• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Thomas and Friends: The Retold Adventures - The Blue EM2

Picture a Land where the Sky is so Blue, a Storybook Land of Wonder...

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Break Van

Sir Toppham Hatt spoke severely to Donald, Douglas, Lyra, and Bon-Bon. "I do not appreciate being tricked!" he snapped. "You appear to think me stupid, whereas that is not the case. If this sort of behaviour continues here, I shall sent all four of you back to Scotland."

"Ye wouldn't now, would ye?" Donald asked, shocked. "If ye sent us back now, they'll scrap us!"

Sir Toppham Hatt sighed. "I expect the very best of behaviour from the lot of you. If you do behave, I might keep all of you. So behave, or else!" And he walked away, still fuming.

Lyra looked over to Bon-Bon. "Yikes. Do you think he meant it?"

Bon-Bon looked back, looking equally worried. "I don't think he realises how bad things are on the mainland. But we'd better behave our best, or we'll be back there before you can say smile!"

"SMILE!" Pinkie shouted, appearing from nowhere.

"Who are you?" Douglas asked, surprised. But just as suddenly, there was no sign of Pinkie at all. But Pinkie's ability to defy the basic laws of physics would rapidly prove to be the least of their worries for the next few days.

There was a brakevan in the yard who thoroughly disliked the Scottish twins, and their drivers. Whether this was to do with pre-grouping rivalries was unclear, as he had been built by the North Eastern Railway, whereas Donald and Douglas were Caledonian Railway engines. Things constantly went wrong when either of the pair had to take that brakevan out. The trains ran late, the trucks constantly ran hot boxes, and the engines (and their drivers) were always blamed for it. Eventually, Donald had enough of the brakevan, and steamed right over to him one day.

"Yer a muckle nuisance!" he thundered, his eyes locked in an angry glare and his mouth in a frown. "It's ta leave you behind I'd be wantin'!"

The brakevan rolled his eyes. "Oh, you Scottish engines are such fools. You can't leave me behind; most of those trucks in the yard aren't even fitted with brakes. Without me, you wouldn't have enough braking power to stop. I'm essential."

Donald laughed. "Och, are ya?" he said rhetorically. "Yer nothin' but a screechin' and a noisy when all's said and done!" He backed up. "Ye'd spite Douggie, would ya? Take that!" Suddenly, he charged forward, and sent the brakevan flying down the track. "There's more comin' should ya misbehave!"

"Ow!" the brakevan shouted. "Not only are you foolish, you are violent as well? What sort of a world is this?"

Lyra looked at him with a frown. "Let that be a lesson to you," she said sternly. "Or else you'll have to deal with me."

Safe to say, the van behaved himself after that. But one day, things went terribly wrong. It had been raining earlier that morning, and the rails were slippery. Donald was backing up into a siding that sat next to a signal box, but Lyra misjudged the braking distance. Donald slid helplessly along the rails.

"Jump, Lyra!" he shouted. "Jump!" The girl leapt from the footplate as Donald's tender crashed into the signal box, taking out most of the wall in the process, not to mention trashing the buffers and damaging the track.

The signalman looked out. "First engines come flying off of curves near the yard, and now they demolish my signal box? This is ridiculous!"

Sir Toppham Hatt was also cross. "I am very dissapointed in the two of you," he said, shaking his head in that way a cross parent does, "and did not expect such clumsiness from the pair of you. I had been planning to send Douglas and Sweetie Drops-"


"I had been planning to send Douglas and Bon-Bon back," Sir Toppham Hatt continued, "and keep you. But as you have crashed, that has changed. You have upset my arrangements, and now James will have to do the goods work instead of you. He won't like that one bit."

"Sorry, sir," Donald sighed.

"So you should be," Sir Toppham Hatt said. "Not only that, I have a signal box to fix."

Sir Toppham Hatt was right. James grumbled dreadfully the whole way, steam and smoke snorting into the air as he ran along the line. "Why do we always end up getting the dirty trucks?" he complained to Rarity as he backed up into the siding.

"Anyone would think," Douglas joked, "that Donald had his accident on purpose, to spite ye! I heard tell about some tar wagons and a red engine once!"

James looked furious. "Shut up!" he snapped. "It's not funny!"

"Indeed!" said Rarity. "I had to spend several weeks in hospital as a result of that crash."

Douglas completely failed to take the hint. "Wheel, wheel, wheel, surely then it widnae you. Ye didnae say!"

"What?" said James, as he puffed away. "I hope that wasn't crucial information, as I didn't understand a word!"

Bon-Bon sighed. "Real smooth Douglas, real smooth," she said.

To say James was cross was an understatement, and the brakevan (who was the evil one we met earlier) noticed this. "He's in a foul mood!" he laughed. "Let's make him crosser still! Hold back, lads!"

The trucks made James' work very difficult, and he was exhausted when he reached Wellsworth. Luckily, Douglas was there, acting as a temporary banker as Edward was busy on his branchline. "Help... me... up... the... hill... please!" James gasped. "These trucks are playing tricks!"

"It is getting most annoying," Rarity sighed. "So, if you would help us Bon-Bon-"

"Yes!" Bon-Bon cried. "Somebody finally got my name right!"

"So, if you would help us Bon-Bon," Rarity continued, "I'll make you a new outfit free of charge. How does that sound?"

"Right away!" Bon-Bon called. "Let's go, Douglas!"

"Ay!" Douglas called. "We'll show them!" Momentarily, he was coupled to the back of the train, and the formation set off up Gordon's hill. They climbed slowly, but James was already having problems. His cylinder cocks were leaking, and he was losing steam on the ascent.

"I can't do it! I can't do it! !" James called.

"Lay it tae me!" Douglas shouted back. Douglas' wheels continued to spin, and then began to freewheel out of control.



The guard jumped free just in time, as the brakevan's frames buckled, and wood blew everywhere as metal and wheels bounced down the hillside. Douglas looked around in surprise. "What just happened?" he asked. Luckily, nobody was hurt, but Edward, having finished his duties on the branchline, brought a crane to help clean the mess.

"What is it with these two and braking things?" he asked. "You could say Douglas was pushing a... break van?" Everybody groaned at the awful pun.

"If I may sir," Edward said, "Douglas was doing a fine job. But as a pre-grouping engine, he has a parallel boiler, and this causes water to slosh about his boiler. This means his regulator got stuck at the worst possible time. But he did enough work for three engines. I heard him down on the branchline."

"Ah don't know Eddie," Applejack added. "This is an almighty mess here."

"Agreed," Sir Toppham Hatt said. "I want to be fair to the two of you, but... I don't know. I really don't know."

Author's Note:

This story was chosen as the one with which to introduce Donald and Douglas to the TV viewers, being combined with elements of 'Hullo Twins!' in the process. This chapter has been created by combining aspects of both the book and TV versions of the story.

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