugh! Fine. If I see him again, I’ll apologize. But he insults me just by existing…

Why do you hate him so much?

Chaos means to wreak havoc everywhere you go. I am the embodiment of your inner chaos. He says he rules over me, yet flaunts around parlor tricks and childs play.

I see what you mean… You’re like a knight with a cowardly king…

Exactly. Now, if he learns, he’ll either become a real God of Chaos, or he’ll drop the title completely.

“Six…. Are...you still mad at me?” Luna asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“What? Of course not. I wasn’t mad at you before...Why would I be?”

“I...I almost killed you!” Luna cries. “I thought I could save you, but I nearly destroyed your mortal soul with my immortal burden.”

“Princess, if I could take your burden, I would. And it’s not your fault. You need to forgive yourself…”

Six, I may have an idea…

What were you thinking?

May I talk to her?


“Princess, do you have a mirror in the castle that you could have hidden away?”

She sniffles. “Y-yes….Why?”

“I may be able to help after all. Can you take me there?”

She nods, confused. Her hand glows, and we reappear in her bedchambers.

“Six is a smart man, but I know a few things he doesn’t.”

Six, keep Pyre under control while I do this.

What’re you planning?

I’m going to trap Nightmare Moon in The Reverse.

That’s risky….can you do it?

I can. And I will. Trust me.

Alright. Do it.

I look around, seeing a mirror with a black, wooden frame.

Where will you put this when I’m done. It must not break.”

“Um...th-the Royal Sister’s vault! It’ll be lost there forever!”

Good.” I take a deep breath and grab Luna’s arm. My whole body screams in pain as I take the burden from her.

I open my mouth as wide as I can and expel the negativity straight into the mirror, the black ooze flowing into the reflective surface as if it wasn’t there at all. Luna herself tenses up, absolutely terrified as the room fills with the screams of the damned.

“WHAT’S HAPPENING?!” She yells. I tighten my grip, my gaze never breaking from the mirror. I feel my body start to shrivel bit by bit as the burden weighs on me. She tries to pull her arm out of my grip, but I don’t let her go.

I finally stop and drop to the ground, the blackness vanishing into the mirror’s surface. The reflection darkens to black, no longer reflecting light.

Luna gasps and grabs me as I cough. “S-Shade?! Shade, are you okay!? Six?!”

“I….I’m fine….He’s resting….Is...is it all gone?” I ask weakly.

She tears up, nodding with a smile. “Y-yes….She’s gone!”

“Good….Could you heal me, please….” I black out.