• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Thomas and Friends: The Retold Adventures - The Blue EM2

Picture a Land where the Sky is so Blue, a Storybook Land of Wonder...

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After a long time away at the works, Skarloey had finally come home, and boy did he feel a lot better. His frames had been renewed, his wheels had been fixed, and he had a totally new boiler, courtesy of Israel Newtons boilersmiths. When he returned to Crovan's Gate to be reloaded onto the track, Ocellus came out to greet him.

"Skarloey!" she cried happily, glad to see her friend back. "How was Pendre?"

"Oh, it was excellent," the old Welsh engine replied, a smile on his face as he recalled the memories. "I got to meet with some old engines, and some new ones. Did you know that they had one there called Tom Rolt?"

"As in the Tom Rolt who wrote Railway Adventure?" Ocellus asked.

"The very same," Skarloey replied, as he was lifted off the truck and lowered onto his rails. "Ah, it feels good to be home again. They gave me a test on a railway they had nearby, a place called Corris. It was a nice long line, and very steep too. They also had a nice saddle tank who looks like our Peter Sam too! But I'll tell you all about that later."

Ocellus smiled. "I'm glad you're your old self again," she said, and set about greasing his cylinders and lighting his fire. Whilst the tank engine got up to temperature, Rusty and Sandbar rolled into the depot with a goods train. Rusty sounded his horn as he saw Skarloey.

"Welcome back, Skarloey!" he called, as he came to a stop in the yard. Sandbar got out and walked over to the pair.

"You must be Ocellus," he said. "I'm Sam, but call me Sandbar. Everybody does. I heard about you and Skarloey getting those passengers back on your own all those weeks back. Good work."

Ocellus blushed, her blue cheeks going red with the complement. That, and she did find Sandbar kinda cute. "Thanks," she replied. "By the way, I'm fine with you calling me Ocellus. I never really liked Olivia anyway."

Rusty chirped up. "I'm new here, as is Sandbar. We work the engineering train and help to maintain the line around here. In fact, we've mended most of the dodgy bits of track around here, which I think you'll like." By this time, Skarloey's fire was fully lit, and he was ready to go.

"Ocellus, may we get going now?" he asked.

Ocellus jumped. "Oh! Yes, of course!" she cried, hopping into Skarloey's cab, releasing his brakes, and opening the regulator. He puffed down the line to the station where the coaches were waiting.

Meanwhile, Peter Sam sat in his shed, depressed. He hadn't got over his accident with those trucks, but even though she had no work to do, Silverstream had come down every day to help him to feel better. Nontheless, he wanted to work again. But Mr Percival was having none of it.

"You need another day's rest, Peter Sam," he said. "Besides, Gallus and Sir Handel have been doing a marvellous job up in the quarries. But, we have a surprise for you."

"A SURPRISE?" Silverstream exclaimed. "Oh my goodness! I LOVE SURPRISES!"

"What sort of surprise?" Peter Sam asked, sharing Silverstream's enthusiasm.

"Wait and see," Mr Percival smiled, as a glorious chime whistle echoed through the valleys. And there, stopping outside the depot for the first time in weeks, was Skarloey.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Skarloey!" Peter Sam called, a grin stretching from either end of his smokebox.

"I feel fine," Skarloey replied. "I feel like a young engine once more."

Ocellus laughed. "That's probably because you are!" she said. "They've replaced at least half of you, if not more!"

"Did you know the human body renews itself completely every seven years?" Silverstream chimed in. "I'm not the girl I was seven years ago in that regard."

"But you're still the Silverstream we've come to know and love," Peter Sam smiled. "Well, maybe not Gallus, but who cares what he thinks?" There was a pause, before he went on. "I see you've met Rusty and Sandbar."

"Yes!" Skarloey smiled. "A lovely pair, those two."

Peter Sam sighed. "It's a shame Duncan doesn't."

Ocellus went pale, whilst Skarloey just looked confused. "Who's Duncan?"

Peter Sam went on. "Duncan is one of the new engines, who arrived whilst you were gone. They bought him to cover me during my time off after my accident."

"Is he useful?" Skarloey asked. "Useful engines are the best engines."

Silverstream spoke next. "He keeps busy, and he means well, but he's pretty unstable on the track, not to mention a bit rude. He worked on an airbase called Calshot for many years, and then in a factory somewhere in Scotland, before coming here. As a result, he has a tendancy to speak his mind, and use... strong language."

Ocellus looked even more concerned. "And let's not get started on his driver, Smoulder."

"What a funny name," Skarloey said, absent mindedly.

"It's a contraction of both her names," Ocellus explained. "She's really called Sasha Moulder, but it's often shortened to 'Smoulder'. Boy, does she have a frightful temper!"

"I understand," said Skarloey quietly, just as a workman came down the line.

"Just our luck!" he said. "Just got a phone call from the guard. Duncan has derailed in a tunnel just up the line, and we need to go and get him out. Rusty's not available, so you'll have to do it, Skarloey."

Skarloey was secretly quite happy. He was keen to head out for a run, and set off up the line with the equipment train for the tunnel. The line was nice and smooth on the way, which magnified his happiness greatly. "That Sandbar was right!" he said. "They've mended all the old bumps in the track. Always a sensible thing to do. In fact, if it weren't for the fact we are passing Lake Skarloey now, I would think I was on a totally different railway! What a difference those two have made to the line!"

"It certainly makes running the line a much nicer experience," Ocellus said. "I always enjoyed it here, but it did used to be a fairground ride on the tracks!"

Between the lake and the Top Station is a tunnel. This tunnel has very narrow clearance, and as a result engines must be very careful not to sway or move in any way whilst inside it. A train was currently stuck inside it, and Skarloey stopped just short of the tunnel where the guard was waving a red flag. Ocellus got out and walked to the far end of the tunnel, to see a red tank engine with side tanks and four little wheels sitting there. He had a cab, and the words Duncan painted on his boiler cladding. Out of his mouth flowed a strong Scottish accent, and standing next to him was a girl with orange skin, with purple hair and blue eyes. She wore white trainers, blue jeans, and a yellow T-shirt with an orange jacket. She seemed just as annoyed as Duncan.

"I keep tellin' ye, Smoulder!" the tank engine said. "I'm a plain, blunt engine. I speak as I find. A tunnel should be a tunnel, and not a rabbit hole! This railway is no good at all!"

"Tell me about it," Smoulder replied, her arms crossed as she scanned the horizon.

Ocellus was shocked. "That's no way to talk!" she said to both of them. "This tunnel is quite big enough for engines who don't rock and roll!"

"Says the girl who drives the engine with the stabilising wheels," Smoulder replied rudely, her arms still folded. "Now get us out before we lose our tempers."

It took them a while to clean the mess, but at last Duncan was free, and Skarloey pushed the train, including sulking Scotsman, through to the next station. The workmen stayed behind to fix the tunnel, and the train returned to Crovan's Gate via the Lakeside station. Mr Percival was very cross with both Duncan and Smoulder.

"Listen to me, both of you," he snapped. "There is NOTHING wrong with that tunnel. You got stuck in there because you tried to do rock and roll."

"More like because you couldn't be bothered to do a gauging run before letting him run here," Smoulder said rudely.

Mr Percival's eyes were like daggers. "Do not test me, little girl," he snarled. He then turned his attention back to Duncan. "Tunnels are not dance floors, and you are not a pop star. If this happens again, your career is... on the line, shall we say." He then walked away, as Smoulder came back with her cleaning kit.

Duncan snorted. "I always preferred Dire Straits anyway," he sighed.

Smoulder shook her head. "What a jerk," she sighed, when Mr Percival was firmly out of earshot. "Nobody tells us what to do."

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