• Published 7th Jan 2019
  • 1,315 Views, 67 Comments

Six - TryingToActProfessional

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Six: Ch.24

I wake up abruptly at tiny hands pushing against my arm.

“Mmmm….five more minutes…..” I groan.

“Big Brother, wake up!” Diamond shouts in my ear. I yelp and abruptly sit up, looking over at her. She was fully dressed in a bright pink dress and a wide hat. The hat even had her tiara on it.

“You were gonna walk me to school today!”

“Oh! Right!” I hop out of bed, and I hear her gasp. Damn it, I didn’t wear a shirt again…

“B-Big Brother….Y-your chest….” Diamond stutters.

“Sorry you had to see it, Diamond…” I grab a shirt and pull it on. It’s a black, long-sleeve shirt. I switch to my jeans and smile.

“Alright, could you help me with my blindfold?” I kneel down, looking her in the eyes.

She nods rapidly, grinning widely. I hand it to her, and she hops behind me, tying it around my head, over my eyes.

“How come you wear this all the time?” She asks as I stand.

“I’m just learning how to use my special talent, so I wear this so I don’t use it accidentally.”

“What does it do?”

“What does what do?” I pick her up and sit her on my shoulder. She hugs my head tightly.

“Well, I can make sad people feel happy. But, some sad people are so sad that in order for them to be happy, I’d become sad. And it hurts me.”

“That’s awful...Big Brother, can you keep it off when we’re home?”

“I suppose I could do that. But just because you asked.” I laugh.

She giggles. “You’re gonna get me after school, right?” She asks as I leave my room and head downstairs and out the front door.

“I don’t see why not. But, doesn’t Fi-Dad usually get you?”

“Uh huh...But, he’s busy with work today...And Mom’s at the school early to help the committee.”

“Ah. Alright. Well, I don’t mind picking you up. I’ll grab you some cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner on the way, okay?”

“Ooh, I like strawberry!” She exclaims.

“You got it.”

As we start to approach the school, I notice the other kids gawking up at her.

I glance up, seeing her grin smugly.

“Diamond...Don’t be smug. It’s not befitting of you.” I sigh.

She blushes and nods, going back to a happy smile.

When we get to the front, I gently set her down. She hugs my chest tightly, and I hug her back.

“Love you, Big Brother.”

“Love you too, Little Sis. See you after school, okay?” I pat her head and head to town, waving back at her as I go.

I smile brightly as I head through town. Everyone seemed pretty normal today. A lot more smiles than I’m used to, and only a few eyes were on me. I’m glad that they’re used to me.

Before I get too far, I feel hands try to cover my eyes through the blindfold.

“Guess who?” I hear Pinkie ask.

“Pinkie, you know that my eyes don’t need light for me to see, right? I see with magic.”

“Aaawe, you guessed! No fair!” She hops around to my front, leaning close to me. She was just as bubbly as she was when we met before, and just as chubby. It was really cute. She had a baby blue blouse on with a white miniskirt.

“Well, you couldn’t have just shouted something behind me? I don’t think I can see behind me.”

“I’ll getcha next time!” She beams. I chuckle.

“Alright, alright. Well, what’s up?”

“I dunno. My Pinkie Sense told me I should come see you today!”

“Uuuh...okay? Well, uh...I was going over to Sugarcube Corner...Guess this is a coincidence.”

“Ooooh! Were you gonna get strawberry cupcakes?!”

“How di-”

“Come on! I got a batch ready in the back!” She grabs my hand and pulls me along behind her.

*He’s holding my hand~ Pervert~* I barely hear her mumble, a wide grin on her face.

I yank my hand from hers. “I assure you I’m not a pervert, thank you.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” She asks, looking at me confused.

“Pinkie, don’t lie to me. I heard you call me a pervert. I have ears, you know.”

She looks surprised and grabs my hand again, tighter this time.

*Can you hear me?* She asks.

“Yes, I can hear you. You’re talking loudly.”

*Look at my mouth when I talk.*

I groan. “Pinkie, what game are you playing?” I look at her mouth.

*You can….*She says. Wait, did she say it? Her mouth didn’t move…

“What...the fuck?”

*Sixie! You’re reading my m-* She lets go of my hands, and her voice falls abruptly silent.

“What the….what was the end of that?” I ask.

“You can read my mind!!” She exclaims. “But you gotta touch me, huh?”

I look down at my hands. “What the Hell is going on with me…? First the eyes, now this…”

“I dunno! But it’s cool!” She squeals, hugging me.

*His muscles are so hard~*

I push her off me. “Get your dirty thoughts out of my head!”

“What? You don’t think I’m cute?” She asks, leaning against my chest, her breasts squishing against me.

I blush deeply. “I-I-I…”


“Nya? What the f-”

She giggles and starts walking again. I shake the lewd shit from my head before following her.

Something is off about that girl.

I noticed that, too.

Yeah….Who the fuck says nya? Like, da fuq is nya?

I don’t know, but her energy isn’t human...Be cautious.

Not human? What, like a demon or something?

Something like that…

We go into Sugarcube Corner, and she leads me back behind the counter into the kitchen.

She pats a box that was sitting on the counter, and she smiles.

“These are yours! No charge this time!”


“Hm?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.

“What are you?” I ask bluntly.


Why wouldn’t I ask!?

She may be something that can kill you!

My eyes widen and I step back a little. She smiles smugly, her grin wide.

“You figured it out, huh? Hehehe. You’re pretty smart! I can smell something off about you, too. Something evil~” She coos, leaning close. Her demeanor has gone from bubbly to a bit creepy.


She suddenly vanishes, only briefly leaving her wide smile and eyes before she disappears. I yelp and turn to run, but she’s suddenly behind me. She shuts the kitchen door and locks it.

“Mhm~ You found me out, Sixie~ I loooove a smart man~” She licks her lips.

Wh-what’s this aura coming from her!?

Her what!? Why are you scared?!

This is most unfortunate. Shall I take over?

Now, please!

I relax my stance, my expression vanishing. She tilts her head.

“Huh? Not scared of me anymore? Are you gonna be a good boy n-”

I don’t care for your aura. Show your true form or die.”

What?! I can’t do that! I don’t have that kind of power!

You may not, but I know every destruction spell known to unicorns.

“Sixiiie, why do you sound funny?”

My hand glows a bright grey. “Now.

Her eyes widen and her form changes. Her hands shift to big, purple and black paws with fur going up to her shoulders, and she grows cat ears: one purple and one white. Little upside-down purple hearts appear on her cheeks. A long, thin, purple and black tail sprouts from under her skirt.

“Nyahaha! I’m a Cheshire Cat!”


“Hey, don’t be a meanie to my face!”

“What do you intend on doing to h-me?” I ask.

“We’re gonna have a little fun!” She giggles mischievously.

Unlikely. Not the kind of pussy I like.

She laughs. “That’s a good one!”

I try. Ha. Ha. Ha.”

“But you don’t have a say in what Six does...Sombre.”

I tense up a little.

How does she know!?

Explain yourself, cat.

“I wanna talk to Sixie, not you meanie!” She sticks her tongue out.

I’m keeping control of your arms. I don’t like this cat…

“Wh-what the Hell, Pinkie!? You’re a cat!?”

“Cheshire Cat!”

“Who cares?! Why do the odd ones flock to me….”

“Hey! I’m not odd!”

“You’re literally a cat from a book I read as a kid that can teleport and isn’t very nice to people.”

“But I’m nice! To everyone!”

“Then why did you corner me in here and lock me in?”

“I wanted to tease you a little before I stole your virginity.”

My heart skips a beat. “You were gonna rape me!?”

“Who says I’m not gonna anymore~?” She giggles. My hands raise, and fire erupts from my palms.

“Eeh, not likely...Not doing this….”

She pouts. “Meanie….”

“Me!? You were gonna rape me! You have no say in that!”

She giggles and turns to normal, unlocking the door.

“I’m still gonna get it, Sixie~”

“It’s Six. And stay away from me.” I take the box and leave.

That could’ve been bad…

You’re telling me...She was scary!

Can’t I just kill her?

No! That would be extremely bad! No killing!


I head back towards the school, but I notice class wasn’t even an hour in yet. I was too excited to see her again, I guess.

Sombre sends the box to the castle fridge, and I go through town to the Apple Farm.

When I get close, I see Applejack bucking apples outside.

God above, she’s hot….

I’m starting to see why...Mr. Legs over here.


“Howdy, Six!” AJ calls, waving to me. I wave back and jog over to her.

“Hey, AJ. How’s it going?”

“Alright. Just been workin round h-” She suddenly stops and sniffs the air, then sniffs at my clothes.

“When didja get a cat?”

“A what? Your nose is that good?”

“Eeyup. Ya smell like a cat. Yer not a cat, are ya?”

“Hardly! I’m a dog person…”

She grins deviously. “Are ya now?”

“Not like that, you perv! Jeez….”

She growls playfully, running her finger down my chest as it grows a long claw.

“Ah can hear yer heartbeat pickin up. Ya gettin nervous?”

“N-n-not at all! Hahahahaha! Is that a leaf?!”

She laughs. “Yer real funny, Six. Yer all hot and bothered, ain’tcha?”

Not even remotely.

“Not askin ya, Sombre.”

I huff. “Worth a try.”

She hugs around my waist with a stronger grip than I thought she had.

“Ya know, ah’m just about yer age, Six. Ah wouldn’t mind settlin down with a nice, strong guy~”

“W-Well, wh...I-I’m not that strong…” I blush hotly.

She grins, her teeth all sharp. “Somethin about ya just gits me all riled up~”


Somebody get me wolfsbane or silver right now!

Nah. You need to do this yourself.


She lets go of me suddenly and smirks. “Yer so much fun ta tease!” She laughs. I huff.

“That’s not funny!”

“Ya should’ve seen yer face!”