• Published 7th Jan 2019
  • 1,315 Views, 67 Comments

Six - TryingToActProfessional

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Six: Ch.22

“Wait, wait, wait...You’re saying that your Dad is the richest man in Ponyville? And you DON’T want to see him?!” Twilight exclaims.

“No, I don’t want to see that son of a bitch. As far as he knows, I don’t exist. He left when I was two years old, and he never came back. He probably doesn’t even remember my name.”

“But, how would you know if you didn’t ask?”

“I don’t care if he does or doesn’t. He left me and Rose with that psycho woman for three years, and we suffered for it. As far as I’m concerned, he’s dead to me. Now, since you have your information, I’m going to bed for a while.” I get up and march up to my room, slamming the door a little harder than I meant to.

[Twilight’s P.O.V.]

I disguise my true self again and get up, a determined look on my face.

“I can’t let him keep suffering like this...He needs to find closure. And if he won’t talk to Filthy, then I will.”

I teleport to the Elementary school, and I instantly get tackled by Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

“Twilight! Yer here! Quick, hide us! Diamond and Silver are teasin us again!” Applebloom exclaims, hiding behind me with the other two.

“Actually, I’m here to talk to Diamond. Could you three go inside please?”

They look up at me, confused. But they nod and go inside. I head into the playground of the small school and approach Diamond and Silver, who were both giggling about something.

“Diamond Tiara.” I say sternly. They both gasp and bow slightly.

“P-Princess? Wh-what’re you doing here?”

“Diamond, I’m here to talk to you. Silver...please?” Silver yelps and scurries off.

Diamond had a pink dress on, a gold necklace, and her silver tiara embedded with diamonds. Her purple and white hair was swirled a little as it hung to her shoulder blades.

“I-Is something wrong, Princess?” She asks. I know better than to trust that innocent facade. Diamond is a bully under it all. I’ve heard so from Spike and the girls.

“I need to speak to your father. Is he picking you up today?”

“Y-Yes, Princess….My mother’s busy at the Scholl Board meeting…” She almost slips into her condescending tone.

“Good. I’ll wait with you until he comes, then.” I sit on a bench nearby.

“Wh-Princess, couldn’t you just meet him at the house?”

“I suppose I could, but I know how you are around the Crusaders, and I’m going to be sure that you don’t mistreat them. Two birds, one stone.”

She huffs and scuttles over to the snack table with Silver and the other kids. The Crusaders run up to me and hug me.

“You got her off our backs!?” Scoots asks excitedly.

“For today, yes. But I doubt it would stick. She’s a little stubborn.”

“And she’s mean.” Sweetie adds.

I giggle. “That, too. But, I don’t think it’s her fault she’s like this. I think it was her upbringing.”

“Her whut?” Bloom asks.

“Applebloom, would you ever act like Diamond?”

“Never ever!” She exclaims.

“And would Applejack?”

“Heck no!”

“That’s what I mean. The way you act was influenced by who raised you.”

“So...it ain’t Diamond’s fault she’s mean...it’s Filthy Rich’s fault?”

“Well, not just him. But partially, yes.”

They nod understandingly.

“Well, why’d ya need ta talk to her?” Bloom asks.

“Well, a friend of mine knows Filthy very closely, but hasn’t seen him in a long time. I’m going to try to reintroduce them.”

“Ooooh, who is it?!” They ask collectively.

“I’d rather not say, girls. Now, run along. You’re missing snack time.”

They runs off to the table, talking amongst themselves.

I smile and lean back, relaxing a bit.

Poor Six….It’s not fair that he’s had to suffer all these years….Why couldn’t I have known him back then? I...I could’ve helped him...I would’ve been his friend….

The bell rings loudly, bringing me out of my thoughts. I stand up and go towards the front of the school, seeing the kids get picked up or they walk or fly home. I scan through the crowd until I see a tall, dark-eyed man with slicked back black and grey hair. He had on a full, three piece suit and a red tie with a gold bit symbol on it. I know that look anywhere.

“Filthy Rich.” I announce, approaching him. He gasps and bows. I really wish the wouldn’t…

“Princess Twilight! What, uh...brings you here?” He asks in his pleasant demeanor. He seemed like a good man, always has. He just seemed dedicated to his work.

“I’ve come to talk to you. How’s Spoiled?” I ask.

“M-My wife? She’s well...She’s being herself. But, I’m sure you didn't come all this way to talk about Spoiled…”

“No. I came to talk about your other family, Filthy.”

His face pales a bit. “I...I’m not sure I understand. I don’t have another family.”

My blood is already starting to boil. “Filthy, we should speak more privately.”

He nods and quickly takes Diamond back to their mansion with me in tow.

When we get back to their mansion, Diamond runs upstairs, and Filthy clears his throat as he steps into the living room.

“Would you, eh...like a drink?”


“Yes, okay! I...I had another wife before Spoiled….Her name is Alice White. And I have nothing to do with her anymore. She was a rotten woman, through and through. So I left.”

“And you left your kids behind…”

“Princess...How do you know about that?” He asks, sounding very distraught.

“You left both of your kids, a daughter and a son, with that….that witch! Why?” I ask, getting angry at him.

“I-I didn’t want to! When I met Spoiled, she said she wanted a daughter of her own and….I couldn’t tell her about Rosie and Sixth….She’d have never talked to me again.”

“You were being selfish.” I say accusingly.

“W-Well, I can’t do anything about that now….They’re gone….Alice is in Manehattan, and the kids are….” He starts to break down into tears.

I look down at the sobbing man, surprised. “You...think they’re both dead?”

He sniffles and nods. “I got a coroner’s report….Rosie was...r-ripped apart, and Sixth was gone….Presumed dead….”

Oh, Sweet Celestia, won’t he be surprised.

“Filthy, did you love those kids?”

“More than anything! I loved those two like I love Diamond! And I’m so hard on Diamond because I don’t want her to end up like Rosie and Sixth….”

“Filthy….Sixth Sense isn’t dead…”

He drops his glass on the floor, shattering it. Water spills everywhere.

“Wh...what did you say?” He asks, unbelieving.

“Six is alive. He’s been in town for the last month or so...He was put through several orphanages, and he’s been through Tartarus….But he’s alive.”

He clenches his fists tightly, starting to shake.

“Th-that’s not true….It can’t be….M-My baby boy’s alive?”

“Yes. But, he thinks you hate him, and you don’t want him…”

“Oh, Celestia...what have I done….Where is he? I have to see him!”

“Filthy, calm down. Breathe…” He takes a deep breath and calms down.

“Filthy, I have to warn you that he’s not...in the best mental or physical health like he was when you last saw him…”

“He’s still grey, right? And has my hair?” He asks, sounding like a proud father.

“Yes...But, he’s also very scarred, both emotionally and physically.”

He tenses up, his eyes widening. “Oh, God….What….what happened?”

I tell Filthy everything that’s happened. From the scar on Six’s chest to the many cuts on his body and the characteristics of his eyes.

When I finish, he has a confusing expression on his face. Like a mix of anger and pride.

“That woman...hurt my boy like that…? And he….oh, God….But he still has his happy eyes, hm? I’m glad…”

“His what?” I ask.

“He was born with gold eyes that could make anyone he sees eye to eye with happy. All except Alice. Alice loathed having a son. She only wanted daughters, so she hated Sixth from the beginning...But, I had no idea that she would…” He starts to break down again.

“It’s okay, Filthy...If you want, we can go see him. He’s at the Castle.”

He looks up at me, and nods. “I have to keep my composure. For him. He needs me now more than ever.”

“I agree. Until then, I’ll watch Diamond here.” He nods and leaves quickly.

[Six. P.O.V.]

I curl up in bed, hugging close a picture of my sister that I always kept with me, as well as her necklace.

“I can’t keep doing this to myself….I have to just forget...I-” My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. It wasn’t Twilight. The knocks were too heavy.

I sit up and wipe my eyes, setting the picture and necklace on the nightstand.

“Come in…” I call out.

When the door opens, a man in a three piece suit walks in, and he has a soft smile on his crying face. He looks a little familiar, but I don’t know why…

“Oh, my God….” He says, looking me over.

“Uuh...may I help you?” I ask, not liking him look over my scars.

“Six, what...what did she do to you….”

That’s not the answer I was expecting…

Six, look at his hair. And his eyes.


“What do you want?” I ask flatly. He looks hurt. Good.

“I...I came to see you…” He stutters through tears.

“Why? Oh...Twilight….I told her to leave it be…”

“I-I’m glad she told me! Sixth, I….I thought you were dead!”

“Wait, what?”

“Yes! When….when your sister….the report said you were presumed dead because you were never found...but you just went somewhere to hide….You...went to Grandpa, didn’t you?”

I clench my jaw. “Filthy….Stop. Just...just stop. I know what you’re trying to do. And I can’t….I won’t forgive you for abandoning us…”

“I-I know….I….I was being selfish….I didn’t think about how you and Rosie would feel….I’m sorry….”

Sorry!? Sorry doesn’t excuse nineteen years of agony and suffering!”

He jumps and stumbles over, looking up at me in fear.

“Wh...what the….your v-voice is…”

I know it is! This is what you did to him! He died, Filthy Rich! He killed himself, and he came to me!”

Tears stream down his face. “Y-you’re….Sh-Shade?”

I possessed your son’s body when I made a deal with him! Children should never have to be sent to Hell, yet he was! At eight years old! And it’s your fault!”

He starts shaking, cowering away. “I-I’m s-s-sorry…”

Do better than sorry! Be a God damned father! You were so selfish all this time that your son killed himself! And almost died a second time! Every scar on his body is a product of your selfishness! EVERY! SINGLE! ONE! And you think that a simple sorry would make up for all this!?”

I take off my shirt, exposing the horrible scars across my body and chest. He rhetches.

“Y-your mother….did that….to you?”

You don’t deserve to be his father! You’ve been a shitty excuse of a person! Let alone a father! So, you tell me, Filthy Rich. Can you even try to be his father again? Will you ever forgive yourself?”

He shakily stands up. “No...I-I can’t forgive myself for this….It's...it’s my fault you’re like this….A-and...I want to do better. I’ll try my damndest to be a better father to you, son!” He suddenly rushes up to me and hugs me tightly.

“I’ve failed you….I’m so sorry…..” He sobs into my shoulder.

I tense up, squirming a little in his grasp, but he won’t let go.

“L-Let go of me….” I say, pushing against him.

“Not this time, Six…” He says back stubbornly.

I try to push him away, but my arms won’t do as I say. I start to break down and cry, hugging him tightly.

“I-I missed you….” I sob, clinging to him as we both cry.

“I missed you, too.” He responds shakily.

You’re welcome.


“Six...Why...are you wearing a blindfold?” He asks, finally letting the hug go.

“My...my special talent got more hectic when I got older…”

“You still see ghosts?” He asks.

“Yeah...But, now I can do other things...things that don’t make sense...I can force the truth from someone just by staring at them. And my touch or my gaze can take away people’s burdens….”

“That’s incredible, son…”

“Filthy...Just call me Six for now, okay? I don’t think we’ve gotten to the point where I can acknowledge you as my father ...At least, not yet.”

He nods understandingly. “Well, I understand that. And...I hope to earn that title back one day. But, would...you like to meet your Step-Mother and half-sister?”

“I...i don’t know, Filthy. I doubt they’d like me at all.”

“Nonsense! I must insist. Please. I want us to be a family again…” He wipes his eyes.

“Mmm….fine. You’re in the big house out in the center of town, right? I’ll meet you there…”

“Okay, Six...At Eight okay?”

“Alright…” He smiles and leaves, seeming to be in much brighter spirits.

I sigh and sit down on the bed, groaning softly.

“That was something else….” I groan. “I expected to just beat the ever loving fuck out of him, but...I couldn’t. Seeing him after all these years, and he looked happy to see me….I just...couldn’t…”

That’s the start of forgiveness, bucko.

You really blew up at him.

Would it be better if you did?

Nah...I’m glad you did.

[Filthy’s P.O.V.]

“Spoiled, honey! I’m home!” I call out as I enter the house. Princess Twilight must’ve left a moment ago.

“Daddy!” Diamond rushes up to me. I smile and pick her up, holding her close.

“Hello, my little Diamond. Did you have fun with the Princess?”

“Daddy, she scares me….Can I have another dress?”

“Sweetheart, I just bought you one. Now, go run along now and play with your little friend. And be back by seven, okay? We’re having a special guest over tonight.”

“Okay…” She scuttles off to meet her friend, and I smile. “I’m glad she and I get along. And I’m proud that she and her mother finally made peace. But...how will they take it? A new family member is a big change…”

The front door opens, and my beloved wife walks in, her usual haughty personality obvious. I love her very much, but she should lighten up a little…

“Hello, Spoiled darling!” I beam happily, taking her coat.

“Filthy, dear, why in Equestria are you in such a good mood?” She asks.

“Well, we’re having company for dinner this evening.”

“Really? My, we haven’t had guests in quite some time. Who’s visiting?”

“Well, um...Do you remember, when we met, that I was married once before? And had two children with that woman?”

She huffs angrily. “Yes, I do. The one that you’ve said was dreadful. Why?”

“Well, I...I just found out that my son, the one I thought was dead, is alive!”

She looks at me in disbelief. “You’re joking! Are you quite sure it’s him?”

“I’m positive! And he’s been here in town for a month! Right under my nose!”

“Oh, how lovely! I hope he’s a charmer like yourself!”

“Well, yes. But, here’s the thing...He’s, well...rather peculiar. And he isn’t like myself. He’s…” I clear the sadness from my throat. “Well, his mother had apparently scarred him rather badly, and he’s scarred himself all over. I hate his mother even more every time I think about it…”

“Wait, is he the oddball in the blindfold that’s been running around?”

“Well, I suppose he is rather odd, but yes. That’s my son.”

“I’ve heard that he’s befriended Princess Luna, and gained her favor.”

“Is that so? He must not like to talk about it much. Six was never one to be talkative, even as a baby. He’d never even cry. He’d just stare, blankly. As if he was somehow reading your mind.”

“He’s also a renowned hero in town!”

“He is? He didn’t mention that...and I surely didn’t hear. What did he do?”

“He sealed Nightmare Moon away from Princess Luna! Oh, Filthy! He’ll be a marvelous addition to the family!” She smiles warmly.

“Spoiled...have you hit your head or something? You’re acting rather...unusual.”

“Am I? Well, I’ve been trying to become more friendly since Diamond and I had our little fight a while back...It tore me apart hearing how badly I made her feel…”

“You’re doing wonders to improve, darling. I’ve had to change too. But...I wonder how Diamond will take this news…”

“Hopefully better than the time she found out she wasn’t getting an island for Hearth’s Warming…”

We both shudder.

“Well, when is he scheduled to come?” Spoiled asks.

“At around eight o’clock.”

She suddenly zips through the house, ordering every maid to clean the house spotless for her guest.

“I hope he isn’t overwhelmed by all this...I can’t let him slip away again…I won’t fail him this time.”