• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Thomas and Friends: The Retold Adventures - The Blue EM2

Picture a Land where the Sky is so Blue, a Storybook Land of Wonder...

  • ...

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It was now the next day, and the storm over Sweet Apple Acres had cleared. The sky was blue, and the birds were singing. Apple Bloom and her two friends were out in the fields having fun. Around midday, the trio began to get hungry, and sat outside an old clubhouse like structure which had been built in a nearby tree. None of them had gone in it as they were not yet sure if it could take their weight. It was old, and was a leftover of the last owner. As they sat outside on a picnic bench that was there for some reason, Apple Bloom's stomach growled.

"Ah, come on!" she said. "How can it take so long ta make lunch?"

"They're making extra big portions for you," Sweetie Belle joked. "You've easily got the biggest appetite out of the three of us."

Apple Bloom went red, and put her head in her hands.

"Look! It's Pear!" Scootaloo called. Pear was walking over to them with a picnic basket, laden with items. She placed it down on the table and sat with them.

"Hello girls," she said. "Ah thought Ah'd come and join ya out here. Havin' fun?"

"Yep!" Scootaloo replied. "This orchard is amazing! The orphanage had nowhere near as much space as this."

Pear smiled. "Pity we can't sustain ourselves purely on apples," she replied. "We all have other jobs."

Sweetie Belle grinned. "Apple Bloom must be extra hungry, as she seemed to be a bit impatient!"

"Just... stop," came the muffled reply.

Pear laughed. "Ah yes, the legendary Apple family appetite. She gets that from her father." She put the basket down and opened it up, distributing plates, cups, and even knifes and forks. The food was shared around, and after Grace was said, they tucked in.

Apple Bloom had forgotten to be annoyed, and happily joined in with the conversation going around. Soon, Pear introduced a new topic. "You three are youn'. You have good heads on your shoulders, and are good, smart kids. But ya need to not be impatient, as Duke ain't here this time ta save ya."

"Oh yes, the railway from yesterday," Scootaloo said. "Please do tell us."

And so Pear began...

Twenty years ago

Back in the older days, Falcon was a relatively new engine, and his driver, Bright Mac, was relatively inexperienced. They made up for it in work ethic, however, and the manager was pleased.

"Falcon, Bright Mac," he said, "I am highly impressed with your work so far. Now, you two must learn the hardest bit of the line. We call it the Mountain Road."

"Thank you sir!" Falcon replied.

"So, tomorrow, you shall join Duke on a passenger train after you have been repainted, and he shall explain everything," the manager said, and walked away. Falcon's face fell.

The next morning, Cheerilee and Bright Mac shook hands formally. "Good mornin', Miss Cheerilee," Bright Mac said to her.

"That's a bit formal," Cheerilee replied. "I'm fine with just Cheerilee. Nice to meet you, Bright Mac."


Meanwhile, Duke was talking to Falcon. "The mountain road is steep and dangerous," he said. "You stay back and I'll lead."

"No, I'll lead!" Falcon insisted. "How on Earth can I learn the route if you're lumbering ahead and blocking the view?"

Duke sighed. "Suit yourself," he said. "But never mind the view, look at the track."

A few hours later, Duke and Falcon set off up the line. Falcon seemed to be distracted by the mountain scenery

"Look at the track, never mind the view," Duke said. "Look at the track, never mind the view."

Falcon snorted. "Fusspot, fuddy duddy, fusspot, fuddy duddy."

Speed continued to drop, and Falcon became impatient. "Hurry up!" he said, "Don't dawdle!"

"There's plenty of time," Duke reminded him. "There's no need to hurry up."

They then went into a tunnel. Falcon had never liked tunnels, and this one was the worst as it was long and curved. But at last the end loomed. "We're through!" Bright Mac cheered as Falcon cleared the tunnel portal at the other end. But things soon got worse.

One second, Falcon was one the rails. The next, the track gave way and Falcon lurched to one side. Within seconds, he was hanging at a precarious angle over the ravine. Duke held him back as best he could.

"Stop shaking!" he said. "I can't hold you if you shake!"

Falcon did his best to stop shaking. Cheerilee worked fast to secure Falcon in place, and secured cables and chains between the two engines. Then suddenly, a loud wheeshing noise was let off from the safety valve of Duke.

Cheerilee threw open the water tank cover and gasped. "Water!" she cried. "We need water or else Duke will blow up!"

Luckily, there was a workman's cottage nearby. Everybody got to work passing jugs, saucepans, kettles, anything that could hold water to fill Duke's tanks until it was completely full. It was filled up successfully, and disaster was averted. During that time, Duke had built up enough steam pressure to move Falcon back onto the rails, through the passengers helped of course, and they soon continued on their way. Although they arrived late at the end of the line, the passengers didn't mind.

"Your Duke," they said, "is a hero. He held on like a bulldog and wouldn't let go!"

Falcon drew up on the other side. "I'm thankful too," he said. "There's no telling where'd I be now if you hadn't saved me and Bright Mac, especially after I'd been so rude to you!"

Duke smiled. "Oh well," he said. "You'd just had a new coat of paint. It would have been a terrible shame if you'd rolled down the mountainside and spoiled it!"

At this, both engines began laughing.

Sweet Apple Acres, present day

"And so," Pear Butter finished, "Falcon learned the importance of not bein' impatient, and always enjoyin' every moment of life. Ah hope it's a lesson you three have learned too."

Apple Bloom nodded. "Yes ma. Thanks fer the story. Ah needed that Ah guess."

"Thanks for the story, and the food." Scootaloo nodded as she cleared her plate.

Pear smiled, and got up. "Well, Ah need ta get back ta work now. But Ah'll tell ya another one tonight, and that one does have a happy endin'."

Author's Note:

This story is a combination of an incident in Railway Adventure (which itself appears in the Titfield Thunderbolt) and a story from the Ffestiniog, when Linda derailed at what is called Linda's Leap.

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